Kuvasz are members of the working group and known for being livestock guardians and hunting companions. [1] They have a few traits that are similar to other breeds and several that are unique to them as well. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out whether or not a dog is a Kuvasz.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Taking Note of the Body Structure

  1. Male Kuvaszok are usually between 28–30 inches (71–76 cm) tall, and they typically weigh between 100–115 pounds (45–52 kg). Females are a little smaller, being anywhere from 26–28 inches (66–71 cm) tall and weighing between 70–90 pounds (32–41 kg). [2]
  2. Kuvaszok have an elongated skull that is not pointed with a defined stop that is not abrupt and raises the forehead above the muzzle plane gently. From the nose tip to the occiput, the length of the dog's head should be a little less than half the dog's height at their withers. The head's width should be half of its length.[3]
  3. Kuvaszok have ears in the shape of a v with tips that are a little rounded. They are quite thick and set well back between the dog's eye level and top of their head. The ear tip should cover the dog's eye when it is brought forward, and when you're looking the dog directly in the face, the ear's widest portion should be around eye level. The ear's inside edge should lie close to the dog's cheek, and the outside edge should sit a little away from the head and appear to be in the shape of a v. [4]
  4. Kuvaszok should have as dark brown of eyes as possible that are in the shape of almonds, relatively slanted, and set well apart from each other. When you're looking at the dog's profile, you should notice that the eyes are set a little below their muzzle plane. [5]
  5. Kuvaszok usually carry their tail low, and it should be long enough to reach at least to their hocks. When the dog is relaxed, the tail rests on their body, hanging downwards with the end lifted very little. When the dog is excited, the tail is usually raised to the point of the dog's loin with the tail tip curved up a little. You will likely not notice too much of a difference between how the dog carries their tail whether they're excited or relaxed. [6]
  6. Overall, the Kuvasz should have a well-balanced appearance and a sturdy build. Their gait should appear elastic, easy, and free with the feet moving close to the ground. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Checking the Coat

  1. Kuvaszok have a white coat with skin that is significantly pigmented in either slate gray or white. [8]
  2. The Kuvasz should have a coat that feels moderately coarse. [9]
  3. Overall, you should notice an undercoat that is fine and a coat that may be anywhere from very wavy to straight. You should notice smooth, short hair on the dog's ears, muzzle, head, hind legs below their thighs, and the front of their forelegs reaching their elbows. The hair found on the sides of their thighs and their body should be medium in length, with feathering on the back of their forelegs that reaches to their pasterns, and a mane on the dog's neck that reaches and covers their chest. [10]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Looking at Temperament

  1. Kuvaszok are very loyal to their family and love receiving attention from them. [11]
  2. The Kuvasz may also be independent at times, making training sometimes difficult. [12]
  3. Kuvaszok are patient dogs who are generally good with children and other animals they're raised with, if they're properly socialized from an early age. However, they may not let you know if they're in trouble right away, so this is something to be aware of. [13]
  4. Kuvaszok are protective, fearless dogs who will face almost any danger to keep their family safe. [14]
  5. Kuvaszok are intelligent in a unique way. If they notice a problem, they will come up with a solution on their own, typically with no help. [15]
  6. The Kuvasz is a sensitive dog that does not respond well if they are scolded harshly or trained repetitively. Instead, training for a Kuvasz should focus on them being rewarded for their accomplishments. [16]
  7. The Kuvasz is clownish and has a strong sense of humor. [17]

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  • If you'd like to know what breed your dog is, consider dog DNA testing. This will help confirm whether or not your dog is a Kuvasz.

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Updated: March 20, 2021
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