(Bryophyllum daigremontianum) surgeon without a scalpel

Such species of kalanchoe as Bryophyllum pinnatum and Bryophyllum daigremontianum are popularly called “home-grown doctor” and even “surgeon without a scalpel”. They say that even Goethe used their healing properties – he ate one tablespoon of “baby plants” of these species everyday for body rejuvenation.This is the very beginning of the story about the healing properties.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, Kalanchoe beharensis, Kalanchoet omentosa and Kalanchoe tubiflora should be named if it comes to the species valued for the decorative properties.

Biochemical composition
The biochemical composition of the kalanchoe’s herbage is not fully examined yet. Scientists still have a lot to be done to explain the succus healing effect on the human body.

Fleshy leaves and stems have up to 94% of moisture.Moreover, the succus contains the following compounds:

  • flavonoids (quercetine, kaempferol);
  • organic (malic, acetic, citric and oxalic) acids;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • some enzymes (e.g. malic dehydrogenase, oxalic carboxylase);
  • vitamins (including C and P);
  • mineral salts, micro- and macroelements (aluminium, ferrum, magnesium, calcium, copper, silicon, manganese).

First of all, the biological activity of kalanchoe succus is based on the exceptional combination of chemical compounds entering into its composition.

Flavonoid glycosides have P-vitaminic activity. It means that they exert bactericidal and choleretic effects and help to eliminate toxic and radioactive agents from the body.

Tannins give to the plant binding, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. Enzymes are essential participants of metabolism, acting in it as the catalysts. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the metabolic process, particularly in the oxidation process, at the cellular level; and increases anti-infective resistance.Vitamin P (rutin) strengthens vessel walls.

More about kalanchoe's medicinal uses read here: www.hi-spring.com


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