Shampoo Ginger and Beehive Ginger

Rare & Unusual Tropical Trees & Plants, Flowering, Fruit, Native, Palm, Bamboo, Heliconia, Hummingbird, Butterfly

Shampoo Ginger and Beehive Ginger

June 4, 2023 Did You Know? Herbaceous Plants Under the Jakfruit Tree 0

The true Shampoo Ginger is Zingiber zerumpet ‘Awapuhi’. The other Zingiber members are often referred to as Beehive Gingers. One in particular, Zingiber macrodenium ‘Chocolate Ball’ has a classic beehive shape. Zingiber have 3-5′ tall leafstalks which go completely dormant from fall through spring. Unlike other gingers, Zingiber flower stalks emerge directly from the rhizome separately from the leaf stalks and are about 1-2′ tall. The clear fragrant liquid in mature red flower heads of ‘Awapuhi’ can be used as a shampoo and conditioner. It softens and brings a shine to your hair after rinsing.

Richard Lyons Nursery has both of these Ginger species in stock.