Geranium trilophum

There are 3 similar Geranium species found on Socotra:
G mascatense
G trilophum
G biuncinatum

This observation has a flower with a white centre, opposed to dark in Geranium biuncinatum and mascatense. Furthermore, this observation has what seems a mercicarp stuck in images 3 and 4 (ejected from the mature pod to the right in image), which fits the G trilophum, according to A G Miller – “Mericarps 4-6 mm long, minutely ridged and with a revolute toothed margin”. However, as this specimen does not have a dark center in the flower, it’s unclear if there are variations to this feature in either of the 3 species. It also seems that a positive ID is most likely done by the shape of the mericarps.

Geranium trilophum

Geranium trilophum

Geranium trilophum

Geranium trilophum

Geranium trilophum

Geranium trilophum

Last updated on 10 March 2023