New seed varieties just added or have just came back in stock!

Image:Spikebrennan at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ167 English Ivy ( Hedera helix )
English Ivy, also known as Common Ivy has covered most European homes with its elegant vibrant green foliage. In the spring, it blooms white and yellow flowers that add a soft touch to this evergreen vine. Perfect when used as a groundcover, or let its aerial roots quickly grow up the side of your house for a classic look.
This evergreen climbing plant thrives on both vertical and horizontal surfaces. It climbs fortuitously with the aid of aerial rootlets which firmly cling to various substrates, be it trees, cliffs, or walls. The plant exhibits versatile foliage with palmately five-lobed juvenile leaves on creeping stems and unlobed cordate adult leaves on fertile flowering stems exposed to full sun. Approved by the German Commission E Monographs for cough and bronchitis treatment, English Ivy is recognized for its medicinal benefits.
Although native to Europe and Western Asia, it has become a common sight in gardens and waste spaces across various lands. It's noteworthy that it's considered an invasive species in numerous areas, specifically in the eastern United States and Oregon, where it's sale or cultivation are banned. The beauty of the English Ivy is in its evergreen nature, enigmatic grip, and charm that can convert any unsightly facade into a delightful view. If you are considering using Hedera helix, careful planning and management are recommended. Hardy to -40 degrees, for zones 4-9. Cannot ship to OR.
 10 seeds per pack $3.95
8SER74 Daikon Radish
Daikon Radish is great for food plots, winter cattle forage and soil improvements and for the table! Daikon radishes look different than typical garden radishes. They have large, fast growing leaves and a long white root which looks similar to a pale carrot. Daikon can grow up to 20 inches long with a diameter of 4 inches. Their flavor is milder and less peppery than other radishes and can be eaten raw with a crisp and juicy texture. Or, if cooked, the taste is similar to turnip.
Deer eat both the green top and the radish itself. Daikon Radish is also used in soil improvements as well as cover crop. Daikon Radish is very aggressive and will germinate and thrive in most soils types around the world. Great for no till food plots!
One of the biggest benefits behind Daikon Radish is its potential as a source of forage for both deer and cattle. Because the Daikon Radish is so hardy, it can thrive in almost climate and will continue to thrive even as Winter temperatures set in. This makes Daikon Radish a popular form of cattle forage during the Winter months as well. During the Summer, it's just as popular a source of forage because of its aggressive growing tendencies, and how quickly it sprouts new leaves after being consumed.
Daikon Radish have been a popular as a form of sustenance for residents of Southeast Asia for thousands of years. Thanks to its mild taste, it has found new audiences across the world in more recent years. Daikon Radishes can be stored for weeks, even without their leaves, if they are stored in a cool place. In Japanese cuisine, they are often pickled. Obviously the large root leaves behind a significant cavity in the soil, making it an optimal option for breaking up soil, including heavy clays, for those who wish to plant new crop options in years to come. Studies have shown that this taproot leaves more than 6 to 10 inches of effect on soil compaction. The word "Daikon" actually translates to "big root" in Japanese!

Cooking with Daikon Radish: Noodles: Try shredding daikon into "noodles" and adding to soups, stir-fries, or as the base for pasta sauce. Use a vegetable peeler to shave the long root into thin strips, then quickly cook into stir-fries, etc.
Salad: Peel, then grate, julienne, dice, or slice to add crunch to your favorite salad. Many like to sprinkle mine with Ume Plum Vinegar when using raw.
Stew: A somewhat traditional option, try adding big chunks of dakion radish to hearty stews. Try a Beef Stew with Red Wine & Herbs or Beet Bourguignon.
Roasted Like any root vegetable, daikon is great roasted. Use a basic recipe, then branch out to Miso Maple Roasted Vegetables.
Slow cooked baking pan or slow cooker with carrots, onions, garlic, low-sodium seasonings, low-sodium vegetable broth, lean meat. Turn on low and let the juices and flavors start mixing for an all-in-one meal.

Health benefits: Boosting digestive health. Assists in detoxification — As a diuretic, daikon may help stimulate urination. Weight management — Daikon is a low-calorie and low-cholesterol vegetable, yet still high in fiber

  1 Ounce package $3.95
  1 pound package ( for 4,000 square feet ) $12.95
  5 pound package ( for one half acre ) $55.95
LET845 Sweet Goldenrod ( Solidago odora )
A stately plant for the fragrant garden. Sweet Goldenrod, part of the Aster (Asteraceae) family, is native to the North and South Eastern areas of the US. It is clump-forming and makes a nice fall addition to any dry, even sandy, garden because it does not spread aggressively as some other Goldenrods may. Also called Anise Scented Goldenrod, the nice-smelling leaves and dried flowers have been used to make tea. It is deer-resistant and attracts butterflies.
his species is primarily clump-forming and does not spread aggressively as do some of the other goldenrod species and hybrids.
Interesting goldenrod for native plant gardens. Also appropriate for borders, cottage gardens or butterfly gardens. May be grown in herb gardens. Grows 2-4 feet tall, hardy for zones 4-9.
  49mg package ( about 175 seeds ) $2.95
TRZ165 Tartar Maple ( Acer tataricum )
Acer tataricum, more commonly known as Tatar Maple or Tatarian Maple - is a resilient, deciduous shrub or tree that thrives even in harsh conditions. Originally found in central and southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, this vibrant species can now be sighted as far as Russia, Japan, and North America.
It blooms with whitish-green flowers from May till June and proudly bears pairs of red samaras that mature in the late summer through early autumn. Tatar maple grows up to a height of 15-40 ft and boasts of thin, pale brown bark which becomes charmingly fissured on mature plants. The leaves of this species are simple and broadly ovate, displaying an unmissable matte green hue that pairs wonderfully with the pink-tinged, slender leaf petioles. In autumn, it puts on an alluring display of red foliage, making it a fantastic addition to any garden.
Acer tataricum is well-adapted to different soil types- from sandy to loamy and heavy clay soils- and pH levels. It exhibits an extraordinary tolerance for climatic extremes, thereby able to withstand hot, cold, and dry weather conditions. Making it a favorite for adding visual appeal to backyards, parks, and shelterbelts. This heartily versatile maple, with its lush foliage and weather-resistant properties, the Acer tataricum is sure to make an enriching addition to any landscape. Zones 3-8.
Package of 10 seeds $2.95
Package of 50 seeds $7.95
Hummingbird Clethra
TRZ164 Hummingbird Clethra ( Clethra alnifolia )
Discover the beauty and fragrance of Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' - a compact and slowly spreading deciduous shrub featuring bottlebrush spikes of incredibly fragrant white flowers that bloom for 4-6 weeks in later summer.
Not just aesthetically pleasing, these flowers open from bottom to top, attracting bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, offering them a striking choice of nectar during a season where choices are sparse. Following the blooming season, the plant generates eye-catching dark brown fruits which persist into winter, maintaining interest and adding to its charm. The lush and glossy dark green foliage morphs into a stunning golden-yellow in fall, further enhancing the plant's visual appeal.
The 'Hummingbird' is particularly renowned for its ability to produce exceptional flowers even in shady locations, making it a preferred Summersweet cultivar. It surpasses the species in its compactness and flower production capability. A reliable shrub originating from coastal Maine to north Florida and then west to the eastern edge of Texas, the 'Hummingbird' Summersweet adds beauty and fragrance to any landscape.
About 30% germination rate. Hardy for zones 4-9.
 18mg pack ( about 175 tiny seeds ) $3.95
Image:SKas, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ163 Chinese Mulberry ( Maclura tricuspidata )
Discover the wonders of Maclura tricuspidata Che, also known as Chinese Mulberry, Cudrang, Mandarin Melon Berry, or Silkworm Thorn. These fruits are a rich source of vitamins, including riboflavin, thiamine, carotene, and exceptionally high levels of vitamin C. You can enjoy them in the fall season.
Beyond their delectable taste, the plant offers numerous health benefits. For instance, the wood is perfect for an infusion that treats sore or weak eyes. The inner bark and wood treat ailments like malaria, debility, and menorrhagia. The root stimulates milk production, treats amenorrhea, and exhibits galactagogue properties. Moreover, the plant is famous for its ability to combat blood stasis, increase blood circulation, and alleviate conditions like cancer, especially in the alimentary system, lungs, and blood.
Native to East Asia, it grows up to six meters in height and can be cultivated for fruit. Try the myriad benefits Maclura tricuspidata Che offers.
USDA zones 5-9.
 500mg pack ( about 12 seeds ) $2.95
Fresh Look Red ( Celosia cristata )
LET844 Fresh Look Orange ( Celosia cristata )
Fleuroselect winner. Fresh Look Orange performs like a fresh floral arrangement all summer. Thriving in the summer heat and humidity with drought or rainy conditions, Fresh Look Orange decorates a garden or patio container with gleaming standout orange plumes. Valued for its consistent performance with minimal maintenance and pest-free growth. Fresh Look Orange covers up spent plumes by producing new foliage and blooms. The plant always looks fresh, needing no grooming.
When grown in the full sun, Fresh Look Orange plants mature at 12 to 18 inches tall and spread 12 to 20 inches. The central plume can be 8 to 10 inches tall and 5 inches wide. Like all Celosia plumosa, the flowers can be cut and dried for everlasting homemade bouquets.
  110mg pack ( about 50-60 coated seeds ) $3.95
Image:Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ161 Pistachio Nut ( Pistacia vera )
Pistachio nuts, also known as Pistacia vera, are a highly cherished culinary nut grown on small trees native to Syria, Iran, Turkey, Greece, and other regions of the Middle East. These nuts are high in antioxidants, unsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carotenoids, making them a healthy addition to any diet. Pistachios need cold winters of at least 45 degrees for dormancy, but not too cold.
Their green kernels have a distinct and widely-appreciated flavor, making them a popular choice in ice cream, baked goods, salads, and as a snack or dessert nut. These trees are tolerant of saline soil, but require long, hot summers to properly ripen. Commercial production centers include Iran, Turkey, California, and Australia. Try these nutritious nuts today and experience their delicious taste and health benefits for yourself! Zones 8b-10.
Germination: Soak the seed in room temperature water for 24–48 hours. Then roll seed loosely in damp (not wet) burlap, cloth towels, or paper towels and place the towels in plastic bags. Keep refrigerated at 33–36 °F for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, remove bags from refrigerator and place at room temperature, between 70–90 °F, check seeds for root growth at least every other day and remove seeds from towels as early as possible after observing root growth and plant in light soil media, potting soil, peat pots, or other standard soil mix.
