Dione Moon Facts

Dione is one of the 148 moons discovered orbiting the planet Saturn. Dione was discovered in 1684 by G.D. Cassini.

Dione's mass is estimated/calculated at 1,095,745,430,185,280,000,000 kg. Its density has been calculated at being 1.476 g/cm^3. Dione volume is 742,338,322.00 (km^3). Dione's equatorial radius is 562.00km. The escape velocity of Dione is 0.510228649 km/h. The escape velocity is the speed an object needs to be travelling in order to break free from the objects gravity. The larger an object is, the more velocity (speed) is needed to break free from the object.

The equatorial circumference of Dione is 3529.3 km. The surface area of Dione is 3,964,776.51 Km^2. The surface gravity of the Dione is 0.232 m/s². For comparison, the Earth's surface gravity is 9.807 m/s². The larger an object is, the stronger the surface gravity is.The Mean Orbit Velocity (M.O.V.) is the speed at which it orbits is 36100.40 km/h. The average distance of the object from its parent is 377415.00km.

Orbital Details

Dione orbital period, i.e. the period it takes to complete an orbit round Saturn is 2.73692 days. The figure is also known as the sidereel period. The figure comes from N.A.S.A.. The orbital inclination of Dione, the angle at which Dione orbits to the orbital plane, is 0.02 degrees. The orbital eccentricity is 0.0022 of Dione, the degree at which Dione orbits close to a circular (0) orbit as opposed to an elliptical (1). The semi-major axis of the orbit is 377.4 10^3Km, which is the furthest point from the centre to the edge of an elliptical point.


Image of Dione
Image of Dione

Facts and Figures

Year of Discovery1684
DiscovererG.D. Cassini
Mass1,095,745,430,185,280,000,000 kg
Density (g/cm^3)1.476
Volume (km^3)742338322
Orbital DirectionPrograde, same as the parents direction
Radius (Size)562.00 km
Equatorial Radius (km)562.00
Escape Velocity (km/h)0.510228649
Equatorial Circumference (km)3529.3
Surface Area (km^2)3,964,776.51
Surface Gravity (m/s²)0.232
Mean Orbit Velocity (km/h)36100.40
Average Orbit Distance (km)377415.00
Orbital Period (days)2.73692
Orbital Inclination0.02°
Orbital Eccentricity0.0022
Semi-Major Axis (10^3 km)377.4
Source(s)N.A.S.A. Solar System
Modified Date21st April 2024

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