NZ Plants > Shrubs > Hebes

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a bush with blue flowers and green leaves
HEBE CANTERBURIENSIS, Veronica Blanca. Crece hasta 1 mt, florece a principios de verano. Perenne, riego moderado, sol, semisombra. Plantar a 60 - 90 cms entre plantas.
a close up of a bush with green leaves
Buy Hebe rakaiensis Veronica rakaiensis
hebe rakaiensis (shrubby veronica)
an aerial view of a bush with green leaves
Buy shrubby veronica Hebe buxifolia: Delivery by Waitrose Garden in association with Crocus
the purple flowers are blooming on the tree
TransIP - Reserved domain
Hebe macrocarpa var latisepala
purple flowers growing on the side of a rock
Hebe obtusata - Oratia Native Plant Nursery
Hebe obtusata
close up view of small yellow flowers in the sun
Hebes I - Hebe imbricata
Hebe Society - Hebes I - Hebe imbricata
some very pretty green plants by the rocks
Hebe pinguifolia (Shrubby Veronica) - Plantinfo
Hebe pinguifolia