  Package of 5 seeds $4.95
Trichocereus Hybrids Mix
Image:Walterswithin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET842 Huancabamba Peruvian Torch ( Trichocereus peruvianus Huancabamba )
Discover the rich history and cultural significance of Trichocereus peruvianus var. Huancabamba or the Huancabamba Peruvian Torch Cactus. Found high in the Andean mountain deserts of Peru and Ecuador, this cactus has been used by the monks of a pre-Inca culture known as Chavín in their ritualistic ceremonies to diagnose spiritual links to a patient's illness. Its active compound, mescaline, has been reported to be present in a concentration of 1.2% in the dried cactus, and it also contains varying phenethylamines and other substances in minimal proportions. Today, Curanderos or medicine men of northern Peru still use it for spiritual and medicinal purposes. A close relative of the San Pedro cactus.
 10 seeds $3.95
TWT281 Dutchman's Pipe ( Aristolochia durior )
Annual. A fast-growing vine excellent for screening purposes; it will quickly create a dense screen and shade. The huge 8-10 in. wide, heart-shaped leaves are dark green with a coarse texture.
Dutchman's Pipe is a very vigorous native vine. It will create a thick green screen in a short period of time making it ideal for covering a fence, wall or strong trellis. It can grow to 30 feet tall in some cases.
It has large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves and very interesting flowers that are shaped like a small pipe. They are a few inches long and are a mahogony-cream color.
This vine plays an important role in the life of native Pipevine Swallowtail butterflies. The flowers provide nectar for the butterflies, and the leaves are an important food source for the caterpillars. The vigorous growth of this vine makes it easy to share the leaves with these beautiful insects.
This native plant grows best in moist, well-drained soil, in full to partial sun. It can reach heights of 30 feet tall. It is a good plant for having few pest or disease problems, and as a bonus it withstands urban pollution quite well.
For zones 4-8.
 300mg pack ( about 15 seeds ) $4.95
Image: By Le.Loup.Gris [GFDL 1.3 or CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
TRZ160 Southern Catalpa Worm Tree ( Catalpa bignonioides )
Grow a beautiful lawn tree and have all the fishing bait you and your family and friends will ever need! The southern catalpa is an attractive small to medium sized deciduous tree that grows to about 25-50 ft in height. It is of similar width with a short trunk that supports a broad, open and rounded crown.

Catalpa has large tropical looking heart-shaped leaves that are up to 8 in long and held oppositely on the stems (often in a whorl with three leaves emerging from the same point along the stem). In spring the southern catalpa produces showy 6-10 inch branching flower clusters (panicles) at the stem tips. The white bell-shaped blossoms are 2 inches in diameter and patterned with small purple spots and two large orange markings at the throat.
The flowers are followed by long slender cigar-shaped pods up to 16 inches in length. The green pods ripen to brown in fall and split to release flat fringed seeds.
Grows in full sun to partial shade. Southern catalpa prefers moist, well drained soils but is adaptable. Hardy for zones 6-10.
Spectacular spring flowers and beautiful bright green foliage make the catalpa one of the South's most distinctive and best loved native trees. Used as an ornamental, accent, specimen, or shade tree. It is a valued ornamental tree with large foliage and showy clusters of flowers in the spring. When grown as a specimen many gardeners drastically cut back the large branches of their catalpas each winter. This radical surgery is called pollarding and the result is a tree with a thick trunk, very compact crown and very large beautiful foliage.
Catalpa also has some limited use in the forest products trade for fence posts, rails and crates.
This tree has been widely planted and naturalized outside its native range because it is the host plant for a caterpillar commonly called the catawba worm. These are a popular fishing bait for southern freshwater fish.
All across the American Deep South the catalpa tree is seen, often stripped bare of it's leaves by hungry caterpillars. This means only one thing - it's time to go fishing! The foliage is quickly replaced in a few weeks and the cycle can be repeated several times in a season.
 115mg pack ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
 100 seeds $7.95
LET832 Citron Melon ( Citrullus lanatus )
Not your typical watermelon, white flesh is hard and tasteless when raw. Citron has been grown for centuries and used to make preserves, pickles, and "sweetmeats."
This variety has vivid red seeds and a light green rind with dark green stripes. Fruits can be stored for up to a year. Extremely productive, drought tolerant, and resilient. 90-100 days.
Click here for Citron Melon Recipes
 5 seeds $2.95
LET831 Katarina Cabbage
All-America Selections (AAS) Winner 2016. Coleslaw and summer go hand-in-hand and this year, you will be able to enjoy your own fresh, homemade coleslaw with our 2016 AAS Winner Cabbage Katarina F1. This new winner has a perfect smaller head size (4”) and shape to be grown successfully in containers on patios, decks or in-ground beds, possibly as an ornamental/edible border.
Children tend to prefer Katarina to other varieties because it is much milder, even sweeter, than most others, without a trace of bitterness. Great for slaw and salads, it also holds up well in stir fries.
Beating all other varieties to harvest by several weeks, Katarina hybrid is a very sweet, compact summer cabbage you can grow in large tubs and raised beds as well as the vegetable garden. It earned its national All-America Selection award with quick growth, delicious flavor, and smooth texture.
 102mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
LET830 Schefflera, Octopus Plant ( Schefflera )
A stunning, tropical shrub or tree with a vigorous habit. This beautiful Schefflera has a natural glossy look and long, oblong leaves. The shiny green, leathery leaves are arranged on their slender stalks like an umbrella, or like fingers on a hand. As a houseplant Schefflera is super versatile and it adapts well to various conditions. Schefflera is easy to prune to any size you want. Keep it tall and slender to offer it as a tree-like stunner to cover a corner from floor to ceiling. In addition, Schefflera is a great air-purifier.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
Honeybaby Winter Squash )
LET829 Honeybear ( Winter Squash )
Honeybaby is a very productive variety of winter squash producing numerous fruits on a compact plant. These shorter vines grow 2-3 feet in a semi-bush habit showing great garden vigor. Short, wide fruits are slightly larger, sweet and nutty and meatier than similar comparison varieties. Honeybaby is delicious steamed, baked or made into soups and stews. 90-100 days.
  5 seeds per pack $2.95
LET827 Aalsmeer King Size Mix Pansy
Old-fashioned mix with vigorous plants. Cheerful, 2 1/2–3 1/2" bicolor blooms in shades of gold, purple, plum, lavender, rose, and white. Mildly fragrant blooms. A pansy you can use in bouquets, which is unusual.
These plants provide large flowers on long stems ( for pansies ). Plants grow 16-22 inches tall .Harvest when the flowers are starting to open. Stems lengthen over time. Expect a vase life of 5 to 7 days. Edible Flowers: Decorative and edible garnish for salads and desserts with slight wintergreen flavor. While a popular choice for brightening up salad mix, the flowers are also good for candying.
 75mg pack ( about 50 seeds ) $3.95
TRZ158 Yaupon Holly ( Ilex vomitoria )
Looking for a lovely and useful plant for your garden? Consider the Ilex vomitoria! Also known as yaupon holly, yaupon, or cassina, this species of holly is native to southeastern North America, from Maryland to Florida and Texas. It boasts smooth, gray bark and glossy dark green leaves, and produces beautiful quarter-inch scarlet fruit in large quantities. The plant takes well to pruning and is adaptable to various soil types.
The leaves are small, leathery and bright green and are not prickly like other hollies. The flowers attract bees and butterflies. This holly can rapidly reach 10 to 20 feet tall and 8 to 12 feet wide, so allow proper spacing when planting multiples. It will form thickets unless the suckers are removed.
Though occasionally used for hedging, it is primarily used for landscaping. The wood of the Ilex vomitoria is heavy and hard, making it useful for turnery, inlay work, and other woodenware. The plant is also culturally significant: Native Americans used the leaves and stems to make a tea containing caffeine, a unique quality in a North American plant. Rediscovered in modern times, yaupon tea made from dried leaves is now commercially available. Add this picturesque and useful plant to your garden today!
Grow as a container plant or outside in zones 7-9.
700mg Package ( about 100 seeds ) $4.95
Image: By Miwasatoshi [GFDL or CC BY-SA 4.0], from Wikimedia Commons
LET820 Sweet Acacia ( Acacia smallii )
Sweet Acacia is currently one of the most popular residential trees being planted across the southern states, and for many good reasons! Its compact size and tolerance of ridiculous heat and poor soil make it useful for almost any situation; residential, commercial or otherwise. The real reason for this tree's popularity, however, is the abundant display of extremely fragrant, golden yellow puffballs in early spring.
Hardy to zone 7.
 5 seeds $2.95
TRZ157 Flowering Camellia ( Camellia japonica )
Discover the beauty of the Japanese Camellia, also known as Camellia japonica or "rose of winter". A flowering shrub or small tree, it is native to Japan, Korea, and China and is the official state flower of Alabama. With shiny dark green leaves, the flowers of this plant can come in red, white, or pink shades, sometimes with stripes or specks.
Camellia japonica wants to grow in a rich, acid soil with part shade or full sun and can be cultivated as both a shrub or small tree. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, an edible oil called "tsubaki oil" can be obtained from the seeds. Explore the thousands of cultivars available and bring the beauty of this graceful plant into your home garden.
It is native to Japan and is well-known for its beautiful and vibrant flowers. Camellia japonica is highly regarded for its ornamental value and has been cultivated for centuries in Japan and other parts of the world.
Best suited for zones 7-9, but can also be grown as a container plant in cooler zones.
  5 seeds per pack. Price per pack: $3.95
Image:Geoff Fox, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET819 Captain Cook ( Callistemon viminalis )
An exotic looking evergreen with brush-like scarlet blooms that create an irresistible display in late spring, and again in late summer and autumn. This half hardy bottlebrush makes a striking feature grown against a sheltered, sunny wall or in a large patio container. Once established, this plant requires little maintenance.
'Captain Cook' bears brilliant scarlet flower spikes. This evergreen shrub or small tree gets its species name citrinus from the lemony smelling oil glands present in the olive green, lance-shaped leaves. Spring to summer flowers are terminal, axillary, and crimson colored.
Plant in neutral to acid, moderately fertile soil in full sun. This plant is tough and makes and excellent hedge. Regular prunning is not necessary. If you do prune, immediately after flowering is best. Does very well in containers.
