Drevers originated in Sweden and are assigned to the hound group. They are the larger version of a German hound known as the Westphalian Dachsbracke. [1] While they do share some of their characteristics with other dog breeds, they also have several unique ones. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out whether or not a dog is a Drever.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Analyzing the Body Structure

  1. Drevers are usually somewhere between 12 to 15 inches (30 to 38 cm) tall, and they typically weigh anywhere from 35 to 40 pounds (16 to 18 kg). [2]
  2. Drevers should have a head that is quite large and proportionate to their body. The head should also be somewhat long and, going towards the dog's nose, it should taper. [3]
  3. Drevers should have somewhat low-set, moderately long ears that are also broad. They should hang near the dog's cheeks, and you should not notice any folds in the ears. You should also notice ear tips that are rounded. [4]
  4. Drevers should have eyes that do not stare or protrude and are dark brown in color. [5]
  5. Drevers should have a tail that is long in length with a base that is thick. While the tail should not be carried over the dog's back, the tail should ideally hang in a downwards manner, though the dog can carry their tail in a higher position. [6]
  6. Overall, Drevers should have legs that are relatively short and a body that is quite long. They should also have a strong, robust appearance, with muscles that are developed well and a parallel, even gait. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Checking the Coat

  1. Drevers may be any color and have markings that are white in color, with the exception of a liver brown or completely white color. No matter what color the dog is, you should notice that the color is defined well and that you can see the white-colored markings from any viewpoint. Ideally, these markings should be symmetrical and noticed on the dog's feet, legs, tail tip, as a complete "necklace", and as a blaze. [8]
  2. Drevers should have a coat that feels harsh in texture. [9]
  3. Drevers should have a straight coat that also lies close to the dog's body. You should notice hair that is shorter in length on the dog's ears, lower legs, and head and longer-length hair on the back of the dog's thighs, neck, and back. Under the dog's tail, you should also notice bushy hair, though it does not create a fringe. [10]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Looking at Temperament

  1. Drevers are known to be gentle dogs who typically do well with people, including strangers and kids, and other dogs. However, they have a high prey drive, so they will need socialization from an early age if they are going to live with any animals besides other dogs. [11]
  2. Drevers are loyal dogs who love being around and are affectionate towards their family. [12]
  3. Drevers are known to be stubborn, and as a result, they are not easily trainable. They will need consistent yet firm training. [13]
  4. One of the reasons why Drevers may be stubborn when they are being trained is that they are determined dogs who work hard. [14]
  5. Drevers are athletic, agile dogs overall. [15]
  6. Particularly if the dog is letting their family know about something or playing, Drevers may bark, so this is something to keep in mind. [16]
  7. Despite barking to let their family know about something, Drevers are so gentle that they typically do not make good watchdogs. [17]

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  • Consider dog DNA testing if you want to know your dog's breed. This can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Drever.

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