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Česko-Anglický Online Slovník
abdikace - abdication, the abdication, abdicating, the abdication of, abdication of
abdikovat - abdicate, to abdicate, resign, to resign, abdicate as
abdominální - of the abdominal, the abdominal, abdomen, abdominal, of abdominal
abeceda - of alphabet, alphabet of, alphabet, the alphabet, ABC
abecední - the alphabetical, Abecední, alphabetical, alphabetic, an alphabetical
aberace - aberrations are, aberration, aberration of, aberrations, abnormalities
ablativ - ablative of, the ablative of, ablative case, the ablative, ablative
abnormalita - abnormality of, abnormalities, an abnormality, abnormality of the, abnormality
abnormální - the abnormal, by abnormal, an abnormal, of abnormal, abnormal
abonent - subscriber, a subscriber
absces - the abscess, abscess, an abscess, abscesses
abscisa - the abscissa, an abscissa, abscissa, an abscissa are
absentérství - absenteeism of, absentees, of absenteeism, absenteeism
absint - absinth, the absinthe, absinthe
absolutistický - despotic, arbitrary, absolutist, absolute, an absolutist
absolutní - the absolute, an absolute, complete, of absolute, absolute
absolutně - absolute, completely, an absolutely, totally, absolutely
absorbovat - absorb the, to absorb the, absorbing, to absorb, absorb
absorpce - the absorption, uptake, absorption of, absorption, of absorption
absorpční - absorption, absorber, absorbent, the absorption, absorptive
abstrakce - abstraction of, abstraction, abstractions, Abstract, of abstraction
abstraktní - of abstract, the abstract, abstract, an abstract
abstraktně - an abstract, the abstract, abstractly, abstract, in the abstract
absurdita - an absurdity, the absurdity of, the absurd, absurdity, the absurdity
absurdnost - absurdity, absurdity of, the absurdity, nonsense, the absurdity of
absurdní - ridiculous, an absurd, the absurd, preposterous, absurd
aby - in order, so, so that, to, that
achát - an agate, agate
adaptace - adaptations, adaptation of, adaptation, of adaptation, an adaptation
adaptovat - adapting, adapt the, adapt, to adapt, adapted
adekvátní - appropriate, adequately, suitable, adequate, an adequate
adheze - the adhesion, of adhesion, adhesion of, adhesion, adhesions
adhezní - the adhesion, the adhesive, adhesion, adhesive, an adhesive
adiabatický - adiabatically, atomising, an adiabatic, the adiabatic, adiabatic
adjektivní - the adjectival, an adjectival, adjective, adjectival
adjektivum - an adjective to, an adjective, the adjective, adjective to, adjective
adjunkt - clerk, an adjunct, adjunct
adjustovat - to adjust the
adjustování - of adjusting the, of adjusting, adjusting, adjusting the
adjutant - aide, adjutant of the, adjutant of
administrace - of administration, the administration of, administration of, administration, the
administrativa - administration of, administration is, the administration, administration has,
administrativní - office, of administrative, the administrative, administration, administrative
administrační - administration, an administration, the administration, admin, administrative
administrátor - an administrator, administrators, the administrator, administrator has, administrator
admiralita - admiralty, the Admiralty
admirál - Adm, the Admiral, Admiral of, admiral
adopce - of adoption, adoptions, adoption, adoption of
adoptovat - adopt the, to adopt, adopt, adopting, adopt a
adresa - address, address of, address of the, the address, address is
adresant - sender
adresovat - to address, addressed to, addressed, direct, address
adresát - the addressee, consignee, the addressee of, addressee, addressee of
advent - Advent, Advent in
adventivní - advent, adventive, adventitious
adverbiální - adverbial
advokát - attorney, lawyer, advocate, barrister, solicitor
aerob - aerobe
aerodynamický - streamline, streamlined, aerodynamic, wind, the aerodynamic
aeronautika - aeronautics was, aeronautics
aeroplán - Aeroplane, airplane
aerosol - particulate matter, an aerosol, matter, the aerosol
afekt - Affect, the affect
afektivní - of affective, affective, mood, an affective, the affective
afektovanost - gentility, affectation of, mannerism, frills, affectation
afektovaný - mannered, stilted, taffeta, affected, minikin
afinita - affinity of, affinity of the, affinity, the affinity, the affinity of
aforismus - the aphorism, aphorism, an aphorism, maxim, aphorism of
aféra - of affair, scandal, the affair, affair, affair of
agens - agent, agents
agentura - agency, Agents, an agency, Agency shall, the Agency
agilnost - the agility, the agility of, agility with, agility of, agility
agilní - agile, of agile, an agile, the agile
agitace - of agitation, campaigning, agitation, propaganda, canvassing
agitátor - the agitator, an agitator, canvasser, agitator, campaigner
aglomerace - agglomerations, agglomeration of, agglomeration, conurbation, the agglomeration
aglomerovat - to bake, bake the, baking, bake, agglomerate
aglomerát - an agglomerate, agglomerates, the agglomerate, agglomerate of, agglomerate
aglutinace - agglutination, agglutinating, of agglutination, agglutination of
aglutinovat - agglutinate, agglutinating, to agglutinate
agregace - aggregation, aggregation of, aggregations, the aggregation
agregát - assembly, aggregate, power unit, unit, plant
agrese - the aggression, aggression, of aggression
agresivita - aggressiveness, aggression, aggressivity, aggressiveness of, aggressive
agresor - aggressor, agressor, an aggressor, the aggressor
agronom - agronomist, Agronom, agriculturalist, agriculturist, an agronomist
agronomický - agronomical, agronomically, agronomic
agrární - agrarian, agricultural, the agrarian, of agrarian, farming
agónie - the agony, agony of, of agony, agony, death throes
ahoj - hi, Hey, bye, hello
akademický - academic, the academic, academical, an academic, scholastic
akademie - of the Academy of, College, Academy of, academy, of the Academy
akademik - academician, academic, an academic, an academician, academician of
akce - the action, actions, action, event, events
akcelerace - accelerator, the acceleration, acceleration of, the accelerator, acceleration
akcent - the accent, emphasis, an accent, accent, accents
akcentovat - accentuate, to accentuate, accent, accentuated, accentuate the
akcentování - accent lighting, accentuating, stressing, accentuating the, accentuation
akcept - Accept, acceptances, Akcept
akceptace - acceptance of, acceptance, the acceptance, acceptances, acceptation
akceptor - acceptor, the acceptor, acceptors, an acceptor
akceptovat - accept the, accepted, to accept, to accept the, accept
akcie - shares, shares of, stocks, share, the shares
akcionář - a shareholder, shareholder of, the shareholder, shareholder, stockholder
aklamace - the acclamation, acclamation of, acclamations, acclamation
aklimatizace - the acclimation, acclimatization, acclimatization of, of acclimatization, acclimation
aklimatizovat - to acclimate, to acclimatize, acclimatise, acclimatize, acclimate
akné - the acne, acne, of acne
akolyta - the acolyte, an acolyte, Acolyte
akomodace - accommodative, acomodation, of accommodation, accommodation, accomodation
akomodovat - accommodate, to accommodate
akord - the chord, a chord, chord
akr - acre, hectares, acres, acre of, an acre
akreditace - accreditation, accreditations, the accreditation, accreditation of, of accreditation
akreditovat - accredit, to accredit, accrediting, accredited, accredit the
akrobacie - of acrobatics, stunts, aerobatics, acrobatics, Circus
akrobat - Aerobatic, The Acrobat, an acrobat, acrobat
akrobatický - an acrobatic, an aerobatic, acrobatic, aerobatic
aksamit - Aksamit, velvet
akt - act of, act, the ACP, ACP, nude
aktivismus - activism, activism of, activism is
aktivista - an activist, activist
aktivita - activity of, the activity, activity of the, activities, activity
aktivnost - activity
aktivní - the active, search, relevant search, active, an active
aktivovat - activated, activate the, to activate, enable, activate
aktivátor - activator, an activator, the activator, activator of
aktovka - attache, portfolio, bag, briefcase, satchel
aktualita - actuality, novelty, news
aktualizace - update, updated, updating, updates, Review
aktualizovat - update, to update, upgrade, updated, update the
aktualizování - upgrading, updating the, updating of, update, updating
aktuální - recent, current, actual, the current, topical
akumulovat - accumulating, accumulate, accumulate the, accumulated, to accumulate
akupunktura - acupuncture, of Acupuncture
akustický - sonic, audible, sound, acoustic, an acoustic
akustika - acoustic, acoustics of, Akustika, acoustics
akutnost - acuteness of, acuteness, The acuteness of, The acuteness
akutní - the acute, an acute, acute, both acute, of acute
akuzativ - the accusative case, the accusative, accusative case, an accusative, accusative
akvadukt - aqueduct in, an aqueduct, aqueduct, aquaduct, the aqueduct
akvarel - watercolor, a watercolor, aquarelle, water color, Akvarel
akvizice - acquisitions, acquisition, the acquisition, acquisition of, the acquisition of
akvárium - an aquarium, aquarium, the aquarium
alabastr - Alabastr, alabaster
alarm - the alarm, an alarm, alarm is, alarms
alarmovat - alarm, be alerted, alerted rapidly, alarmed
alchymie - alchemy of, the alchemy, alchemy, of alchemy
alchymista - an alchemist, The Alchemist, alchemist, Alchymista
ale - yet, but the, but it, but, however
alegorický - an allegoric, allegoric, allegorical, the allegorical, an allegorical
alegorie - allegory of, allegories, an allegory, allegory, an allegory of
alej - further, below, alley, avenue
aliance - the alliance, alliances, Alliance of, the Alliance of, alliance
alikvotní - accrued, aliquots, overtone, aliquot, An aliquot
aliterace - the alliteration, of the alliteration, alliteration, alliterations, of alliteration
alkohol - liquor, the alcohol, of alcohol, alcohol, an alcohol
alkoholický - an alcoholic, alcoholic, the alcoholic, alcohol
alkoholik - the alcoholic, drunk, drinker, alcoholic, an alcoholic
alkoholismus - alcohol abuse, alcoholism, of alcoholism
alkoholový - alcohol, the alcohol, alcoholic, an alcohol
alkovna - alcove
almara - Almara
almužna - charity, almsgiving, handout, alms, pittance
alpinismus - mountaneering, alpinism, rope access, and rope access, mountaineering
alpinista - alpinist, mountaineer
alt - alto, the alt
alternativa - an alternative, an alternative to, alternative, alternative to, option
alternativní - an alternate, alternative, alternate, an alternative, the alternative
alternovat - to alternate, Alternating, alternate
alternující - Alternate, of alternating, an alternating, the alternating, alternating
altruismus - altruism, altruism of
altruista - an altruist, altruist, altruistic
altruistický - an altruistic, the altruistic, altruistic, altruism
altán - arbor, pavilion, summer-house, gazebo, a gazebo
aluviální - of alluvial, an alluvial, alluvial, the alluvial, of an alluvial
amarant - amaranth
amatér - amateur, an amateur, the amateur, ham, dabbler
amatérský - amateurish, amateur, the amateur, amateur and, an amateur
ambice - the ambition, the ambitions, ambitions, ambition, ambitions of
ambiciózní - the ambitious, ambition, ambitious, an ambitious
ambrózie - of ambrosia, ambrosia, the ragweed, of ragweed, ragweed
ambulantní - ambulant, outpatient, ambulatory
americium - the americium, are americium, of americium
ametyst - amethyst, Ametyst, an amethyst, of amethyst, the amethyst
amfiteátr - the amphitheater, amphitheater, Amphitheatre, an amphitheater
amfora - The Amfora, Amfora, the amphora, amphora
amnestie - by amnesty, amnesties, amnesty, an amnesty, the amnesty
amnion - of the amnion, the amnion, an amnion
amnézie - fugue, of amnesia, amnesia
amorfní - an amorphous, the amorphous, amorphous, of amorphous
amortizace - of depreciation, amortization, amortization of, the amortization, depreciation
amortizovat - amortize, amortized, to amortise, amortise the, amortise
amorální - the amoral, an amoral, immoral, of amoral, amoral
amplituda - amplitude, the amplitude, the amplitude of, amplitude of, amplitude of the
ampulka - ampoule, ampule, phial, ampoule of, vial
amputace - amputations, of amputation, amputation, for amputation, amputation of
amputovat - amputate, of amputating, amputating, amputate the, to amputate
amulet - an amulet, the amulet, talisman, charm
anachronický - an anachronistic, anachronism, anachronistic
anachronismus - an anachronism, anachronistic, anachronism, anachronism of
analfabet - an illiterate, illiterate, the illiterate
analfabetismus - illiteracy
analgetický - analgetic, an analgesic, the analgesic, analgesic
analogický - analogous, analogue, analog, analogical, analogous to
analogon - an analogue, an analogue of, an analogue of the, analogue of
analogový - an analog, analog, the analog, an analogue, analogue
analytický - the analytical, analytical, analytic, Analysis, an analytical
analyzovat - analyzed, analyze the, to analyze the, to analyze, analyze
analyzátor - parser, analyzer, the analyzer, Analyser, the parser
analýza - analysis of the, analysis of, analysis, the analysis, an analysis
anarchický - anarchic, the anarchic, anarchical, more anarchic
anarchismus - anarchism, anarchism is
anarchista - the anarchist, anarchist, an anarchist
anarchistický - the anarchist, anarchistic, anarchical, anarchic, anarchist
anatom - anatomist, an anatomist, the anatomist, anatomists
anatomický - anatomic, anatomy, anatomical, an anatomical, the anatomical
anatéma - anathema
andílek - an angel, cherub, Little Angel, a little angel, angel
andělský - angelic, cherubic, angel, an angelic, seraphic
anebo - or, or a, or the
anekdota - joke, an anecdote, anecdote, the anecdote, story
anekdotický - anecdotic, anecdotal
anemický - the anemic, an anemic, anemic
anemometr - anemometer, an anemometer, wind-gauge, echo, the anemometer
aneroid - the aneroid barometer, aneroid barometer, an aneroid barometer, an aneroid
aneurysma - an aneurysm, aneurysms, aneurysm, the aneurysm
anexe - annexation of, the annexation of, annexation, the annexation, anion exchange
ani - or, either, neither, even, nor
animismus - of animism, animism
animozita - animosity
animálnost - animalism
animální - animalistic, animal, animal animals
anketa - questionnaire, Poll, Anketa, survey, inquiry
ano - Ano, yea, yeah, so, yes
anomálie - abnormality, anomalies, an anomaly, anomaly, abnormalities
anomální - the anomalous, anomalous, anomaly, an anomalous, abnormal
anonym - poison pen, anonymous
anonymita - the anonymity, anonymity of, anonymity, the anonymity of, anonymous
anonymní - anonymous, an anonymous, the anonymous
anonymně - anonymous, anonymous basis, anonymously, an anonymous
anorganický - the inorganic, inorganic, an inorganic, mineral
anotace - annotations, annotation, annotation of, the annotation
antagonismus - antagonism, antagonism of, antagonism of the, the antagonism, antagonisms
antagonista - antagonist is, the antagonist, an antagonist, antagonist of, antagonist
antagonistický - an antagonistic, the antagonistic, opposing, antagonistic, antagonist
antedatovat - backdating the, backdate, backdating, antedate
anticipace - anticipation of, anticipating, anticipations, anticipation, of anticipation
anticipovat - to anticipate, anticipate, anticipate the, anticipating
antický - an antique, antique, ancient, classical, the ancient
antika - Antique, Antika, antiquity, the Antika, the ancient world
antikoncepční - birth, contraceptives, birth control, contraceptive, contraception
antikorozní - corrosion, stainless, anticorrosive, rust, anticorrosion
antikvář - an antiquarian, antiquarian books, the antiquarian, antiquary, antiquarian
antilopa - Blackbuck, antelope, antelopes, an antelope, the antelope
antipatický - antipathetic, antipathetical
antipatie - antipathies, antipathy, dislikes, dislike, of antipathy
antipyretický - antipyretic, pyretic, the antipyretic
antitetický - antithetical, antithetic
antiteze - the antithesis, antitheses, antithesis, the antithesis of, antithetical
antitoxický - antitoxic
antitoxin - antitoxin is, the antitoxin, an antitoxin
antitéza - antithesis of, the antithesis, antithesis
antologie - anthologies, anthology, anthology of, the anthology, an anthology
antracit - anthracit, anthracite, anthrazit
antropoid - Antropoid, anthropoid, the Anthropoid, the Antropoid, an anthropoid
antropoidní - anthropoid
antropolog - anthropologist, the anthropologist, an anthropologist, by anthropologist
antropologický - Anthropology, the anthropological, an anthropological, anthropological,
antropologie - Antropology, of Anthropology, anthropology of, anthropology
antropometrie - anthropometrics of, anthropometry, the anthropometrics, of anthropometry,
anténa - antenna is, the antenna, antenna, an antenna, aerial
anulovat - rescind, annul, nullify, override, cancel
anýz - anise, anis, of anise, aniseed
anýzovka - anisette
ančovička - anchovies, anchovy
anšovka - Hams
aparatura - apparatus, The equipment, Devices, the apparatus, equipment
apartmá - apartments, the apartment, suites, apartment, Suite
apartní - chic
aparát - machinery, machine, apparatus of, appliance, apparatus
apatický - lethargic, mopy, apathetical, apathetic, listless
apatie - stupor, lethargy, apathy, of apathy, listlessness
apatit - apatite, like apatite
apel - appeal to, appeals, an appeal, appeal
apendix - the appendix, appendix, an appendix
aplaudovat - applauded, to applaud, applaud
apokalypsa - Apokalypsa, apocalypse, the Apocalypse of, apocalypse of, the apocalypse
apokalyptický - an apocalyptic, the apocalyptic, apocalyptical, apocalyptic, doomsday
apokryfický - apocryphal, the apocryphal
apokryfní - an apocryphal, apocryphal, the apocryphal, by apocryphal, in the apocryphal
apolitický - not political, apolitical, apolitic, the apolitical, an apolitical
apoplektický - apoplectic
aportovat - retrieve, to retrieve, loves to retrieve her
apostrof - an apostrophe, single quotation mark, apostrophe, the apostrophe
apostrofa - the apostrophe to, apostrophe to, an apostrophe, apostrophe, the apostrophe
apoteóza - Apotheosis, the apotheosis of, apotheosis of the, The Apotheosis, apotheosis of
apoštol - an apostle of, apostle, apostle of, the Apostle, an apostle
apoštolský - apostles, the Apostolic, an apostolic, apostolic, the apostles
apretura - finishing, finishing of, glaze
aprobace - of specialization, approbation, inappropriately qualified, approvals
aprobovat - approve of
aproximace - approximation of, approximation, approximations, an approximation
apsida - apse, apsis, the apse
ar - of Ar, in Ar, r, the Ar
arabeska - arabesques, arabesque, the arabesque, of arabesque
aranžér - arranger, an arranger, decorator, window dresser, dresser
arbitráž - arbitration, arbitrage, the arbitration
arbitrážní - the Arbitration, arbitration, the Arbitral, arbitral, arbitrage
arch - architect, sheet of the, sheet of, sheet
archa - ark, Archa, the Ark, Ark of
archaický - archaic, an archaic, of archaic, the archaic
archanděl - the Archangel, archangel, an archangel
archeolog - archeologist, an archaeologist, the archaeologist, archaeologist
archeologický - The archaeological, an archaeological, archeological, archaeological, archaeologica
archeologie - archeology of, of Archaeology, Archaeology, archeology, of archeology
archeoložka - the archaeologist, archeologist, an archaeologist, archaeologist most, archaeologist
archetyp - archetype, the archetype of, an archetype, the archetype, archetype of
architekt - an architect, architect, the architect, architect of
architektka - architect of, an architect, architect, the architect
architektonický - an architectural, architectonic, architecture, architectural, the architectural
architektura - The architecture, architecture of, architecture
architráv - architrave of the, architrave of, architrave, the architrave
archivář - the archivist, archivist of, an archivist, archivist, Filing clerk
arcibiskup - archbishop, the Archbishop, Archbishop of, the Archbishop of
arcibiskupský - Archbishop, archiepiscopal, the Archbishop
arcibiskupství - archbishopric, the Archbishopric, archbishopric of, the Archbishopric of, an
arciděkan - archdeacon as, the archdeacon of, Archdeacon of, the Archdeacon, Archdeacon
arcijáhen - the Archdeacon, an archdeacon, archdeacon
arcivévoda - by Archduke, archduke, the Archduke, Archduke of
arcivévodství - archduchy of, the Archduchy of, the archduchy, archduchy, of the Archduchy of
aretovat - locked in place, latched, locked, arresting, be locked
areál - complex, premises, area, resort, grounds
argentinský - the Argentinian, Argentinean, Argentine, Argentinian, an Argentine
argumentace - arguments, reasoning, argument, line of argument, argumentation
argumentovat - argue, arguing, to argue, argued, argument
aristokracie - aristocracy of, nobility, of the aristocracy, aristocracy, the aristocracy
aristokrat - aristocratic, the aristocrat, an aristocrat, aristocrat
aristokratický - an aristocratic, noble, the aristocratic, aristocratic
aristokratičnost - nobleness
aritmetický - arithmetic, arithmetical, the arithmetic, the arithmetical, an arithmetic
aritmetika - arithmetic, arithmetics, the arithmetic, arithmetic of
arkebuza - their arquebuses, arquebuses, arquebus
arktický - an arctic, frigid, subarctic, Arctic, the Arctic
arkáda - arcade, Arkáda, arcade game, Arkada
armatura - fittings, mixer, valve, fitting, armature
armáda - military, the army, army of, army, the military
arogance - of arrogance, hubris, arrogance, arrogance of, the arrogance
arogantnost - arrogance
arogantní - snotty, smug, overbearing, arrogant, an arrogant
arogantně - smugly, arrogance, arrogant, arrogantly
aromatický - flavoring, the aromatic, aromatic, spicy, an aromatic
artikl - article, part
artikulace - the articulation, enunciation, articulation of, articulation, of articulation
artikulovat - to articulate, articulate, articulate the, enunciate, articulating
artritický - arthritis, an arthritic, the arthritis, arthritic, in an arthritic
artyčok - an artichoke, of artichoke, artichoke, artichokes
arytmie - arrhythmias, arrhythmia, an arrhythmia, of arrhythmia, the arrhythmia
arzenál - an arsenal, arsenal of, ordnance, armory, arsenal
aréna - hippodrome, the arena, arena, bullring
aróma - bouquet, aroma, flavor, relish, odor
asanace - sanitation of, decontamination, renewal, redevelopment, sanitation
asexuální - by asexual, of asexual, an asexual, the asexual, asexual
asfalt - asphalt, of asphalt, bitumen, the asphalt, tarmac
asfaltovat - tarmac, asphalt
asi - probably, about, around, some, of about
asignace - assignation, assignation of, the assignation, assignations
asimilace - assimilation of, the assimilation, of assimilation, the assimilation of, assimilation
asimilovat - to assimilate, to assimilate the, assimilating, assimilate, assimilate the
asistence - assistance of, assistance to, the assistance of, assistance, the assistance
asistent - assistents, an assistant, assist, assistant, assistant to
asistovat - assist, assisted, to assist, assist the, assisted by
asketa - ascetic, mortifier, the ascetic, an ascetic
asketický - an ascetic, asceticism, austere, the ascetic, ascetic
askeze - of austerity, asceticism, austerity, of asceticism, austerities
asociace - Association of, association, associations, the association, of the Association of
asociovat - associate, to associate the, associating, to associate, associate the
asociální - antisocial, the asocial, asocial
asonance - assonance, the assonance
aspekt - facet, aspect, aspects, aspect of, aspect of the
aspik - aspic, jelly
aspirace - of aspiration, aspiration of, aspiration, aspirations, aspirations of
aspirin - an aspirin, of aspirin
aspirovat - aspirate, aspire to, to aspire, aspiring, aspire
astigmatický - astigmatic
astma - of asthma, asthma
astrofyzika - Astrophysics, astrophysicist
astrolog - an astrologer, astrologer, astrologist, the astrologer
astrologický - Free Astrology, astrology, astrological, The astrological, an astrological
astronaut - spaceman, the astronaut, an astronaut
astronautika - space are included as, space are, space are included, astronautics industries,
astronom - astronomer, the astronomer, an astronomer
astronomický - an astronomical, astronomic, the astronomical, Astronomy, astronomical
astrální - of astral, the astral, an astral, astral
asymetrický - asymmetrical, an asymmetrical, an asymmetric, the asymmetric, asymmetric
asymetrie - asymmetries, of asymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetry, asymmetry of
asymptota - asymptotic, asymptote of, the asymptote, asymptote, asymptote ⇨
asynchronní - async, asynchronous, the asynchronous, induction, an asynchronous
atavismus - atavism
atavistický - an atavistic, atavistic
ateista - the atheist, an atheist, atheist
