The Taiwan Dog, also referred to as the Formosan Mountain Dog, is assigned to the hound group. They are an ancient breed, and today, they are popular companion and watchdogs throughout Taiwan. Purebred Taiwan Dogs are quite rare, mostly being found in Taiwan, where they are typically used for conservation efforts. [1] They are a relatively unique dog breed, but they do share some characteristics with other breeds. This wikiHow will help you figure out whether or not a dog is a Taiwan Dog,

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Checking the Body Structure

  1. Taiwan Dogs are typically anywhere from 17 to 20 inches (43 to 51 cm) tall, and they usually weigh somewhere between 26 to 40 pounds (12 to 18 kg). [2]
  2. Taiwan Dogs should have a broad forehead that is kind of round and does not have wrinkles. The dog's skull should be a little longer than their muzzle, with a stop that has a little furrow and is defined well.[3]
  3. Taiwan Dogs should have pricked ears that are at a 45° angle and found on the sides of the dog's skull. You should notice a straight inside outline of the dog's ears, along with an outside outline that is rounded a little. [4]
  4. Taiwan dogs should have almond-shaped eyes that are dark brown-colored, though their eyes may also be brown in color. [5]
  5. Taiwan Dogs should have a high-set, sickle-shaped tail that is active. You should also notice that the dog carries their tail erect, and the tail's tip should curve forwards. [6]
  6. Overall, Taiwan Dogs should be balanced well and sinewy, with a gait that is powerful and has a stride with reach. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Looking at the Coat

  1. Taiwan Dogs may be brindle, white and brindle, black, white, fawn, white and fawn, or white and black in color. [8]
  2. Taiwan Dogs should have a coat that feels hard in texture. [9]
  3. Overall, Taiwan Dogs should have a coat that lies tight to their body and is short in length (specifically, anywhere from 1.5 to 3 centimetres (0.59 to 1.18 in)). [10]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Noting Temperament

  1. While Taiwan Dogs may be affectionate towards their entire family, they tend to favor one person in their family. [11]
  2. Taiwan Dogs are known to be wary around strangers and unfamiliar people. While this does mean they are typically a good watchdog, correct socialization can be helpful with this breed to prevent aggressiveness towards strangers. [12]
  3. Taiwan Dogs typically have a lot of energy, and because of this, they will need daily exercise, through things like hikes/walks or games of fetch. [13]
  4. Taiwan Dogs may play intensely, meaning that they may not do well with younger kids. However, they do tend to do well with older kids, who know how to interact and play correctly with them. [14]
  5. With a proper introduction, Taiwan Dogs usually do okay with other dogs. However, they tend to do better with dogs who are of a different gender. [15]

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  • Consider dog DNA testing if you would like to know what breed your dog is. This can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Taiwan Dog.

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Updated: May 3, 2021
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