Patterdale Terriers originated in a village in England, and this village is also what they are named after. [1] This dog is also related to the Fell Terrier. Even though they share some characteristics with other dog breeds, they have several unique ones as well. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out whether or not a dog is a Patterdale Terrier.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Viewing the Body Structure

  1. Patterdale Terriers are typically somewhere between 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm) tall, and they usually weigh anywhere from 11 to 13 pounds (5.0 to 5.9 kg). [2]
  2. Patterdale Terriers should have a powerful, strong head that is balanced with their size. When looked at in a front view, the dog's head should either have a trapezoidal or wedge shape. You should also notice equal muzzle and skull length, though their muzzle may be a little shorter than their skull. [3]
  3. Patterdale Terriers should have triangular-shaped ears that are anywhere from small to medium-sized. You should also notice that the dog's ears tightly fold right above their skull, with ear tips that point to the eye's outer corner. [4]
  4. Patterdale Terriers should have square-set eyes into their skull that are relatively wide-set apart from each other. You should not notice any protruding or bulging in the dog's eyes but that their eye color harmonizes with their coat color, though they should not be blue-colored. [5]
  5. Patterdale Terriers should have high-set tail that the dog does not carry over their back and is strong without excessive thickness. The dog's tail may be docked, and if this is the case, anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 is taken off. [6]
  6. Overall, Patterdale Terriers should have a tough, sturdy appearance that is also balanced and compact. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Checking the Coat

Patterdale Terriers may have a smooth, rough, or broken coat. Regardless, they should have an undercoat that is dense and short. [8]

  1. Patterdale Terriers can have a chocolate/liver, grizzle, red, Black and Tan, bronze or black-colored coat. [9]
  2. Patterdale Terriers with a smooth coat should have dense, stiff hair that feels coarse, and when the hair is brought upwards, it should fall in place once again. You should also not notice any wave. [10]
  3. Patterdale Terriers with a rough coat should have a coat that is longer (even on the dog's ears and face) and has a coarse texture. [11]
  4. Patterdale Terriers with a broken coat should have a coat with guard hairs that are longer, feeling wiry and coarse, and they can potentially appear wavy. You might notice furnishings on the dog's face, creating "eyebrows", a "beard", and a "mustache". [12]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Noting Temperament

  1. Because Patterdale Terriers tend to do well with children and other dogs, they are typically known to be good family dogs. However, they will still need correct socialization, as well as supervision when they are around children who are very young. [13]
    • Because the dog is a good family dog, they usually do not do well when they are left alone for a long time, since this may cause them to become destructive. [14]
  2. Patterdale Terriers are known to have a high prey drive, and as a result, they tend to not do well with small animals. [15]
  3. Patterdale Terriers are known to be willful, and due to this, they will often need shorter training sessions that involve positive reinforcement. [16]
  4. Since Patterdale Terriers are a working breed of dog, they usually enjoy getting to do a job of any size. [17]
  5. Patterdale Terriers are known to have a lot of energy, and because of this, they will need exercise daily, through activities like walks or games of fetch.[18]

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  • If you want to find out your dog's breed, consider dog DNA testing. This can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Patterdale Terrier.

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Updated: June 11, 2021
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