Actress Joey King doesn't want to be put in a box—especially when it comes to her daily meals.

That means the actress is always down to mix it up in the food department, whether that means dessert for dinner, pickles for breakfast, or passed plates with friends.

"I’m kind of a garbage disposal,” she tells Women's Health of her typical picks.

But, even with her menu flexibility, Joey isn't totally lawless when it comes to her diet. The Kissing Booth star hits it hard in the gym, lifting heavy and putting in work to get strong, so she makes sure to take care of her body's nutritional needs.

And she recently adopted one new rule that's already had a significant, positive impact on her health.

Below, see the details on everything Joey King eats in a day, from the one ingredient she has cut out completely these days, to her penchant for mealtime chaos and her latest go-to food picks.

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Breakfast is a choose-your-own-adventure meal.

The animal lover doesn’t want to sign up for just one favorite, go-to breakfast food. So, her morning meal decision is always a spur-of-the-moment pick. But you can be sure it won't be something super conventional.

“It changes so often," Joey says. “I’ll have whatever is in the house—sometimes pickles mixed with cereal.”

As a result of her busy schedule this past summer, overnight oats was the perfect quick-fix meal for Joey. “Peanut butter is my favorite food, so I’ll just drown [the overnight oats] in peanut butter,” she says.

When she’s feeling like a switch-up, Joey will opt for peanut butter toast with fresh sourdough bread, or an avocado and egg scramble. But her dream breakfast is a takeout breakfast burrito.

Dinner is her favorite meal of the day.

If the label "breakfast foods" often includes stricter parameters for what counts as an acceptable meal (think: eggs, bacon, toast, etc.), dinner is the opposite. Anything goes. And Joey thrives when structure is thrown out the window.

“There is no normal dinner for me,” she says. “My favorite part about dinner is that the options are endless—we can cook, we can order, we can just do dessert for dinner. It doesn’t matter,” she says.

The actress also loves sharing dishes with friends—especially if it means she gets to split entrees with them.

“I like to have enough food where we can kind of all pick at it and have it family style,” she says.

There is one new rule Joey follows with her diet these days.

It's pretty simple: less salt.

“I have poor circulation, so if I eat a super sodium-induced meal, I’ll wake up super puffy in the morning,” she says.

Joey's success in cutting out salt has inspired her to investigate how other foods may be affecting her body. And this past summer, Joey actually tested out an elimination diet to see how she responded to certain ingredients.

“It sucks, but normally I like all foods,” she says.

She ends her night with a comedy.

If the rest of her day (and diet) is ruled by constant creative chaos, Joey’s nighttime rituals follow a more regimented routine: “I brush my teeth, wash my face, and put my night guard in,” she says.

Joey has also been using a tongue scraper lately as an additional nightly step. “I learned that if you use one every morning and every night, it’s really good for the lymphatic system and it drains all the toxins,” she says.

FYI, while the technique is popular on TikTok, it's technically only proven to remove plaque and bacteria off the tongue—which can still provide benefits like improved sense of taste and better breath.

The actress also sleeps with compression socks to further aid with her poor circulation. The socks can also be useful for muscle recovery, an expert previously told WH.

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The final step of her nightly ritual is hitting the couch to watch some comedians with her hubby Steven and her dogs.

“We like to watch a comedy special with the dogs cuddling us,” she says. “Then we transition to the bedroom, where we watch one more comedy, and fall asleep.”

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Olivia Evans
News Editorial Assistant

Olivia Evans (she/her) is an editorial assistant at Women’s Health. Her work has previously appeared in The Cut and Teen Vogue. She loves covering topics where culture and wellness intersect. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, running, and watching rom-coms.