How to care for your Callisia Repens aka Pink lady Plant

How to care for your Callisia Repens aka Pink lady Plant

Callisia Repens also known as Pink Lady or Pink Panther is a beautiful hanging Perennial plant. It is originated in South and Central America. Pink Lady is used as an ornamental plant and can be grown easily from cuttings. However, due to its  rapid growth, this plant is considered to be an 'invasive plant' in Western Australia. In recent times, people who bought this plant in WA were requested to return it to Bunnings as it is not allowed to grow in that part of Australia.

This plant can tolerate direct sunlight given there is humidity in the atmosphere. For more color place this plant in a sunny spot where it gets about 4-5 hours of sunlight. Use a terracotta pot since they do not like too much water sitting inside the pot. Consider them as succulents and water only when it is completely dry. Make sure you are using the right potting mix (details below) to grow a healthy plant. Fertilize it once in 2 weeks using a succulent and cacti fertilizer. 

Callisia Repens Care Tips

To make your own potting mix please use the following:

Succulent and Cacti Mix

Propagating Sand


Please follow our Instagram page to view our video on how to propagate callisia Repens or Pink Panther


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