Zone 8-11 outside, grow in containers and bring inside for cooler zones.
 11mg pack ( about 50 or more very tiny seeds ) $2.95
LET818 Everleaf Thai Tower ( Ocimum basilicum )
Everleaf Emerald Tower Basil is a beautiful herb that is known for its striking appearance and delicious flavor. This basil variety has a sweet, slightly spicy taste that is similar to traditional Genovese basil. It is commonly used in Italian cuisine, particularly in pesto sauces and other herb-heavy dishes.
Named for its unique growth habit which features tall, upright stems, the leaves of the plant are a vibrant shade of green and have a glossy, slightly ruffled texture. It is beautiful in pots, and this boldly flavored basil is slow to bolt. 65 days.
 28mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
LET817 Mammoth Jalapeno ( Mildly hot pepper, 5000 or more shu )
Large uniform 5 x 2 pendant pods with thick flesh. Excellent for stuffing whole as poppers or cutting in half lengthwise! Adaptability and superior yields complement its excellent fruit quality.
Produces high quality, uniform, dark green fruit making it ideal for fresh and processing. Truly "mammoth" in size, this jumbo jalapeño is very adaptable for the most discerning markets. Superior yields complement its excellent fruit quality. Continuous set provides for extended harvest window. 72 days. Disease Resistance: Potato Virus Y, Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
5 seeds $3.95
LET816 Golden Honey
Golden Honey is a sweet and sugary treat. This 10 by 12 inch in diameter watermelon is the perfect yellow flesh watermelon. It weighs 20 to 30 pounds and contains a dark-green rind with stripes. If you are a yellow flesh watermelon lover, then this variety is for you. 85 days.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET815 Harvest Flowers Hybrid Mix
An awesome collection of ornamental gourds with flower patterns. As many colors, shapes and patterns as one can imagine.
Bush plants maturing in 65 to 70 days. Bush habit allows for tighter spacing and good harvest of highly ornamental fruit. The bright disc shaped fruits are multi-colored and resemble sunflowers. 90-110 days.
 10 seeds $3.95
Image:Kahuroa, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
LET812 New Zealand Cabbage Tree Palm ( Cordyline australis )
Cabbage Tree is a flowering, evergreen, single or multi-trunked tree in the asparagus family and one of the most recognized plants in its native New Zealand. The plant can reach a height of 30 to 60 feet in its native habitat at maturity. It can also be grown as an ornamental in a container and, in that environment, will slowly develop a cane-like trunk or trunks and reach a height of 15 feet. The small, fragrant flowers of the Cabbage Tree bloom in late spring. The leaves of the tree are sword-like with a 3 foot length and 3 inch width and cluster at the tips of the branches.
Cabbage Tree tolerates a wide range of soils ranging from wet boggy conditions to dry ones. If grown outdoors, it does best in moist, fertile, organically rich, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. When grown in containers outside on patios in summer, it can be brought in over the winter or grown indoors year-round as a houseplant. If grown in a container, keep soils consistently moist in summer but reduce moisture indoors in winter and site the plant in bright sunny spots in the home or greenhouse. Also note that container-grown plants rarely flower.
Cabbage Tree has a taproot that needs the root space of a large and deep container for best growth. Young plants consisting of a fountain of grass-like leaves with no trunk are often sold as houseplants. Zones 8-11, or inside plant for colder zones.
  10 seeds. Price per pack: $3.95
TRZ154 Appleblossom Cassia ( Cassia nodosa )
Spectacular medium size fast growing tree with a fine spreading crown. Masses of bubbly fragrant pink appleblossom flowers appear in spring-summer held in cascading clusters along downy branches.
Lovely, tropical, rich green, pinnate foliage. Briefly deciduous during dry season. The flowers range in colour from pale pink to crimson with yellow coloured stamens and are found in open clusters. The ground under the tree is covered with a beautiful carpet of pink towards the end of the flowering season.

For zones 9A through 11.
Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Package of 50 seeds $9.95
LET807 Smooth Criminal Hybrid Summer Squash
55 days. Pale to medium yellow, straight neck fruits have thin skins and thick necks. Fruits are very tender and are best when harvested young at 6" or less. Flesh is creamy white and full of flavor. Bushy plants are nearly spineless and have a very unique, upright, indeterminate growth habit. Uniform fruits are produced along the central stem and can be harvested easily and painlessly. Tall plants may benefit from staking or trellising. Widely adaptable. Very heavy yielder.
 10 seeds $3.95
By John Ocampo via Wikimedia Commons
3584 Fragrant Passionflower ( Passiflora maliformus )
Also known as Sweet Calebash, it is grown for its beautiful fragrant flowers and delicious fruit.
Flowers are greenish-white and purple, huge, up to 4-6 inches in diameter. The sepals are greenish-white, heavily speckled with purple spots inside, green outside. The petals are green white and heavily spotted with purple. The crown consists of four rows of filaments, white with purple stripes. The flowers are pendulous and very fragrant.
The fruits are oval or spherical, about 2 inches long and 2-3 inches wide. They are greenish yellow to light orange and the external shell is extremely hard. They are edible and taste of grapes.
The name maliformis name means "apple-shaped".
Vines are self-fertile, and should be grown on fences or trellises.
  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
1A445 Silver Queen Palm ( Syagrus romanzoffiana Litoralis )
A robust cultivar of the Queen Palm from Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil, where it is found to over 3300 ft. altitude, with a thicker, sturdier trunk that supports a compact crown of arching leaves with particularly thick and wide leaflets. It is very hardy to cold and is said to survive temperatures down to 15°F undamaged. Apparently this palm has already been in cultivation in the U.S. for a while, most popularly under the name Silver Queen. Reportedly, the palm received that name in Florida not because its leaves or any other of its parts are silver, but rather because after a hard freeze that killed all the more tender Queen Palms, the ones that survived, the Silver Queens, had leaflets that appeared in a strange, translucent silver tone in sunlight, the result of a light frost damage.
  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
Z2477 Chilean Wine Palm ( Jubaea chilensis )
Probably the most massive and undoubtedly the most cold-tolerant of all pinnate palms, this species, although unfortunately not common in cultivation, hardly needs any introduction. Native to central Chile, it is well suited to temperate and subtropical climates.
It is highly drought tolerant but will also do well in cold and humid conditions. It does not need hot summers to grow well and in winter it can take severe frost down to -16°C (3°F) unharmed. For many temperate climates it is the only large pinnate palm which is cold-tolerant enough to be successful long-term. Many fine, centennial examples can be admired for instance in California, Australia and along the Mediterranean, in southern Switzerland, along the windy Atlantic coast of France and even in Britain. And there are many other areas where it would do well but has not been tried much.
Germination and establishment are slow but easily accomplished and young plants are sought after and of high value as they are rarely found in the nursery trade.
  Package of 5 large seeds $7.95
IForest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRM020 Foxtail Palm ( Wodyetia bifurcata )
Wodyetia bifurcata - a beautiful solitary palm with a canopy of eight to ten leaves. The leaflets encircle the rachis and are full, thus creating the appearance of fox's tail.
The trunk is self-cleaning, slender, gray in color, tightly ringed and slightly swollen at the base. It's crown shaft is a creamy green and very smooth.
The Foxtail Palm is very durable and adaptable to many environments. Discovered growing in an open woodland rainforest, on eroded granite slopes reaching as high as 1300 feet. With a very deep root system the Foxtail can withstand a great variance in water and temperature.
It is moderately salt tolerant and grows well in a variety of soils but good drainage is a must. It loves sun, even at an early age. It can tolerate light frost and does well in temperate to tropical climates. Prolonged hot dry winds can cause damage to the fronds. The root system allows planting near walkways or structures. A fast grower - the Foxtail can grow as much as three feet per year. There are no major pest problems. Hardy to about 30 degress.
 5 large seeds $8.95
LET805 ColorMax Lemon Splash
Lemon Splash has a great appearance with lighter lemon wings and a bold splash of golden yellow. It shows up well in low light periods so you will see it early in the morning and late into the evening.
Representing the new wave in violas, ColorMax is a giant-flowered viola that is heat tolerant and fills pots easily, even under heat stress where standard violas suffer. ColorMax is a superb autumn performer and a great choice to start the season. This alternative to pansies comes in a number of eye-catching and unique colors that are extremely versatile—perfect for pots, packs, baskets and mixed containers.
 27mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
Image:KENPEI, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET804 Slender Palm Lily ( Cordyline stricta )
A nice accent plant for a bright shady spot in the garden or used as a container plant, indoors or out.
Showy inflorescences with bluish flowers are produced in spring. Cordyline stricta adapts well to both tropical and mild temperate climates and can take light freezes unharmed. It does best under filtered light, making it a nice houseplant specimen. Makes an excellent container plant and can be kept indoors for long periods. The plant can be pruned to any height and will reshoot readily
Great inside or patio plant, or can be grown full time outdoors in zones 8-11.
  10 seeds $3.95
SF253 Applemint ( Mentha suaveolens )
This herb was often found growing on the ruins of old monasteries. The monks had used it for curing epileptic fits since it was considered refreshing for the brain. In early times, the Greeks used apple mint to clean their banqueting tables and also added it to their baths to rejuvenate their bodies.
It is called applemint because the leaves when brushed give out a sweet scent that seems like a cross between spearmint and apples. The leaves have a slight fruity flavor.
Apple mint leaves are said to have certain medicinal properties. The crushed leaves of this plant are said to eliminate the pain caused by bee sting, wasp stings and other insect bites. They bring about a cooling effect on the affected part of the body.
The flowers can be used to make tea which if consumed when promotes digestion, cures many ailments such as intestine problems, stomach pain and refreshes the mind.
The Apple mint leaves also help in breaking down fat and accelerating metabolism level. The mint leaves contains nutrients like iron, potassium, calcium, vitamin A and C which replenish our body. The leaves are said to have anti-cancer properties.
Powdered leaves can be used to whiten the teeth. The essential oil extracted from the leaves is used in aromatherapy to cure acne, colic, cramp, colds, flu, stress, shock, asthma and travel sickness.
Soft gray-green round leaves are downy with a pronounced scent. One of the tallest garden mints, applemint reaches heights the other mints don't, sometimes clambering up two or more feet in height, but is best shorn down frequently to prevent bloom if the intent is to use it in cooking.
It's fuzzy leaves and stems have a distinct minty apple taste, and it lends its flavor to applemint jelly and couscous, as well as teas that will calm upset stomach and soothe body and soul. Like most mints, applemint can threaten the garden with too much of a good thing, and in its optimum growing conditions of part shade and moist soil will quickly introduce itself to neighbouring beds and lawns.
Plant it in containers, or bottomless buckets sunk into the garden bed to control its tendency to roam. Applemint is untroubled by pests in general and considered repellent of bothersome insects in the mixed border.
Keep applemint growing anywhere you want to enjoy its sweet fruity scent, and close to the kitchen to easily enjoy the wonderful flavor it adds to food.
A perennial for zones 5-9, but can be grown in containers inside just about anywhere.
 35mg package ( over 500 very tiny seeds ) $5.95
TWT294 Giant Strawberry
Now you can grow your own huge strawberries at home! Very large fruits with juicy flesh! These large growing strawberries are the largest on the market. Great flavor. Perfect for making chocolate covered strawberries, the kind you pay 30 bucks a dozen for online!
 6mg pack ( about 20-25 seeds ) $4.95
LET798 Urban Orange Echeveria
This is one of the most popular succulents that are also grown as houseplants. A very slow-growing evergreen succulent plant that maintains its small size even at maturity. An attractive plant that forms a low-growing rosette of thick, fleshy powdery blue-grey leaves with red edges and tips. Borne on long stems, drooping bell-shaped orange flowers appear in late spring or early summer, and if grown outside will attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
It has a compact, mounding habit. The plant multiplies by putting out offsets, or "pups," and forms a showy dense carpet of beautiful rosettes over time. Shown to best effect when grouped or massed, echeveria is an excellent container plant, but it makes great edging and ground cover for small spaces. It is a staple plant for green roofs and a perfect addition to a rock garden, a Mediterranean garden, and of course, a succulent garden.
Very easy-to grow, it thrives in warm, dry climates and does not tolerate frost. Pelleted seed for easy germination.
 2mg pack ( about 25 pelleted seeds ) $3.95
LET796 Chill Out Blue ( Lavandula angustifolium )
Intense blue violet, ultra compact, first year bloomer, highly fragrant, green leaf, pot plant, Primed Seed, hardy to zone 5.
 12mg ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
Espostoa nana
Image:Michael Wolf, Penig, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET795 Mini Barrel Cacti ( Ferocactus macrodiscus )
Easy to grow container cacti inside, or great rock/cacti garden plant outside. Full sun to light shade. Hardy to 25 F. Water sparingly summer, keep dry winter. Solitary barrel with a bluish green stem grows to 8-12" tall. Pink and white striped flowers.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET793 Aloe Variegata
Aloe variegata commonly called Partridge Breast Aloe makes a great houseplant, but is also hardy if grown outside. This smaller aloe grows to 10 to 12 inches tall to 9 inches wide and forms rosettes, sometimes solitary but often clustered, with leaves arranged in 3 ranks that are upright with a boat-hull shape (lanceolata-deltoid) that have a distinct gutter down the middle. The leaf margins have tiny blunt white teeth along the entire length and are a white color that stands out well against the dark green color of the leaf, which also has short longitudinally-arranged white spots on upper and lower surfaces that often line up in horizontal bands, giving this plant the common name of Tiger Aloe. The spots are also said to resemble those on a partridge breast, which gives this plant its most used common name. The plant will get red highlights that turn the deep green to a more brown color when the plant is drought stressed. The pink to pale red flowers appear on short, stout, and sometimes branched inflorescences. Outside:In the wild, flowering for this plant is noted as responding to rains and in Southern California most find that it flowers in mid-winter. Plant in full coastal sun to shade in a very well-drained soil and irrigate little to occasionally. One cannot seem to underwater this plant but many a grower (us included) will note that this plant can rot out at its base if over irrigated or if soil is not well draining; this being said, others say that they can irrigate with impunity without any problems. It is hardy to around 20 F.
  Pack of 10 seeds $3.95
LET791 Ozark Giant Sweet Pepper( Sweet Bell Pepper )
An heirloom variety. Ozark Giant produces huge, long bell peppers that have delicious, thick flesh. They start out green and turn bright red when mature. Red flesh is sweet and tangy. Very productive plants and great flavor will make this old Ozarks variety a favorite.
The plant produces heavy yields of 6" to 8" long giant red sweet bell peppers. Peppers turn from dark green to bright red when mature. Peppers have thick walls, are sweet, and juicy. Great in salads, salsa, and stuffed. Should be staked to support the heavy yields of giant peppers. 72 days.
10 seeds $2.95
25 seeds $5.95
LET789 Violetta Pak Choi
Violetta is a purple-leaved pak choi cultivar that can be harvested at 30 days for baby greens or 50 days for full heads. The dark purple leaves have contrasting pale green undersides and venation. Mature plants will reach up to 18" tall and 12" wide.
30-50 days. 30 days for baby greens, 50 days for heads. The striking appearance, crisp and sweet flavor, and high nutritional value of Violetta make it the perfect choice to use as a baby green or as a full-headed pac choi. The rich violet leaf tops contrast beautifully with green undersides and stems. A great source of vitamin A, calcium, and iron.
 135mg package ( about 55-60 seeds ) $2.95
LET788 Apollo Lovesong Pink/White Cosmos
With flowers ranging from pink to white and striped combinations in between, Apollo Lovesong Cosmos provide a softer color palette that has found a home across all zones. With a manageable height of just 18 to 36 inches high, Apollo Lovesong can be planted in the center of your garden where you need mid-height blooms. Equally at home in containers, this variety branches nicely and lasts longer than other cosmos.
Attracts bees and butterflies, easy to grow and maintain, fast growing. Use in container garden, cut flower garden, landscaping.
110mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
TRZ139 Tauerii Monstera
This is a more dwarf version of Monstera that is better suited for use as a houseplant. Tauerii is a stunning, tropical foliage plant, with large, heart-shaped leaves with lots of perforations. Tauerii is a dwarf-type Monstera and particularly develops its leaf perforations early. This plant tends to set earlier than other Monsteras. Monstera deliciosa Tauerii is well-suited as a decorative houseplant. Monstera deliciosa Tauerii is commonly known as Swiss cheese plant. Prefers full to partial sun.
Seed Germination: Plant at least 2-3 seeds per pot. Bottom heat is helpful. Takes 14-28 days to germinate.
 5 seeds $4.95
 Royjose, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Z2101 Black Pepper Vine (Piper Nigrum)
A vigorous tropical vine with glossy green leaves grown for commercial production of pepper. Can be grown on trellises outside or used as a houseplant for most regions of US.
Black pepper plants make an attractive addition to your house or garden. Once grown, they develop dainty white flowers before producing fruit. The fruits will appear as clusters of round berries in a chain formation.
Conditions for growing black pepper plants require high temps, heavy and frequent rainfall, and well-draining soil, all of which are met in the countries of India, Indonesia, and Brazil where most of the commercial peppercorns are grown. Most growers in the USA grow these in containers inside the home or greenhouse. These warm loving plants will stop growing when temps drop below 65 degrees F. (18 C.) and do not tolerate frost; as such, they make great container plants. Situate in full sun with 50 percent or greater humidity, or inside the house or greenhouse if your region does not fit these criteria.
In its native habit of southern India, Black Pepper is an understory plant that climbs up trees and grows in dappled light. When grown as a houseplant, it needs moderate light in an east or west window and it should be placed directly on the windowsill or close to your light source if grown in a light garden. It does benefit from some direct sunlight but not hot noonday sun. Like other tropical plants, Black Pepper can be grown outside during the summer months and brought inside for the winter.
The flowers start growing at the leaf nodes of new growth. The small white flowers form pendulous spikes and then small, round, green peppercorns form in chains, which in time ripen to red. Growth slows down in the winter, yet it will fruit and flower year-round. The pepper plant can produce an abundance of peppercorns in a pot as small as 8-inches.
To fertilize, use a soluble or liquid fertilizer applied every two weeks when you water. Don’t over fertilize your black pepper plant, as a rule of thumb, the less light, the less often you fertilize, so outside in summer means more, inside in winter less.
  10 seeds per pack. $3.95
AW24 Thailand Black Stem Banana ( Musa balbisiana atia )
Please click on this photo to see the large image that details the wonderful color of the stalks!
This is a wonderful, fast growing banana with tremendous ornamental appeal. The picture shows 2 year old plants started from seed growing on one of our bayou properties on the Gulf Coast. The more exposure to sunlight, the darker the stem gets. Will grow to a massive 18 feet or taller outside, or can be grown in a container where growth will be limited by container size. Very cold hardy, probably down to 15 degrees if mulched heavy, and loves hot, hot weather as well!
  10 seeds $7.95
  50 seeds $24.95
JF730 Pinktopia Multi-seed Pellets
First pink Bacopa from seed, vivid pink, strongly trails, ideal basket component plant, super for shade.
Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds.
  5 multi-seed pellets for easy sowing $4.95
LET784 Snowtopia Multi-seed Pellets
Snowtopia Bacopa has emerald green foliage and snowy white small flowers that will bloom non-stop from spring through fall. Previously, Bacopa plants were only propagated by cuttings, but now you can have success with Bacopa seeds.
Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds.
  5 multi-seed pellets for easy sowing $4.95
LET785 Blutopia Multi-seed Pellets
First Bacopa from seed, lavender blue, early, mounds. If you like trailing annuals for window boxes, baskets and containers, start Bacopa seeds and enjoy these long-blooming flowers.
Multi-seed pellets, each pellet contains several seeds.
  5 multi-seed pellets for easy sowing $4.95
TRZ152 Nanking Cherry ( Prunus tomentosa )

Best for zones 2 to 7, grows to 8 ft, spread 8 ft. Rounded, deciduous shrub with white flowers and red fruit. Nanking Cherry can be used in the shade, but it flowers better in sun or partial shade. The flowers are borne briefly in early spring and are pale pink, fading to white. The red fruits are sour and eaten by birds. The plant is often purchased by homeowners as a smaller substitute for tart cherry.
$2.95 Per Pack of 10 seeds.
Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens ))
JB262 Honeywort ( Cerinthe major purpurascens )
This is a must have annual plant. It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and pollinators. It is easy to grow and maintain and is fragrant. It can used in container gardening, fragrant gardens, and landscaping. It has gorgeous silvery blue-green leaves and pretty bell-shaped purple flowers, which are a magnet for bees. It makes a wonderful cut flower and self-seeds readily and is deer resistant. Grows about 24" tall and spreads 12-24 inches wide. From seed to bloom in about 14 weeks.
Honeywort produce beautiful plants with purple-blue flowers that bloom in the summer. The flowers have a unique shape and texture, with a tubular structure that flares out into five petals. One of the most striking features of honeywort's flowers is the color. The purple-blue hue is rich and vibrant and can vary in intensity depending on the light and growing conditions. The color is also enhanced by the glossy surface of the petals, which reflects light and creates a luminous effect.
10 seeds $3.95
Image:Alexxx Malev from Taganrog, Russia, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ACER92 Purple Leaf Japanese Maple ( Acer atropurpureum )
Exceptional landscape or Japanese garden planting. An eye-catching specimen with exceptional foliage. This is a delightful small tree with gracefully branched stems that hold beautiful, palmate, red-purple leaves. The stunning foliage holds its color well throughout summer, then turns a brilliant red in fall. It grows up to 30 feet in height and 20 feet in spread. It can be planted in zones 5 to 8. Prefers full to partial sun and moist, well-drained soil.
Package of 10 seeds $3.95
1A461 Sugar Baby Bush Watermelon
An ideal plant for gardeners with limited space, the vines of sugar baby bush only reach around 3 feet in length. Sweet, scarlet (icebox) watermelons grow on space-saving vines. This is an early producer; the juicy and sweet little 6-12 pound fruit should be ready harvest in 75 days.
  10 seeds $3.95
LET783 Dawn Mix
This is a great Calendula for pots and patio planters. Ultra compact, it grows only 8 inches tall, with multipetalled single 3" daisy, perfect for pot or garden, long bloomer, brilliant morning colors.
  200mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
Creme Brulee Hybrid Shallots
D9942 Creme Brulee (BGS-270) Hybrid
Hybrid "eschalion" is a standout in the kitchen.
Iridescent peachy pink skin covers uniform bulbs. Also called "banana shallots", eschalions are highly desired by chefs because their elongated bulbs are easy to peel and cut, and their sugar profile is perfectly suited for caramelizing. Long storage potential. AAS Regional winner for the Southeast, West/Northwest. 100 days.
  500mg package ( about 125 seeds ) $5.95
LET781 Delft Blue ( Nigella papillosa )
Named for the famous Dutch Delft blue pottery. Blue splashes on flower petals in varying shades of blue and gray, and intricate deep-purple centers. Produces unusual seed pods that can be used in fresh or dried arrangements. Ht. 24–36". Annual. 65 days.
 80mg ( about 65 seeds ) $3.95
LET780 Pawnee Spirit ( Rudbeckia hirta )
Produces stunning flowers up to 6 inches in diameter with dark red centers. Offers outstanding garden performance. Drought tolerant. Attracts beneficial insects. Grows 15-24 inches tall and makes a good container plant. Coated seeds for easy germination.
 5mg ( about 15 seeds ) $3.95
LET776 Basket of Kisses Strawberry Plant
The perfect berry for hanging baskets! Cascading runners perfect for baskets, white blooms, abundant sweet red fruits.
 3mg pack ( about 20 seeds ) $3.95
LET775 Belize Double Rose
An excellent zinnia for small pots. Compact with a beautiful vivid rose color. Fleuroselect, Double blooms, branches from lower node, gives favorable dome shape, super compact, optimal for pot and garden. Belize is a new series of zinnia that has already had great success in the European market and is making its debut into the U.S. They keep their tight shape; no PGRs necessary. Eye-catching double flowers in attractive colors provide optimal pot and garden performance. Compact habit and good branching. Vigorous growing habit keeps containers and beds vibrant. Grows only 6 to 14 inches tall depening on container or garden setting. Coated seeds for easy germination.
  10 seeds $2.95
LET774 Sun Smile Pink ( Ipomea sun smile )
A new type morning glory for morning glory lovers with limited space!
A dwarf morning glory with ornamental foliage and a mounding habit. Use as a component plant in mixed containers and hanging baskets. Plants in the garden spread 1 foot.
Sun Smile is a dwarf morning glory with a mounding habit that spreads approximately 12 inches. The plant features marbled green and white foliage with either bright red, violet, blue or pink colored blossoms edged in white. The flowers open each morning adding color and interest to the foliage. Sun Smile is quite unique and is an excellent component in mixed containers and hanging baskets. Plants in 4-5-in. pots will spread 6-8 inches and plants in the garden will spread to 12 inches.
Available only in Treated Seed.
  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
TWT303 American Giant Hybrid
One of the tallest sunflower varieties we have ever seen, American Giant can grow to up to 12-16 feet tall, with stronger stalks than other tall types, and enormous leaves. Plants are topped by 10 inch golden-yellow sunflowers. It makes an excellent background plant or tall screen. To produce the tallest plants and largest flowerheads, plant in fertile soil and provide plenty of sun and water. This is an excellent bird food producer as the seeds are smaller than most giant types and have a soft shell that birds love.
 1.25g Package ( about 15-18 seeds ) $3.95
Oaxaca Cardon ( Pachycereus weberi )
SF258 Oaxaca Cardon ( Pachycereus weberi )
Also known as candelabro, (the common name being an obvious reference to the resemblance of plants to candelabras). A giant, columnar cactus with a spreading, candelabra-like crown to 30 feet tall from central and southern Mexico, where it grows in scrubland or dry forest. In cultivation Pachycereus weberi is best suited to dry climates in USDA Zones 10 and above.
The edible, delicious fruits can be eaten raw or used to prepare jams and jellies. The seeds can be ground into a flour to make tortillas and the like.
 35mg pack ( about 10 seeds ) $2.95
 25 seeds $5.95
Purple Prickly Pear
SF284 Purple Prickly Pear ( Opuntia santa rita )
Native to the Sonoran desert, the purple prickly pear grows in clumps, usually to about 4 feet tall by 5 feet wide. This cactus appears much like a shrub. The large leaf pads develop a purple tinge in the cool, dry winter months. The pads are covered with large, tan spines. Flowers appear in late spring, and are yellow with red centers. The rich purple pads provide plenty of interest. During the summer, the pads are a softer blue-grey color. Bright yellow flowers, to 3 inches in diameter, produce red to purple fruit. Plant is hardy down to 10 degrees.
 5 seeds $2.95
 25 seeds $9.95
Image: Varun Pabrai, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
IP150 Joy Perfume Tree ( Michelia champaca )
Syn. Magnolia champaca. Excellent houseplant for colder zones or garden plant for warmer zones ( 10 and above ). The fragrance of the flower is simply amazing.
Also known as Champa, Yellow Champa, Golden Campa or Fragrant Champa is highly revered by the followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. They use Michelia flowers during religious ceremonies. Tibetans believe that the Buddha of the next era will find enlightenment under the flower canopy of the champaca tree.
Michelia has several ornamental, commercial and medicinal uses too. For gardeners, it is an excellent choice as a houseplant or as companion plant in landscapes. Commercially, the timber of Michelia is used for almost anything from cabinet-making to firewood and flowers are grown to sell at cut flower shops. The extract from the flowers of Michelia Alba is used in preparation of the famous 'Joy' perfume. Medicinally, the tree has wide applications; the bark is used to prepare tonic, the oil extracted from flowers is used to cure toughs and rheumatism, and for relieving eye troubles and gout.
Michelias are easy to grow and maintain. They love a lot of light and warmth but filtered sunlight. The best location for Michelia is the place where it receives direct and ample sunlight in early morning but partial light for the rest of the day. Suitable for containers, Michelias has shallow and brittle root system. It likes moderate watering in acidic and well-drained soil. As a general rule, water lavishly when the plant is young to allow it to develop good root system. Water mature trees moderately and feed with a general purpose fertilizer during spring. Prune in winter when plant goes dormant.
Outdoors in zone 10 or higher, Michelia can gain a height of 75 feet or more in suitable conditions. The tree bears large leaves that resemble the leaves of Mango tree. The tree booms from May to October and produces abundance of star-shaped flowers that fill the entire surrounding with mesmerizing scent. Flowers are usually golden-yellow, golden-orange and creamy-white.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
  Package of 50 seeds $9.95
Golden Angels Trumpet Brugmansia
Image:Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TCB041 Golden Angels Trumpet ( Brugmansia sanguinea 'Aurea' )
Brugmansia aurea is a popular ornamental and is widely cultivated. It is sold and grown as a garden plant, described as a large evergreen subtropical shrub capable of growing to 20 feet in height, but will grow smaller in tubs and large containers. The large, pendent, trumpet-shaped yellow or white blooms appear in summer and autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. The pleasant fragrance is strongest in the evening. A large, fast growing brugsmansia with soft branches, large and soft furry leaves, and scentless, long, trumpet-shaped, golden yellow flowers. Originally native to high altitudes in the Andes between 6600 and 9800 ft. from Colombia to Bolivia. It adds a touch of tropical allure with its radiant flowers and alluring aroma. Zones 8b-11 or can be grown in tubs and brought inside during winter.
  Package of 10 seeds $3.95
  Package of 25 seeds $5.95
LET770 Cats Claw Vine ( Macfadyena Unguis-Cati )
A very useful and beautiful vine, use it to soften a wall or side of a building. It can also be used as a screen on walls, lattice, or trellises, and on slopes for erosion control. This fast growing vine is prized for its vigorous show of flowers throughout the spring season. The flowers are a big attractor to hummingbirds that visit regularly to feast on their nectar.
A perennial climbing liana native to West Indies, Mexico and Argentina. Cats claw vine is a long lived plant that grows relatively slow. It can reach up to 75 feet in height. Cats claw vine gets its name from the 3-pronged claw-like climbing appendages that are used to grasp onto plants or surfaces. The plant has a semi-persistent foliage.
Has bright yellow trumpet shaped flowers. They bloom in early summer. Its leaves are glossy green with two leaflets per petiole.
The fruit is glossy green and turn dark-brown as they mature. Each fruit contains numerous papery seeds. Needs full sun to part shade. It is drought tolerant. With self-clinging suction cups that are gentle on masonry, this quick-spreading vine can easily dress up an unsightly wall or frame a doorway or window. Macfadyena unguis-cati is a low maintenance, heat loving plant making it a great choice for warm landscapes.
For zones 8-10.