ateistický - godless, atheistic, the atheistic, atheist, an atheistic
ateliér - studio of, a studio, studio, atelier
atentát - attempt, assassination attempt, assassination, assassination of, the assassination
atest - attestation, attest, clearance, certificate
atestace - Postgraduate Diploma, attestation, the attestation, attestation of, attestations
atituda - atitude
atlet - athlete of, the athlete, jock, athlete, an athlete
atletický - athletics, an athletic, track and field, athletic, of athletic
atletika - track and field, Atletika, Track & Field, athletics
atmosféra - atmosphere of, atmosphere, the atmosphere, the atmosphere of, ambience
atol - Atoll neighborhood, Male Atoll, the atoll, atoll, Atol
atomický - The atomic, atomic, of atomic, an atomic
atomizovat - atomise the, to atomize, atomize the, atomize, atomise
atomizér - atomiser, the atomizer, an atomizer, atomizer
atomový - atomic, nuclear, atom, the atomic, an atomic
atrakce - atractions, interesting, attractions, attraction, attractions for
atraktivní - of attractive, beautiful, attractive, the attractive, an attractive
atribut - attribute of, an attribute, attribute is, attribute, the attribute
atropin - atropine
atypický - atypical, produce untypical, an atypical, untypical
auditor - the auditor, auditor of, auditor is
aureola - hallway, aureole, a halo, halo of
aut - rental company, Hire, rental, Car, cars
autentický - authentic, the authentic, an authentic, genuine, a genuine
autentičnost - the authenticity, authenticity of, authentic, the authenticity of, authenticity
autochton - autochthon, autochthones
autodidaktický - self-educated
autograf - autograph of, the autograph, autograph
autogram - an autograph, the autograph, autograph, autographs
autokar - coach is, coach, Motorbike, the coach
autokracie - autocracies, of the autocracy, of autocracy, the autocracy, autocracy
autokrat - the autocrat, an autocrat, autocrat, the autocrat chooses, autocrat chooses
autokratický - autocratical, an autocratic, autocratic, autocratic for, the autocratic
automat - automaton, machine, dispenser, automatic machine
automatický - Auto, automatically, the automatic, automatic, an automatic
automatismus - automatism, automatism of, automaticity, the automatism, automatically to
automatizace - automation, the automation, of automation of, automation of, of automation
automatizovat - automate the, to automate the, automated, to automate, automate
automobil - truck, vehicle, a car, automobile, car
automobilismus - car transport, automotive, motoring, motorism
automobilista - Car Driver, motorist
automobilový - car, motor, automobile, the automotive, automotive
autonomní - an autonomous, autonomic, autonomous, independent, the autonomous
autoportrét - selfportrait, self-portrait, self portrait
autor - author of, writer, author, the author, the author of
autorita - authority, the authority, the authority of, authority of
autoritativní - authoritative, magisterial, an authoritative, the authoritative, authoritarian
autoritář - disciplinarian, authoritarian
autoritářský - paternalistic, the authoritarian, an authoritarian, authoritarian
autorizace - Authorisation, authorization of, the authorization, authentication, authorization
autorizovat - authorize the, authorizing, to authorize, authorized, authorize
autostráda - freeway, superhighway, the Autostrada, Autostrada
averze - loathing, aversion, aversion of, aversions, of aversion
aviatika - aviation, aviator
avizovat - advising the, advising, announce that, notify drivers
avízo - the advice, advice of, advice note, notice, advice
avšak - but the, yet, however, though, but
axiomatický - axiomatic, axioms, axiomatical, of axioms, an axiomatic
axiální - an axial, thrust, Axled, axial, the axial
axióm - axiom, axiom of, the axiom of, the axiom, an axiom
azbest - of asbestos, asbestos, the asbestos
azurový - cyan, the cyan, azure
azyl - sanctuary, seeker, asylum, seekers
ač - albeit, despite, though, even though, although
ať - let, either, whether, matter, whatever
až - when, to, till, only, until
babička - my grandmother, granny, grandmother, grandma
babský - poncy, old wives
bachor - paunch, the rumen, pot, rumen, maw
bachratý - potbellied, squabby, Bachratý, squab, bellied
bacil - bacilli, germ, bug, bacillus
bacit - bacitracin
baculatý - a chubby, chubby, pudgy, buxom
badatel - scientist, explorer, investigator, scholar, researcher
bagatela - the Bagatela, bagatelle, of Bagatela, Bagatela
bago - quid, of Bago
bagrovat - dredge, dredging, dig
bagrování - Dredging equipment, excavation, dredging, of dredging
bahenní - a mud, swamp, Marsh, mud, Lilies
bahnisko - swamp, mire, slough, quag, quagmire
bahnitý - oozy, sludgy, muddy, miry, quaggy
bahno - sludge, silt, morass, the mud, mud
bajka - the fable, fable, tale, a fable
bajonet - of bayonet, the bayonet, bayonet, a bayonet
baklažán - eggplants, an eggplant, aubergine, eggplant, aubergines
bakterie - germ, bacterium, the bacterium, the bacteria, bacteria
bakteriolog - bacteriologist, the bacteriologist, a bacteriologist
bakteriologie - bacteriology, of bacteriology, the bacteriology
balada - The Ballad, a ballad, ballad, ballad of
balancem - Balance, Balanca, Balanco, The Balance, Balancou
balancovat - balance, balance the, balancing act, to balance, balancing
balast - ballast, ballast is, the ballast, lumber, dead weight
baldachýn - baldachin, the canopy, canopy of, canopy, a canopy
balení - pack, packing, packs, package, packaging
balerína - the ballerina, ballerina is, a ballerina, ballerina
balet - ballet, ballet of, the ballet, a ballet, of ballet
balistický - the ballistic, a ballistic, the ballistics, ballistic, ballistics
balistika - ballistics of, ballistics, the ballistics
balit - packaged, to pack, roll, packing, pack
balič - wrapper, packer, a packer, packer holds, The packer
balkón - a balcony, terrace, balconies, balcony, the balcony
balvan - rock, the boulder, boulder, a boulder, block
balzamický - balsamic, balsam, balsamy, balm
balzamovat - to embalm the, to embalm, embalmed, embalm the, embalm
balzám - balsam, a balm, lotion, balm, salve
balzámový - Balsamic, balsam
balík - bundle, packet, pack, package, parcel
balíček - the package, package of, package, pack, packet
balón - ease, of the ball, balloon, the ball, ball
balónek - balls, the balloon, Breathalyzer, a balloon, balloon
bambula - Bambula, bumpkin
bambus - bamboo, of bamboo, the bamboo, bamboos
banalita - the banality, bromide, banality, banality of, truism
bandita - dacoit, outlaw, bandit, a bandit, the bandit
banditství - banditry
bandáž - banding, Bands, bandaging, bandage, band
banka - the Bank, Bank of, bank, a bank
banket - of banquet, banquet, feast, a banquet, the banquet
bankovní - bank, the banking, banking, a bank, the bank
bankrot - bankrupt, bankruptcy of, the bankruptcy of, bankruptcy, the bankruptcy
bankrotář - bankrupt by, bankrupt, the bankrupt
bankéř - the banker, a banker, banker
banálnost - banality
banální - trivial, hackneyed, trite, corny, banal
banán - a banana, bananas, the banana, banana
barabizna - Barabizna, hovel
barbar - savage, tartarian, barbarian, a barbarian, caveman
barbarský - barbaric, savage, barbarous, barbarian, uncivilized
barbarství - of barbarism, savagery, barbaric, barbarity, barbarism
barel - barrel, the barrel, a barrel, drum, bbl
baret - the beret, beret, a beret
barevný - colored, colorful, color, the color, a color
barikáda - a barricade, barricades, the barricade, barricade
bariéra - barriers, barrier, barrier is, a barrier, the barrier
barok - Barok, Baroque art, Baroque, the Barok, Barock
barokní - of Baroque, baroque, the Baroque, a Baroque
barometr - barometer, a barometer, glass, the barometer, barometer of
barometrický - barometric, a barometric, barometrical, the barometric
baronství - the barony, barony of, that barony, barony, the barony of
barter - Barter Clients, to Barter, the Barter
barva - the color, color, paint, color of, Colour
barvení - colouration, dyeing, dying, coloring, coloration
barvený - stained with, colored by, colored, dyed, stained
barvit - dye, to dye, dyed, color, dyeing
barvitost - colourfulness, vividness
barvitý - a colorful, colorful
barvivo - dye, a dye, pigment, coloring, colorant
barvínek - the periwinkle, a periwinkle, periwinkle
barvíř - a dyer, dyer
barák - hut of, a house, Barák, barrack, hut
baráček - little house
basa - contrabass, bass, crate, double bass
basketbal - a basketball, basketball court, basketball, basket ball, of basketball
batalion - the battalion, battalion, battalion of, a battalion
baterie - battery, the battery, battery with, batteries, the batteries
batist - the lawn, lawn, batiste, cambric
batoh - rucksack, knapsack, backpack, bag, pack
batole - a toddler, Batole, toddler
bauxit - bauxite, the bauxite
bavit - have fun, entertain, fun, entertained, amuse
bavlna - cotton
bavlník - cotton, cotton plant, the cotton plant
bazalka - basil, of basil, sweet basil
bazický - basic in, basic, a basic
bazilika - the Basilica, the Basilica of, basilica, Basilica of
bazilišek - the basilisk, a basilisk, Basilisk, cockatrice
bazén - a swimming pool, swimming pool, pool, swimming
bačkora - patsy, slipper, drip
baňatý - bulbous, of bulbous, the bulbous, a bulbous
baňka - flask was, parison, bulb, flask, the flask
bašta - bulwark, stronghold, bastion, bastion of, grub
bažant - rookie, a rookie, pheasant
bažina - marsh, quagmire, swamp, bog, morass
bažinatý - the marshy, marshy, swampy, a swampy, boggy
bažit - craving, a craving, covet, covetous
bdít - awake, to watch, keep watch, watch
bdělost - watchfulness, mindfulness, alertness, vigilance, wakefulness
bdělý - wide awake, alert, watchful, vigilant, awake
bdění - wake, waking, of waking, wakefulness, vigil
bedlivý - taking good, watchful, an attentive, farsighted
bedna - chest, box, bin, case, crate
bednář - cooper, a cooper, Bednář, coopers, hooper
bednářství - cooper, the cooperage, cooperage, coopery, of coopery
bedra - shoulders, loin, shoulders of, loins, the shoulders
bek - uct, times the, the Bek
bekasína - common snipe, of common snipe, the snipe, Great Snipe, snipe
benevolentní - benevolent, a benevolent, permissive, the benevolent, lenient
bengál - bengal, rumpus, Ruckus, a ruckus
benigní - a benign, benign, of benign
benzín - benzine, petrol, gas, gasoline, fuel
beran - ram, Beran, the ram, a ram, aries
beranit - pound
berla - scepter of, a crutch, the scepter, crook, crutch
berní - Inland, the Inland, taxing, Inland Revenue, octroi
beryl - the beryl, of beryl, a jasper, jasper
beránek - lamb, lamb of, the lamb, a lamb, lamb of the first
bestialita - bestiality, beastliness, buggery
bestiální - beastly, a bestial, bestial, the bestial
besídka - arbor, bower, pergola, alcove, pavilion
beton - concrete, the concrete
betonovat - be cast, concreted, concrete, concreting
bez - without the, free, without, no, without a
bezbarvý - colorless, Clear, a colorless
bezbolestný - painless, a painless
bezbožnost - wickedness, wickedness of, impiety, irreligion, ungodliness
bezbožník - lawless, wicked man, wicked, ungodly, The wicked
bezbožný - impious, ungodly, unholy, godless, wicked
bezbranný - naked, defenseless, vulnerable, helpless, unarmed
bezcenný - valueless, frippery, unworthy, useless, worthless
bezchybný - immaculate, faultless, flawless, exact
bezchybně - flawlessly, correctly, immaculately, faultlessly, perfectly
bezcitný - heartless, ruthless, unfeeling, callous
bezduchý - soulless, toneless, nerveless, unwitty, spiritless
bezděčný - reflex, inadvertent, involuntary, subconscious, unwitting
bezectný - dishonorable, infamous, despicable
bezedný - fathomless, unfathomable, bottomless, a bottomless, the bottomless
bezejmenný - nameless, no name, unnamed, the nameless, a nameless
bezelstnost - guilelessness, ingenuousness, artlessness, innocence
bezelstný - guileless, innocent, ingenuous, unworldly, artless
bezhlučný - low noise, noiseless, silent
bezkrevný - anemic, bloodless, was anemic, the anemic
bezlistý - leafless, verdureless
bezmezný - abysmal, unbounded, measureless, boundless, a boundless
bezmocnost - helplessness, powerlessness, impotence, helpless, powerless
bezmocný - a helpless, impotent, helpless, powerless, powerless to
bezmyšlenkovitý - mindless, inconsiderate, a thoughtless, thoughtless, unthinking
bezmála - for almost, of almost, almost, of nearly, nearly
beznaděj - gloom, hopelessness, desperation, despair, hopeless
beznadějnost - hopelessness, hopelessness of, the hopelessness of, the hopelessness, hopelessness of
beznadějný - a hopeless, forlorn, hopeless, desperate
beznadějně - hopeless, hopelessly, hopelessly in, desperately, a hopelessly
beznohý - a legless, legless, limbless, footless
bezobratlovec - invertebrate
bezobratlý - spineless, invertebrate
bezobsažný - inconclusive, meatless
bezodkladný - an immediate, prompt, the prompt, urgent, immediate
bezpečnost - safety of, security, the safety, safety, security of
bezpečný - secure, a secure, a safe, the safe, safe
bezpečně - safely, safety, secure, safe, securely
bezpečí - safety of, safe, secure, safety, security
bezplatný - a free, free of charge, complimentary, the free, free
bezplatně - charge, free of charge, free, free of, for free
bezpochyby - surely, doubtless, without doubt, undoubtedly, no doubt
bezpodmínečný - an unconditional, the unconditional, unconditioned, unconditional, unconditionally
bezpodmínečně - unconditional, strictly, absolutely, essential, unconditionally
bezpohlavní - sexless, neutral, a sexless, genderless, neuter
bezprostřední - close, direct, immediate, the immediate, imminent
bezprostředně - immediate, direct, of direct, directly, immediately
bezpráví - injustice, injustices, lawlessness, of Injustice, wrong
bezpáteřnost - servility
bezpáteřný - spineless, a spineless
bezradný - clueless, shiftless, helpless, rudderless, baffled
bezstarostnost - carelessness, abandon, recklessness, carefree, insouciance
bezstarostný - reckless, careless, easy, carefree, easygoing
beztrestnost - impunity, the impunity of, impunity for, impunity of, the impunity
beztvarý - featureless, the formless, formless, shapeless, unformed
beztvárný - shapeless
beztíže - weightlessness, of weightlessness, gravity, weightless
bezvadný - perfect, impeccable, immaculate, faultless, flawless
bezvládný - helpless, limp, paralyzed
bezvládí - interregnum, power vacuum, lawlessness, the interregnum, anarchy
bezvodý - waterless, the anhydrous, anhydrous
bezvýraznost - vacancy, dullness, insipidity
bezvýrazný - inexpressive, fishy, characterless, insipid, unthinking
bezvýsledný - inconclusive, wasted, unsuccessful, vain, unavailing
bezvýznamnost - insignificance of, irrelevance, insignificancy, inappreciation, insignificance
bezvýznamný - insignificant, meaningless, trifling, inconsequential, irrelevant
bezvědomí - unconscious, of unconsciousness, an unconscious, coma, unconsciousness
bezvěrec - unbeliever, The infidel, atheist, an infidel, infidel
bezvěrecký - atheistic
bezvěrectví - atheism, infidelity, unbelief, faithlessness
bezvětří - Calm Wind, no wind, calm, still air
bezúhonnost - impeccability, integrity of, the integrity of, integrity, the integrity
bezúhonný - unblemished, unimpeachable, irreproachable, spotless, untainted
bezúhonně - blamelessly, integrity, with integrity, blameless, uprightly
bezúplatný - without charge, without consideration, gratuitous
bezúčelnost - purposelessness, purposelessness of, pointlessness
bezúčelný - vacuous, shapeless, aimless, void, purposeless
bezženství - celibacy
bečet - blat, bleat
bečka - barrel of, Bečka, tun, a tub of, tub
biblický - scriptural, a biblical, biblical, the biblical, Bible
bibliofil - a bibliophile, bibliophile
bibliofilství - bibliophilism
bibliograf - bibliographer
bibliografický - bibliographical, a bibliographic, bibliographic, the bibliographic, bibliography
bibliografie - bibliography, bibliography of, a bibliography, bibliographies
bidlo - spar, Bidlo, roost, the spar, perch
bidélko - perch, the perch, a perch
bidýlko - a perch, the perch, perch, the gods, his perch
biftek - a steak, beefsteak, steak, beef steak, Beef
bilance - the balance, balance of, balances, balance, the balance of
bilaterální - of bilateral, the bilateral, bilateral, a bilateral
bilión - a trillion, trillion, one trillion, a billion, billion
bimetalismus - bimetallism
binec - shambles, mess, messy, a mess, making a mess
binomický - the binomial, binomial trees in spreadsheet, binomial, binomial trees
binární - the binary, a binary, digital, binary
biochemický - a biochemical, biochemical, the biochemical, biochemically
biochemie - of Biochemistry, chemistry, biochemistry, Biochemistry of
biochemik - the biochemist, a biochemist, biochemist
biofyzika - biophysics, biophysics of, Biofyzika, Biophycics
biograf - cinema, Biograph, Biograf, the Biograf, a cinema
biografický - a biographical, a biographic, biography, biographical, biographic
biografie - biography, biographies, the biography, a biography, biographies of
biolog - the biologist, a biologist, biologist, of biologist
biologický - a biological, biological, biologic, the biological, bio
bioložka - a biologist, biologist, biologist at
biomasa - the biomass, biomass of, biomass is, biomass
biosféra - biosphere of, biosphere is, the biosphere, biosphere
biotin - of biotin, the biotin, a biotin
biskup - bishop of, the Bishop of, the bishop, a bishop, bishop
biskupství - bishoprics, the bishopric, bishopric, a bishopric
bitka - thrasher, wacking, whacking, caning, brawl
bitva - a battle, battle, battle of, the Battle of, the battle
bití - beatings, beating, beating the, the beating, whipping
bizarní - the bizarre, outlandish, bizarre, quirky, a bizarre
bizon - a bison, bison, Bizon, the buffalo, buffalo
bič - stick, whip, the whip, scourge, a whip
bičovat - whip, slash, whipping, lash, flog
bičování - the scourging, whipping, scourging, lashing, flogging
biřmovat - confirm
blaho - welfare, bliss, well, good
blahobyt - prosperity, welfare, wealth, affluence
blahobytný - a wealthy, leisured, opulent, the affluent, affluent
blahodárný - salutary, wholesome, benign, soothing, beneficial
blahopřání - congratulations, greeting card, congratulation, felicitation, greeting cards
blahopřát - to congratulate the, felicitate, congratulate, to congratulate, congratulate the
blahosklonný - condescending, patronizing, a condescending, avuncular
blahovičník - mallee, eucalypt, eucalyptus, gum tree, jarrah
blahovůle - patronage, of benevolence, patronage designed, condescension, benevolence
blahořečit - bless, to beatify, to beatify the, beatify, beatify the
blamovat - make a fool, make a fool of
blanka - Blanka, of Blanka, the Blanka, pellicle
blankyt - of azure, azure
blatník - mudguard, the fender, fender, wing
blaženost - bliss, blessedness, bliss of, rapture, beatitude
blažený - a blissful, blissful, beatifical, beatific, blessed
blbý - sappy, idiotic, bloody, daft, stupid
blecha - flea, a flea, fleas, the flea
blednička - chlorosis, greensickness
blednout - to fade, fade, the Pale, Pale, wane
bledost - paleness of, pallor of, pallor, paleness, pallidness
bledý - pale, sallow, wan, sickly, white
blesk - lightning, thunderbolt, flash, in flash, the flash
bleskojistka - surge arrester, Arresters, arrester, lightning arrester, lighting arrester
blikat - flash, blinking, flicker, flashing, blink
blikač - flasher, flashing light, the indicator light, indicator light, blinker
blikot - shimmer, twinkle, flicker, twinkling
blikání - blink, flicker, flickering, blinking, flashing
blizard - of blizzard, the blizzard, a blizzard, blizzard
blizna - stigma, stigma of the, stigma of, a stigma, Blizna
bližní - neighbors, fellow men, fellow, fellow man, neighbor
blok - block, a block, the block, block of, bloc
blokovat - block the, block, to block, blocking, to block the
blokování - blocking, blocker, barring, locking, interlock
blokáda - blockage, blockade, blockage of, blockade of, the blockade
blondýn - blondes, blond hair, blond man, the blond, blond
bloudit - to wander, wander, wander around, rove, stray
bloudivý - vagus
bloumat - to wander, roam, wander, wander through
blouznit - daydream, enthuse, wander, rave, ramble
blouznění - ravings of, raving, wanderings, delirium, ravings
bludař - heretic, the deceiver, misbeliever, deceiver, a heretic
bludiště - bosses, maze, labyrinth, mazes, the maze
bludný - wandering, errant, vagrant, vicious, excursive
blyštivý - gleaming, glinting, glittering, the glittering
blána - cuticle, membrane, the membrane, membrane of, film
blátivý - splashy, muddy, the muddy, miry, mud
bláto - ooze, dirt, mud, mire, muck
blázen - fool, freak, lunatic, a fool, crazy
bláznit - go crazy, clown, crazy, to fool, fool
bláznivost - foolishness, foolishness of, craziness, the foolishness, the foolishness of
bláznivý - crazy, zany, a crazy, mad, foolish
bláznivě - foolish, madly, crazily, crazy, foolishly
bláznovství - foolery, foolishness, folly, foolishness of, the foolishness
bláznění - craziness, tomfoolery, the craze, craze, madness
blín - henbane, nightshade
blít - barf, puke
blízko - close, nearest, nearest to the, nearest to, near
blízkost - closeness, vicinity, nearness, Proximity to, proximity
blízký - nearby, Middle, close, close to, near
blíženec - Gemini, the Gemini, a Gemini, twin, Blíženec
blížení - telephoto
blýskavý - glittering, flashy, shiny, shimmering, shining
blůza - tunic, jacket, coatee, blouse
bob - bobsled, bean, the Bob, beans, Bob
bobek - haunches, mite, squatted, Bobek, poo
bobr - beavers, the beaver, a beaver, beaver
bobtnat - swell, swelled, to swell, swelling, of swelling
bochník - loaf of, a loaf, a loaf of, the loaf, loaf
bod - paragraph, item, point, spot, section
bodat - to stab, stabbing, sting, stab, stinging
bodavý - prickly, the stinging, stabbing, stinging, biting
bodec - spike, pricker, prong, tang, sting
bodlina - spur, spine
bodlák - a thistle, the thistle, thistle
bodnout - to stab, sting, stab the, a stab, stab
bodnutí - thrust, jab, sting, stab, prick
bodrost - geniality, jauntiness, joviality, facetiousness
bodrý - jovial, genial, a genial, cheerful, backslapping
bodák - a bayonet, sticker, bayonet, pigsticker
bodání - of stinging, stabs, stinging, stabbing, thrusting
bohabojný - feared God, godly, holy
bohatost - the richness of, the richness, richness, wealth, richness of
bohatství - riches, abundance, richness, fortune, wealth
bohatý - wealthy, extensive, rich, bountiful, abundant
bohatýr - the mighty, hero, a mighty man, mighty, mighty man
bohatě - a richly, richly, amply, lavishly, rich
bohosloví - divinity of, the divinity, divinity, of Divinity, theology
bohovláda - theocracy
bohužel - not, unfortunately
bohyně - goddess, the goddess, goddesses, the goddess of, goddess of
boj - combat, war, fight, the fight, struggle
bojar - Bojar Director, Bojar Director of, boyar, rej Bojar
bojechtivost - belligerence of, belligerence, bellicosity, The belligerence, belligerence of the
bojechtivý - fighting, pugnacious, belligerent, warlike, bellicose
bojkot - a boycott of, boycott of, a boycott, boycotts, boycott
bojkotovat - boycott the, to boycott, boycotting, boycott, to boycott the
bojler - the boiler, water heater, boiler
bojovat - to fight, fight, combat, champion, struggle
bojovnost - fight, pugnacity, militancy, bellicosity, mettle
bojovník - champion, combatant, campaigner, warrior, fighter
bojovný - truculent, warlike, pugnacious, fighting, combative
bojový - combat, martial, battle, fighting, war
bojující - struggling, combatants, fighting, battling, the fighting
bojácnost - the timidity of, timidity of, overly shy, pusillanimity, timidity
bojácný - timid, fearful, cowardly, pusillanimous
bok - hip, flank, its side, hips, side
bokovka - Bokovka, Sideways, moonlight, the moonlight
bolavý - sore, aching, achy, a painful, painful
bolero - spencer, the bolero, a bolero
bolest - the pain, pain in, ache, pain
bolestivý - painful, sore, a painful, the painful, hurtful
bolestivě - painful, achingly, a painful, painfully
bolestný - grievous, pained, painful, sorrowful, dolorous
bolestně - painfully, sorely, painful, grievously, achingly
boltec - outer ear, auricle, lobe, the auricle, ear
bolák - a sore, sore, abscess, sore of, the sore
bomba - tank, a bomb, cylinder, bomb, the bomb
bombardovat - bomb, the bombing, bombing, bombard, bombing of
bombardování - bombardment, the bombing of, bombing of, bombing, the bombing
bombardér - a bomber, the bomber, bomber, bombers
bombarďák - a heavy bomber, Bomber, heavy bomber
bombastičnost - bombast, heroics
bombometčík - the bombardier, bomber, a bomber, bombardier
bonbón - a candy, sweet, candy, the candy, a sweet
bonifikace - the bonus, a bonus, bonus, bonuses, bonus of
bonita - bonito, creditworthiness of, creditworthiness, solvency of
bonitace - Breeding code, animal muster, breeding, bonitation
