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Streptocarpus plants are hardy cousins to the delicate African violet. (Courtesy of Suzanne Shorle)
Streptocarpus plants are hardy cousins to the delicate African violet. (Courtesy of Suzanne Shorle)

Streptocarpus (common name: Cape Primose) are hardy cousins to the delicate African violet. Streps are beautiful houseplants that will provide many months of spectacular flowers in hues of blue, purple/lavender, pink, red and white. The flowers are a little less than an inch in size and sit on top of slender stalks. Strep leaves are dark green and wrinkled with a soft, fuzzy texture.

Streps prefer bright shade/partial sun near a window, preferably in an east- or west-facing location. Too much sun will scorch their leaves. They prefer normal room temperatures between 50 and 80 degrees. In the winter keep them away from drafts. Allow good circulation around the plant and do not overwater or overfertilize. This will help prevent plant stress and susceptibility to mealy bug. Generally these plants are problem free.

Like African violets, streptocarpus plants do not like water on their leaves and do best when watered from the bottom. A good rule of thumb is to only water when the top inch of the potting mix is dry to the touch. Too much water will kill the roots and cause the leaves to rot at the base. Never let the plant sit in water.

From March through October, use a fertilizer with a balanced formula (10-10-10 or 20-20-20) mixed at ¼ to ½ the usual strength. Withhold fertilizer over the winter months during the plant’s rest period. It is normal for some of the leaf ends to turn brown when the plant is resting.

Keep your plant looking nice by removing old, yellowed or unhealthy leaves. Remove dead flower stalks at their base. When the tips of older leaves turn brown, cut the leaf completely away or trim it back to healthy green growth.

If you want more Streptocarpus plants, they are easy to propagate from leaf cuttings and plant division. If your plant requires repotting, it is best done in the spring. Streptocarpus plants have a shallow root system so a deep pot is not necessary, but good drainage is essential. You will have greater success if a loose, very fast-draining, very rich potting mix is used. When repotted, the crown of leaves should sit just above the potting mix surface.

Suzanne Shorle is a Penn State Extension Master Gardener volunteer.

January spotted lanternfly update

Even though there is a lull in the fight with the spotted lanternfly during the cold winter weather, we can’t let up on our diligence to eradicate them. Remember that each egg mass contains 30 to 50 future insects. So, the best action on our war with this insect is to scrape all the egg masses we can find.

Fill a plastic bag or other container with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer, then using an old credit card, pocket knife or putty knife, scrape the grayish putty looking egg mass into it. Along with looking for masses on trees, also check any outdoor furniture, grills, toys and anything with a smooth surface where the eggs may be hiding. Before moving firewood or other outdoor fixtures outside the area, give the items a though check for egg masses.

For more information on spotted lanternfly: