Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco (Panaque cf. suttonorum)

Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco (Panaque cf. suttonorum)

Posted by Max Gandara on on 12th Dec 2023

Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco (Panaque cf. suttonorum):
- Species: Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco
- Genome: Known for its lemon-yellow coloration, long flowing fins, and striking blue eyes.
- Evolution Line: Part of the Loricariidae family, adapting to the Amazon River basin's diverse aquatic environments.

Aquatic Life Summary:
The Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco is a visually striking freshwater fish, characterized by its vibrant lemon-yellow color, elongated fins, and distinctive blue eyes. Originating from the Amazon River basin, this pleco is a bottom-dwelling algae eater and requires a well-maintained aquarium to thrive. They are known for their peaceful nature and contribute to effective algae control in the tank.

Creating a Happy Environment (Bullet Points):
- Provide hiding places such as caves and driftwood.
- Maintain clean, well-oxygenated water.
- Include a sandy substrate to support their natural behaviors.
- Feed a balanced diet, including high-quality sinking pellets and fresh vegetables.
- Maintain stable water conditions (pH: 6.5-7.5, temperature: 74-82°F).

Compatible Tankmates:
- Fish: Discus, Angelfish, Tetras, Gouramis, Corydoras Catfish.
- Crustaceans: Bamboo Shrimp, Vampire Shrimp.
- Bugs: None (Insects aren't typical tankmates).
- Plants: Java Fern, Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Amazon Sword, Vallisneria.
- Amphibians: None (Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Plecos are not suitable for cohabitation with amphibians).

Introduce tankmates gradually and monitor their interactions, ensuring a peaceful community tank for the Lemon Long Fin Blue Eye Pleco's well-being.