borec - guy, guy is, the guy, a great guy
borovice - pine trees, of pine, pine, pine tree, pines
borovička - gin, borovicka, geneva, Borovička
borůvka - Boruvka, huckleberry, Borůvka, blueberry, bilberry
bota - boot, goof, shoe, the shoe, bot
botanický - the botanical, botanical, a Botanical, botanic, Botanický
botanik - botany, the botanist, a botanist, botanist
botanika - botanist, botany
botka - coulter, opener, shoes, lug, shoe
boubelatý - chubby, plump
bouchat - smiting, hammer away, Bouchat, banging, pound
bouchnout - bang, slam, pop, hit, crash
bouchnutí - slam, thump, thud, crash, bang
bouda - Huts, booth, cabin, hut
bourat - demolish the, pull down, tear down, to demolish, demolish
bourání - cutting, demolition, demolishing, demolition of, breaking
bouře - storm, the storm, storms, tempest, a storm
bouřit - rebel, storm, rage, bluster, riot
bouřka - the storm, a thunderstorm, a storm, storm, thunderstorm
bouřlivost - disquiet, boisterousness, turbulence
bouřlivý - tumultuous, stormy, blustery, tempestuous, boisterous
boxovat - boxing, to box, box
boční - the lateral, the side, a side, lateral, side
bočník - shunt, the shunt, a shunt, shunt sensor, bypass
bořit - break down, tear down, to break down, demolish, to demolish
bořivý - destructive
božsky - the divinely, a divinely, divine, divinely, the divine
božský - a divine, godlike, the divine, divine, heavenly
božstvo - deity of, divinity, the deity, deity, a deity
božství - divinity, the divinity, divinity of, of divinity, godhead
brada - chin, beard, Brada, jaw, the chin
bradatý - deepwater, vulture, Beaked, redfish
bradavice - the wart, the warts, verruca, warts, wart
bradýř - Barber said, Barber, a barber, Barber had
brajgl - rumpus, din
brak - schlock, trash, rubbish, junk, waster
brambor - potato, of potatoes, potatoes
branec - conscript, inductee, jerk, recruit, loogan
branka - goal, wicket, gate, hoop, goal of
brankář - the keeper, keeper, goalkeeper, goalie, the goalkeeper
branže - the branch, branch, trade, industry, the industry
bratr - the brother, brother of, brother
bratranec - cousin of, a cousin, cousin, first cousin
bratrovražedný - fratricidal, internecine, the fratricidal, a fratricidal, of internecine
bratrský - its sister, Brethren, brotherly, fraternal, sister
bratrstvo - brotherhood, fraternity, confraternity, brotherhood of, the brotherhood
bratrství - the brotherhood, fraternity, of brotherhood, brotherhood, fraternities
bratránek - cousin is, my cousin, cousin
bratření - fraternizing that went, fraternizing that went on, fraternizing, the fraternizing,
bravura - bravado, virtuosity, Bravura
brblat - grouse, grumble, grumbling, be grumpy, grumpy
brebentit - yap, chatter, jabber, a Jabber, gabble
brebtat - splutter, spluttering
breptat - stutter, natter
breviář - breviary, a breviary, breviary of, the breviary
bridž - bridge
brigáda - Brigade of, the brigade, brigade
briketa - briquette, briquet, Briquettes, pellet, the briquette
brilantina - brilliantine
brilantní - the brilliant, brilliant, a brilliant, sparkling
brioška - bun, brioche
brk - the quill, quill, quill pen, a quill, BRK
brloh - slum, stye, den, sty, lair
brnění - tingling, armor, the armor, equipment
brnět - to tingle, tingling, tingle
brod - wade, ford, the ford, Brod, a ford
brokát - brocade, a brocade
bronchitida - bronchitis, of bronchitis
bronchiální - bronchial, of bronchial, the bronchial, airflow, airway
bronz - bronze medal, the bronze, brass, bronze, a bronze
bronzovaný - bronzed
bronzování - bronzing, from bronzing, free from bronzing
broskev - the peach, apricot, peach, a peach
brouk - a bug, beetle, a beetle, bug, the beetle
broukání - babbling, murmurs, humming
brousit - cut, to grind, grind, whet, sharpen
brož - a brooch, pin, Brož, paperback, brooch
brožura - pamphlet, of brochure, brochure, paperback, booklet
brumlat - mutter, murmur, drone, drone on
brunátný - flushed, blowzy, ruddy, red-faced, flushed with
brus - rubber, Brus, grindstone, whetstone, cut
brusivo - abrasives, abrasive material, an abrasive, abrasive, the abrasive
brusič - cutter, grinder, sharpener, turner
bruslař - skater, the skater, a skater
brusle - skates, skate, the skate, ice skate, skating
bruslení - Ice skating, of skating, skating, skating Ice skating
brutalita - brutality, the brutality, brutality of, the brutality of
brutto - the gross, gross, a gross
brutálnost - viciousness, brutality
brutální - violent, the brutal, beastly, vicious, brutal
bručení - hum, grunting, growl, rumble, snarl
bručet - growl, grouch, grumble, grouse, snarl
bručoun - grumbler, grouch, crosspatch, nag, growler
brynda - mess, slops, fix, slipslop
bryskní - curt, brusque
brzda - the brake, drag, brakes, brake is, brake
brzdit - hinder, brake, impede, hamper, apply the brakes
brzdění - braking, the braking, braking of, brake
brzo - soon be, shortly, early in, early, soon
brzy - the early, early, soon, back soon, shortly
brána - the gateway, the gate, gate, gateway, door
bránice - of the diaphragm, skirt, midriff, diaphragm, the diaphragm
bránit - to defend, defend, hinder, impede, obstruct
brány - gates, gateway, gate, the gate, harrow
brát - to take, take into, taken, taking, take
brázda - gap, trough, furrow, wake, rut
brázdit - plowing, plow, ridge, roam, travel the
brýle - eyeglasses, glasses, goggles, eye, spectacles
brčko - straw, Brčko, drinking straw, Brcko, a straw
buben - drum is, a drum, the drum, reel, drum
bubeník - a drummer, drummer of, the drummer, percussionist, drummer
bublat - gurgle, to bubble, babble, burble, bubble
bublina - bubble, bubble of, a bubble, the bubble, balloon
bublání - gurgle, bubbling of, bubbling, guggle
bubnovat - beat, drum, to drum, drumming, drum up
bubínek - eardrum, tympanum, the drum, tambourine, drum
buclatý - a plump, a chubby, chubby, plump
budit - wake up, to wake, wake, give the, draw
budižkničemu - good-for-nothing, wastrel, good for nothing
budka - booth, kiosk, public pay, cab, box
budoucnost - future, the future, future of, the future of, future of the
budoucí - prospective, the future, of future, future, a future
budova - building, buildings, building of, house, the building
budovat - building, build a, to build, build, construct
budovatel - the builder, builder of the, builder of, builder, a builder
budování - building a, building of, building, build
budoár - boudoir, the boudoir, a boudoir
budíček - wake up call, wakey, reveille, rouse
bufet - cafeteria, snack bar, a buffet, buffet, canteen
bujarý - hilarious, sprightly, exuberant, mad, jaunty
bujení - the proliferation of, proliferation, the proliferation, growths, proliferation of
bujnost - exuberance of, richness, luxuriance, exuberance, sprightliness
bujný - rampant, coltish, exuberant, luxuriant, lush
bukač - heron, The Bukač, Bukac, Bukač, Bittern
buket - bouquet, bouquet and, bouquet of, the bouquet
bukolický - bucolic, a bucolic
buldok - bulldog, a bulldog, the Bulldog, Bulldog a
bulvár - tabloid, the boulevard, boulevard, tabloids, avenue
bumerang - the boomerang, boomerang, roost, a boomerang
bunda - anorak, jacket, jacket by
buničina - cellulose, wood pulp, the pulp, pulp
bunkr - shelter, bunkers, the bunker, bunker, a bunker
buněčný - the cell, cell, a cell, cellular, the cellular
burleskní - the burlesque, a burlesque, burlesque
burza - stock market, exchange, stock exchange, job exchange, the Exchange
burácení - roar, thunder, crashing, rage, rumble
burácet - bluster, boom, rumble, thunder, rage
buržoa - by the bourgeois, bourgeois, the bourgeois
buržoazie - the bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie, of the bourgeoisie, bourgeois
buržoazní - bourgeois, of the bourgeois, the bourgeois, of bourgeois, a bourgeois
busola - compass
busta - bust, bust of, a bust of, a bust, the bust
butan - -butan, -butane, butane gas, butane
butik - boutique, a boutique
buzení - Tea, wake Up, Up, excitation, Plasma
buzola - magnetic compass, compass, the magnetic compass
bučení - the lowing, moo, mooing, boos, lowing of
bučet - moo, booing, bellow
buňka - cells, a cell, cell, the cell, cell is
buňkový - the cellular, a cellular, cellular
buřič - a firebrand, firebrand, an agitator, rioter, troublemaker
buřičský - riotous, bolshy, rave, seditious, rebellious
buš - scrubland, bushland, bush, outback, the bush
bušení - throb, pounding, the pounding, palpitations, hammering
bušit - pant, palpitate, knock, throb, thump
bydlení - habitation, living, housing, of housing, residence
bydlet - stay, to stay, reside, live, dwell
bydliště - residence, place, resident, place of residence, of residence
bydlící - resident, residents, living, domiciled, residing
bylina - an herb, herb, plant, the herb, herbaceous plant
bylinka - herb, herb for, an herb, a herb
bylinkář - the herbalist, a herbalist, herbalist, an herbalist
byro - bureau, The Bureau, Bureau of, Cominform, Bureau of the
byrokracie - red tape, bureaucracy, the bureaucracy, of bureaucracy
byrokrat - a bureaucrat, bureaucrat, bureaucrats, the bureaucrat
byrokratický - red tape, a bureaucratic, bureaucratic, bureaucracy, the bureaucratic
bysta - a bust, bust, the bust of, the bust, bust of
bystrost - subtlety, acumen, smartness, quickness, brightness
bystrozrak - acumen, perspicacity
bystrozraký - perspicacious
bystrý - perspicacious, bright, clever, shrewd
bystřina - stream at, stream, a torrent, torrents, torrent
bystřit - to sharpen the, sharpen, sharpening, to sharpen, sharpen the
byt - flat, apartment, home, Two, Three
bytost - creature, entity, being, beings, a being
bytostný - utter, substantive, temperamental, vital, a vital
bytí - existence, being the, being, of being, being a
bzukot - murmur, hum, buzz, drone, whir
bzučení - drone, whirr, humming, hum, buzzing
bzučet - buzz, whir, hum, generate whirring sounds, whirr
bzučák - a buzzer, the buzzer, The beeper, beeper, buzzer
bádat - researching, search after, research, do research
bádavý - investigative, investigatory
bádání - research, exploration, investigation, of research, inquiry
báje - legends, myths, saga, fable, myth
bájeslovný - mythology, the Mythology
bájesloví - mythology, of mythology, the mythology, mythologies, mythology of
báječný - groovy, wonderful, great, yummy, fabulous
báječně - wonderful, fabulously, great, wonderfully, beautifully
bál - afraid, feared, ball, was afraid, afraid of
báně - canopy, cupolas, pitchers, dome, the dome
bárka - barque, gallant, narrowboat, a barge, barge
báseň - poem by, a poem, poem of, poem, the poem
básnický - the poetic, poetic, a poetical, a poetic, poetical
básnictví - the poetry, poetry of, poetry, of poetry
básník - a poet, poet, poet of, the poet
báze - the base, a base, bases, base, basis
bázeň - awe, the fear, fear of, the fear of, fear
bázlivost - shyness, fearfulness, timidity, timidness, shy
bázlivý - timorous, fearful, tremulous, timid
bázlivě - timid, gingerly, awe, fearfully, timidly
báňský - Mining, of Mines, the mining, a mining, Mines
bérec - the lower leg, lower leg, leg, shin, tibia
béčko - B corridor, bin
béžový - a beige, beige
bída - poverty, misery, squalor, destitution, the misery
bídný - squalid, scurvy, miserable, pitiful, wretched
bídácký - miscreant
bílit - whitewash, bleach, whiten, etiolate, blanch
bílkovina - protein, a protein, protein of, the protein, albumen
bít - hitting, beat, hit, hitting the, beating
bóje - the buoys, a buoy, buoy, the buoy, buoys
bór - boron, the boron
býk - ox, bull, a bull, taurus, the bull
býložravec - herbivore, a herbivore, an herbivore, herbivores
být - be, be a, are, to be
bývalý - the former, a former, former, ex
bědovat - wail, whine, lamenting, moan, lament
bědování - whine, moan, lament, wail, lamentation
bědující - wailful, wailing, lamenting
běh - course of, course, running, race, run
běhat - jog, to run, jogging, running, run
během - when, over, during, within, during the
běhoun - cursor, the tread, tire tread, tread, tread of
běhání - walking tracks, jogging, running, of running
bělet - Belet, run much, Beleta
bělice - dace, whiting, roaches, roach, whitefish
bělit - bleach, be bleached, whiten, whitened, bleached
bělič - fuller, bleacher, of bleach, bleach
běloba - whiteout, whiteness, ceruse, white, white paint
běloch - paleface, white man, caucasian, white, a white man
bělost - whiteness, the whiteness, brightness, the whiteness of, whiteness of
běsnit - seethe, raging, rave, rage, ramp
běsnění - the fury, Rampage, fury, fury of, rage
běžec - runner, the runner, a runner, traveler, jogger
běžet - run, to run, work, running, run the
běžný - usual, current, common, going, ordinary
běžící - running, the running, runs, a running
břeh - coast, ashore, bank, shore, side
břemeno - proof, of proof, weight, burden, onus
břevno - bar, beam, crossbar, the bar, the crossbar
břečka - dishwater, slurry, a slurry, slush, mush
břečťan - ivy, the ivy, with ivy, of ivy
břichatý - potbellied, paunchy, bellied, abdominous
břicho - the abdomen, stomach, abdomen, belly, tummy
břichomluvec - a ventriloquist, ventriloquist
břichomluvectví - ventriloquism
břidlice - slate, slates, of slate, shales, shale
břinkot - clink, jangle
břitkost - poignancy
břitký - crisp, incisive, trenchant, crushing, poignant
břitva - the razor, a razor, razor
břišní - ventral, lap, abdominal, the abdominal, belly
břídil - loser, cowboy, bungler, a failure, a bungler
břídilství - botches, bungling
břídit - bungle
bříza - a birch, of birch, birch, birch tree
bůh - a god, god of, God has, the god, god
bůžek - Bůžek, little god, of god, idol, god
cancour - tatters
cecek - teat, tit
cech - craft, the guild, guild of, guild, the guild of
cecík - teat, teats
cedit - sieve, to strain, strain
cedník - cullender, percolator, colander, strainer, sieve
cedovat - cede
cedule - Car Door Magnets, plates, banners, sign, signs
cedulka - label, tag, sign saying, ticket, logo tag
cedítko - strainer
cejch - brand, a brand, branded, stigma, brand of
cejchovat - calibrated, calibrate, to gauge, hallmark, to calibrate
cejn - CEJN, bream, zope, breams
ceknout - peep
cele - for all over, fully, cell, wholly, all over
celebrovat - celebrate the, officiating, officiate, celebrate, to celebrate
celek - totality, whole, unit, all, complex
celibát - the celibate, the celibacy, celibacy, celibate
celistvost - wholeness, integrity, entirety, integrity of, the integrity
celistvý - undivided, solid, compact, integral, entire
celkem - altogether, total, a total, overall, total of
celkový - total, overall, aggregate, general, global
celnice - customs house, customs office, customhouse, customs
celní - the customs, the tariff, customs, tariff, duty
celofán - coated regenerated cellulose film, cellophane paper, regenerated cellulose film, cellophane,
a cellophane paper
celonárodní - a nationwide, national, nationwide, a national
celost - totality, totality of, the totality of, the totality, wholeness
celostátní - the national, nationwide, a national, national
celtovina - tarpaulin, duck
celý - entire, whole, round, the whole, all
cembalo - harpsichord, a harpsichord, the harpsichord
cementace - cementation of, cementation, of cementation, cementing, carburizing
cementovat - cement
cena - cost, price, award, costs, prize
cenina - postal stationery predates, postal stationery, tokens of, valuable item, tokens
cenit - appreciate the, to appreciate, appreciate, prize, value
cenný - the valuable, precious, valuable, a valuable, valued
centigram - centigram
centimetr - centimeter of, centimeter, a centimeter, inch of, inch
centralizace - centralization, centralization of, of centralization, the centralization, centralizing
centralizovat - centralize the, centralize, centralized, to centralize, centralizing
centrifuga - centrifuge, a centrifuge, centrifuge is, the centrifuge, centrifuges
centripetální - centripetal
centrista - the centrist, centrist, a centrist
centrum - center of, center, Centre, facility
centrála - office, headquarters of, head office, headquarters
centrální - downtown, the central, center, central, a central
cenzor - censor was, censor, the censor, a censor
cenzura - censors, censorship, censor, censorship of, the censorship
cenzurovat - censoring, censor, to censor, censor the, to censor the
ceremoniál - ceremonies, ceremony, ceremonial, the ceremony, ceremony of
ceremoniální - the ceremonial, ceremonial, a ceremonial
certifikát - certificate, certificate of, certified, the certificate, a certificate
cesium - is cesium, Caesium
cesmína - holly, the holly, a holly, ilex
cesta - road, route, journey, path, way
cestička - path, pathway, trail, walkway, lane
cestovat - travel, traveling, touring, to travel
cestovatel - a traveler, the traveler, Traveller, traveler, explorer
cestování - of travel, travel, traveling, Travelling, Flight
cestující - passengers, traveler, the passenger, travelers, passenger
cetka - spangle, bauble, trinket
cezení - straining of, sieving, of straining, straining the, straining
chabost - vapidity, debility
chabý - poor, sickly, lame, torpid, wan
chalcedon - agate, chalcedony, a chalcedony, of Chalcedon, Chalcedon
chaloupka - and Gretel, cottage, Cabin, Gretel
chaluha - kelp, Skua, sea hawk, seaweed
chamtivost - greed, cupidity, the greed, the greed of, greed of
chamtivý - grasping, greedy, the greedy, covetous, a greedy
chaotický - messy, a chaotic, disorganized, a messy, chaotic
chapadlo - the tentacle, gripper, grippers, tentacle, the gripper
charakter - nature, nature of, the character, character of, character
charakteristický - distinctive, a characteristic, characteristic, typical, characterized by
charakteristika - characterization, characteristic, nature, characteristics, characteristics of
charakterizovat - characterize the, to characterize, characterize, describe, characterized
chata - cabin, lodge, shelter, hut, cottage
chatrný - shaky, shoddy, tatty, unsound, jejune
chatrč - shack, hut, hovel, cabin, shanty
chcípnout - conk out, to die, conk, you die, die
chemický - chemical, the chemical, of chemical, chemicals, a chemical
chemie - chemicals, Chemical, chemistry, of Chemistry
chemik - a chemist, the chemist, chemist
cherubín - a cherub, of cherub, every cherub, cherub
chichotat - titter, giggle, cackle, giggling, giggles
chichotání - chuckle, giggles, titter, giggling, snigger
chiméra - chimera of, pipedream, chimera, sea monster, a chimera
chimérický - chimeric, chimaeric, a chimeric, the chimeric, the chimaeric
chiromantie - chiromancy
chirurg - a surgeon, surgeon, the surgeon
chirurgický - surgical, a surgical, surgery, the surgical
chlad - cool, cold, coolness, coldness, chill
chladit - refrigerate, cool, cooled, chill, to cool
chladič - chiller, the radiator, heat sink, radiator, cooler
chladnička - fridge, refrigerator
chladnost - coolness of, coolness, coldness, the coolness, the coldness
chladnout - cool for, cool, cool down, to cool, to cool for
chladný - chilly, cold, the cold, cool, chill
chladně - calmly, coldly, cool, cold, coolly
chlap - fellow, man, bloke, chap, guy
chlapec - lad, the boy, boy, a boy
chlapecký - boy, Boys', Boys, boyish
chlapík - man, guy, a guy, chap, fellow
chlazení - refrigeration, the cooling, cooling of, cooling, cooling system
chlebník - haversack
chlebíček - sandwich, Open sandwich, a sandwich, bread, pies
chlemtat - lick, lap up, lapp
chlopeň - lip, the flap, valve, flap, tab
chlorečnan - a chlorate, chlorate, the chlorate
chloroformovat - A chloroform, The chloroform, chloroform, chloroformic
chlorofyl - of chlorophyll, chlorophyll, chlorophyl, the chlorophyll
chlorát - chlorate are, chlorate
chlubil - boaster, bouncer, boasted, bragged, boasted of
chlubivost - boastfulness
chlup - whisker, exactly, hairs, hair
chlupatý - hairy, hirsute, furry, fuzzy, rough
chlácholení - reassurance, soothing
chlácholit - soothe, pacify
chládek - cool, Chládek, Chladek, coolness, shade
chlápek - a guy, the guy, bloke, chap, guy
chléb - of bread, bread of, bread, the bread, beans
chlév - shed of, cattle shed, barn, cowshed, a cowshed
chlípnost - pruriency, prurience, lechery, lasciviousness, lecherousness
chlípník - a lecher, lecher
chlípný - prurient, ruttish, lecherous, randy, salacious
chmel - the hops, of hops, hops, offer hop, hop
chmura - gloom, Clouds, frown
chmurný - dreary, gloomy, dismal, drear, grim
chmuřit - gloom
chmýří - fuzz, fluff
chobot - trunk, proboscis, the trunk
chobotnice - the octopus, octopuses, squid, octopus, an octopus
chochol - tassel, crest, topknot, plume, tuft
chocholatý - crested, Hoopoe, tufted
chocholka - tuft, crest, topknot
chod - operation, run, motion, course, running
chodba - passage, gallery, hall, hallway, corridor
chodbička - gangway, aisle, a corridor, passageway, corridor
chodec - walker, a walker, goer, a pedestrian, pedestrian
chodidlo - sole, the sole, foot, foot is, the foot
chodit - to go, to walk, walk, come, go
chodník - footpath, sidewalk, walkway, pavement, path
cholerický - a choleric, choleraic, choleric, the choleric
cholesterol - the cholesterol, cholesterol level
chomout - yoke, the yoke, horse-collar, oxbow
chomáč - clump, wad, tuft, bunch, tuft of
choralista - chorister, a chorister
choroba - disease of, illness, disease, the disease
chorobný - sickly, morbid, sick, diseased, unhealthy
choroboplodný - disease-causing
choromyslný - mentally ill, deranged, insane, was insane
chorál - chant, choral, the chorale, Hymn, chorale
chorální - the choral, choral, chant, plainchant, chorale
choulostivost - queasiness, nicety, tenderness, sensitivity of, touchiness
choulostivý - squeamish, tricky, ticklish, tender, delicate
choutka - Choutka
chov - rearing, breeding, breeding of, farming, breed
chovat - harbor, breed, rear, act, behave
chovatel - keeper, farmer, breeder of, breeder, the breeder
chování - conduct, behavior of, behavior, the behavior of, the behavior
chození - pacing, foot traffic, walk, walking, going
choť - consort of, husband, spouse, consort
chrabrost - valor, Courage, Bravery, gallantry, Valour
chrabrý - valiant, stalwart, valorous, doughty
chrapot - hoarse voice, hoarseness, hoarseness of
chraptivý - the hoarse, husky, raucous, hoarse, a hoarse
chrastit - to rattle, rattling, jangle, rattle
chrastítko - rattle, a rattle, of rattle, the rattle
chrchel - expectoration, gob, sputum, spittle
chrchlat - expectorating
chrestomatie - chrestomathy
chrlit - disgorge, churn out, grind out, belch, spout
chrlič - gargoyle, belcher, spout, a gargoyle, spouter
chrochtat - grunt, to grunt, grunting
chromatický - chroma, chromatic, a chromatic, the chromatic
chromozóm - chromosome, engineered chromosome, a chromosome, the chromosome, chromosome
chromý - crippled, the lame, cripple, lame, a lame
chronický - a chronic, the chronic, chronic
chronologický - chronological order, chronologic, the chronological, a chronological, chronological
chronometr - a chronometer, chrono, timepiece, the chronometer, chronometer
chroupat - munch, chewing, crunch, champ
chroupavý - crunchy, a crisp, crisp
chroustat - crunch
chrpa - cornflower, knapweed
chrt - hound, greyhound, borzoi, a greyhound
chrupat - scrunch
chrupavka - cartilage is, cartilage, gristle, the cartilage
chrupavý - crusty, crisp
chrupavčitý - cartilaginous, gristly
chrám - the temple, temple of, cathedral, church, temple
chránit - guard, to protect, protect, preserve, defend
chránič - protectors, guard, protector, breaker, pad
chránící - protecting the, protective, protects, protect, protecting
chráněnost - of immunity
chránění - protect, protecting, protection, protecting the, protected
chrápat - doss down, to snore, snoring, snore
chtivost - craving, avidity, greed, lust
chtivý - lickerish, avid, eager, greedy, hungry
chtít - choose, may want, want, want to, wish
chtění - willing, volition, wanting to, wanting, of wanting
chuchvalcovitý - clogged, a clogged
chuchvalec - wad, burl, fluff, clot, lump
chudoba - of poverty, poverty, poverty is
chudobinec - a poorhouse, almshouse, poorhouse, workhouse, a workhouse
chudobka - daisy, Chudobka
chudokrevnost - encourage anemia, anemia in, anemia
chudokrevný - anemic, an anemic
chudost - poverty
chudák - pauper, poor devil, poor chap, wretch, poor man
chumel - cluster of, knot of, huddle, tangle, flurry
chumlat - the huddle, knot of, the knot, huddle, tangle
chumáč - scraggle, topknot, wad, tussock, shock
chundelatý - a bushy, fleecy, shaggy, bushy
churavost - infirmity, ailment, ill health
churavý - valetudinary, sick, indisposed, ill, poorly
chutnat - taste like, eating, to taste, enjoy, taste
chutný - tasty, palatable, appetizing, toothsome, delicious
chuďas - pauper, the Pauper, a pauper
chuť - flavor, fancy, taste of, appetite, taste
chuťový - flavor, taste, gustatory, by taste, the taste
chvalitebný - laudable, praised, commendable, praiseworthy, be praised
chvalozpěv - paean, a hymn, canticle, panegyric, hymn
chvalořečník - eulogist, encomiast, panegyrist
