Genus Brunsvigia

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pink flowers in the desert with mountains in the background
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
Brunsvigia bosmaniae
two pink and white flowers in a pot with gravel on the ground next to it
Brunsvigia comptonii
two pink flowers sitting on top of a rocky ground next to rocks and plants in the background
Brunsvigia elandsmontana
a pink flower with white stamens is in a vase on a table next to a wall
Brunsvigia gariepensis
pink flowers in the middle of a grassy field
Brunsvigia grandiflora
a pink flower is growing in the dirt
Brunsvigia gregaria
a pink flower in a brown pot next to a tree
Brunsvigia herrei
a tree that is in the dirt near some rocks and trees with red flowers on it
P9136216 - Brunsvigia josephinae Sept 13, 2009
Brunsvigia josephinae
a pink and white flower in the grass
Brunsvigia kirkii
red flowers are blooming in the sand
Brunsvigia litoralis
a red flower is growing out of the ground next to some rocks and gravel,
Brunsvigia marginata
Brunsvigia marginata
there are two pictures one has pink flowers and the other has green leaves on it
Brunsvigia namaquana
a pink flower in the middle of some green grass with dark clouds above it and trees in the background
brunsvigia natalensis
the words brunsviga nervosa on a gray and white background
Brunsvigia nervosa
a red flower is in the middle of some gravel and rocks with green leaves on it
Brunsvigia orientalis - The Candelabra Flower
Brunsvigia orientalis