Scilla bifolia Norman Stevens HS.2381


Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched September-November

In stock


This was originally found, by Norman Stevens and the late Vic Horton, in Turkish Kurdistan. This is the eastern end of the range of the species, where it becomes very variable, indeed several variants have been described as new species from there.

The plant has the normal two leaves implied by the name but is remarkable for having flowers which have not six petals, but between eight and twelve, in addition to which some of the anthers are petalloid. In effect this is a double Scilla bifolia. It has the added bonus of an incredible deep purple-blue colouring, totally unlike any other Scilla.

Each bulb can make two scapes 6-8 cm tall with 3-5 flowers on each. A truly remarkable variant and an excellent plant which we only rarely have to offer.

Easy to grow in a well-drained soil, not too dry in summer. Slow to increase and very sparing with its seed.

For more details, when it gained its P.C. – Bull Alp.Gdn.Soc. 68 (pp.226) June 2000.

Scilla bifolia Norman Stevens
Scilla bifolia Norman Stevens