chvastoun - swank, roisterer, loudmouth, braggart, coxcomb
chvat - rush, haste, expedition, grip, lick
chvilkový - the momentary, transitory, momentary, the momentous, a momentary
chvost - jock, tail, tail of, oxtail, the tail
chvála - commendation, the praise, glory, praise, laud
chválit - praising, praise, praise the, commend, to praise
chvályhodný - commendable, creditable, meritorious, laudable, praiseworthy
chvástavost - rant, vainglory, magniloquence
chvástavý - swanky, swashbuckler, blustery, vainglorious, the vaunted
chvástání - swagger, boast, jazz, bravado, brag
chvíle - while, moments, moment, minute, the moment
chvění - tremor, vibration, oscillation, tingle, trembling
chyba - error, fault, bug, failure, mistake
chybit - slip, blunder
chybný - bad, wrong, erroneous, faulty, false
chybně - mistakenly, wrong, wrongly, incorrectly, erroneously
chybějící - the lack, lack, the missing, lack of, missing
chybět - miss, be missing, lack, be absent, missing
chycení - catching, capture, caught, catch, capturing
chystat - setting the, getting ready, prepare
chytat - catch, catch the, catching, to catch, to catch the
chytačka - Seeker, play Seeker
chytit - grab, to catch, seize, catch the, catch
chytrost - cleverness, shrewdness, contraption, cunning, the cleverness
chytrácký - crafty, cunning
chytrý - clever, a smart, bright, shrewd, smart
chytání - Kicking, catch, catching, Handling, fielding
chytře - smart, cleverly, clever, smartly, intelligently
chámový - Ham, cham, of Ham
chápat - understand, perceive, comprehend, grasp, see
chápavost - perceptive capacity, prehension, the perceptive capacity, perceptive capacity of,
chápavý - sympathetic, percipient, knowing, understanding, receptive
chápání - understanding of the, perception, understanding, understanding of, comprehension
chátra - mob, rabble, scum, the rabble, riffraff
chátrat - to dilapidate, fall into disrepair, to decay, dilapidate, break up
chátrání - decay, deterioration, dilapidation, dereliction, the decay
chórista - chorister, chorus singer
chýlit - incline, be coming
chýše - huts, hut, the hut, House
chňapat - snap, snatching, snatch, clutching, snapping
chňapnout - nab, snatch, snap, grab, to snatch
chřadnout - wilt, languish, pine, wither, wither away
chřadnutí - pining, wasting disease by, wasting Disease, wasting, decline
chřest - of asparagus, the asparagus, asparagus
chřestit - rattling, rattle
chřestot - rattle
chřestítko - rattle
chřestění - rattles, the rattle, the rattling, rattling, rattle
chřipka - influenza, the flu, flu
chřtán - Mouth of, maw, maw of, throat, gizzard
chřupat - scrunch, dentures, denture, teeth, set of teeth
chřástal - crake, Corn crake, corncrake, the corncrake, Rail
chůze - walk away, walking, walk, gait
cibule - onion, bulbs, bulb, onions, of onion
ciferník - watch face, the dial, face, clock face, dial
cifra - digit, the digit, digit on, digit of, figure
cigareta - cigarette, fag, a cigarette, the cigarette, cigarettes
cihelna - brickyard, a brickyard, brickworks
cikorka - chicory dry, the chicory, chicory
cikáda - a cicada, of cicada, of a cicada, cicada, cicala
cikánka - Gypsy, gipsy woman, Gipsy, Tzigane, gypsy woman
cikánský - gipsy, the Gypsy, a gypsy, Gypsy, Tzigane
cinkat - jingle, clink, jangle, jingling, tinkle
cinkot - jingle, the clink, jingle of, tinkle, chink
cinkání - clink, tinkling, clinking, jingle, tinkle
cinobr - cinnabar
cintat - dribble, slobber
cirkulace - circulation, recirculation, the circulation, circulating
cirkulovat - circulate the, circulate, circulated, to circulate, circulating
cirkus - Cirkus, circus, a circus, circus of, the circus
cisterna - cisterns, Cisterna, tanker, cistern, tank
cit - feeling, sentiment, emotion, feel, sensitivity
citace - citations, quotations, quote, citation, quotes
citadela - citadel of, citadel, the citadel, Citadela, the citadel of
citelný - appreciable, telling, noticeable, perceptible, an appreciable
citera - the zither, a zither, zither
citlivka - sissy, mimosa, squeamish
citlivost - sensitivity of, sensibility, susceptibility, sensitivity, tenderness
citlivý - sensitive, susceptible, delicate, responsive
citoslovce - interjection of, interjections of, interjection, interjections, an interjection
citovat - to quote, citing, quote, cite, of citing
citovost - emotionality, sentimentality, sensibility, emotional substance
citování - quoting, citing, quotation, of citation, citation
citový - affection, the emotional, affective, an emotional, emotional
citronáda - lemonade, lemonade are, made lemonade, limeade, lemon-squash
citrón - lemon, a lemon, citron, the lemon
citát - a quote, citation, a quotation, quote, quotation
civilista - the civilian, civilian, a civilian
civilizace - civilizations, civilization, civilization of, of civilization
civilizovat - civilise, to civilize, civilize the, civilize, civilized
civilizování - Civilization
civilní - civilian, the civilian, civil, the civil, of civil
civilně - Civ, civilian, civil, the civil, the civilian
civět - gawk, to stare, gape, stare, staring
cizina - foreign countries, Other countries, foreign land
cizinec - foreigner, stranger, the alien, alien, a foreigner
cizokrajný - exotic, outlandish, use exotic, of exotically, exotically
cizoložník - the adulterer, adulterer, an adulterer
cizoložný - adulterous, adultery, an adulterous, adulterous generation, having an adulterous
cizoložství - of adultery, committing adultery, adulteries, adultery
cizopasník - parasite from the, parasite, a parasite, parasite from
cizopasný - of parasitic, parasitical, parasitic
cizorodý - extraneous, a foreign, foreign, alien, the foreign
cizozemec - barbarian, stranger, the stranger, foreigner
cizák - outlander
cizí - strange, foreign, the foreign, a foreign, alien
clo - duties, customs duties, duty, customs duty, customs
clona - diaphragm, screen, iris, shield, shade
cloumat - rattling the, rattling, pull about, pluck
co - as, what, the, you, who
cop - plait, pigtail, ponytail, braid
couvat - to reverse, backing, back, reverse, to back
couvnout - back out, balk, blench, retreat, flinch
cpát - stuffing, crowding, ram, gorging, gorge
ctihodný - honorable, reverend, venerable, worshipful, worthy
ctitel - venerator, worshiper, admirer, admirer of
ctižádost - ambition to, ambitions, the ambition, ambition of, ambition
ctižádostivý - an ambitious, aspiring, ambitious, an aspiring, pushy
ctižádostivě - Ambitious, ambitiously
ctnost - virtue of, the virtue of, a virtue, virtue, the virtue
ctnostný - the virtuous, virtuous, chaste, a virtuous
ctít - honor, worship, revere, respect, venerate
ctěný - revered, reputable, honored, honorable, revered by
cucat - suck, suck the, sucked, sucking, to suck
cuchat - rough
cuchta - frump, slag, slut
cudnost - chastity of, purity, chastity, modesty, the chastity
cudný - prudish, chaste, modest, anomalous, vestal
cukernatý - saccharine
cukr - the sugar, sugar, of sugar
cukrovat - sugaring, bill, Sugar
cukrovka - diabetes, diabetes mellitus, sugar beet, diabetic
cukrový - sugar, a sugar, saccharine, the sugar, sugary
cukrárna - pastry shop, patisserie, confectioner's, sweetshop
cukrátko - goody, Candy
cukrář - the equipmen, pastry chef, equipmen, confectioner, a confectioner
cukrářství - confectionery, confectioner's, pastry, Candy
cukřenka - a sugar bowl, caster, sugar bowl, sugar basin, the sugar bowl
cumel - sop, a pacifier, pacifier
cupitat - patter, scurry, scuttle
cvakat - chattering, chatter, to chatter, snapping
cvaknout - click, snap
cvik - an exercise, exercise, the exercise
cvičebnice - exercise book, workbook, activity books, textbook, exercise books
cvičenec - exerciser, the practitioner, trainee, gymnast, practitioner is
cvičení - exercise, tutorial, practice, exercises, drill
cvičený - practiced by, a trained, trained to, practiced, trained
cvičit - train, drill, practice, exercise, training
cvičitel - trainer of, fitness instructor, the Training, trainer, instructor
cvok - hobnail, stud, nutcase, kook, loon
cvrlikat - of Twitter, chirk, twitter, chirp, chirrup
cvrlikání - twitter, chirping, the chirping, chirping of, chirp
cvrček - Cvrcek, cricket, a cricket, cicada, Cvrček
cválat - to gallop, trot, canter, gallop, galloping
cyklický - the cyclic, cyclic, cyclical, a cyclic, circular
cyklista - bicyclist, rider, biker, cyclist, the cyclist
cyklistika - cycling, Facilities Cycling, bicycling, biking
cyklon - cyclone, the cyclone, cyclones, Zyklon, a cyclone
cyklus - cycle, the cycle, loop, cycle of, series
cylindrický - a cylindrical, cylinder, cylindrical, cylindric, the cylindrical
cynický - cynical, the cynical, cynic, a cynical, sardonic
cynik - the cynic, a cynic, cynic, cynical
cynismus - cynicism, the cynicism of, cynicism of, the cynicism
cysta - cyst, cysts, the cyst, cyst of, a cyst
cytoplazma - cytoplasm of, cytoplasm, the cytoplasm, the cytoplasm of, cytoplasmic
cákat - splash around, splash, drip, ones splash, slosh
cár - tzar, rag, tsar, scrap, czar
césura - caesura
cévnatý - OF VASCULAR, CEVNI, vascular, ECIW, vasculo
cévní - vessel, the vascular, vascular, the vessel, of vascular
cídit - scour
cíl - goal, aim, objective, target, destination
cílení - target, the targeting, targeted, targeting, pointing
cílit - target your, targeted, target, targeting, to target
cín - the tin, pewter, of tin, tin
cínování - tin, tin coating, tin plating, tinning
cíp - corner, tip of, lappet, tip, corner of
církevní - ecclesiastical, the Church, church, ecclesiastic, religious
císař - by Emperor, Emperor of, the Emperor, emperor
císařský - caesarean, imperial, the imperial, Emperor, an imperial
císařství - empires, imperial, empire, the Empire
cítit - sense, to feel, feel the, smell, feel
cítění - sentience, sentiments, feelings, sentiment, feeling
cívka - reel, spool, coil, the coil, bobbin
dabovat - the dub, dub, dubbing, dub of, to dub
daktylský - dactylic
daleko - much, far away, from here, far, away
dalekohled - binoculars, the telescope, a telescope, the binoculars, telescope
dalekosáhlý - far-reaching, extensive, far reaching
dalekozrakost - hyperopia, hypermetropia, sightedness, farsightedness
dalekozraký - farsighted, are long, sighted
daleký - a far, distant, the far, long, far
další - further, other, next, another, additional
daný - given, the, that, a given, the given
dar - gift, gift of, present, offering, donation
dareba - pickle, scapegrace, rag, rogue, little devil
darebnost - trick, mischief, trickery, mischievousness
darebácký - knavish, roguish, naughty, rogue
darebáctví - of wrongdoing, wrongdoing, roguery, knavery, villainy
darebák - wretch, rascal, scoundrel, villain, crook
darování - the donation, donation, donating, donation of, presentation
dativ - the dative, dative of, the dative case, dative, dative case
datle - Date, Raisins, woodpeckers, dates
datovat - to date, dating, dating back, date, dated
datum - date of, date, the date of, dates, the date
dav - mob, crowd of, throng, crowd, the crowd
daň - the tax, tax, tax is, duty, a tax
daňový - fiscal, tax, taxable, the tax, a tax
dbalý - mindful of, mindful of the, mindful, abiding, conscientious
dbát - comply, mind, respect, heed, follow
dcera - the daughter, daughter of, daughter, the daughter of
debakl - debacle, rout, debacle of, the debacle, the debacle of
debata - debate, a debate, discussion, the debate, debate over
debatovat - canvass, discuss, debate, talk, dispute
debet - overdraft, the debit, overdraft of, debit of, debit
debil - asshole, moron, sod, retard, prick
debilita - moronism, debility, Debilitated
debutant - debutant who, debutante, a debutant
decentní - subtle, quiet, a decent, decent, unobtrusive
decentralizace - the decentralization, of decentralization, devolution, decentralization,
decentralization of
decentralizovat - decentralized, to decentralize, decentralize the, decentralization, decentralize
dech - his breath, the breath, wind, breath, breath away
deci - dcl, gill, ounces, decilitre
decimetr - decimeter, decimetre, decimetre of, ten centimeters
decimovat - decimating the, decimate the, to decimate, decimating, decimate
dedikace - a dedication, training Dedication, inscription, training Dedication of, dedication
dedikovat - dedicate
dedukce - deduction, deductions, of deduction, reasoning, inference
dedukovat - deducing, deduce, to deduce, deduced, to infer
deduktivní - inferential, deduction, deductive, a deductive, the deductive
defekace - to defecate, of defecation, defecation, defecate
defekt - a defect, defect of, defect, puncture, the defect
defektní - faulty, defective, defect, a defective, the defective
deficit - a deficit, deficit of, the deficit, deficiency
defilovat - filing
defilé - defile, parade of, parade, the parade, march past
definice - the definition of, definition, the definition, definition of, definitions
definitivní - definite, final, definitive, permanent, ultimate
definitivně - definitive, finally, definitively, conclusively, definitely
definovat - to define, defined, define the, define a, define
definování - definition, definition of, defining the, defining, define
deflace - of deflation, the deflation, deflation, deflationary, deflation of
deflorace - deflowering, of defloration, defloration, losing your virginity
deformace - deformations, distortion, deformation, deformation of, strain
deformita - the deformity, deformity, deformity of the, deformity of, deformity is
deformovat - deformed, deform the, distort, to deform, deform
deformování - deforming, deformation, deform, warping, distortion
defraudace - revealing plunders of, embezzlement, embezzlement of, revealing plunders, revealing
plunders of the
defraudovat - embezzle, to defraud, defraud, cream off
degenerace - degeneration, degeneration of the, degeneration of, degeneracy of, degeneracy
degenerovaný - a degenerate, effete, the degenerate, degenerate, degenerated
degenerovat - to degenerate, degenerate, to deteriorate, degenerating, deteriorate
degenerování - degenerating
degradace - the degradation, degradation of, of degradation, degradation, the degradation of
degradovat - degrade, downgrade, reduce, demote, relegate
degustace - tasting of, degustation, tasting, tastings and, tastings
dehet - pitch, coal tar, the tar, tar
dehtovat - tar, tarring
dehydratovat - dehydrated, to dehydrate, dehydrate, be dehydrated, dehydrate the
dehydrovat - dehydrate
deismus - deism
deistický - deistic
deka - blanket, deca, a blanket, quilt, cover
dekadence - decadence, decadence of, of decadence, decadency, the decadence
dekadický - decimal, the decadic, a decimal, decadic
deklamace - declamations, declamation of, declamation
deklamační - declamatory, declamation
deklamovat - to declaim, reciting, recite, declaim, rant
deklamátor - declaimer
deklarace - declarations, the declaration, Declaration of, declaration, a declaration
deklarovat - declare, declare a, declare the, to declare, declaring
deklinace - declination of, declension, variation, the declination, declination
dekolonizace - the decolonization of, the decolonization, decolonization of, decolonization, of
dekorace - decorations, decoration
dekorativní - decorative
dekoratér - decorator, a decorator, the decorator
dekorační - decoration, decorative, decorating, the decorative, and decorative
dekorovat - decorating, decorate the, decorate, decorated, to decorate
dekorum - appearances, decorum, proprieties, up appearances, the decorum
dekret - the decree, decree of, a decree, decree, edict
dekáda - decade of, a decade, decade, the decade
delegace - delegation, a delegation, delegations, delegation of, the delegation
delegovat - delegated, delegate the, to delegate, delegate, delegate to
delegování - delegating, delegation, the delegation, delegation of, delegate
delegát - delegate, representative, a delegate, the delegate, delegate of
delfín - dolphin, a dolphin, the dolphin, dolphins
delikt - wrong, offense, delict, misdemeanor, misconduct
delikvent - wrongdoer, offender, the offender, delinquent, a delinquent
delikátní - delicate, delectable, a delicate, delicious, sensitive
delimitace - the delimitation of, of delimitation, the delimitation, delimitation, delimitation of
delimitovat - delimit
demagog - demagogue, the demagogue, a demagogue
demagogický - demagogical, demagogic, the demagogic, a demagogic, demagogy
demagogie - of demagogy, of demagoguery, demagogy of, demagogy, demagoguery
demarkace - the demarcation, demarcation of, the demarcation of, of demarcation, demarcation
demaskovat - to unmask, unmask the, unmask, expose, debunk
dementi - denial, disclaimer, a disclaimer, denials, disclaimers
demilitarizace - demilitarization of, the demilitarization of, demilitarization of the, demilitarization,
the demilitarization
demilitarizovat - demilitarize, demilitarizing, to demilitarize, to demilitarize the, demilitarize the
deminutivní - complete diminutive, diminutive
deminutivum - diminutive, diminutive of
demobilizace - Demobilisation, demobilization of, demobilization, the demobilization, the
demobilization of
demobilizovat - demobilize the, to demobilize the, demobilize, demob, to demobilize
demografický - demographic, demographics, the demographic, a demographic
demografie - the demographics, demographics, of demography, demography
demokracie - of democracy, democratic, democracy, democracies
demokrat - democrat, a Democrat, Democrats
demokratický - the democratic, democracy, a democratic, democratic
demokratizace - of democratization, democratization, the democratization, Democratisation,
democratization of
demolice - the demolition, the demolition of, demolition, demolitions, demolition of
demolovat - vandalizing, razing, vandalize, the razing, demolish
demonstrace - demo, demonstration of, demonstration activities, demonstration, demonstrations
demonstrovat - to demonstrate, demonstrate the, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating
demontovat - dismantled, dismount, dismantle, disassemble, disassembled
demontáž - dismantling of, removal, disassembly, disassembly of, dismantling
demoralizace - demoralization of the, demoralization, demoralization of, demoralisation, of
demoralizovat - to demoralize the, demoralizing the, demoralize, demoralize the, to demoralize
den - day of, day, one day, the day, date
denaturovat - denature, denaturate, denature the, to denature, denaturing
denní - daily, the daily, daytime, a daily, day
denně - Desk, day, daily, front desk, a day
dentista - dentist, remodeled by the dentist, a dentist, the dentist
dentální - the dental, of dental, a dental, dental
denunciace - denouncement, denunciation, a denunciation, denunciation of
denuncovat - denouncing, denounce, denounce the, inform against, to denounce
deník - daily, daily newspaper, journal, diary
deodorant - deodorizer, a deodorant
depeše - trap, dispatches, traps, dispatch, despatch
depilační - Hair Removal, depilatory, depilatories, depilation
depilátor - epilator, an epilator
depo - of Depo, Depo, the depot, depot, pits
deponovat - disposed, deposited, deposit, be disposed, to deposit
deponování - bailment, depositing, deposition of, deposit, deposition
deportace - deportation of, deportations, deportations of, the deportation, deportation
deportovaný - an exiled, deportee, deported, the exiled, exiled
deportovat - exile, deport, to deport, deporting, deported
depozitář - a depository, the Depositary, Depositary of, depository of, depository
deprese - depressions, depressed, of depression, depression
deprimovat - to depress the, dispirit, dishearten, to depress, depress
derivace - derivatives, the derivative, derivation, derivative of, derivative
derivovaný - derivatized, derived
derivovat - to derive, differentiate, derive, to differentiate, differentiating
deset - for ten, of ten, the ten, ten
desetiletí - decade, decade of, decades, decades of
desetina - one tenth, tenth of the, tenth, tenth of
desetinný - a decimal, the decimal, decimal
designovat - to design, design a
deska - board, plate, sheet, slab, panel
desky - boards, plates, plate, board, slabs
despocie - a despotism, despotism, of despotism, despotism of
despota - authoritarian, oppressor, satrap, tyrant, despot
despotický - arbitrary, masterful, oppressive, despotic, tyrannical
despotismus - the despotism of, the despotism, despotism of, despotism from, despotism
destilovat - to distil, distill, distil, for distillation, to distill
destilování - distilling is, distill, distilling the, distilling, distillation
destička - the plate, plate, pad, tablet, insert
destrukce - of destruction, the destruction, destruction of, destruction, the destruction of
destruktivní - the destructive, pernicious, destructive, a destructive
destrukční - destructing, destruction, destruct, bursting, destructive
desátek - a tithe, tithing, tithe, the tithe, tithes
desátník - corporal, a corporal, Corp, the corporal
desítka - ten, the ten, dozen, a dozen, ten of
desítkový - decimal, a decimal, the decimal
detail - details, detail of, detail of the
detailnost - detail of, punctuality, the level of detail, level of detail, of detail
detailní - closeup, detail, detailed, close
detašovat - detach
detekce - the detection, detection, detect, detecting, detection of
detektor - a detector, the detector, detector is, detectors, detector
determinace - Determination, Determination author, of determination
determinant - determinant of, the determinant, determinants, determinants of
determinismus - determinism of, deterministic, determinism
detonace - detonations, detonation of, of detonation, the detonation, detonation
detonovat - to detonate, detonate
devalvace - devaluation, the devaluation, devaluation of, depreciation, the devaluation of
devalvovat - depreciate, devalued, devalue the, to devalue, devalue
devastace - devastation of the, the devastation of, devastation of, devastation, the devastation
deviace - of deviance, deviance, deviation, deviation of, deviations
devátý - the ninth, ninth
devítina - ninth of, ninth, in nine
devítka - a nine, nine of, the nine, back nine, nine
devíza - foreign currency, guiding principle, foreign exchange, motto
devět - the nine, of nine, nine
dezerce - desertion of, the desertion, desertion, desertions, defection
dezert - dessert, desert, the dessert, a dessert
dezertovat - defect, desert, to desert, deserting, desert the
dezertér - defector, deserter, rat, a deserter
deziluze - disillusionment, of disillusionment, disillusion, of disillusion, disenchantment
dezinfekce - the disinfection, disinfection, disinfecting, of disinfection, disinfection of
dezinfikovat - to disinfect, be disinfected, disinfect, disinfected, disinfect the
dezintegrace - the disintegration, disintegration of the, disintegration of, disintegration, the
disintegration of
dezorganizace - of disorganization, disorganization, the disorganization, dislocation, disorganization
dezorganizovat - to disorganise, To disorganize, disorganise, disorganize, disorganize the
dezorientovat - disorient the, disorientate, to disorient the, to disorient, disorient
dešifrovat - decrypt, to decrypt, unscramble, decipher, decrypt the
dešifrování - decrypt the, decrypt, decrypting, decryption, decipherment
deštivý - rainy, a rainy, showery, wet, pluvial
deštník - the umbrella, umbrella, an umbrella
dešťový - windscreen wiper, rainy, rain, the rain, wiper
diabetický - with diabetic, a diabetic, the diabetic, diabetic
diabetik - a diabetic, diabetics, diabetic patient, diabetic, are diabetic
diadém - diadem of, the tiara, tiara, a tiara, diadem
diafragma - junction, diaphragms, diaphragm, the diaphragm
diagnostický - the diagnostic, diagnostics, diagnostic, scan, a diagnostic
diagnostika - diagnosis of, diagnostic, diagnostics of, diagnosis, diagnostics
diagnostikovat - diagnosis, diagnose, diagnose the, diagnosed, to diagnose
diagnóza - the diagnosis, a diagnosis, diagnosed, diagnosis of, diagnosis
diagonála - diagonal, diagonal of, diagonals, the diagonal, the diagonal of
diagonální - the diagonal, a diagonal, diagonal, for diagonal, of diagonal
diagram - chart, diagram of, chart of, a diagram
diagramový - diagrammatic, Diagram, a diagrammatic, diagrammatically, chart
diakritický - diacritical, diacritic
dialektický - dialectic, dialectical, a dialectical, a dialectic, the dialectical
dialektika - dialectic, the dialectic, dialectics of, dialectic of, dialectics
dialektologie - dialectology and, dialectology, dialects, for Dialectology, of dialectology
dialog - dialog box, dialogue, the dialogue, a dialogue
dialýza - dialysis is, dialysis
diamantový - the diamond, a diamond, Diamondback, diamond
diapozitiv - a slide, slide, transparency, slides, a transparency
diblík - Diblík, elfin, elf, Diblik
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UChicago CMSC 23320 - The Best Commit Messages of 2024

Cesko anglicky-online-slovnik

  • 1. Česko-Anglický Online Slovník abdikace - abdication, the abdication, abdicating, the abdication of, abdication of abdikovat - abdicate, to abdicate, resign, to resign, abdicate as abdominální - of the abdominal, the abdominal, abdomen, abdominal, of abdominal abeceda - of alphabet, alphabet of, alphabet, the alphabet, ABC abecední - the alphabetical, Abecední, alphabetical, alphabetic, an alphabetical aberace - aberrations are, aberration, aberration of, aberrations, abnormalities ablativ - ablative of, the ablative of, ablative case, the ablative, ablative abnormalita - abnormality of, abnormalities, an abnormality, abnormality of the, abnormality abnormální - the abnormal, by abnormal, an abnormal, of abnormal, abnormal abonent - subscriber, a subscriber absces - the abscess, abscess, an abscess, abscesses abscisa - the abscissa, an abscissa, abscissa, an abscissa are absentérství - absenteeism of, absentees, of absenteeism, absenteeism absint - absinth, the absinthe, absinthe absolutistický - despotic, arbitrary, absolutist, absolute, an absolutist absolutní - the absolute, an absolute, complete, of absolute, absolute absolutně - absolute, completely, an absolutely, totally, absolutely absorbovat - absorb the, to absorb the, absorbing, to absorb, absorb absorpce - the absorption, uptake, absorption of, absorption, of absorption absorpční - absorption, absorber, absorbent, the absorption, absorptive abstrakce - abstraction of, abstraction, abstractions, Abstract, of abstraction abstraktní - of abstract, the abstract, abstract, an abstract abstraktně - an abstract, the abstract, abstractly, abstract, in the abstract absurdita - an absurdity, the absurdity of, the absurd, absurdity, the absurdity absurdnost - absurdity, absurdity of, the absurdity, nonsense, the absurdity of absurdní - ridiculous, an absurd, the absurd, preposterous, absurd aby - in order, so, so that, to, that achát - an agate, agate adaptace - adaptations, adaptation of, adaptation, of adaptation, an adaptation adaptovat - adapting, adapt the, adapt, to adapt, adapted adekvátní - appropriate, adequately, suitable, adequate, an adequate adheze - the adhesion, of adhesion, adhesion of, adhesion, adhesions adhezní - the adhesion, the adhesive, adhesion, adhesive, an adhesive adiabatický - adiabatically, atomising, an adiabatic, the adiabatic, adiabatic adjektivní - the adjectival, an adjectival, adjective, adjectival adjektivum - an adjective to, an adjective, the adjective, adjective to, adjective adjunkt - clerk, an adjunct, adjunct adjustovat - to adjust the adjustování - of adjusting the, of adjusting, adjusting, adjusting the adjutant - aide, adjutant of the, adjutant of administrace - of administration, the administration of, administration of, administration, the administration administrativa - administration of, administration is, the administration, administration has, administration administrativní - office, of administrative, the administrative, administration, administrative administrační - administration, an administration, the administration, admin, administrative administrátor - an administrator, administrators, the administrator, administrator has, administrator admiralita - admiralty, the Admiralty admirál - Adm, the Admiral, Admiral of, admiral
  • 2. adopce - of adoption, adoptions, adoption, adoption of adoptovat - adopt the, to adopt, adopt, adopting, adopt a adresa - address, address of, address of the, the address, address is adresant - sender adresovat - to address, addressed to, addressed, direct, address adresát - the addressee, consignee, the addressee of, addressee, addressee of advent - Advent, Advent in adventivní - advent, adventive, adventitious adverbiální - adverbial advokát - attorney, lawyer, advocate, barrister, solicitor aerob - aerobe aerodynamický - streamline, streamlined, aerodynamic, wind, the aerodynamic aeronautika - aeronautics was, aeronautics aeroplán - Aeroplane, airplane aerosol - particulate matter, an aerosol, matter, the aerosol afekt - Affect, the affect afektivní - of affective, affective, mood, an affective, the affective afektovanost - gentility, affectation of, mannerism, frills, affectation afektovaný - mannered, stilted, taffeta, affected, minikin afinita - affinity of, affinity of the, affinity, the affinity, the affinity of aforismus - the aphorism, aphorism, an aphorism, maxim, aphorism of aféra - of affair, scandal, the affair, affair, affair of agens - agent, agents agentura - agency, Agents, an agency, Agency shall, the Agency agilnost - the agility, the agility of, agility with, agility of, agility agilní - agile, of agile, an agile, the agile agitace - of agitation, campaigning, agitation, propaganda, canvassing agitátor - the agitator, an agitator, canvasser, agitator, campaigner aglomerace - agglomerations, agglomeration of, agglomeration, conurbation, the agglomeration aglomerovat - to bake, bake the, baking, bake, agglomerate aglomerát - an agglomerate, agglomerates, the agglomerate, agglomerate of, agglomerate aglutinace - agglutination, agglutinating, of agglutination, agglutination of aglutinovat - agglutinate, agglutinating, to agglutinate agregace - aggregation, aggregation of, aggregations, the aggregation agregát - assembly, aggregate, power unit, unit, plant agrese - the aggression, aggression, of aggression agresivita - aggressiveness, aggression, aggressivity, aggressiveness of, aggressive agresor - aggressor, agressor, an aggressor, the aggressor agronom - agronomist, Agronom, agriculturalist, agriculturist, an agronomist agronomický - agronomical, agronomically, agronomic agrární - agrarian, agricultural, the agrarian, of agrarian, farming agónie - the agony, agony of, of agony, agony, death throes ahoj - hi, Hey, bye, hello akademický - academic, the academic, academical, an academic, scholastic akademie - of the Academy of, College, Academy of, academy, of the Academy akademik - academician, academic, an academic, an academician, academician of akce - the action, actions, action, event, events akcelerace - accelerator, the acceleration, acceleration of, the accelerator, acceleration akcent - the accent, emphasis, an accent, accent, accents akcentovat - accentuate, to accentuate, accent, accentuated, accentuate the akcentování - accent lighting, accentuating, stressing, accentuating the, accentuation
  • 3. akcept - Accept, acceptances, Akcept akceptace - acceptance of, acceptance, the acceptance, acceptances, acceptation akceptor - acceptor, the acceptor, acceptors, an acceptor akceptovat - accept the, accepted, to accept, to accept the, accept akcie - shares, shares of, stocks, share, the shares akcionář - a shareholder, shareholder of, the shareholder, shareholder, stockholder aklamace - the acclamation, acclamation of, acclamations, acclamation aklimatizace - the acclimation, acclimatization, acclimatization of, of acclimatization, acclimation aklimatizovat - to acclimate, to acclimatize, acclimatise, acclimatize, acclimate akné - the acne, acne, of acne akolyta - the acolyte, an acolyte, Acolyte akomodace - accommodative, acomodation, of accommodation, accommodation, accomodation akomodovat - accommodate, to accommodate akord - the chord, a chord, chord akr - acre, hectares, acres, acre of, an acre akreditace - accreditation, accreditations, the accreditation, accreditation of, of accreditation akreditovat - accredit, to accredit, accrediting, accredited, accredit the akrobacie - of acrobatics, stunts, aerobatics, acrobatics, Circus akrobat - Aerobatic, The Acrobat, an acrobat, acrobat akrobatický - an acrobatic, an aerobatic, acrobatic, aerobatic aksamit - Aksamit, velvet akt - act of, act, the ACP, ACP, nude aktivismus - activism, activism of, activism is aktivista - an activist, activist aktivita - activity of, the activity, activity of the, activities, activity aktivnost - activity aktivní - the active, search, relevant search, active, an active aktivovat - activated, activate the, to activate, enable, activate aktivátor - activator, an activator, the activator, activator of aktovka - attache, portfolio, bag, briefcase, satchel aktualita - actuality, novelty, news aktualizace - update, updated, updating, updates, Review aktualizovat - update, to update, upgrade, updated, update the aktualizování - upgrading, updating the, updating of, update, updating aktuální - recent, current, actual, the current, topical akumulovat - accumulating, accumulate, accumulate the, accumulated, to accumulate akupunktura - acupuncture, of Acupuncture akustický - sonic, audible, sound, acoustic, an acoustic akustika - acoustic, acoustics of, Akustika, acoustics akutnost - acuteness of, acuteness, The acuteness of, The acuteness akutní - the acute, an acute, acute, both acute, of acute akuzativ - the accusative case, the accusative, accusative case, an accusative, accusative akvadukt - aqueduct in, an aqueduct, aqueduct, aquaduct, the aqueduct akvarel - watercolor, a watercolor, aquarelle, water color, Akvarel akvizice - acquisitions, acquisition, the acquisition, acquisition of, the acquisition of akvárium - an aquarium, aquarium, the aquarium alabastr - Alabastr, alabaster alarm - the alarm, an alarm, alarm is, alarms alarmovat - alarm, be alerted, alerted rapidly, alarmed alchymie - alchemy of, the alchemy, alchemy, of alchemy alchymista - an alchemist, The Alchemist, alchemist, Alchymista
  • 4. ale - yet, but the, but it, but, however alegorický - an allegoric, allegoric, allegorical, the allegorical, an allegorical alegorie - allegory of, allegories, an allegory, allegory, an allegory of alej - further, below, alley, avenue aliance - the alliance, alliances, Alliance of, the Alliance of, alliance alikvotní - accrued, aliquots, overtone, aliquot, An aliquot aliterace - the alliteration, of the alliteration, alliteration, alliterations, of alliteration alkohol - liquor, the alcohol, of alcohol, alcohol, an alcohol alkoholický - an alcoholic, alcoholic, the alcoholic, alcohol alkoholik - the alcoholic, drunk, drinker, alcoholic, an alcoholic alkoholismus - alcohol abuse, alcoholism, of alcoholism alkoholový - alcohol, the alcohol, alcoholic, an alcohol alkovna - alcove almara - Almara almužna - charity, almsgiving, handout, alms, pittance alpinismus - mountaneering, alpinism, rope access, and rope access, mountaineering alpinista - alpinist, mountaineer alt - alto, the alt alternativa - an alternative, an alternative to, alternative, alternative to, option alternativní - an alternate, alternative, alternate, an alternative, the alternative alternovat - to alternate, Alternating, alternate alternující - Alternate, of alternating, an alternating, the alternating, alternating altruismus - altruism, altruism of altruista - an altruist, altruist, altruistic altruistický - an altruistic, the altruistic, altruistic, altruism altán - arbor, pavilion, summer-house, gazebo, a gazebo aluviální - of alluvial, an alluvial, alluvial, the alluvial, of an alluvial amarant - amaranth amatér - amateur, an amateur, the amateur, ham, dabbler amatérský - amateurish, amateur, the amateur, amateur and, an amateur ambice - the ambition, the ambitions, ambitions, ambition, ambitions of ambiciózní - the ambitious, ambition, ambitious, an ambitious ambrózie - of ambrosia, ambrosia, the ragweed, of ragweed, ragweed ambulantní - ambulant, outpatient, ambulatory americium - the americium, are americium, of americium ametyst - amethyst, Ametyst, an amethyst, of amethyst, the amethyst amfiteátr - the amphitheater, amphitheater, Amphitheatre, an amphitheater amfora - The Amfora, Amfora, the amphora, amphora amnestie - by amnesty, amnesties, amnesty, an amnesty, the amnesty amnion - of the amnion, the amnion, an amnion amnézie - fugue, of amnesia, amnesia amorfní - an amorphous, the amorphous, amorphous, of amorphous amortizace - of depreciation, amortization, amortization of, the amortization, depreciation amortizovat - amortize, amortized, to amortise, amortise the, amortise amorální - the amoral, an amoral, immoral, of amoral, amoral amplituda - amplitude, the amplitude, the amplitude of, amplitude of, amplitude of the ampulka - ampoule, ampule, phial, ampoule of, vial amputace - amputations, of amputation, amputation, for amputation, amputation of amputovat - amputate, of amputating, amputating, amputate the, to amputate amulet - an amulet, the amulet, talisman, charm anachronický - an anachronistic, anachronism, anachronistic
  • 5. anachronismus - an anachronism, anachronistic, anachronism, anachronism of analfabet - an illiterate, illiterate, the illiterate analfabetismus - illiteracy analgetický - analgetic, an analgesic, the analgesic, analgesic analogický - analogous, analogue, analog, analogical, analogous to analogon - an analogue, an analogue of, an analogue of the, analogue of analogový - an analog, analog, the analog, an analogue, analogue analytický - the analytical, analytical, analytic, Analysis, an analytical analyzovat - analyzed, analyze the, to analyze the, to analyze, analyze analyzátor - parser, analyzer, the analyzer, Analyser, the parser analýza - analysis of the, analysis of, analysis, the analysis, an analysis anarchický - anarchic, the anarchic, anarchical, more anarchic anarchismus - anarchism, anarchism is anarchista - the anarchist, anarchist, an anarchist anarchistický - the anarchist, anarchistic, anarchical, anarchic, anarchist anatom - anatomist, an anatomist, the anatomist, anatomists anatomický - anatomic, anatomy, anatomical, an anatomical, the anatomical anatéma - anathema andílek - an angel, cherub, Little Angel, a little angel, angel andělský - angelic, cherubic, angel, an angelic, seraphic anebo - or, or a, or the anekdota - joke, an anecdote, anecdote, the anecdote, story anekdotický - anecdotic, anecdotal anemický - the anemic, an anemic, anemic anemometr - anemometer, an anemometer, wind-gauge, echo, the anemometer aneroid - the aneroid barometer, aneroid barometer, an aneroid barometer, an aneroid aneurysma - an aneurysm, aneurysms, aneurysm, the aneurysm anexe - annexation of, the annexation of, annexation, the annexation, anion exchange ani - or, either, neither, even, nor animismus - of animism, animism animozita - animosity animálnost - animalism animální - animalistic, animal, animal animals anketa - questionnaire, Poll, Anketa, survey, inquiry ano - Ano, yea, yeah, so, yes anomálie - abnormality, anomalies, an anomaly, anomaly, abnormalities anomální - the anomalous, anomalous, anomaly, an anomalous, abnormal anonym - poison pen, anonymous anonymita - the anonymity, anonymity of, anonymity, the anonymity of, anonymous anonymní - anonymous, an anonymous, the anonymous anonymně - anonymous, anonymous basis, anonymously, an anonymous anorganický - the inorganic, inorganic, an inorganic, mineral anotace - annotations, annotation, annotation of, the annotation antagonismus - antagonism, antagonism of, antagonism of the, the antagonism, antagonisms antagonista - antagonist is, the antagonist, an antagonist, antagonist of, antagonist antagonistický - an antagonistic, the antagonistic, opposing, antagonistic, antagonist antedatovat - backdating the, backdate, backdating, antedate anticipace - anticipation of, anticipating, anticipations, anticipation, of anticipation anticipovat - to anticipate, anticipate, anticipate the, anticipating antický - an antique, antique, ancient, classical, the ancient antika - Antique, Antika, antiquity, the Antika, the ancient world
  • 6. antikoncepční - birth, contraceptives, birth control, contraceptive, contraception antikorozní - corrosion, stainless, anticorrosive, rust, anticorrosion antikvář - an antiquarian, antiquarian books, the antiquarian, antiquary, antiquarian antilopa - Blackbuck, antelope, antelopes, an antelope, the antelope antipatický - antipathetic, antipathetical antipatie - antipathies, antipathy, dislikes, dislike, of antipathy antipyretický - antipyretic, pyretic, the antipyretic antitetický - antithetical, antithetic antiteze - the antithesis, antitheses, antithesis, the antithesis of, antithetical antitoxický - antitoxic antitoxin - antitoxin is, the antitoxin, an antitoxin antitéza - antithesis of, the antithesis, antithesis antologie - anthologies, anthology, anthology of, the anthology, an anthology antracit - anthracit, anthracite, anthrazit antropoid - Antropoid, anthropoid, the Anthropoid, the Antropoid, an anthropoid antropoidní - anthropoid antropolog - anthropologist, the anthropologist, an anthropologist, by anthropologist antropologický - Anthropology, the anthropological, an anthropological, anthropological, anthropologic antropologie - Antropology, of Anthropology, anthropology of, anthropology antropometrie - anthropometrics of, anthropometry, the anthropometrics, of anthropometry, anthropometrics anténa - antenna is, the antenna, antenna, an antenna, aerial anulovat - rescind, annul, nullify, override, cancel anýz - anise, anis, of anise, aniseed anýzovka - anisette ančovička - anchovies, anchovy anšovka - Hams aparatura - apparatus, The equipment, Devices, the apparatus, equipment apartmá - apartments, the apartment, suites, apartment, Suite apartní - chic aparát - machinery, machine, apparatus of, appliance, apparatus apatický - lethargic, mopy, apathetical, apathetic, listless apatie - stupor, lethargy, apathy, of apathy, listlessness apatit - apatite, like apatite apel - appeal to, appeals, an appeal, appeal apendix - the appendix, appendix, an appendix aplaudovat - applauded, to applaud, applaud apokalypsa - Apokalypsa, apocalypse, the Apocalypse of, apocalypse of, the apocalypse apokalyptický - an apocalyptic, the apocalyptic, apocalyptical, apocalyptic, doomsday apokryfický - apocryphal, the apocryphal apokryfní - an apocryphal, apocryphal, the apocryphal, by apocryphal, in the apocryphal apolitický - not political, apolitical, apolitic, the apolitical, an apolitical apoplektický - apoplectic aportovat - retrieve, to retrieve, loves to retrieve her apostrof - an apostrophe, single quotation mark, apostrophe, the apostrophe apostrofa - the apostrophe to, apostrophe to, an apostrophe, apostrophe, the apostrophe apoteóza - Apotheosis, the apotheosis of, apotheosis of the, The Apotheosis, apotheosis of apoštol - an apostle of, apostle, apostle of, the Apostle, an apostle apoštolský - apostles, the Apostolic, an apostolic, apostolic, the apostles apretura - finishing, finishing of, glaze
  • 7. aprobace - of specialization, approbation, inappropriately qualified, approvals aprobovat - approve of aproximace - approximation of, approximation, approximations, an approximation apsida - apse, apsis, the apse ar - of Ar, in Ar, r, the Ar arabeska - arabesques, arabesque, the arabesque, of arabesque aranžér - arranger, an arranger, decorator, window dresser, dresser arbitráž - arbitration, arbitrage, the arbitration arbitrážní - the Arbitration, arbitration, the Arbitral, arbitral, arbitrage arch - architect, sheet of the, sheet of, sheet archa - ark, Archa, the Ark, Ark of archaický - archaic, an archaic, of archaic, the archaic archanděl - the Archangel, archangel, an archangel archeolog - archeologist, an archaeologist, the archaeologist, archaeologist archeologický - The archaeological, an archaeological, archeological, archaeological, archaeologica archeologie - archeology of, of Archaeology, Archaeology, archeology, of archeology archeoložka - the archaeologist, archeologist, an archaeologist, archaeologist most, archaeologist archetyp - archetype, the archetype of, an archetype, the archetype, archetype of architekt - an architect, architect, the architect, architect of architektka - architect of, an architect, architect, the architect architektonický - an architectural, architectonic, architecture, architectural, the architectural architektura - The architecture, architecture of, architecture architráv - architrave of the, architrave of, architrave, the architrave archivář - the archivist, archivist of, an archivist, archivist, Filing clerk arcibiskup - archbishop, the Archbishop, Archbishop of, the Archbishop of arcibiskupský - Archbishop, archiepiscopal, the Archbishop arcibiskupství - archbishopric, the Archbishopric, archbishopric of, the Archbishopric of, an archbishopric arciděkan - archdeacon as, the archdeacon of, Archdeacon of, the Archdeacon, Archdeacon arcijáhen - the Archdeacon, an archdeacon, archdeacon arcivévoda - by Archduke, archduke, the Archduke, Archduke of arcivévodství - archduchy of, the Archduchy of, the archduchy, archduchy, of the Archduchy of aretovat - locked in place, latched, locked, arresting, be locked areál - complex, premises, area, resort, grounds argentinský - the Argentinian, Argentinean, Argentine, Argentinian, an Argentine argumentace - arguments, reasoning, argument, line of argument, argumentation argumentovat - argue, arguing, to argue, argued, argument aristokracie - aristocracy of, nobility, of the aristocracy, aristocracy, the aristocracy aristokrat - aristocratic, the aristocrat, an aristocrat, aristocrat aristokratický - an aristocratic, noble, the aristocratic, aristocratic aristokratičnost - nobleness aritmetický - arithmetic, arithmetical, the arithmetic, the arithmetical, an arithmetic aritmetika - arithmetic, arithmetics, the arithmetic, arithmetic of arkebuza - their arquebuses, arquebuses, arquebus arktický - an arctic, frigid, subarctic, Arctic, the Arctic arkáda - arcade, Arkáda, arcade game, Arkada armatura - fittings, mixer, valve, fitting, armature armáda - military, the army, army of, army, the military arogance - of arrogance, hubris, arrogance, arrogance of, the arrogance arogantnost - arrogance arogantní - snotty, smug, overbearing, arrogant, an arrogant
  • 8. arogantně - smugly, arrogance, arrogant, arrogantly aromatický - flavoring, the aromatic, aromatic, spicy, an aromatic artikl - article, part artikulace - the articulation, enunciation, articulation of, articulation, of articulation artikulovat - to articulate, articulate, articulate the, enunciate, articulating artritický - arthritis, an arthritic, the arthritis, arthritic, in an arthritic artyčok - an artichoke, of artichoke, artichoke, artichokes arytmie - arrhythmias, arrhythmia, an arrhythmia, of arrhythmia, the arrhythmia arzenál - an arsenal, arsenal of, ordnance, armory, arsenal aréna - hippodrome, the arena, arena, bullring aróma - bouquet, aroma, flavor, relish, odor asanace - sanitation of, decontamination, renewal, redevelopment, sanitation asexuální - by asexual, of asexual, an asexual, the asexual, asexual asfalt - asphalt, of asphalt, bitumen, the asphalt, tarmac asfaltovat - tarmac, asphalt asi - probably, about, around, some, of about asignace - assignation, assignation of, the assignation, assignations asimilace - assimilation of, the assimilation, of assimilation, the assimilation of, assimilation asimilovat - to assimilate, to assimilate the, assimilating, assimilate, assimilate the asistence - assistance of, assistance to, the assistance of, assistance, the assistance asistent - assistents, an assistant, assist, assistant, assistant to asistovat - assist, assisted, to assist, assist the, assisted by asketa - ascetic, mortifier, the ascetic, an ascetic asketický - an ascetic, asceticism, austere, the ascetic, ascetic askeze - of austerity, asceticism, austerity, of asceticism, austerities asociace - Association of, association, associations, the association, of the Association of asociovat - associate, to associate the, associating, to associate, associate the asociální - antisocial, the asocial, asocial asonance - assonance, the assonance aspekt - facet, aspect, aspects, aspect of, aspect of the aspik - aspic, jelly aspirace - of aspiration, aspiration of, aspiration, aspirations, aspirations of aspirin - an aspirin, of aspirin aspirovat - aspirate, aspire to, to aspire, aspiring, aspire astigmatický - astigmatic astma - of asthma, asthma astrofyzika - Astrophysics, astrophysicist astrolog - an astrologer, astrologer, astrologist, the astrologer astrologický - Free Astrology, astrology, astrological, The astrological, an astrological astronaut - spaceman, the astronaut, an astronaut astronautika - space are included as, space are, space are included, astronautics industries, astronautics astronom - astronomer, the astronomer, an astronomer astronomický - an astronomical, astronomic, the astronomical, Astronomy, astronomical astrální - of astral, the astral, an astral, astral asymetrický - asymmetrical, an asymmetrical, an asymmetric, the asymmetric, asymmetric asymetrie - asymmetries, of asymmetry, asymmetric, asymmetry, asymmetry of asymptota - asymptotic, asymptote of, the asymptote, asymptote, asymptote ⇨ asynchronní - async, asynchronous, the asynchronous, induction, an asynchronous atavismus - atavism atavistický - an atavistic, atavistic
