The Tornjak is a shepherd breed from the place of modern-day Iran and assigned to the working group.[1] Also called the Bosnian and Herzegovinian - Croatian Shepherd, the Tornjak's records show the breed being dispersed throughout these regions and nearly going extinct.[2] They share much in common with several other working breeds but nonetheless have unique traits of their own. This wikiHow will help you identify a Tornjak by recognizing what makes them stand out.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking the Structure into Account

  1. Tornjaks are rather large dogs. They stand at a height of 23–28 inches (58–71 cm) and weigh anywhere from 62 to 110 pounds (28 to 50 kg).[3]
  2. A Tornjak's head is rather elongated and has a stop that is defined very slightly where the planes of the skull and muzzle meet. The back of the head is usually rather wide, and the occiput is hardly protruding.[4]
  3. The ears of a Tornjak are high-set and resemble triangles in shape. Being folded, they are pendant and hang near the dog's cheeks. They are medium-sized and coated with fairly short hair.[5]
  4. Tornjaks have dark eyes with complementary dark-edged lids that are close. They are shaped like almonds rather than being round.[6]
  5. A Tornjak has a muzzle that is rectangular in shape and equal or only slightly shorter than the head in length. The large nose is dark and corresponding to the coat color with wide-open nostrils and a straight bridge. The jaws are quite a long length and denote strength, the dark lips are fit tightly, and the teeth meet in a scissors bite.[7]
  6. The front and back paws of a Tornjak are roughly the same, though the front paws are a bit further developed. They have tight toes that are well-arched, nails which tend to be a dark color, and hard pads that are notably tight and of resilience that are also typically dark.[8]
  7. With profuse coating to form a clear plume, a Tornjak's tail is long in length and moves depending on the dog's mood. It is medium-set, hangs when the dog is at rest, and is distinctly carried above the back level when the dog moves.[9]
  8. Tornjaks are proportionate, full of power, nearly square, and strong. They have a somewhat low neck, laid-back shoulders, a deep yet spacious chest, oval ribs, straight legs, and a short back. Their gait is a supple trot full of balance and capable of reaching much ground.[10]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Checking the Coat

  1. A Tornjak's coat is comprised of a straight topcoat that feels coarse and thick to the touch and a thicker undercoat that feels woolly and is most notable during the winter. The coat as a whole has a dense texture of thickness without parting. Though it is generally straight, it may possibly have a slight wave to it. The quality of the skin is good, fitting the body well, and is also a bit thick.[11]
  2. Overall, Tornjaks appear longhaired, though the coat on the legs and face is fairly short. Both the undercoat and topcoat are long. The hair on the croup is especially long, and long hair on the neck forms a mane, similar to how long hair on the thighs also forms breeches. The forearms and tail are additionally well-feathered, as are the pasterns in some dogs. The dog's forehead, muzzle, ears, feet, and the fronts of their limbs have short hair, however.[12]
  3. In color, Tornjaks are typically predominantly white with a variety of colored markings, being described as parti-colored. These colored markings may be several solid colors. It is also possible for a dog with a black mantle to have white on the legs, neck, and head or for a dog to be almost entirely white and only have very small colored markings.[13]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Recognizing Temperament

  1. Tornjaks are very quick learners, and they are also quite alert. Notably, they have great memories and can perform tasks they were trained to do a long period of time ago.[14]
  2. Though generally friendly with people, especially ones they know, Tornjaks are not afraid to defend their families or flocks. If someone, such as another dog, attempts to threaten their herds, they will be quick to protect them and may show signs of aggression toward the intruder.[15]

    Did you know? The name Tornjak came from the word "tor", referring to a livestock enclosure, suggesting the breed's protective nature toward their flocks and herds.[16]

  3. Tornjaks show affection to their families but are generally suspicious of unfamiliar people. This is another trait that makes them excellent watchdogs.[17]
  4. As working dogs, Tornjaks need some activity, though not quite as much as some other breeds. Both indoor and outdoor activities can suffice, such as chasing balls, hiking, playing outside, or walking multiple times per day.[18]
  5. Overall, Tornjaks are loyal to their families, and most are friendly and affectionate toward people. They are calm in nature and both devoted and obedient to those close to them.[19]

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  • If you wish to know your own dog's breed, give thought to DNA testing. A DNA test will confirm if your dog is a Tornjak.

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