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chamaedorea benziei


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Hello Sergio
so not too much sun as for the cultivation of other chamaedorea
I adviser to you ,of to plant some other benziei, in order to have male and female, to see if they produce seeds


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Hi Gyuseppe,

No sun but bright light is best for C benziei

your collection of Chamaedorea's is expanding well



coastal north facing location

100klm south of Sydney



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yes Colin, this summer are germinated a good number of species of chamaedorea

good results even with Ernesti-augustii, never seen, seeds germinate quickly and grow, germination was 100% :greenthumb:

seeds ernesti-augusti I bought from especies seeds belize

from especies seeds belize, I bought also 50 seeds of Chamaedorea adscendens,is not even germinated 1 seed :crying:
I think it is useless to make contact with the seller to a reclaim


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Hi Giuseppe, this is our benziei. They've been in the ground for about 2 years. They are planted under large gum trees and they are getting lots of filtered light. The ground can get dry due to the tree roots as the gum trees suck up heaps of water. Another drawback of the gum trees is that they drop large branches, which is why one of the palm spears is snapped.



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It gets a short, thick trunk. Looks like a cross between a Howea forsteriana and a Chamaedorea radicalis, trunking form, but shorter than both. It's a very nice small palm tree, hardy and tough.

Jason Dewees

Inner Sunset District

San Francisco, California

Sunset zone 17

USDA zone 10a

21 inches / 530mm annual rainfall, mostly October to April

Humidity averages 60 to 85 percent year-round.

Summer: 67F/55F | 19C/12C

Winter: 56F/44F | 13C/6C

40-year extremes: 96F/26F | 35.5C/-3.8C

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