Braque du Bourbonnais originated in the French province of the same name (Bourbonnais) and are assigned to the sporting group. In English, their name is the "Bourbonnais Pointing Dog". [1] They share a few characteristics with other dog breeds and have several unique ones as well. This wikiHow will help you with figuring out whether or not a dog is a Braque du Bourbonnais.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Body Structure

  1. Braque du Bourbonnais are usually anywhere from 19 to 22.5 inches (48 to 57 cm) tall, and they typically weigh somewhere between 35–53 pounds (16–24 kg). [2]
  2. The Braque du Bourbonnais should have a characteristic "pear-shaped" head that isn't too heavy or fine. You should also notice that it is in proportion well with the dog's body. [3]
  3. Braque du Bourbonnais should have ears that are medium in length and either reach or go past their throat. The quite broad ear base should be attached at the level of the dog's eyes or a little above it, and the ears should either hang flat, curled a little inwards, or against their cheeks in a natural manner. [4]
  4. Braque du Bourbonnais should have eyes that are large in size and approximately rounded. The eyes are either dark amber or hazel in color, based on what color the dog's coat is. [5]
  5. Braque du Bourbonnais may have no tail at all (they are born like this), their tail may be set quite low on the dog and docked at the tail base, or the tail may be left natural and when the dog is standing, it should be carried lower than their topline. [6]
  6. Overall, the Braque du Bourbonnais should appear muscular and compact, with a build that is robust. You should also notice a gait that has average-reaching strides, and whenever the dog is hunting, the gait should be a supple, balanced gallop that is sustained. [7]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:


  1. You should notice patches of white, along with fawn flecking or brown ticking that is fine, and variations of these may occur as well. The dog may also be of a roan color. Their ears should typically be roughly ticked, and whatever their coat's base color is. Any patches of a color other than white found on the dog's head or body should be small in size, and there should not be a lot of them. [8]
  2. Braque du Bourbonnais should have a coat that is fine in texture, though it should feel more fine on the dog's ears and head and be slightly more coarse-feeling on their back. [9]
  3. Overall, Braque du Bourbonnais should have a dense coat that is short in length, though their ears and head should have hair that is shorter in length, and the hair found on the dog's back may be longer in length. [10]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:


  1. Braque du Bourbonnais are even-tempered, gentle dogs, meaning that with proper supervision and socialization, they can typically do well with children. [11]
  2. Braque du Bourbonnais are loyal to their family and eager to please. [12]
  3. Braque du Bourbonnais are known to be easily trainable dogs overall. [13]
  4. Braque du Bourbonnais are athletic dogs who need a lot of exercise each day, through things like frequent walks or games of fetch. [14]
  5. With proper socialization, Braque du Bourbonnais are known to usually get along well with other dogs. [15]

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  • If you'd like to find out your dog's breed, consider dog DNA testing. This can help confirm whether or not your dog is a Braque du Bourbonnais.

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Updated: October 25, 2021
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