 5 seeds $3.95
LET769 Petchoa Caliburst Yellow ( Pelleted )
A wonderful new Petunia/Calibrachoa cross that is simply smothered in blooms. The first petchoa from seed, Caliburst Petchoa is a Petunia sp. x Calibrachoa sp. cross. Petchoa is a hybrid that combines the best characteristics of two popular species: petunias and calibrachoa. Petunia contributes large flower size, excellent vigor, weather resilience, strong roots, pH tolerance, and ease of growth. Calibrachoa provides vibrant flower color and lush, non-sticky foliage, which not only keeps fingers clean but also allows spent blooms to fall cleanly from the plant. But petchoa has better disease resistance and rain, heat, and cold tolerance than both its parents. It is a tender perennial (Zones 9-11), often grown as an annual, that blooms a full 3 seasons, from early spring through autumn. Free and continuously flowering, this petchoa creates a canopy of color with large, showy, vibrant yellow blooms that are prettily ruffled and long lasting.
Caliburst Yellow Petchoa grows vigorously and has a mounded, spreading but controlled habit. It's perfect in containers, window boxes, and hanging baskets but makes great edging or ground cover in beds and borders. Pelleted seeds for easy handling.
 10 pelleted seeds $5.95
B1749 Monterey Cypress ( Cupressus macrocarpa )
Packs a big punch for a dwarf shrub. Its lovely pyramidal form and vibrant chartreuse foliage are a terrific decorative accent indoors or out. As an added treat, the foliage has a refreshing lemony scent that adds a light touch of fragrance to a room. Growing Cypress in a container limits its growth.
If after a few years, you decide to plant it outside, it matures into a beautiful, broad-crowned cypress to more than 75 feet tall. It is a popular ornamental in temperate climates around the world and does particularly well in coastal conditions, holding up remarkably well to wind and salt spray.
In cultivation, it is best suited to temperate climates in USDA hardiness zones 7 to 10.
  215mg pack ( usually 25 or more seeds ) $2.95
LET765 Twister Copper Red Sorrel
Aromatic, tapered leaves are long, copper-colored and edible with a tangy, lemony flavor. Wiry stems grow above foliage and have small green/yellow flowers. Makes a unique accent plant. Excellent for natural landscaping in pots or in mixed containers with other herbs or ornamentals. Plants have a mounded, spreading habit. Pinching is encouraged for better branching. Recommended for 4 to 6" pot production. Spreads 8 to 10". Ht: 10-12". Perennial. Zones 6-10.
  15mg Package ( about 20 seeds ) $2.95
LET764 Fuzzyfern Frizz Asparagus Fern ( Asparagus densiflorus )
This new Asparagus Fern features long graceful needle-like sprays for baskets. Frizz brings a fun texture to mixed containers, hanging baskets, indoor applications, and landscapes. This trailing foliage item can handle both sun and shade plus indoor and outdoor use for more versatility.
In zones 9 to 11 (very tropical areas) it can be used in the landscape year around. In zones 7 to 8, it may be root hardy and come back the following year. In all other zones, it will have to be used as a summer annual, similar to Petunias and Impatiens.
  10 seeds $3.95
Image:Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University
AW93 Texas Palmetto Palm ( Sabal mexicana )
Texas palmetto is grown as an ornamental for its robust, stately form, drought tolerance, and hardiness to USDA Zone 8. Texas palmetto is a very clean looking fan palm with little litter and can be used in mesic and oasis landscape design themes, great for use around pools or landscape water features.
A mature palm can grow from 30 to 60 feet. It also makes a wonderful patio container plant for many years. This is usually a stout tree to 50 ft. tall, with a trunk to almost 3 ft. in diameter. Large, blue-green, fan-shaped leaves, up to 3 ft. wide, are divided into many palmate segments. The leaf stalk is stout, equally or exceeding the leaf in length. Dark purple fruits hang in showy clusters.
The wood is resistant to decomposition and shipworms, making it desirable for use in wharf pilings and fence posts. The leaves are used for thatching and making straw hats. The drupes and palm hearts are eaten. For zones 8-11
 10 seeds $2.95
Image:jacilluch, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET761 Tree Like Rhododendron ( Rhododendron arboreum )
R. arboreum is a large, narrow, evergreen tree, with dark green leaves, with a smooth cinnamon-brown, fawn or silvery indumentum on the undersides. Flowers, produced in rounded trusses in early spring, are may be red, white or any shade of pink, usually with spotting in the throat.
One of the most stately and impressive species rhododendrons, Tree Rhododendron is the state tree of Uttarakhand. It is extremely variable in stature, hardiness, flower color and leaf characteristics. Its species name arboreum means tree-like. It has broad, dark green leaves, 3-7 inches long, with a silvery, fawn or brown hairy coating beneath. In early and mid spring, trusses of 15-20 bell-shaped flowers, 2 inches wide and 1.25-2 inches long are produced in mostly scarlet color, but can be various shades. They have black nectar pouches and black spots inside. This plant holds the Guinness Record for World's Largest Rhododendron. In fact, a scarlet Rhododendron arboreum on Mt. Japfu, Nagaland reached a height of 60 feet. Rhododendron is native to Himalayas, from Kashmir eastwards to Nagaland.
Rhododendron arboreum prefers moist, humus rich, well-drained soils. It prefers an acidic pH of soil. Hardy for zones 6-9.
Plant these seeds on the surface of the soil (do not bury them), water and keep moist until germination. Place the pot in a clear plastic bag to help retain moisture/humidity on the seeds until they germinate, at which time the bag should be removed. Germination occurs in approximately 6 weeks.
2mg pack ( about 25 tiny seeds ) $3.95
Stan Shebs: Wikipedia
JB101 Banana Yucca (Yucca baccata)
A small, short trunked or often trunkless Yucca with very hard, thick, bluish, deeply concave leaves. It is widely distributed over northern Mexico and the southwestern United States and is found in mountain areas up to 7900 ft. It is extremely hardy to frost and considered to possibly being the hardiest of all trunked Yucca. Slow but easy to grow and very ornamental.
Most yuccas have dry hard fruits, but the fruits of banana yucca are fleshy and succulent. They look roughly like short fat green bananas, thus the name. These fruits were a traditional food of the Apache and Navajo. They were prepared by roasting or baking, stripping out the seeds, pounding the remaining flesh into a pulp, forming the pulp into flat cakes, and sun-drying them for later use.
The resulting product is said to be nutritious, sweet, and delicious. The fruits were often picked before maturity and ripened off the plant to keep wildlife from eating them before they could be harvested Hardy for zones 6-11.
Price per pack of 5 seeds: $3.95
Image:Rik Schuiling / TropCrop-TCS, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET759 Calabash Tree ( Crescentia cujete )
Crescentia cujete, commonly known as calabash tree, is a small tropical evergreen tree of the Bignonia family that grows to 30’ tall. Original native territory is unclear, but probably extends from Mexico through Central America to Brazil plus the Caribbean. It is found today primarily in forest margins, thickets and roadsides. It has been introduced over time in many tropical areas around the world. It has naturalized in India. It is particularly noted for its paddle-shaped green leaves ( to 10" long )and it's tubular flowers ( tubes to 2" long ) which are light yellowish-brown with flaring lobes and purple interiors, and forit's large, spherical, gourd-like, yellow-green fruits ( each to 8-12" diameter ).
Flowers and fruits are both cauliflorus ( borne directly on the branches and trunk ). Trees typically bloom and fruit throughout the year. It takes about 6 months for a fruit to grow and ripen. Flowers appear singly or in small clusters, have a strong somewhat unpleasant aroma, and are pollinated by bats. Fruits mature to the size of a soccer ball, have a tough woody shell containing a pulpy flesh, and are often hollowed out and used as containers. Fruits are also used to make maracas. Long history of herbal medicinal uses.
A calabash is primarily used to make utensils such as cups, bowls, and basins in rural areas. It can be used for carrying water, or for transporting fish, when fishing. In some Caribbean countries, it is worked, painted, and decorated and turned into items by artisans, and sold to tourists.
As a cup, bowl, or even a water-pipe or "bong", the calabash is considered consistent with the "Ital" or vital lifestyle of not using refined products such as table salt, or modern cooking methods, such as microwave ovens. In Haiti, the plant is called kalbas kouran, literally, "running calabash", and is used to make the sacred rattle emblematic of the Vodou priesthood, called an asson. As such, the plant is highly respected. It is the national tree of St. Lucia. In Cuba, the dried fruit is commonly used as a coffee cup by rural farmers.[5] In Dominican Republic, the plant is called the higüero tree and it is popularly used to make decorative objects and ornaments, though historically it has been used in all sorts of ways. Best grown in zones 11-12.
  10 seeds per pack $3.95
AW92 Honeydew ( Carica )
A popular papaya variety from India, with medium to large sized fruits that can reach 3-4 pounds. Semi-dwarf, gynodioecious. Hardy to 32F or a bit lower, generally likes warm weather for optimal growth. Best grown in zone 9b and higher, or in a warm greenhouse.
 750mg pack (about 50 ) seeds $4.95
LET757 Chinese Pistachio ( Pistacia chinensis )
Looking for a drought-tolerant and hardy tree for your urban environment? Look no further than the Pistacia chinensis, also known as the Chinese Pistach or Chinese Pistache. This tree is a popular choice for street trees in urban settings due to its ability to survive in harsh environments and withstand drought conditions. It grows quickly and doesn't mind heat and drought.
In the low-elevation deserts of Arizona, the Chinese Pistach is the only tree whose leaves turn a vibrant scarlet in the fall, making it a stunning addition to any landscape. Its foliage is dark green in the summer and turns orange or orange-red in the fall, creating a beautiful display of autumn colors.
The Chinese Pistach is native to central and western China, Taiwan, and the Philippines. It is a small to medium-sized tree, growing from 9-15 meters tall, and exceptionally up to 25 meters. The leaves are deciduous and pinnate, with 10 or 12 leaflets, and the terminal leaflet usually absent. The tree produces small red drupes containing a single seed.
This tree is most highly regarded in warm climates and grows best in full sun. It is also the most frost-tolerant species of Pistacia, withstanding temperatures down to about -25°C. Chinese Pistach is also disease-free, making it a low-maintenance choice for street trees or shade trees.
Not only is the Chinese Pistach a visually appealing tree, but it also has practical uses. In China, the oil from the seeds is used for biodiesel production. In Florida, it is used as a shade tree and as understock for the edible pistachio nut tree, P. vera.
