Chionodoxa siehei


Price is per bulb

Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-November

Out of stock

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Two upright or slightly arching, mid-green, slightly-glaucous leaves and 4-10 (or even 12) lovely, gentian blue star-shaped, 3cm flowers with white centres bloom very early in March and April . C. siehei has larger and more numerous flowers than C. forbesii and they are outward-facing. Flower colour in siehei is more inclined to a violet-blue and the white eye is both larger and more obvious.

C. siehei was for many years offered incorrectly in horticulture as C. luciliae. More recently the name siehei  has been merged (by some botanists)  with forbesii however this conclusion is unsound and appears to have been based on plants that are not actually true C. forbesii in the first place. Rather they were forbesii of horticulture which is in fact mostly variants of C. siehei anyway, (whilst C,. forbesii remains a different and separate species!). It is recorded that several entries in the RHS trial of “small blue bulbs” were submitted incorrectly as C. forbesii but later identified as C. siehei!

(C. luciliae has even larger flowers than C. siehei but these are upward-facing, pale lavender, with a large but fuzzy-margined, central white eye).

AGM RHS 1993 (reconfirmed).

Chionodoxa siehei
Chionodoxa siehei