Genus Ixia

The genus Ixia consists of a number of cormous plants native to South Africa from the Iridaceae family and Ixioideae subfamily. Some of them are known as the…
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the words ixi aura are in black and white on a gray background with an image of
Ixia aurea
some yellow flowers are growing out of the rocks
Ixia acaulis
the words ixia brevtiba in black and white on a gray background
Ixia brevituba
purple flowers growing out of the ground next to rocks
Gladiolus benguellensis
Ixia brunneobractea
white flowers are blooming in the garden
Ixia campanulata
a single white flower with yellow stamens
NatureWatch NZ merger with
Ixia capillaris
the words ixi leucantha in black and white on a gray background
Ixia cochlearis
the words ixi collina in black and white on a gray background with an image of
Ixia collina
an orange flower with yellow stamens in the dirt
Ixia curta
some purple flowers are growing in the dirt
Ixia curvata G.J.Lewis on JSTOR
Ixia curvata
two yellow flowers are blooming near some rocks
brunsvigia bosmaniae - Google Search
Ixia dubia
a purple flower with yellow stamen on it
Gladiolus benguellensis
Ixia erubescens
the words ixi esterhuseniae are in black and white on a gray background
Ixia esterhuyseniae
three white flowers are in the grass
Ixia flexuosa
two orange flowers are in the dirt
Ixia Two
Ixia frederickii