  • 9. ateista - the atheist, an atheist, atheist ateistický - godless, atheistic, the atheistic, atheist, an atheistic ateliér - studio of, a studio, studio, atelier atentát - attempt, assassination attempt, assassination, assassination of, the assassination atest - attestation, attest, clearance, certificate atestace - Postgraduate Diploma, attestation, the attestation, attestation of, attestations atituda - atitude atlet - athlete of, the athlete, jock, athlete, an athlete atletický - athletics, an athletic, track and field, athletic, of athletic atletika - track and field, Atletika, Track & Field, athletics atmosféra - atmosphere of, atmosphere, the atmosphere, the atmosphere of, ambience atol - Atoll neighborhood, Male Atoll, the atoll, atoll, Atol atomický - The atomic, atomic, of atomic, an atomic atomizovat - atomise the, to atomize, atomize the, atomize, atomise atomizér - atomiser, the atomizer, an atomizer, atomizer atomový - atomic, nuclear, atom, the atomic, an atomic atrakce - atractions, interesting, attractions, attraction, attractions for atraktivní - of attractive, beautiful, attractive, the attractive, an attractive atribut - attribute of, an attribute, attribute is, attribute, the attribute atropin - atropine atypický - atypical, produce untypical, an atypical, untypical auditor - the auditor, auditor of, auditor is aureola - hallway, aureole, a halo, halo of aut - rental company, Hire, rental, Car, cars autentický - authentic, the authentic, an authentic, genuine, a genuine autentičnost - the authenticity, authenticity of, authentic, the authenticity of, authenticity autochton - autochthon, autochthones autodidaktický - self-educated autograf - autograph of, the autograph, autograph autogram - an autograph, the autograph, autograph, autographs autokar - coach is, coach, Motorbike, the coach autokracie - autocracies, of the autocracy, of autocracy, the autocracy, autocracy autokrat - the autocrat, an autocrat, autocrat, the autocrat chooses, autocrat chooses autokratický - autocratical, an autocratic, autocratic, autocratic for, the autocratic automat - automaton, machine, dispenser, automatic machine automatický - Auto, automatically, the automatic, automatic, an automatic automatismus - automatism, automatism of, automaticity, the automatism, automatically to automatizace - automation, the automation, of automation of, automation of, of automation automatizovat - automate the, to automate the, automated, to automate, automate automobil - truck, vehicle, a car, automobile, car automobilismus - car transport, automotive, motoring, motorism automobilista - Car Driver, motorist automobilový - car, motor, automobile, the automotive, automotive autonomní - an autonomous, autonomic, autonomous, independent, the autonomous autoportrét - selfportrait, self-portrait, self portrait autor - author of, writer, author, the author, the author of autorita - authority, the authority, the authority of, authority of autoritativní - authoritative, magisterial, an authoritative, the authoritative, authoritarian autoritář - disciplinarian, authoritarian autoritářský - paternalistic, the authoritarian, an authoritarian, authoritarian autorizace - Authorisation, authorization of, the authorization, authentication, authorization
  • 10. autorizovat - authorize the, authorizing, to authorize, authorized, authorize autostráda - freeway, superhighway, the Autostrada, Autostrada averze - loathing, aversion, aversion of, aversions, of aversion aviatika - aviation, aviator avizovat - advising the, advising, announce that, notify drivers avízo - the advice, advice of, advice note, notice, advice avšak - but the, yet, however, though, but axiomatický - axiomatic, axioms, axiomatical, of axioms, an axiomatic axiální - an axial, thrust, Axled, axial, the axial axióm - axiom, axiom of, the axiom of, the axiom, an axiom azbest - of asbestos, asbestos, the asbestos azurový - cyan, the cyan, azure azyl - sanctuary, seeker, asylum, seekers ač - albeit, despite, though, even though, although ať - let, either, whether, matter, whatever až - when, to, till, only, until babička - my grandmother, granny, grandmother, grandma babský - poncy, old wives bachor - paunch, the rumen, pot, rumen, maw bachratý - potbellied, squabby, Bachratý, squab, bellied bacil - bacilli, germ, bug, bacillus bacit - bacitracin baculatý - a chubby, chubby, pudgy, buxom badatel - scientist, explorer, investigator, scholar, researcher bagatela - the Bagatela, bagatelle, of Bagatela, Bagatela bago - quid, of Bago bagrovat - dredge, dredging, dig bagrování - Dredging equipment, excavation, dredging, of dredging bahenní - a mud, swamp, Marsh, mud, Lilies bahnisko - swamp, mire, slough, quag, quagmire bahnitý - oozy, sludgy, muddy, miry, quaggy bahno - sludge, silt, morass, the mud, mud bajka - the fable, fable, tale, a fable bajonet - of bayonet, the bayonet, bayonet, a bayonet baklažán - eggplants, an eggplant, aubergine, eggplant, aubergines bakterie - germ, bacterium, the bacterium, the bacteria, bacteria bakteriolog - bacteriologist, the bacteriologist, a bacteriologist bakteriologie - bacteriology, of bacteriology, the bacteriology balada - The Ballad, a ballad, ballad, ballad of balancem - Balance, Balanca, Balanco, The Balance, Balancou balancovat - balance, balance the, balancing act, to balance, balancing balast - ballast, ballast is, the ballast, lumber, dead weight baldachýn - baldachin, the canopy, canopy of, canopy, a canopy balení - pack, packing, packs, package, packaging balerína - the ballerina, ballerina is, a ballerina, ballerina balet - ballet, ballet of, the ballet, a ballet, of ballet balistický - the ballistic, a ballistic, the ballistics, ballistic, ballistics balistika - ballistics of, ballistics, the ballistics balit - packaged, to pack, roll, packing, pack balič - wrapper, packer, a packer, packer holds, The packer balkón - a balcony, terrace, balconies, balcony, the balcony
  • 11. balvan - rock, the boulder, boulder, a boulder, block balzamický - balsamic, balsam, balsamy, balm balzamovat - to embalm the, to embalm, embalmed, embalm the, embalm balzám - balsam, a balm, lotion, balm, salve balzámový - Balsamic, balsam balík - bundle, packet, pack, package, parcel balíček - the package, package of, package, pack, packet balón - ease, of the ball, balloon, the ball, ball balónek - balls, the balloon, Breathalyzer, a balloon, balloon bambula - Bambula, bumpkin bambus - bamboo, of bamboo, the bamboo, bamboos banalita - the banality, bromide, banality, banality of, truism bandita - dacoit, outlaw, bandit, a bandit, the bandit banditství - banditry bandáž - banding, Bands, bandaging, bandage, band banka - the Bank, Bank of, bank, a bank banket - of banquet, banquet, feast, a banquet, the banquet bankovní - bank, the banking, banking, a bank, the bank bankrot - bankrupt, bankruptcy of, the bankruptcy of, bankruptcy, the bankruptcy bankrotář - bankrupt by, bankrupt, the bankrupt bankéř - the banker, a banker, banker banálnost - banality banální - trivial, hackneyed, trite, corny, banal banán - a banana, bananas, the banana, banana barabizna - Barabizna, hovel barbar - savage, tartarian, barbarian, a barbarian, caveman barbarský - barbaric, savage, barbarous, barbarian, uncivilized barbarství - of barbarism, savagery, barbaric, barbarity, barbarism barel - barrel, the barrel, a barrel, drum, bbl baret - the beret, beret, a beret barevný - colored, colorful, color, the color, a color barikáda - a barricade, barricades, the barricade, barricade bariéra - barriers, barrier, barrier is, a barrier, the barrier barok - Barok, Baroque art, Baroque, the Barok, Barock barokní - of Baroque, baroque, the Baroque, a Baroque barometr - barometer, a barometer, glass, the barometer, barometer of barometrický - barometric, a barometric, barometrical, the barometric baronství - the barony, barony of, that barony, barony, the barony of barter - Barter Clients, to Barter, the Barter barva - the color, color, paint, color of, Colour barvení - colouration, dyeing, dying, coloring, coloration barvený - stained with, colored by, colored, dyed, stained barvit - dye, to dye, dyed, color, dyeing barvitost - colourfulness, vividness barvitý - a colorful, colorful barvivo - dye, a dye, pigment, coloring, colorant barvínek - the periwinkle, a periwinkle, periwinkle barvíř - a dyer, dyer barák - hut of, a house, Barák, barrack, hut baráček - little house basa - contrabass, bass, crate, double bass
  • 12. basketbal - a basketball, basketball court, basketball, basket ball, of basketball batalion - the battalion, battalion, battalion of, a battalion baterie - battery, the battery, battery with, batteries, the batteries batist - the lawn, lawn, batiste, cambric batoh - rucksack, knapsack, backpack, bag, pack batole - a toddler, Batole, toddler bauxit - bauxite, the bauxite bavit - have fun, entertain, fun, entertained, amuse bavlna - cotton bavlník - cotton, cotton plant, the cotton plant bazalka - basil, of basil, sweet basil bazický - basic in, basic, a basic bazilika - the Basilica, the Basilica of, basilica, Basilica of bazilišek - the basilisk, a basilisk, Basilisk, cockatrice bazén - a swimming pool, swimming pool, pool, swimming bačkora - patsy, slipper, drip baňatý - bulbous, of bulbous, the bulbous, a bulbous baňka - flask was, parison, bulb, flask, the flask bašta - bulwark, stronghold, bastion, bastion of, grub bažant - rookie, a rookie, pheasant bažina - marsh, quagmire, swamp, bog, morass bažinatý - the marshy, marshy, swampy, a swampy, boggy bažit - craving, a craving, covet, covetous bdít - awake, to watch, keep watch, watch bdělost - watchfulness, mindfulness, alertness, vigilance, wakefulness bdělý - wide awake, alert, watchful, vigilant, awake bdění - wake, waking, of waking, wakefulness, vigil bedlivý - taking good, watchful, an attentive, farsighted bedna - chest, box, bin, case, crate bednář - cooper, a cooper, Bednář, coopers, hooper bednářství - cooper, the cooperage, cooperage, coopery, of coopery bedra - shoulders, loin, shoulders of, loins, the shoulders bek - uct, times the, the Bek bekasína - common snipe, of common snipe, the snipe, Great Snipe, snipe benevolentní - benevolent, a benevolent, permissive, the benevolent, lenient bengál - bengal, rumpus, Ruckus, a ruckus benigní - a benign, benign, of benign benzín - benzine, petrol, gas, gasoline, fuel beran - ram, Beran, the ram, a ram, aries beranit - pound berla - scepter of, a crutch, the scepter, crook, crutch berní - Inland, the Inland, taxing, Inland Revenue, octroi beryl - the beryl, of beryl, a jasper, jasper beránek - lamb, lamb of, the lamb, a lamb, lamb of the first bestialita - bestiality, beastliness, buggery bestiální - beastly, a bestial, bestial, the bestial besídka - arbor, bower, pergola, alcove, pavilion beton - concrete, the concrete betonovat - be cast, concreted, concrete, concreting bez - without the, free, without, no, without a bezbarvý - colorless, Clear, a colorless
  • 13. bezbolestný - painless, a painless bezbožnost - wickedness, wickedness of, impiety, irreligion, ungodliness bezbožník - lawless, wicked man, wicked, ungodly, The wicked bezbožný - impious, ungodly, unholy, godless, wicked bezbranný - naked, defenseless, vulnerable, helpless, unarmed bezcenný - valueless, frippery, unworthy, useless, worthless bezchybný - immaculate, faultless, flawless, exact bezchybně - flawlessly, correctly, immaculately, faultlessly, perfectly bezcitný - heartless, ruthless, unfeeling, callous bezduchý - soulless, toneless, nerveless, unwitty, spiritless bezděčný - reflex, inadvertent, involuntary, subconscious, unwitting bezectný - dishonorable, infamous, despicable bezedný - fathomless, unfathomable, bottomless, a bottomless, the bottomless bezejmenný - nameless, no name, unnamed, the nameless, a nameless bezelstnost - guilelessness, ingenuousness, artlessness, innocence bezelstný - guileless, innocent, ingenuous, unworldly, artless bezhlučný - low noise, noiseless, silent bezkrevný - anemic, bloodless, was anemic, the anemic bezlistý - leafless, verdureless bezmezný - abysmal, unbounded, measureless, boundless, a boundless bezmocnost - helplessness, powerlessness, impotence, helpless, powerless bezmocný - a helpless, impotent, helpless, powerless, powerless to bezmyšlenkovitý - mindless, inconsiderate, a thoughtless, thoughtless, unthinking bezmála - for almost, of almost, almost, of nearly, nearly beznaděj - gloom, hopelessness, desperation, despair, hopeless beznadějnost - hopelessness, hopelessness of, the hopelessness of, the hopelessness, hopelessness of the beznadějný - a hopeless, forlorn, hopeless, desperate beznadějně - hopeless, hopelessly, hopelessly in, desperately, a hopelessly beznohý - a legless, legless, limbless, footless bezobratlovec - invertebrate bezobratlý - spineless, invertebrate bezobsažný - inconclusive, meatless bezodkladný - an immediate, prompt, the prompt, urgent, immediate bezpečnost - safety of, security, the safety, safety, security of bezpečný - secure, a secure, a safe, the safe, safe bezpečně - safely, safety, secure, safe, securely bezpečí - safety of, safe, secure, safety, security bezplatný - a free, free of charge, complimentary, the free, free bezplatně - charge, free of charge, free, free of, for free bezpochyby - surely, doubtless, without doubt, undoubtedly, no doubt bezpodmínečný - an unconditional, the unconditional, unconditioned, unconditional, unconditionally bezpodmínečně - unconditional, strictly, absolutely, essential, unconditionally bezpohlavní - sexless, neutral, a sexless, genderless, neuter bezprostřední - close, direct, immediate, the immediate, imminent bezprostředně - immediate, direct, of direct, directly, immediately bezpráví - injustice, injustices, lawlessness, of Injustice, wrong bezpáteřnost - servility bezpáteřný - spineless, a spineless bezradný - clueless, shiftless, helpless, rudderless, baffled bezstarostnost - carelessness, abandon, recklessness, carefree, insouciance
  • 14. bezstarostný - reckless, careless, easy, carefree, easygoing beztrestnost - impunity, the impunity of, impunity for, impunity of, the impunity beztvarý - featureless, the formless, formless, shapeless, unformed beztvárný - shapeless beztíže - weightlessness, of weightlessness, gravity, weightless bezvadný - perfect, impeccable, immaculate, faultless, flawless bezvládný - helpless, limp, paralyzed bezvládí - interregnum, power vacuum, lawlessness, the interregnum, anarchy bezvodý - waterless, the anhydrous, anhydrous bezvýraznost - vacancy, dullness, insipidity bezvýrazný - inexpressive, fishy, characterless, insipid, unthinking bezvýsledný - inconclusive, wasted, unsuccessful, vain, unavailing bezvýznamnost - insignificance of, irrelevance, insignificancy, inappreciation, insignificance bezvýznamný - insignificant, meaningless, trifling, inconsequential, irrelevant bezvědomí - unconscious, of unconsciousness, an unconscious, coma, unconsciousness bezvěrec - unbeliever, The infidel, atheist, an infidel, infidel bezvěrecký - atheistic bezvěrectví - atheism, infidelity, unbelief, faithlessness bezvětří - Calm Wind, no wind, calm, still air bezúhonnost - impeccability, integrity of, the integrity of, integrity, the integrity bezúhonný - unblemished, unimpeachable, irreproachable, spotless, untainted bezúhonně - blamelessly, integrity, with integrity, blameless, uprightly bezúplatný - without charge, without consideration, gratuitous bezúčelnost - purposelessness, purposelessness of, pointlessness bezúčelný - vacuous, shapeless, aimless, void, purposeless bezženství - celibacy bečet - blat, bleat bečka - barrel of, Bečka, tun, a tub of, tub biblický - scriptural, a biblical, biblical, the biblical, Bible bibliofil - a bibliophile, bibliophile bibliofilství - bibliophilism bibliograf - bibliographer bibliografický - bibliographical, a bibliographic, bibliographic, the bibliographic, bibliography bibliografie - bibliography, bibliography of, a bibliography, bibliographies bidlo - spar, Bidlo, roost, the spar, perch bidélko - perch, the perch, a perch bidýlko - a perch, the perch, perch, the gods, his perch biftek - a steak, beefsteak, steak, beef steak, Beef bilance - the balance, balance of, balances, balance, the balance of bilaterální - of bilateral, the bilateral, bilateral, a bilateral bilión - a trillion, trillion, one trillion, a billion, billion bimetalismus - bimetallism binec - shambles, mess, messy, a mess, making a mess binomický - the binomial, binomial trees in spreadsheet, binomial, binomial trees binární - the binary, a binary, digital, binary biochemický - a biochemical, biochemical, the biochemical, biochemically biochemie - of Biochemistry, chemistry, biochemistry, Biochemistry of biochemik - the biochemist, a biochemist, biochemist biofyzika - biophysics, biophysics of, Biofyzika, Biophycics biograf - cinema, Biograph, Biograf, the Biograf, a cinema biografický - a biographical, a biographic, biography, biographical, biographic
  • 15. biografie - biography, biographies, the biography, a biography, biographies of biolog - the biologist, a biologist, biologist, of biologist biologický - a biological, biological, biologic, the biological, bio bioložka - a biologist, biologist, biologist at biomasa - the biomass, biomass of, biomass is, biomass biosféra - biosphere of, biosphere is, the biosphere, biosphere biotin - of biotin, the biotin, a biotin biskup - bishop of, the Bishop of, the bishop, a bishop, bishop biskupství - bishoprics, the bishopric, bishopric, a bishopric bitka - thrasher, wacking, whacking, caning, brawl bitva - a battle, battle, battle of, the Battle of, the battle bití - beatings, beating, beating the, the beating, whipping bizarní - the bizarre, outlandish, bizarre, quirky, a bizarre bizon - a bison, bison, Bizon, the buffalo, buffalo bič - stick, whip, the whip, scourge, a whip bičovat - whip, slash, whipping, lash, flog bičování - the scourging, whipping, scourging, lashing, flogging biřmovat - confirm blaho - welfare, bliss, well, good blahobyt - prosperity, welfare, wealth, affluence blahobytný - a wealthy, leisured, opulent, the affluent, affluent blahodárný - salutary, wholesome, benign, soothing, beneficial blahopřání - congratulations, greeting card, congratulation, felicitation, greeting cards blahopřát - to congratulate the, felicitate, congratulate, to congratulate, congratulate the blahosklonný - condescending, patronizing, a condescending, avuncular blahovičník - mallee, eucalypt, eucalyptus, gum tree, jarrah blahovůle - patronage, of benevolence, patronage designed, condescension, benevolence blahořečit - bless, to beatify, to beatify the, beatify, beatify the blamovat - make a fool, make a fool of blanka - Blanka, of Blanka, the Blanka, pellicle blankyt - of azure, azure blatník - mudguard, the fender, fender, wing blaženost - bliss, blessedness, bliss of, rapture, beatitude blažený - a blissful, blissful, beatifical, beatific, blessed blbý - sappy, idiotic, bloody, daft, stupid blecha - flea, a flea, fleas, the flea blednička - chlorosis, greensickness blednout - to fade, fade, the Pale, Pale, wane bledost - paleness of, pallor of, pallor, paleness, pallidness bledý - pale, sallow, wan, sickly, white blesk - lightning, thunderbolt, flash, in flash, the flash bleskojistka - surge arrester, Arresters, arrester, lightning arrester, lighting arrester blikat - flash, blinking, flicker, flashing, blink blikač - flasher, flashing light, the indicator light, indicator light, blinker blikot - shimmer, twinkle, flicker, twinkling blikání - blink, flicker, flickering, blinking, flashing blizard - of blizzard, the blizzard, a blizzard, blizzard blizna - stigma, stigma of the, stigma of, a stigma, Blizna bližní - neighbors, fellow men, fellow, fellow man, neighbor blok - block, a block, the block, block of, bloc blokovat - block the, block, to block, blocking, to block the
  • 16. blokování - blocking, blocker, barring, locking, interlock blokáda - blockage, blockade, blockage of, blockade of, the blockade blondýn - blondes, blond hair, blond man, the blond, blond bloudit - to wander, wander, wander around, rove, stray bloudivý - vagus bloumat - to wander, roam, wander, wander through blouznit - daydream, enthuse, wander, rave, ramble blouznění - ravings of, raving, wanderings, delirium, ravings bludař - heretic, the deceiver, misbeliever, deceiver, a heretic bludiště - bosses, maze, labyrinth, mazes, the maze bludný - wandering, errant, vagrant, vicious, excursive blyštivý - gleaming, glinting, glittering, the glittering blána - cuticle, membrane, the membrane, membrane of, film blátivý - splashy, muddy, the muddy, miry, mud bláto - ooze, dirt, mud, mire, muck blázen - fool, freak, lunatic, a fool, crazy bláznit - go crazy, clown, crazy, to fool, fool bláznivost - foolishness, foolishness of, craziness, the foolishness, the foolishness of bláznivý - crazy, zany, a crazy, mad, foolish bláznivě - foolish, madly, crazily, crazy, foolishly bláznovství - foolery, foolishness, folly, foolishness of, the foolishness bláznění - craziness, tomfoolery, the craze, craze, madness blín - henbane, nightshade blít - barf, puke blízko - close, nearest, nearest to the, nearest to, near blízkost - closeness, vicinity, nearness, Proximity to, proximity blízký - nearby, Middle, close, close to, near blíženec - Gemini, the Gemini, a Gemini, twin, Blíženec blížení - telephoto blýskavý - glittering, flashy, shiny, shimmering, shining blůza - tunic, jacket, coatee, blouse bob - bobsled, bean, the Bob, beans, Bob bobek - haunches, mite, squatted, Bobek, poo bobr - beavers, the beaver, a beaver, beaver bobtnat - swell, swelled, to swell, swelling, of swelling bochník - loaf of, a loaf, a loaf of, the loaf, loaf bod - paragraph, item, point, spot, section bodat - to stab, stabbing, sting, stab, stinging bodavý - prickly, the stinging, stabbing, stinging, biting bodec - spike, pricker, prong, tang, sting bodlina - spur, spine bodlák - a thistle, the thistle, thistle bodnout - to stab, sting, stab the, a stab, stab bodnutí - thrust, jab, sting, stab, prick bodrost - geniality, jauntiness, joviality, facetiousness bodrý - jovial, genial, a genial, cheerful, backslapping bodák - a bayonet, sticker, bayonet, pigsticker bodání - of stinging, stabs, stinging, stabbing, thrusting bohabojný - feared God, godly, holy bohatost - the richness of, the richness, richness, wealth, richness of bohatství - riches, abundance, richness, fortune, wealth
  • 17. bohatý - wealthy, extensive, rich, bountiful, abundant bohatýr - the mighty, hero, a mighty man, mighty, mighty man bohatě - a richly, richly, amply, lavishly, rich bohosloví - divinity of, the divinity, divinity, of Divinity, theology bohovláda - theocracy bohužel - not, unfortunately bohyně - goddess, the goddess, goddesses, the goddess of, goddess of boj - combat, war, fight, the fight, struggle bojar - Bojar Director, Bojar Director of, boyar, rej Bojar bojechtivost - belligerence of, belligerence, bellicosity, The belligerence, belligerence of the bojechtivý - fighting, pugnacious, belligerent, warlike, bellicose bojkot - a boycott of, boycott of, a boycott, boycotts, boycott bojkotovat - boycott the, to boycott, boycotting, boycott, to boycott the bojler - the boiler, water heater, boiler bojovat - to fight, fight, combat, champion, struggle bojovnost - fight, pugnacity, militancy, bellicosity, mettle bojovník - champion, combatant, campaigner, warrior, fighter bojovný - truculent, warlike, pugnacious, fighting, combative bojový - combat, martial, battle, fighting, war bojující - struggling, combatants, fighting, battling, the fighting bojácnost - the timidity of, timidity of, overly shy, pusillanimity, timidity bojácný - timid, fearful, cowardly, pusillanimous bok - hip, flank, its side, hips, side bokovka - Bokovka, Sideways, moonlight, the moonlight bolavý - sore, aching, achy, a painful, painful bolero - spencer, the bolero, a bolero bolest - the pain, pain in, ache, pain bolestivý - painful, sore, a painful, the painful, hurtful bolestivě - painful, achingly, a painful, painfully bolestný - grievous, pained, painful, sorrowful, dolorous bolestně - painfully, sorely, painful, grievously, achingly boltec - outer ear, auricle, lobe, the auricle, ear bolák - a sore, sore, abscess, sore of, the sore bomba - tank, a bomb, cylinder, bomb, the bomb bombardovat - bomb, the bombing, bombing, bombard, bombing of bombardování - bombardment, the bombing of, bombing of, bombing, the bombing bombardér - a bomber, the bomber, bomber, bombers bombarďák - a heavy bomber, Bomber, heavy bomber bombastičnost - bombast, heroics bombometčík - the bombardier, bomber, a bomber, bombardier bonbón - a candy, sweet, candy, the candy, a sweet bonifikace - the bonus, a bonus, bonus, bonuses, bonus of bonita - bonito, creditworthiness of, creditworthiness, solvency of bonitace - Breeding code, animal muster, breeding, bonitation borec - guy, guy is, the guy, a great guy borovice - pine trees, of pine, pine, pine tree, pines borovička - gin, borovicka, geneva, Borovička borůvka - Boruvka, huckleberry, Borůvka, blueberry, bilberry bota - boot, goof, shoe, the shoe, bot botanický - the botanical, botanical, a Botanical, botanic, Botanický botanik - botany, the botanist, a botanist, botanist
