Jan 25, 2024, 05:19 PM IST

Durian and Jackfruit, What is the difference?

Riya Teotia

Durian vs Jackfruit

Durian and jackfruit are two distinct tropical fruits with some similarities but also notable differences in terms of appearance, flavour, texture, and nutritional profile. Here's a comparison between the two.


Durian is a large, spiky fruit known for its distinctive appearance. It has a thick, thorny husk that encases the edible flesh inside. While, jackfruit has a bumpy, greenish-yellow exterior when unripe, which turns yellow and becomes softer as it ripens.


Durian is infamous for its strong odour, that is pungent. However, its flavor is sweet and custard-like with hints of almond and vanilla. Jackfruit has a mild, sweet flavor and is less aromatic compared to durian.


The texture of durian flesh is creamy and custard-like, similar to soft cheese or custard pudding. While the ripe jackfruit flesh is fibrous, similar to pulled pork or shredded chicken. The seeds inside are also edible and have a nutty flavour when cooked.

Nutritional Profile

Durian is rich in calories, carbohydrates and healthy fats. It's a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B complex, potassium, and dietary fiber. While Jackfruit is low in calories and fat but rich in carbohydrates and dietary fibre.