If you're looking for a tree that can thrive in urban environments and provide beautiful fall colors, the Chinese Pistach is an excellent choice. Visit our website for more information on this impressive and versatile tree.
Best grown in zones 6-9.
  5 or more seeds per pack $3.95
LET756 Rose Mallow ( Hibiscus moscheutos )
Showy, dinner plate-sized, hollyhock-like flowers (each to 4-6” diameter) have five overlapping white, creamy white or pink petals with reddish-purple to dark crimson bases which form a sharply contrasting central eye. Can grow from 3 to 7 feet tall. Also does well as a tub plant for patios.
Like tropical hibiscus, rose mallow boasts huge, vibrantly colored flowers, some growing to the size of dinner plates. But once your hardy hibiscus bursts into bloom, it will continue flowering until the first frost and then return again in spring for a repeat performance. Despite its tolerance for cold weather, rose mallow also loves the heat and grows equally well in balmy southern climates.
For zones 5-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
TRZ149 Christs Thorn ( Zizyphus spina )
A legendary shrub said to have been used to elaborate Jesus Christ’s thorn crown. The wood is tough, white-pink and elastic. During Antiquity, its roots, leaves and fruit were used for their astringent and diuretic properties. Also known under Paliurus aculeatus y Ziziphus spina-christi.
Deciduous shrub growing up to 5m with green oval leaves. The basis of their stalks is thorny. Yellow-greenish flowers in spring and summer. Typical yellow edible fruit. It adapts to any types of soils. Can be seen on the edge of Oak groves and Cork oak plantations shaping thorny hedges.
A medium sized African tree that is highly versatile and prized in its native range. The fruits are edible and have a sweetish flavor similar to the common Jujube. The tree is also a source of honey and a flavoring for alcoholic drinks. Some believe the tree to be the source of Christ's Crown of Thorns, hence its common name. For zones 6-10.
  Package of 5 seeds $3.95
Image:Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ148 Medlar Fruit ( Mespilus germanica )
Ornamental tree that produces attractive foliage, flowers, edible fruits and fall color.
Mespilus germanica, commonly known as medlar, is a small, coarse, rounded tree or large shrub with spiny twisted branching that typically grows to 20 feet tall. It is native primarily to woodland and scrub areas from southeastern Europe to central Asia. Five-petaled, white to pink-tinged flowers (to 2" diameter) appear singly in June. Fruit is a brown pome (1" diameter) with an open end that is crowned by persistant calyces. Immature fruits are hard and inedible. Fruits are typically not picked from the tree until late autumn after leaf drop. Fruits may benefit from some light frost prior to being picked. After being picked, the fruit is usually stored in a cool place until it becomes over-ripe with soft, mushy, sweetened pulp (a process known as bletting). Ripened fruit may be scooped out with a spoon. Toothed, oblong to lanceolate, dull green leaves (to 5" long) are hairy on both sides. Yellow and red fall color is often attractive. Notwithstanding the specific epithet, this tree is not considered to be native to Germany, but may have been introduced there by the Romans.
For zones 5-8. Here is a YouTube video on Medlar Harvest and Bletting.
  Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Image: By katorisi [GFDL or CC BY 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons
TRZ146 Asian Pear ( Pyrus pyrifolia )
Pyrus pyrifolia is a deciduous Tree growing to 32 feet.
It is hardy to zone 6 and is not frost tender. It is in flower in April, and the fruit ripens in September. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects.
Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils, prefers well-drained soil and can grow in heavy clay soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil and can tolerate drought. It can tolerate atmospheric pollution.
Asian pears are cousins to the pears that are typically seen in grocery stores, but this fruit is similar to an apple and its many names reflect that characteristic. Other names that this fruit goes by are: Chinese pear, Japanese pear, Sand, Nashi, and apple pear.
Asian pears differ from the traditional European ones. These pears are usually round, firm to touch when ripe, and are ready to eat after harvest. Asian pears reach prime quality when they ripen on the tree, like an apple and peach. These pears will be crisp, juicy, and slightly sweet with some tartness, especially near the core.
Note: These seeds will require cold stratification, you may need to purchase our Cold Stratification Kit
 10 seeds $3.95
TRZ144 Golden Rain Tree ( Koelreuteria paniculata)
Looking for a beautiful tree to add to your garden? Look no further than Koelreuteria paniculata, also known as Golden Rain Tree, Pride of India, or Varnish Tree. This fast-growing deciduous tree can reach up to 10 meters tall and boasts foot-long clusters of yellow flowers in the summer, followed by striking red or brownish pods that persist into the fall. It is popularly grown as an ornamental tree all around the world because of its aesthetic appeal. It is hardy to zone 6 and is not frost tender, making it a great addition to temperate regions. This tree is also noted for attracting wildlife, with hermaphrodite flowers that attract bees. It is very adaptable to various soil types, including light (sandy), medium (loamy), and heavy (clay) soils. It prefers dry or moist soil and can tolerate strong winds but not maritime exposure. Add a touch of beauty to your garden with the Koelreuteria paniculata! For zones 6-9.
  Package of 10 seeds $3.95
Image:Acabashi, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
TRZ143 Sweet Bay Laurel ( Laurus nobilis )
Bay laurel is a pyramid-shaped tree or large shrub with aromatic, evergreen leaves and shiny gray bark. It can reach 60' in height in its native range, but generally is much smaller (3-10' tall) in culture. Bay laurel sometimes produces suckers from the base. The leaves are elliptic, 3-4" long, rather thick and leathery, and shiny dark green. Clusters of small yellow flowers are produced in spring, followed, on the female plants, by shiny black or purple berries about 1/2" long.

Location: Bay laurel is native to the southern Mediterranean region. It is grown commercially for its aromatic leaves in Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, and Mexico.
Culture: Light: Bay laurel grows best in partial shade.
Moisture: Water when dry. Bay laurel thrives with frequent watering in rich, well-drained soil.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 8 - 10.
Usage: Where hardy, grow bay laurel in a woodland garden or as a specimen. Protect from cold winter winds. Bay laurel is an excellent shrub for hedges and a favorite for topiary sculpture because it responds very well to pruning. It can be trained as a standard or allowed to grow as a spreading shrub. In cooler regions, grow in a container and bring indoors in winter.

The popular culinary seasoning, bay leaf, is used extensively in French, Italian, Spanish and Creole cooking. It flavors soups, stews, shellfish boils, pickling brines, sauces, marinades, and poultry and fish dishes. Always remove the bay leaves before serving, because they are sharp and can cut the mouth and throat. French chefs place bay leaves, parsley and thyme in a little bundle called a bouquet garni that is removed after cooking. Pick bay leaves early in the day and dry quickly under weight so they won't curl. Store in an air-tight jar.

Features: Bay laurel is the true laurel of Greek and Roman mythology. A poet laureate is an accomplished poet, and the Roman poet, Ovid, retold the story of the Greek nymph, Daphne, who was transformed into a laurel tree by her father, Peneus, so that she could avoid the amorous pursuit of the god, Apollo. (Cupid had shot an arrow into the fair maiden's heart so that she would not love Apollo.) Thereafter, Apollo wore a wreath of laurel to show his love for Daphne. Laurel has always symbolized victory and merit, and a baccalaureate (baca lauri, Latin for "laurel berry") still is a symbol of accomplishment. Bay laurel has been credited with magical properties, like protecting from witches, the devil and lightning.
The leaves and berries of bay laurel contain the essential oils eugenol, cineol and geraniol, which account for the distinctive spicy aroma. Infusions are reputed to soothe the stomach and relieve flatulence. An oil pressed from the berries was once a popular liniment for arthritis and sore muscles, and still is used in perfumes, candles and soaps.

 Package of 5 seeds $3.95
LET751 Flamma Orange ( Celosia cristata )
2022 AAS Ornamental Winner. Flamma is coming in hot! Get ready to bring some fiery orange color to your garden with Flamma ("The Flame") celosia. This compact variety has numerous branches, each with a strong flower plume, as well as secondary blooms, which give a long show of color in the garden. AAS Judges were impressed with the superior garden performance and how well it stood up to hot, humid, and rainy conditions during the trial season. Not only does Flamma have exceptional heat tolerance but also stuns with its early flowers that won’t fade. Whether you decide to grow this in beds or in containers (it was trialed in both) you will have a great show of orange color all season long. Grows 9-11 inches tall.
  17mg Pack ( about 25 seeds ) $2.95
Image:Dotti9, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET749 Threadleaf Agave ( Agave filifera )
A great rock garden or container specimen. Threadleaf Agave is a beautiful eye-catching succulent that forms compact stemless rosettes of dark green lance-shaped leaves with ornamental white bud imprints, striking white filaments along the margins, and a sharp gray terminal spine. The rosettes grow up to 26 inches in diameter, producing offsets near the base. Leaves are up to 16 inches long and 2 inches wide.
It is tolerant of most soil, but needs adequate drainage. This agave is hardy to fifteen degrees Fahrenheit and is very drought-resistant. It will respond to a fertilizer application during the monsoon season and likes supplemental irrigation during the hot, dry summer. Avoid watering it during the winter months.
  Package of 10 seeds $2.95
LET747 Dales Strain Pelleted Seeds ( Heuchera Americana )
Every bit as attractive, but a new look for Heuchera, this variety grown from Heuchera seeds can grow in hot and humid summers. Heuchera, also known as Coral Bells, do well in the southern states where the heat and humidity are intense. Gardeners are discovering a wave of new Heucheras bred from the native Heuchera Americana, renowned for its vigor and resistance to heat and humidity.
This Coral Bells plant has lustrous, large, evergreen leaves of coppery purple that hold their color through the growing season. Late summer brings 3-foot-tall wands of tiny, bell-shaped, pinkish white blooms. It makes a lovely addition to the flower garden! One reason for the growing popularity of heucheras is their stunning array of leaf colors, shapes, sizes and textures. Pelleted seeds for easy germination.
 52mg pack ( about 50 pelleted seeds ) $3.95
LET746 Plume Red ( Gaillardia pulchella )
1991 AAS Flower Winner. Red Plume plants are dwarf and compact, forming a dense mound covered with double brick red blooms. The 1 1/2 to 2 inch blooms are held on strong stems just above the foliage. The mature plant height is 12 to 14 inches, perfect for background plantings adding height to garden beds.