  • 18. botanika - botanist, botany botka - coulter, opener, shoes, lug, shoe boubelatý - chubby, plump bouchat - smiting, hammer away, Bouchat, banging, pound bouchnout - bang, slam, pop, hit, crash bouchnutí - slam, thump, thud, crash, bang bouda - Huts, booth, cabin, hut bourat - demolish the, pull down, tear down, to demolish, demolish bourání - cutting, demolition, demolishing, demolition of, breaking bouře - storm, the storm, storms, tempest, a storm bouřit - rebel, storm, rage, bluster, riot bouřka - the storm, a thunderstorm, a storm, storm, thunderstorm bouřlivost - disquiet, boisterousness, turbulence bouřlivý - tumultuous, stormy, blustery, tempestuous, boisterous boxovat - boxing, to box, box boční - the lateral, the side, a side, lateral, side bočník - shunt, the shunt, a shunt, shunt sensor, bypass bořit - break down, tear down, to break down, demolish, to demolish bořivý - destructive božsky - the divinely, a divinely, divine, divinely, the divine božský - a divine, godlike, the divine, divine, heavenly božstvo - deity of, divinity, the deity, deity, a deity božství - divinity, the divinity, divinity of, of divinity, godhead brada - chin, beard, Brada, jaw, the chin bradatý - deepwater, vulture, Beaked, redfish bradavice - the wart, the warts, verruca, warts, wart bradýř - Barber said, Barber, a barber, Barber had brajgl - rumpus, din brak - schlock, trash, rubbish, junk, waster brambor - potato, of potatoes, potatoes branec - conscript, inductee, jerk, recruit, loogan branka - goal, wicket, gate, hoop, goal of brankář - the keeper, keeper, goalkeeper, goalie, the goalkeeper branže - the branch, branch, trade, industry, the industry bratr - the brother, brother of, brother bratranec - cousin of, a cousin, cousin, first cousin bratrovražedný - fratricidal, internecine, the fratricidal, a fratricidal, of internecine bratrský - its sister, Brethren, brotherly, fraternal, sister bratrstvo - brotherhood, fraternity, confraternity, brotherhood of, the brotherhood bratrství - the brotherhood, fraternity, of brotherhood, brotherhood, fraternities bratránek - cousin is, my cousin, cousin bratření - fraternizing that went, fraternizing that went on, fraternizing, the fraternizing, fraternization bravura - bravado, virtuosity, Bravura brblat - grouse, grumble, grumbling, be grumpy, grumpy brebentit - yap, chatter, jabber, a Jabber, gabble brebtat - splutter, spluttering breptat - stutter, natter breviář - breviary, a breviary, breviary of, the breviary bridž - bridge brigáda - Brigade of, the brigade, brigade
  • 19. briketa - briquette, briquet, Briquettes, pellet, the briquette brilantina - brilliantine brilantní - the brilliant, brilliant, a brilliant, sparkling brioška - bun, brioche brk - the quill, quill, quill pen, a quill, BRK brloh - slum, stye, den, sty, lair brnění - tingling, armor, the armor, equipment brnět - to tingle, tingling, tingle brod - wade, ford, the ford, Brod, a ford brokát - brocade, a brocade bronchitida - bronchitis, of bronchitis bronchiální - bronchial, of bronchial, the bronchial, airflow, airway bronz - bronze medal, the bronze, brass, bronze, a bronze bronzovaný - bronzed bronzování - bronzing, from bronzing, free from bronzing broskev - the peach, apricot, peach, a peach brouk - a bug, beetle, a beetle, bug, the beetle broukání - babbling, murmurs, humming brousit - cut, to grind, grind, whet, sharpen brož - a brooch, pin, Brož, paperback, brooch brožura - pamphlet, of brochure, brochure, paperback, booklet brumlat - mutter, murmur, drone, drone on brunátný - flushed, blowzy, ruddy, red-faced, flushed with brus - rubber, Brus, grindstone, whetstone, cut brusivo - abrasives, abrasive material, an abrasive, abrasive, the abrasive brusič - cutter, grinder, sharpener, turner bruslař - skater, the skater, a skater brusle - skates, skate, the skate, ice skate, skating bruslení - Ice skating, of skating, skating, skating Ice skating brutalita - brutality, the brutality, brutality of, the brutality of brutto - the gross, gross, a gross brutálnost - viciousness, brutality brutální - violent, the brutal, beastly, vicious, brutal bručení - hum, grunting, growl, rumble, snarl bručet - growl, grouch, grumble, grouse, snarl bručoun - grumbler, grouch, crosspatch, nag, growler brynda - mess, slops, fix, slipslop bryskní - curt, brusque brzda - the brake, drag, brakes, brake is, brake brzdit - hinder, brake, impede, hamper, apply the brakes brzdění - braking, the braking, braking of, brake brzo - soon be, shortly, early in, early, soon brzy - the early, early, soon, back soon, shortly brána - the gateway, the gate, gate, gateway, door bránice - of the diaphragm, skirt, midriff, diaphragm, the diaphragm bránit - to defend, defend, hinder, impede, obstruct brány - gates, gateway, gate, the gate, harrow brát - to take, take into, taken, taking, take brázda - gap, trough, furrow, wake, rut brázdit - plowing, plow, ridge, roam, travel the brýle - eyeglasses, glasses, goggles, eye, spectacles
  • 20. brčko - straw, Brčko, drinking straw, Brcko, a straw buben - drum is, a drum, the drum, reel, drum bubeník - a drummer, drummer of, the drummer, percussionist, drummer bublat - gurgle, to bubble, babble, burble, bubble bublina - bubble, bubble of, a bubble, the bubble, balloon bublání - gurgle, bubbling of, bubbling, guggle bubnovat - beat, drum, to drum, drumming, drum up bubínek - eardrum, tympanum, the drum, tambourine, drum buclatý - a plump, a chubby, chubby, plump budit - wake up, to wake, wake, give the, draw budižkničemu - good-for-nothing, wastrel, good for nothing budka - booth, kiosk, public pay, cab, box budoucnost - future, the future, future of, the future of, future of the budoucí - prospective, the future, of future, future, a future budova - building, buildings, building of, house, the building budovat - building, build a, to build, build, construct budovatel - the builder, builder of the, builder of, builder, a builder budování - building a, building of, building, build budoár - boudoir, the boudoir, a boudoir budíček - wake up call, wakey, reveille, rouse bufet - cafeteria, snack bar, a buffet, buffet, canteen bujarý - hilarious, sprightly, exuberant, mad, jaunty bujení - the proliferation of, proliferation, the proliferation, growths, proliferation of bujnost - exuberance of, richness, luxuriance, exuberance, sprightliness bujný - rampant, coltish, exuberant, luxuriant, lush bukač - heron, The Bukač, Bukac, Bukač, Bittern buket - bouquet, bouquet and, bouquet of, the bouquet bukolický - bucolic, a bucolic buldok - bulldog, a bulldog, the Bulldog, Bulldog a bulvár - tabloid, the boulevard, boulevard, tabloids, avenue bumerang - the boomerang, boomerang, roost, a boomerang bunda - anorak, jacket, jacket by buničina - cellulose, wood pulp, the pulp, pulp bunkr - shelter, bunkers, the bunker, bunker, a bunker buněčný - the cell, cell, a cell, cellular, the cellular burleskní - the burlesque, a burlesque, burlesque burza - stock market, exchange, stock exchange, job exchange, the Exchange burácení - roar, thunder, crashing, rage, rumble burácet - bluster, boom, rumble, thunder, rage buržoa - by the bourgeois, bourgeois, the bourgeois buržoazie - the bourgeoisie, bourgeoisie, of the bourgeoisie, bourgeois buržoazní - bourgeois, of the bourgeois, the bourgeois, of bourgeois, a bourgeois busola - compass busta - bust, bust of, a bust of, a bust, the bust butan - -butan, -butane, butane gas, butane butik - boutique, a boutique buzení - Tea, wake Up, Up, excitation, Plasma buzola - magnetic compass, compass, the magnetic compass bučení - the lowing, moo, mooing, boos, lowing of bučet - moo, booing, bellow buňka - cells, a cell, cell, the cell, cell is
  • 21. buňkový - the cellular, a cellular, cellular buřič - a firebrand, firebrand, an agitator, rioter, troublemaker buřičský - riotous, bolshy, rave, seditious, rebellious buš - scrubland, bushland, bush, outback, the bush bušení - throb, pounding, the pounding, palpitations, hammering bušit - pant, palpitate, knock, throb, thump bydlení - habitation, living, housing, of housing, residence bydlet - stay, to stay, reside, live, dwell bydliště - residence, place, resident, place of residence, of residence bydlící - resident, residents, living, domiciled, residing bylina - an herb, herb, plant, the herb, herbaceous plant bylinka - herb, herb for, an herb, a herb bylinkář - the herbalist, a herbalist, herbalist, an herbalist byro - bureau, The Bureau, Bureau of, Cominform, Bureau of the byrokracie - red tape, bureaucracy, the bureaucracy, of bureaucracy byrokrat - a bureaucrat, bureaucrat, bureaucrats, the bureaucrat byrokratický - red tape, a bureaucratic, bureaucratic, bureaucracy, the bureaucratic bysta - a bust, bust, the bust of, the bust, bust of bystrost - subtlety, acumen, smartness, quickness, brightness bystrozrak - acumen, perspicacity bystrozraký - perspicacious bystrý - perspicacious, bright, clever, shrewd bystřina - stream at, stream, a torrent, torrents, torrent bystřit - to sharpen the, sharpen, sharpening, to sharpen, sharpen the byt - flat, apartment, home, Two, Three bytost - creature, entity, being, beings, a being bytostný - utter, substantive, temperamental, vital, a vital bytí - existence, being the, being, of being, being a bzukot - murmur, hum, buzz, drone, whir bzučení - drone, whirr, humming, hum, buzzing bzučet - buzz, whir, hum, generate whirring sounds, whirr bzučák - a buzzer, the buzzer, The beeper, beeper, buzzer bádat - researching, search after, research, do research bádavý - investigative, investigatory bádání - research, exploration, investigation, of research, inquiry báje - legends, myths, saga, fable, myth bájeslovný - mythology, the Mythology bájesloví - mythology, of mythology, the mythology, mythologies, mythology of báječný - groovy, wonderful, great, yummy, fabulous báječně - wonderful, fabulously, great, wonderfully, beautifully bál - afraid, feared, ball, was afraid, afraid of báně - canopy, cupolas, pitchers, dome, the dome bárka - barque, gallant, narrowboat, a barge, barge báseň - poem by, a poem, poem of, poem, the poem básnický - the poetic, poetic, a poetical, a poetic, poetical básnictví - the poetry, poetry of, poetry, of poetry básník - a poet, poet, poet of, the poet báze - the base, a base, bases, base, basis bázeň - awe, the fear, fear of, the fear of, fear bázlivost - shyness, fearfulness, timidity, timidness, shy bázlivý - timorous, fearful, tremulous, timid
  • 22. bázlivě - timid, gingerly, awe, fearfully, timidly báňský - Mining, of Mines, the mining, a mining, Mines bérec - the lower leg, lower leg, leg, shin, tibia béčko - B corridor, bin béžový - a beige, beige bída - poverty, misery, squalor, destitution, the misery bídný - squalid, scurvy, miserable, pitiful, wretched bídácký - miscreant bílit - whitewash, bleach, whiten, etiolate, blanch bílkovina - protein, a protein, protein of, the protein, albumen bít - hitting, beat, hit, hitting the, beating bóje - the buoys, a buoy, buoy, the buoy, buoys bór - boron, the boron býk - ox, bull, a bull, taurus, the bull býložravec - herbivore, a herbivore, an herbivore, herbivores být - be, be a, are, to be bývalý - the former, a former, former, ex bědovat - wail, whine, lamenting, moan, lament bědování - whine, moan, lament, wail, lamentation bědující - wailful, wailing, lamenting běh - course of, course, running, race, run běhat - jog, to run, jogging, running, run během - when, over, during, within, during the běhoun - cursor, the tread, tire tread, tread, tread of běhání - walking tracks, jogging, running, of running bělet - Belet, run much, Beleta bělice - dace, whiting, roaches, roach, whitefish bělit - bleach, be bleached, whiten, whitened, bleached bělič - fuller, bleacher, of bleach, bleach běloba - whiteout, whiteness, ceruse, white, white paint běloch - paleface, white man, caucasian, white, a white man bělost - whiteness, the whiteness, brightness, the whiteness of, whiteness of běsnit - seethe, raging, rave, rage, ramp běsnění - the fury, Rampage, fury, fury of, rage běžec - runner, the runner, a runner, traveler, jogger běžet - run, to run, work, running, run the běžný - usual, current, common, going, ordinary běžící - running, the running, runs, a running břeh - coast, ashore, bank, shore, side břemeno - proof, of proof, weight, burden, onus břevno - bar, beam, crossbar, the bar, the crossbar břečka - dishwater, slurry, a slurry, slush, mush břečťan - ivy, the ivy, with ivy, of ivy břichatý - potbellied, paunchy, bellied, abdominous břicho - the abdomen, stomach, abdomen, belly, tummy břichomluvec - a ventriloquist, ventriloquist břichomluvectví - ventriloquism břidlice - slate, slates, of slate, shales, shale břinkot - clink, jangle břitkost - poignancy břitký - crisp, incisive, trenchant, crushing, poignant
  • 23. břitva - the razor, a razor, razor břišní - ventral, lap, abdominal, the abdominal, belly břídil - loser, cowboy, bungler, a failure, a bungler břídilství - botches, bungling břídit - bungle bříza - a birch, of birch, birch, birch tree bůh - a god, god of, God has, the god, god bůžek - Bůžek, little god, of god, idol, god cancour - tatters cecek - teat, tit cech - craft, the guild, guild of, guild, the guild of cecík - teat, teats cedit - sieve, to strain, strain cedník - cullender, percolator, colander, strainer, sieve cedovat - cede cedule - Car Door Magnets, plates, banners, sign, signs cedulka - label, tag, sign saying, ticket, logo tag cedítko - strainer cejch - brand, a brand, branded, stigma, brand of cejchovat - calibrated, calibrate, to gauge, hallmark, to calibrate cejn - CEJN, bream, zope, breams ceknout - peep cele - for all over, fully, cell, wholly, all over celebrovat - celebrate the, officiating, officiate, celebrate, to celebrate celek - totality, whole, unit, all, complex celibát - the celibate, the celibacy, celibacy, celibate celistvost - wholeness, integrity, entirety, integrity of, the integrity celistvý - undivided, solid, compact, integral, entire celkem - altogether, total, a total, overall, total of celkový - total, overall, aggregate, general, global celnice - customs house, customs office, customhouse, customs celní - the customs, the tariff, customs, tariff, duty celofán - coated regenerated cellulose film, cellophane paper, regenerated cellulose film, cellophane, a cellophane paper celonárodní - a nationwide, national, nationwide, a national celost - totality, totality of, the totality of, the totality, wholeness celostátní - the national, nationwide, a national, national celtovina - tarpaulin, duck celý - entire, whole, round, the whole, all cembalo - harpsichord, a harpsichord, the harpsichord cementace - cementation of, cementation, of cementation, cementing, carburizing cementovat - cement cena - cost, price, award, costs, prize cenina - postal stationery predates, postal stationery, tokens of, valuable item, tokens cenit - appreciate the, to appreciate, appreciate, prize, value cenný - the valuable, precious, valuable, a valuable, valued centigram - centigram centimetr - centimeter of, centimeter, a centimeter, inch of, inch centralizace - centralization, centralization of, of centralization, the centralization, centralizing centralizovat - centralize the, centralize, centralized, to centralize, centralizing centrifuga - centrifuge, a centrifuge, centrifuge is, the centrifuge, centrifuges
  • 24. centripetální - centripetal centrista - the centrist, centrist, a centrist centrum - center of, center, Centre, facility centrála - office, headquarters of, head office, headquarters centrální - downtown, the central, center, central, a central cenzor - censor was, censor, the censor, a censor cenzura - censors, censorship, censor, censorship of, the censorship cenzurovat - censoring, censor, to censor, censor the, to censor the ceremoniál - ceremonies, ceremony, ceremonial, the ceremony, ceremony of ceremoniální - the ceremonial, ceremonial, a ceremonial certifikát - certificate, certificate of, certified, the certificate, a certificate cesium - is cesium, Caesium cesmína - holly, the holly, a holly, ilex cesta - road, route, journey, path, way cestička - path, pathway, trail, walkway, lane cestovat - travel, traveling, touring, to travel cestovatel - a traveler, the traveler, Traveller, traveler, explorer cestování - of travel, travel, traveling, Travelling, Flight cestující - passengers, traveler, the passenger, travelers, passenger cetka - spangle, bauble, trinket cezení - straining of, sieving, of straining, straining the, straining chabost - vapidity, debility chabý - poor, sickly, lame, torpid, wan chalcedon - agate, chalcedony, a chalcedony, of Chalcedon, Chalcedon chaloupka - and Gretel, cottage, Cabin, Gretel chaluha - kelp, Skua, sea hawk, seaweed chamtivost - greed, cupidity, the greed, the greed of, greed of chamtivý - grasping, greedy, the greedy, covetous, a greedy chaotický - messy, a chaotic, disorganized, a messy, chaotic chapadlo - the tentacle, gripper, grippers, tentacle, the gripper charakter - nature, nature of, the character, character of, character charakteristický - distinctive, a characteristic, characteristic, typical, characterized by charakteristika - characterization, characteristic, nature, characteristics, characteristics of charakterizovat - characterize the, to characterize, characterize, describe, characterized chata - cabin, lodge, shelter, hut, cottage chatrný - shaky, shoddy, tatty, unsound, jejune chatrč - shack, hut, hovel, cabin, shanty chcípnout - conk out, to die, conk, you die, die chemický - chemical, the chemical, of chemical, chemicals, a chemical chemie - chemicals, Chemical, chemistry, of Chemistry chemik - a chemist, the chemist, chemist cherubín - a cherub, of cherub, every cherub, cherub chichotat - titter, giggle, cackle, giggling, giggles chichotání - chuckle, giggles, titter, giggling, snigger chiméra - chimera of, pipedream, chimera, sea monster, a chimera chimérický - chimeric, chimaeric, a chimeric, the chimeric, the chimaeric chiromantie - chiromancy chirurg - a surgeon, surgeon, the surgeon chirurgický - surgical, a surgical, surgery, the surgical chlad - cool, cold, coolness, coldness, chill chladit - refrigerate, cool, cooled, chill, to cool
  • 25. chladič - chiller, the radiator, heat sink, radiator, cooler chladnička - fridge, refrigerator chladnost - coolness of, coolness, coldness, the coolness, the coldness chladnout - cool for, cool, cool down, to cool, to cool for chladný - chilly, cold, the cold, cool, chill chladně - calmly, coldly, cool, cold, coolly chlap - fellow, man, bloke, chap, guy chlapec - lad, the boy, boy, a boy chlapecký - boy, Boys', Boys, boyish chlapík - man, guy, a guy, chap, fellow chlazení - refrigeration, the cooling, cooling of, cooling, cooling system chlebník - haversack chlebíček - sandwich, Open sandwich, a sandwich, bread, pies chlemtat - lick, lap up, lapp chlopeň - lip, the flap, valve, flap, tab chlorečnan - a chlorate, chlorate, the chlorate chloroformovat - A chloroform, The chloroform, chloroform, chloroformic chlorofyl - of chlorophyll, chlorophyll, chlorophyl, the chlorophyll chlorát - chlorate are, chlorate chlubil - boaster, bouncer, boasted, bragged, boasted of chlubivost - boastfulness chlup - whisker, exactly, hairs, hair chlupatý - hairy, hirsute, furry, fuzzy, rough chlácholení - reassurance, soothing chlácholit - soothe, pacify chládek - cool, Chládek, Chladek, coolness, shade chlápek - a guy, the guy, bloke, chap, guy chléb - of bread, bread of, bread, the bread, beans chlév - shed of, cattle shed, barn, cowshed, a cowshed chlípnost - pruriency, prurience, lechery, lasciviousness, lecherousness chlípník - a lecher, lecher chlípný - prurient, ruttish, lecherous, randy, salacious chmel - the hops, of hops, hops, offer hop, hop chmura - gloom, Clouds, frown chmurný - dreary, gloomy, dismal, drear, grim chmuřit - gloom chmýří - fuzz, fluff chobot - trunk, proboscis, the trunk chobotnice - the octopus, octopuses, squid, octopus, an octopus chochol - tassel, crest, topknot, plume, tuft chocholatý - crested, Hoopoe, tufted chocholka - tuft, crest, topknot chod - operation, run, motion, course, running chodba - passage, gallery, hall, hallway, corridor chodbička - gangway, aisle, a corridor, passageway, corridor chodec - walker, a walker, goer, a pedestrian, pedestrian chodidlo - sole, the sole, foot, foot is, the foot chodit - to go, to walk, walk, come, go chodník - footpath, sidewalk, walkway, pavement, path cholerický - a choleric, choleraic, choleric, the choleric cholesterol - the cholesterol, cholesterol level
  • 26. chomout - yoke, the yoke, horse-collar, oxbow chomáč - clump, wad, tuft, bunch, tuft of choralista - chorister, a chorister choroba - disease of, illness, disease, the disease chorobný - sickly, morbid, sick, diseased, unhealthy choroboplodný - disease-causing choromyslný - mentally ill, deranged, insane, was insane chorál - chant, choral, the chorale, Hymn, chorale chorální - the choral, choral, chant, plainchant, chorale choulostivost - queasiness, nicety, tenderness, sensitivity of, touchiness choulostivý - squeamish, tricky, ticklish, tender, delicate choutka - Choutka chov - rearing, breeding, breeding of, farming, breed chovat - harbor, breed, rear, act, behave chovatel - keeper, farmer, breeder of, breeder, the breeder chování - conduct, behavior of, behavior, the behavior of, the behavior chození - pacing, foot traffic, walk, walking, going choť - consort of, husband, spouse, consort chrabrost - valor, Courage, Bravery, gallantry, Valour chrabrý - valiant, stalwart, valorous, doughty chrapot - hoarse voice, hoarseness, hoarseness of chraptivý - the hoarse, husky, raucous, hoarse, a hoarse chrastit - to rattle, rattling, jangle, rattle chrastítko - rattle, a rattle, of rattle, the rattle chrchel - expectoration, gob, sputum, spittle chrchlat - expectorating chrestomatie - chrestomathy chrlit - disgorge, churn out, grind out, belch, spout chrlič - gargoyle, belcher, spout, a gargoyle, spouter chrochtat - grunt, to grunt, grunting chromatický - chroma, chromatic, a chromatic, the chromatic chromozóm - chromosome, engineered chromosome, a chromosome, the chromosome, chromosome of chromý - crippled, the lame, cripple, lame, a lame chronický - a chronic, the chronic, chronic chronologický - chronological order, chronologic, the chronological, a chronological, chronological chronometr - a chronometer, chrono, timepiece, the chronometer, chronometer chroupat - munch, chewing, crunch, champ chroupavý - crunchy, a crisp, crisp chroustat - crunch chrpa - cornflower, knapweed chrt - hound, greyhound, borzoi, a greyhound chrupat - scrunch chrupavka - cartilage is, cartilage, gristle, the cartilage chrupavý - crusty, crisp chrupavčitý - cartilaginous, gristly chrám - the temple, temple of, cathedral, church, temple chránit - guard, to protect, protect, preserve, defend chránič - protectors, guard, protector, breaker, pad chránící - protecting the, protective, protects, protect, protecting chráněnost - of immunity
  • 27. chránění - protect, protecting, protection, protecting the, protected chrápat - doss down, to snore, snoring, snore chtivost - craving, avidity, greed, lust chtivý - lickerish, avid, eager, greedy, hungry chtít - choose, may want, want, want to, wish chtění - willing, volition, wanting to, wanting, of wanting chuchvalcovitý - clogged, a clogged chuchvalec - wad, burl, fluff, clot, lump chudoba - of poverty, poverty, poverty is chudobinec - a poorhouse, almshouse, poorhouse, workhouse, a workhouse chudobka - daisy, Chudobka chudokrevnost - encourage anemia, anemia in, anemia chudokrevný - anemic, an anemic chudost - poverty chudák - pauper, poor devil, poor chap, wretch, poor man chumel - cluster of, knot of, huddle, tangle, flurry chumlat - the huddle, knot of, the knot, huddle, tangle chumáč - scraggle, topknot, wad, tussock, shock chundelatý - a bushy, fleecy, shaggy, bushy churavost - infirmity, ailment, ill health churavý - valetudinary, sick, indisposed, ill, poorly chutnat - taste like, eating, to taste, enjoy, taste chutný - tasty, palatable, appetizing, toothsome, delicious chuďas - pauper, the Pauper, a pauper chuť - flavor, fancy, taste of, appetite, taste chuťový - flavor, taste, gustatory, by taste, the taste chvalitebný - laudable, praised, commendable, praiseworthy, be praised chvalozpěv - paean, a hymn, canticle, panegyric, hymn chvalořečník - eulogist, encomiast, panegyrist chvastoun - swank, roisterer, loudmouth, braggart, coxcomb chvat - rush, haste, expedition, grip, lick chvilkový - the momentary, transitory, momentary, the momentous, a momentary chvost - jock, tail, tail of, oxtail, the tail chvála - commendation, the praise, glory, praise, laud chválit - praising, praise, praise the, commend, to praise chvályhodný - commendable, creditable, meritorious, laudable, praiseworthy chvástavost - rant, vainglory, magniloquence chvástavý - swanky, swashbuckler, blustery, vainglorious, the vaunted chvástání - swagger, boast, jazz, bravado, brag chvíle - while, moments, moment, minute, the moment chvění - tremor, vibration, oscillation, tingle, trembling chyba - error, fault, bug, failure, mistake chybit - slip, blunder chybný - bad, wrong, erroneous, faulty, false chybně - mistakenly, wrong, wrongly, incorrectly, erroneously chybějící - the lack, lack, the missing, lack of, missing chybět - miss, be missing, lack, be absent, missing chycení - catching, capture, caught, catch, capturing chystat - setting the, getting ready, prepare chytat - catch, catch the, catching, to catch, to catch the chytačka - Seeker, play Seeker
