Palm Pre launches with no medical apps

By Brian Dolan
04:46 am

Palm PreDespite its long history in the medical industry, Palm has launched its latest device with no medical applications. We have written about Palm's legacy as a platform of choice for doctors and other health workers who have depended on the company's PDA for the last decade, but with the company's new smartphone, the Pre, it seems Palm did not have them in mind. 

Well, Palm CEO Ed Colligan did have the medical community in mind in February when he told listeners on an investors' call that there were only a few apps that Palm felt it needed to have at launch. The only one he specifically mentioned at the time? Epocrates.

Most of the lists of apps expected to hit the Palm Pre at or near launch included Epocrates and WebMD, but neither seemed to make the cut. For those looking to port legacy Palm OS apps onto their new Palm Pre, you are in luck. The one app that will surely be helpful to the medical community is a simulator called MotionApps Classic app which allows old Palm apps to run on the new Pre. 

We expect to see Epocrates and WebMD for the new Palm Pre in the coming days or weeks, but until then Palm Pre users can experience the old as new again by navigating through the legacy versions of these and thousands of other apps. Continue reading for a video showing how MotionApps looks on the Palm Pre.