 29mg pack ( about 25 seeds ) $3.95
LET742 Rose Angel ( Viscaria Oculata )
Sometimes this annual is called Catchfly or Rose of Heaven. Plant these annuals in mass groupings for a terrific display of color. Viscaria Rose Angel will readily establish from flower seeds, and truly there is no easier plant to grow and to maintain. They are fuss-free beauties, and they will bloom their hearts out for you! They are perfect either in the garden or in containers, and their long stems make them perfect for cutting for the vase.
Catchfly Angel Rose has blooms that measure 2 inches across, with bright rose petals starred with an brilliant magenta eye. The Viscaria plants reach 10 inches in height and the same in width. They are not picky about soil, but it does need to be well-drained. They prefer a sunny location in the garden.
Directly sow Viscaria seeds outdoors in a prepared seedbed. Wait until last frost before planting the Viscaria Oculata seeds. Sow groups of 3-4 seeds and space them 10 inches apart. Thin to strongest plant. Rose Of Heaven Viscaria blooms in 6-8 weeks after sowing.
 45mg ( about 200 tiny seeds ) $2.95
LET740 Chocolate Bubblegum Basil
A unique basil with a great aroma. Chocolate spicy scent, vigorous erect shrublike plant from India, mildew resistant, toothed green leaf, creates a soothing tea.
  10mg Package of about 25 seeds $2.95
Image:HorsePunchKid, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
LET736 Umbrella Plant ( Cyperus Alternifolius )
Also called the Umbrella Palm or Umbrella Grass Plant, this unusual perennial prefers to be kept wet at all times. In fact, it can grow very well submerged in water. Flower spikes and slim leaves form "umbrellas" on top of dark green stems. The best flowering and growth results appear in full sun, but Umbrella Plants can tolerate some shade. Brown leaf tips will form on the Umbrella Palm tree if it is allowed to dry out. Tidy the plant by removing broken or dead stems.
Cyperus Alternifolius Umrella Plant does best in a tropical environment, but it quickly adapts to the home. You cannot over water this plant! It will thrive when its roots are kept continuously wet. To ensure that the plant does not dry out, it is best to put the pot inside a second larger pot that has water in it, or grow Umbrella Plant in an aquarium or swamp type environment. Umbrella Grass Plant is well-suited as an ornamental water plant.
How To Grow Umbrella Plant: Sow Umbrella Plant seeds indoors. Pre-moisten peaty starter mix. Sow the Umbrella Palm seed on the surface, lightly cover. Keep the flower seeds continuously moist until germination. Keep the flower seed shielded from direct sunlight. Umbrella Plant will readily self-sow.
 2mg pack ( about 100 tiny seeds ) $3.95
LET729 Tigger Melon
A wonderful desert melon with a heavenly fragrance, it is so beautiful it can even be use for decoration!
Tigger melons smooth rind has vertical variegations of rust orange and yellow. The melon's creamy, off-white flesh is juicy and sweet with a flavor that has been compared to that of Asian pear and cantaloupe.
Like most muskmelon types, it offers a highly aromatic scent and has been known to perfume the entire room they are in when at their peak of ripeness. Tigger melons will grow to be approximately the size of a softball and weigh a modest one pound when fully mature.
  10 seeds $2.95
JB107 Hungarian Breadseed Poppy ( Papaver Somniferum )
Beautiful heirloom variety of Poppy in vintage shades with silvery, paper-thin petals. Grows up to 40 inches tall with vivid purple-blue flowers
Enjoy in your garden as an ornamental, then break dry seed heads open for a high yield of blue-black seeds used for breads, cakes, muffins or to replant.
A unique addition to your kitchen garden!
Annual, zones 3-9.
600mg package ( about 1,000 seeds ) $3.95
LET725 Evening Sun
Blazing with color in your garden, as brilliant and bold as a summer sunset, Evening Sun Sunflower Seeds are a must have for any sunflower enthusiast! Growing up to 80" tall, sunflowers are not only a joy while in bloom, but their seedy heads can be harvested for kernels, or left on the stalk as a tasty autumn treat for migrating birds!
Each stem is branched and produces multiple blooms, making Evening Sun the perfect backdrop for your garden. And the flowers attract a mix of birds, butterflies, and loads of beneficial insects, so they're a great companion for vegetable gardens, too. 75 days.
 1.5g package ( about 50 seeds ) $2.95
TRZ140 Arabica Nana Coffee ( Coffee Arabica Nana )
Wouldn't it be nice to grow your own coffee house plant from coffee seeds? Coffea arabica nana is a dwarf bush with beans that contain caffeine, theophylline and theobromine. The beans are dried, roasted and ground, and then extracted with water to produce coffee. Coffea arabica is a species of coffee bush that produces arabica coffee, accounting for the majority of the coffee consumed in the world. This species of bush is the oldest known bush to be cultivated for coffee production. Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was virtually the only type of tree from which coffee was harvested commercially.
The Coffea Arabica plant produces star-shaped, sweetly scented white flowers. These flowers are followed by green fruits which change to red then to almost black as they ripen, a process that takes several months. Inside each ripened fruit are 2 seeds (or beans) that when properly roasted can be ground and made into coffee.
Growing coffee plants indoors from Coffea Arabica seeds is easy. They are vigorous growers and are long-lived. Coffea Arabica plants are very attractive. Just don't expect them to offer that morning cup of joe as the coffee plants as well as coffee seeds take some patience, and it could take a few years before you see many fruits on it.
The Coffee plant is usually about 1 foot in height at the time of purchase from a nursery, but can reach a height of about 5 feet, growing 12 inches per year. If a smaller plant is preferred, the dwarf version, Coffea arabica nana, which is what we offer, remains much smaller and grows at a slower rate normally only reaching about 18" tall. Can be grown in bright light indoors, outside in zone 10 and higher.
  10 seeds $4.95
LET720 Blue Globe Thistle ( Echinops Ritro )
Add a distinct texture to your xeriscape garden by sowing Globe Thistle seeds! They are a great addition to the cottage garden or a mixed perennial garden. Globe Thistle flowers are in shades of purple and blue and they measure up to 1 3/4 inches in diameter. The flower heads provide good color before opening, so the bloom season is prolonged. It has thistle-like foliage with 6 - 8 inch leaves with distinctive spines. Globe Thistle plants are fairly drought tolerant, low maintenance, and they easily establish from flower seeds.
If the initial blooms on Globe Thistle are deadheaded, several smaller, shorter blooms will appear. Globe Thistle has plenty of flower seed, so it is a good self-seeder, and deadheading will help slow that process a bit. In richer soils, the plant might grow so much as to require staking. The basal leaves deteriorate quickly, so best to plant low-growing plants next to the Globe Thistle. Hands can be cut by foliage and flower, so best to wear gloves when handling.
Globe Thistle makes a nice cut flower. These fuzzy blossoms also dry well. Cut stems, hang upside down in a dry, ventilated place. Sow Globe Thistle seeds outdoors after temperatures have warmed. Prepare soil, sow the flower seeds on the surface and press them into the soil. Do not cover the flower seeds, keep them moist, and soon you will be enjoying a new addition to your xeriscape perennial garden.
 525mg pack ( about 30 seeds ) $3.95
LET711 Rainbow Mix Lewisia ( Lewisia Hybrid Mix )
Lewisia Rainbow Hybrids mix will grow approximately 10 inches tall from flower seeds. This award winning mix features many colors and forms, the widest color range in Lewisia to date. Round, wide, petalled flowers include some semi-doubles. Colors range white, yellow, pink, red/orange, blue/red. Use this wonderful Lewisia plant for borders, perennial containers, rockeries, and xeriscape gardening. Lewisia will typically begin blooming in May and continue to put on a display of flower clusters clear in to early Fall.
These blooming clusters grown from flower seeds are held atop sturdy 8 - 12 inch stems of the Lewisia plant. These larger flowers are held in radiating clusters above an attractive succulent five inch green rosette that develops into a considerable mound with time. Lewisia plants are deeply tap-rooted so they do not require a lot of water. Lewisia benefits from some dryness, so all you have to do is plant the flower seeds in a clay pot with some gravel added or stick them in the cracks of a rock wall or enjoy them in a well-drained rock garden. Perennial for zones 4-9.
 10 seeds $2.95
LET712 Elsie Mix Lewisia ( Lewisia Elsie Mix )
If you have an alpine or rock garden, Lewisia seeds are a great addition and will provide continued color from May through the fall. The Lewisia Elise mix includes shades of purple, coral, pink, yellow, and white with many bicolor markings. Lewisia plants are succulents and are very drought tolerant. Lewisia cotyledon is an evergreen plant. It grows from a rosette with long, wavy, succulent leaves, and the flowers form on stems that rise up from the rosette. The Lewisia flowers are solids or striped and provide wonderful beauty in the sunny landscape setting. This species is commonly known as Siskiyou Lewisia. Lewisia care includes providing sharply draining, deep soil. Provide good air-circulation to prevent any fungal diseases. Grows 8-12 inches tall. Perennial for zones 4-9.
 10 seeds $3.95
LET714 Sunset Strain Lewisia ( Lewisia )
I One of the prettiest flowers you will find, this perennial flowering plant is also extremely hardy, long blooming and low maintenance. This above image from illustrates how beautiful this flower is. Lewisia will typically begin blooming in May and continue to put on a display of flower clusters clear in to early Fall. Flower colors range from apricot, light pink, dark pink, pale tangerine, and light yellow.
These blooming clusters are held atop sturdy six inch stems of the Lewisia plant. The one inch flowers are held in radiating clusters above an attractive succulent five inch green rosette that develops into a considerable mound with time. Lewisia plants are deeply tap-rooted so they do not require a lot of water. Lewisia benefits from some dryness, so all you have to do is plant them in a clay pot with some gravel added or stick them in the cracks of a rock wall or enjoy them in a well-drained rock garden. Perennial for zones 4-9.
 10 seeds $3.95
LET698 Madagascar Palm ( Pachypodium lamerei )
Madagascar palm is a stunning succulent with a single, shiny silver, thorny trunk. It is topped with long, slender showy green leaves with a prominent white leaf vein. This plant is tolerant to a wide range of growing conditions and well-resistant to pests and diseases. As a houseplant P. lamerei stays less tall, but it can still grow dramatically over time. In its trunk it stores water, making it a highly water-wise/drought-resistant plant.
  10 seeds $4.95