  • 28. chytit - grab, to catch, seize, catch the, catch chytrost - cleverness, shrewdness, contraption, cunning, the cleverness chytrácký - crafty, cunning chytrý - clever, a smart, bright, shrewd, smart chytání - Kicking, catch, catching, Handling, fielding chytře - smart, cleverly, clever, smartly, intelligently chámový - Ham, cham, of Ham chápat - understand, perceive, comprehend, grasp, see chápavost - perceptive capacity, prehension, the perceptive capacity, perceptive capacity of, comprehension chápavý - sympathetic, percipient, knowing, understanding, receptive chápání - understanding of the, perception, understanding, understanding of, comprehension chátra - mob, rabble, scum, the rabble, riffraff chátrat - to dilapidate, fall into disrepair, to decay, dilapidate, break up chátrání - decay, deterioration, dilapidation, dereliction, the decay chórista - chorister, chorus singer chýlit - incline, be coming chýše - huts, hut, the hut, House chňapat - snap, snatching, snatch, clutching, snapping chňapnout - nab, snatch, snap, grab, to snatch chřadnout - wilt, languish, pine, wither, wither away chřadnutí - pining, wasting disease by, wasting Disease, wasting, decline chřest - of asparagus, the asparagus, asparagus chřestit - rattling, rattle chřestot - rattle chřestítko - rattle chřestění - rattles, the rattle, the rattling, rattling, rattle chřipka - influenza, the flu, flu chřtán - Mouth of, maw, maw of, throat, gizzard chřupat - scrunch, dentures, denture, teeth, set of teeth chřástal - crake, Corn crake, corncrake, the corncrake, Rail chůze - walk away, walking, walk, gait cibule - onion, bulbs, bulb, onions, of onion ciferník - watch face, the dial, face, clock face, dial cifra - digit, the digit, digit on, digit of, figure cigareta - cigarette, fag, a cigarette, the cigarette, cigarettes cihelna - brickyard, a brickyard, brickworks cikorka - chicory dry, the chicory, chicory cikáda - a cicada, of cicada, of a cicada, cicada, cicala cikánka - Gypsy, gipsy woman, Gipsy, Tzigane, gypsy woman cikánský - gipsy, the Gypsy, a gypsy, Gypsy, Tzigane cinkat - jingle, clink, jangle, jingling, tinkle cinkot - jingle, the clink, jingle of, tinkle, chink cinkání - clink, tinkling, clinking, jingle, tinkle cinobr - cinnabar cintat - dribble, slobber cirkulace - circulation, recirculation, the circulation, circulating cirkulovat - circulate the, circulate, circulated, to circulate, circulating cirkus - Cirkus, circus, a circus, circus of, the circus cisterna - cisterns, Cisterna, tanker, cistern, tank cit - feeling, sentiment, emotion, feel, sensitivity
  • 29. citace - citations, quotations, quote, citation, quotes citadela - citadel of, citadel, the citadel, Citadela, the citadel of citelný - appreciable, telling, noticeable, perceptible, an appreciable citera - the zither, a zither, zither citlivka - sissy, mimosa, squeamish citlivost - sensitivity of, sensibility, susceptibility, sensitivity, tenderness citlivý - sensitive, susceptible, delicate, responsive citoslovce - interjection of, interjections of, interjection, interjections, an interjection citovat - to quote, citing, quote, cite, of citing citovost - emotionality, sentimentality, sensibility, emotional substance citování - quoting, citing, quotation, of citation, citation citový - affection, the emotional, affective, an emotional, emotional citronáda - lemonade, lemonade are, made lemonade, limeade, lemon-squash citrón - lemon, a lemon, citron, the lemon citát - a quote, citation, a quotation, quote, quotation civilista - the civilian, civilian, a civilian civilizace - civilizations, civilization, civilization of, of civilization civilizovat - civilise, to civilize, civilize the, civilize, civilized civilizování - Civilization civilní - civilian, the civilian, civil, the civil, of civil civilně - Civ, civilian, civil, the civil, the civilian civět - gawk, to stare, gape, stare, staring cizina - foreign countries, Other countries, foreign land cizinec - foreigner, stranger, the alien, alien, a foreigner cizokrajný - exotic, outlandish, use exotic, of exotically, exotically cizoložník - the adulterer, adulterer, an adulterer cizoložný - adulterous, adultery, an adulterous, adulterous generation, having an adulterous cizoložství - of adultery, committing adultery, adulteries, adultery cizopasník - parasite from the, parasite, a parasite, parasite from cizopasný - of parasitic, parasitical, parasitic cizorodý - extraneous, a foreign, foreign, alien, the foreign cizozemec - barbarian, stranger, the stranger, foreigner cizák - outlander cizí - strange, foreign, the foreign, a foreign, alien clo - duties, customs duties, duty, customs duty, customs clona - diaphragm, screen, iris, shield, shade cloumat - rattling the, rattling, pull about, pluck co - as, what, the, you, who cop - plait, pigtail, ponytail, braid couvat - to reverse, backing, back, reverse, to back couvnout - back out, balk, blench, retreat, flinch cpát - stuffing, crowding, ram, gorging, gorge ctihodný - honorable, reverend, venerable, worshipful, worthy ctitel - venerator, worshiper, admirer, admirer of ctižádost - ambition to, ambitions, the ambition, ambition of, ambition ctižádostivý - an ambitious, aspiring, ambitious, an aspiring, pushy ctižádostivě - Ambitious, ambitiously ctnost - virtue of, the virtue of, a virtue, virtue, the virtue ctnostný - the virtuous, virtuous, chaste, a virtuous ctít - honor, worship, revere, respect, venerate ctěný - revered, reputable, honored, honorable, revered by
  • 30. cucat - suck, suck the, sucked, sucking, to suck cuchat - rough cuchta - frump, slag, slut cudnost - chastity of, purity, chastity, modesty, the chastity cudný - prudish, chaste, modest, anomalous, vestal cukernatý - saccharine cukr - the sugar, sugar, of sugar cukrovat - sugaring, bill, Sugar cukrovka - diabetes, diabetes mellitus, sugar beet, diabetic cukrový - sugar, a sugar, saccharine, the sugar, sugary cukrárna - pastry shop, patisserie, confectioner's, sweetshop cukrátko - goody, Candy cukrář - the equipmen, pastry chef, equipmen, confectioner, a confectioner cukrářství - confectionery, confectioner's, pastry, Candy cukřenka - a sugar bowl, caster, sugar bowl, sugar basin, the sugar bowl cumel - sop, a pacifier, pacifier cupitat - patter, scurry, scuttle cvakat - chattering, chatter, to chatter, snapping cvaknout - click, snap cvik - an exercise, exercise, the exercise cvičebnice - exercise book, workbook, activity books, textbook, exercise books cvičenec - exerciser, the practitioner, trainee, gymnast, practitioner is cvičení - exercise, tutorial, practice, exercises, drill cvičený - practiced by, a trained, trained to, practiced, trained cvičit - train, drill, practice, exercise, training cvičitel - trainer of, fitness instructor, the Training, trainer, instructor cvok - hobnail, stud, nutcase, kook, loon cvrlikat - of Twitter, chirk, twitter, chirp, chirrup cvrlikání - twitter, chirping, the chirping, chirping of, chirp cvrček - Cvrcek, cricket, a cricket, cicada, Cvrček cválat - to gallop, trot, canter, gallop, galloping cyklický - the cyclic, cyclic, cyclical, a cyclic, circular cyklista - bicyclist, rider, biker, cyclist, the cyclist cyklistika - cycling, Facilities Cycling, bicycling, biking cyklon - cyclone, the cyclone, cyclones, Zyklon, a cyclone cyklus - cycle, the cycle, loop, cycle of, series cylindrický - a cylindrical, cylinder, cylindrical, cylindric, the cylindrical cynický - cynical, the cynical, cynic, a cynical, sardonic cynik - the cynic, a cynic, cynic, cynical cynismus - cynicism, the cynicism of, cynicism of, the cynicism cysta - cyst, cysts, the cyst, cyst of, a cyst cytoplazma - cytoplasm of, cytoplasm, the cytoplasm, the cytoplasm of, cytoplasmic cákat - splash around, splash, drip, ones splash, slosh cár - tzar, rag, tsar, scrap, czar césura - caesura cévnatý - OF VASCULAR, CEVNI, vascular, ECIW, vasculo cévní - vessel, the vascular, vascular, the vessel, of vascular cídit - scour cíl - goal, aim, objective, target, destination cílení - target, the targeting, targeted, targeting, pointing cílit - target your, targeted, target, targeting, to target
  • 31. cín - the tin, pewter, of tin, tin cínování - tin, tin coating, tin plating, tinning cíp - corner, tip of, lappet, tip, corner of církevní - ecclesiastical, the Church, church, ecclesiastic, religious císař - by Emperor, Emperor of, the Emperor, emperor císařský - caesarean, imperial, the imperial, Emperor, an imperial císařství - empires, imperial, empire, the Empire cítit - sense, to feel, feel the, smell, feel cítění - sentience, sentiments, feelings, sentiment, feeling cívka - reel, spool, coil, the coil, bobbin dabovat - the dub, dub, dubbing, dub of, to dub daktylský - dactylic daleko - much, far away, from here, far, away dalekohled - binoculars, the telescope, a telescope, the binoculars, telescope dalekosáhlý - far-reaching, extensive, far reaching dalekozrakost - hyperopia, hypermetropia, sightedness, farsightedness dalekozraký - farsighted, are long, sighted daleký - a far, distant, the far, long, far další - further, other, next, another, additional daný - given, the, that, a given, the given dar - gift, gift of, present, offering, donation dareba - pickle, scapegrace, rag, rogue, little devil darebnost - trick, mischief, trickery, mischievousness darebácký - knavish, roguish, naughty, rogue darebáctví - of wrongdoing, wrongdoing, roguery, knavery, villainy darebák - wretch, rascal, scoundrel, villain, crook darování - the donation, donation, donating, donation of, presentation dativ - the dative, dative of, the dative case, dative, dative case datle - Date, Raisins, woodpeckers, dates datovat - to date, dating, dating back, date, dated datum - date of, date, the date of, dates, the date dav - mob, crowd of, throng, crowd, the crowd daň - the tax, tax, tax is, duty, a tax daňový - fiscal, tax, taxable, the tax, a tax dbalý - mindful of, mindful of the, mindful, abiding, conscientious dbát - comply, mind, respect, heed, follow dcera - the daughter, daughter of, daughter, the daughter of debakl - debacle, rout, debacle of, the debacle, the debacle of debata - debate, a debate, discussion, the debate, debate over debatovat - canvass, discuss, debate, talk, dispute debet - overdraft, the debit, overdraft of, debit of, debit debil - asshole, moron, sod, retard, prick debilita - moronism, debility, Debilitated debutant - debutant who, debutante, a debutant decentní - subtle, quiet, a decent, decent, unobtrusive decentralizace - the decentralization, of decentralization, devolution, decentralization, decentralization of decentralizovat - decentralized, to decentralize, decentralize the, decentralization, decentralize dech - his breath, the breath, wind, breath, breath away deci - dcl, gill, ounces, decilitre decimetr - decimeter, decimetre, decimetre of, ten centimeters
  • 32. decimovat - decimating the, decimate the, to decimate, decimating, decimate dedikace - a dedication, training Dedication, inscription, training Dedication of, dedication dedikovat - dedicate dedukce - deduction, deductions, of deduction, reasoning, inference dedukovat - deducing, deduce, to deduce, deduced, to infer deduktivní - inferential, deduction, deductive, a deductive, the deductive defekace - to defecate, of defecation, defecation, defecate defekt - a defect, defect of, defect, puncture, the defect defektní - faulty, defective, defect, a defective, the defective deficit - a deficit, deficit of, the deficit, deficiency defilovat - filing defilé - defile, parade of, parade, the parade, march past definice - the definition of, definition, the definition, definition of, definitions definitivní - definite, final, definitive, permanent, ultimate definitivně - definitive, finally, definitively, conclusively, definitely definovat - to define, defined, define the, define a, define definování - definition, definition of, defining the, defining, define deflace - of deflation, the deflation, deflation, deflationary, deflation of deflorace - deflowering, of defloration, defloration, losing your virginity deformace - deformations, distortion, deformation, deformation of, strain deformita - the deformity, deformity, deformity of the, deformity of, deformity is deformovat - deformed, deform the, distort, to deform, deform deformování - deforming, deformation, deform, warping, distortion defraudace - revealing plunders of, embezzlement, embezzlement of, revealing plunders, revealing plunders of the defraudovat - embezzle, to defraud, defraud, cream off degenerace - degeneration, degeneration of the, degeneration of, degeneracy of, degeneracy degenerovaný - a degenerate, effete, the degenerate, degenerate, degenerated degenerovat - to degenerate, degenerate, to deteriorate, degenerating, deteriorate degenerování - degenerating degradace - the degradation, degradation of, of degradation, degradation, the degradation of degradovat - degrade, downgrade, reduce, demote, relegate degustace - tasting of, degustation, tasting, tastings and, tastings dehet - pitch, coal tar, the tar, tar dehtovat - tar, tarring dehydratovat - dehydrated, to dehydrate, dehydrate, be dehydrated, dehydrate the dehydrovat - dehydrate deismus - deism deistický - deistic deka - blanket, deca, a blanket, quilt, cover dekadence - decadence, decadence of, of decadence, decadency, the decadence dekadický - decimal, the decadic, a decimal, decadic deklamace - declamations, declamation of, declamation deklamační - declamatory, declamation deklamovat - to declaim, reciting, recite, declaim, rant deklamátor - declaimer deklarace - declarations, the declaration, Declaration of, declaration, a declaration deklarovat - declare, declare a, declare the, to declare, declaring deklinace - declination of, declension, variation, the declination, declination dekolonizace - the decolonization of, the decolonization, decolonization of, decolonization, of decolonization
  • 33. dekorace - decorations, decoration dekorativní - decorative dekoratér - decorator, a decorator, the decorator dekorační - decoration, decorative, decorating, the decorative, and decorative dekorovat - decorating, decorate the, decorate, decorated, to decorate dekorum - appearances, decorum, proprieties, up appearances, the decorum dekret - the decree, decree of, a decree, decree, edict dekáda - decade of, a decade, decade, the decade delegace - delegation, a delegation, delegations, delegation of, the delegation delegovat - delegated, delegate the, to delegate, delegate, delegate to delegování - delegating, delegation, the delegation, delegation of, delegate delegát - delegate, representative, a delegate, the delegate, delegate of delfín - dolphin, a dolphin, the dolphin, dolphins delikt - wrong, offense, delict, misdemeanor, misconduct delikvent - wrongdoer, offender, the offender, delinquent, a delinquent delikátní - delicate, delectable, a delicate, delicious, sensitive delimitace - the delimitation of, of delimitation, the delimitation, delimitation, delimitation of delimitovat - delimit demagog - demagogue, the demagogue, a demagogue demagogický - demagogical, demagogic, the demagogic, a demagogic, demagogy demagogie - of demagogy, of demagoguery, demagogy of, demagogy, demagoguery demarkace - the demarcation, demarcation of, the demarcation of, of demarcation, demarcation demaskovat - to unmask, unmask the, unmask, expose, debunk dementi - denial, disclaimer, a disclaimer, denials, disclaimers demilitarizace - demilitarization of, the demilitarization of, demilitarization of the, demilitarization, the demilitarization demilitarizovat - demilitarize, demilitarizing, to demilitarize, to demilitarize the, demilitarize the deminutivní - complete diminutive, diminutive deminutivum - diminutive, diminutive of demobilizace - Demobilisation, demobilization of, demobilization, the demobilization, the demobilization of demobilizovat - demobilize the, to demobilize the, demobilize, demob, to demobilize demografický - demographic, demographics, the demographic, a demographic demografie - the demographics, demographics, of demography, demography demokracie - of democracy, democratic, democracy, democracies demokrat - democrat, a Democrat, Democrats demokratický - the democratic, democracy, a democratic, democratic demokratizace - of democratization, democratization, the democratization, Democratisation, democratization of demolice - the demolition, the demolition of, demolition, demolitions, demolition of demolovat - vandalizing, razing, vandalize, the razing, demolish demonstrace - demo, demonstration of, demonstration activities, demonstration, demonstrations demonstrovat - to demonstrate, demonstrate the, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating demontovat - dismantled, dismount, dismantle, disassemble, disassembled demontáž - dismantling of, removal, disassembly, disassembly of, dismantling demoralizace - demoralization of the, demoralization, demoralization of, demoralisation, of demoralization demoralizovat - to demoralize the, demoralizing the, demoralize, demoralize the, to demoralize den - day of, day, one day, the day, date denaturovat - denature, denaturate, denature the, to denature, denaturing denní - daily, the daily, daytime, a daily, day
  • 34. denně - Desk, day, daily, front desk, a day dentista - dentist, remodeled by the dentist, a dentist, the dentist dentální - the dental, of dental, a dental, dental denunciace - denouncement, denunciation, a denunciation, denunciation of denuncovat - denouncing, denounce, denounce the, inform against, to denounce deník - daily, daily newspaper, journal, diary deodorant - deodorizer, a deodorant depeše - trap, dispatches, traps, dispatch, despatch depilační - Hair Removal, depilatory, depilatories, depilation depilátor - epilator, an epilator depo - of Depo, Depo, the depot, depot, pits deponovat - disposed, deposited, deposit, be disposed, to deposit deponování - bailment, depositing, deposition of, deposit, deposition deportace - deportation of, deportations, deportations of, the deportation, deportation deportovaný - an exiled, deportee, deported, the exiled, exiled deportovat - exile, deport, to deport, deporting, deported depozitář - a depository, the Depositary, Depositary of, depository of, depository deprese - depressions, depressed, of depression, depression deprimovat - to depress the, dispirit, dishearten, to depress, depress derivace - derivatives, the derivative, derivation, derivative of, derivative derivovaný - derivatized, derived derivovat - to derive, differentiate, derive, to differentiate, differentiating deset - for ten, of ten, the ten, ten desetiletí - decade, decade of, decades, decades of desetina - one tenth, tenth of the, tenth, tenth of desetinný - a decimal, the decimal, decimal designovat - to design, design a deska - board, plate, sheet, slab, panel desky - boards, plates, plate, board, slabs despocie - a despotism, despotism, of despotism, despotism of despota - authoritarian, oppressor, satrap, tyrant, despot despotický - arbitrary, masterful, oppressive, despotic, tyrannical despotismus - the despotism of, the despotism, despotism of, despotism from, despotism destilovat - to distil, distill, distil, for distillation, to distill destilování - distilling is, distill, distilling the, distilling, distillation destička - the plate, plate, pad, tablet, insert destrukce - of destruction, the destruction, destruction of, destruction, the destruction of destruktivní - the destructive, pernicious, destructive, a destructive destrukční - destructing, destruction, destruct, bursting, destructive desátek - a tithe, tithing, tithe, the tithe, tithes desátník - corporal, a corporal, Corp, the corporal desítka - ten, the ten, dozen, a dozen, ten of desítkový - decimal, a decimal, the decimal detail - details, detail of, detail of the detailnost - detail of, punctuality, the level of detail, level of detail, of detail detailní - closeup, detail, detailed, close detašovat - detach detekce - the detection, detection, detect, detecting, detection of detektor - a detector, the detector, detector is, detectors, detector determinace - Determination, Determination author, of determination determinant - determinant of, the determinant, determinants, determinants of
  • 35. determinismus - determinism of, deterministic, determinism detonace - detonations, detonation of, of detonation, the detonation, detonation detonovat - to detonate, detonate devalvace - devaluation, the devaluation, devaluation of, depreciation, the devaluation of devalvovat - depreciate, devalued, devalue the, to devalue, devalue devastace - devastation of the, the devastation of, devastation of, devastation, the devastation deviace - of deviance, deviance, deviation, deviation of, deviations devátý - the ninth, ninth devítina - ninth of, ninth, in nine devítka - a nine, nine of, the nine, back nine, nine devíza - foreign currency, guiding principle, foreign exchange, motto devět - the nine, of nine, nine dezerce - desertion of, the desertion, desertion, desertions, defection dezert - dessert, desert, the dessert, a dessert dezertovat - defect, desert, to desert, deserting, desert the dezertér - defector, deserter, rat, a deserter deziluze - disillusionment, of disillusionment, disillusion, of disillusion, disenchantment dezinfekce - the disinfection, disinfection, disinfecting, of disinfection, disinfection of dezinfikovat - to disinfect, be disinfected, disinfect, disinfected, disinfect the dezintegrace - the disintegration, disintegration of the, disintegration of, disintegration, the disintegration of dezorganizace - of disorganization, disorganization, the disorganization, dislocation, disorganization of dezorganizovat - to disorganise, To disorganize, disorganise, disorganize, disorganize the dezorientovat - disorient the, disorientate, to disorient the, to disorient, disorient dešifrovat - decrypt, to decrypt, unscramble, decipher, decrypt the dešifrování - decrypt the, decrypt, decrypting, decryption, decipherment deštivý - rainy, a rainy, showery, wet, pluvial deštník - the umbrella, umbrella, an umbrella dešťový - windscreen wiper, rainy, rain, the rain, wiper diabetický - with diabetic, a diabetic, the diabetic, diabetic diabetik - a diabetic, diabetics, diabetic patient, diabetic, are diabetic diadém - diadem of, the tiara, tiara, a tiara, diadem diafragma - junction, diaphragms, diaphragm, the diaphragm diagnostický - the diagnostic, diagnostics, diagnostic, scan, a diagnostic diagnostika - diagnosis of, diagnostic, diagnostics of, diagnosis, diagnostics diagnostikovat - diagnosis, diagnose, diagnose the, diagnosed, to diagnose diagnóza - the diagnosis, a diagnosis, diagnosed, diagnosis of, diagnosis diagonála - diagonal, diagonal of, diagonals, the diagonal, the diagonal of diagonální - the diagonal, a diagonal, diagonal, for diagonal, of diagonal diagram - chart, diagram of, chart of, a diagram diagramový - diagrammatic, Diagram, a diagrammatic, diagrammatically, chart diakritický - diacritical, diacritic dialektický - dialectic, dialectical, a dialectical, a dialectic, the dialectical dialektika - dialectic, the dialectic, dialectics of, dialectic of, dialectics dialektologie - dialectology and, dialectology, dialects, for Dialectology, of dialectology dialog - dialog box, dialogue, the dialogue, a dialogue dialýza - dialysis is, dialysis diamantový - the diamond, a diamond, Diamondback, diamond diapozitiv - a slide, slide, transparency, slides, a transparency diblík - Diblík, elfin, elf, Diblik