While it’s best known for soothing sunburn, the benefits of aloe vera aren’t solely skin-deep. Beneath the plant’s thick, prickly outer layer, its gel-like tissue is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids to deliver a potent health hit. You’ll find derivatives of this nutrient-rich goo in moisturisers, shower gels, shaving creams and sunscreens, but it’s the clear, cold-pressed inner flesh that brings the most benefits.

Humans have been slathering themselves in the stuff for more than 5,000 years. The ancient Greeks deemed aloe vera “the universal panacea”, while the Egyptians declared it “the plant of immortality”. The shrub crops up repeatedly in the history books, from Cleopatra’s bathroom cabinet to Alexander the Great’s first aid kit. Though these days, you’re more likely to spot one wilting on your mate’s windowsill.

“Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant properties and for centuries has been used to cleanse wounds and heal burns,” says Dr Catherine Borysiewicz, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic. “It’s most commonly used to treat sunburn due to the anti-inflammatory properties, which help to reduce swelling, soothe the skin, reduce pain and promote healing.”

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

There are several ways to harness the benefits of aloe vera – eating it, drinking it, or smearing it on your skin – so if you only ever use this spiky succulent to fend off first degree burns, you’re missing a trick (and clearly need sun protection...). From shrinking wrinkles to fighting plaque, here’s 10 benefits of aloe vera that don’t depend on the mercury rising.

1) It’s Anti-Ageing

    The sterols in aloe vera stimulate the production of face-plumping collagen and hyaluronic acid – binding moisture into the skin and ironing out fine lines and wrinkles. In a small Korean study, women who took a low dose of aloe vera gel for 56 days saw a ‘significant’ improvement in facial wrinkles and elasticity. Plus, the plant repairs damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is responsible for up to 80 per cent of the visible signs of ageing. Take that, Father Time.

    2) It fights Acne

    To beat breakouts, the one-two punch of topical retinoids and aloe vera gel has ‘superior efficacy’ to either treatment used alone, a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found. Aloe vera contains salicylic acid, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects: eliminating acne-causing bacteria and calming stressed-out skin to reduce redness and irritation.

    3) It Reduces Plaque

    Swilling aloe vera mouthwash won’t just freshen your breath – it reduces plaque as effectively as chlorhexidine, a prescription mouthwash for gum disease, researchers from India found. Alternatively, try an aloe vera gel-based toothpaste. When the Academy of General Dentistry pitted the tooth gel’s germ-fighting ability against two commercial toothpastes, the former was as effective – sometimes more so – at controlling cavity-causing organisms.

    aloe vera on wooden
    Sommai Larkjit / EyeEm

    4) It’s Hydrating

    Not only is around 95 per cent of the plant made up of water, but aloe vera contains electrolytes such as magnesium and potassium, “which contribute to hydration, especially after exercise,” says registered nutritionist Clarissa Lenherr. “However, many of the benefits of aloe vera are found in the pulp, so the amounts found in the juice are quite minimal.” To reap maximum benefits, stick to skincare – slick the gel over your skin after your shower to seal moisture in.

    5) It’s Moisturising

    Work aloe vera into your daily skincare regimen and you’ll be rewarded with a fresher face. The nutrient-rich gel sticks epidermal cells together, which softens skin, researchers wrote in the Indian Journal of Dermatology. “The amino acids also soften hardened skin cells and zinc acts as a astringent to tighten pores,” they added. It’ll also boost the efficacy of your pricier skincare products: aloe vera contains lignin, which helps your skin soak up other ingredients.

    benefits of aloe vera
    Carlina Teteris//Getty Images

    6) It Boosts Digestion

    Shackled to the porcelain throne and can’t get things moving? Aloe vera is a confirmed constipation-reliever. “The outer portion of the plant contains compounds called anthraquinones, which are responsible for the plant’s laxative effect,” says Lenherr. Be warned: a little goes a long way. “Over-consumption of aloe vera juice can lead to diarrhoea and stomach cramping,” she adds.

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    7) It Soothes Razor Burn

    Aloe vera is known for soothing and healing burns, and that includes razor burn. A near-inevitable side effect of de-fluffing your face, it occurs when the blade damages your skin and hair follicles, causing them to become inflamed. Banish the rash and restore skin equilibrium by applying a thin layer of the gel post-shave – it’ll reduce redness, relieve pain, and help to heal razor bumps.

    8) It Lowers Blood Sugar

    Taking two tablespoons of aloe vera juice has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Compounds in the plant increase insulin sensitivity, which allows the cells of the body to use blood sugar more effectively. The result? Fewer cravings, reduced hunger, and easier fat loss. In a study from Seoul National University Hospital, pre-diabetic patients lost almost a kilo of fat and gained half a kilo of lean body mass in eight weeks after popping an aloe vera gel supp.

    9) It May Boost Your Metabolism

    Aloe vera activates an enzyme called AMP-activated muscle protein kinase (AMPK), which regulates your metabolism, animal research has shown. In one study, porky rats fed dried aloe vera gel saw a reduction in body fat because the supplement increased the number of calories they burned. As for whether humans could reap the same benefits? More research is needed.

    10) It Treats Mouth Sores

    Next time you feel a cold sore brewing, know that aloe vera is a bona-fide remedy. Research has shown that the gel wages war on viruses, including herpes simplex – the most common cause of cold sores. Plagued by a mouth ulcer? You can slather it over that, too. In one study, aloe vera gel not only super-charged the healing process, but also reduced the pain associated with it.

    The best aloe vera gels
    Curaloe Aloe Vera Body Gel
    Curaloe Aloe Vera Body Gel
    $35 at Amazon
    PraNaturals Pure Aloe Vera Gel
    PraNaturals Pure Aloe Vera Gel
    Dr Organic Aloe Vera Gel
    Dr Organic Aloe Vera Gel
      Holland & Barrett Aloe Vera Gel
      Holland & Barrett Aloe Vera Gel

      Aloe Vera Side Effects

      There are thousands of aloe vera products to choose from, and not all of them are worth parting cash for. Where the plant has historically been used as a topical treatment – which is generally considered safe for use in all forms – it’s now available as tablets, gel capsules and powders, too. Since you can’t guarantee the potency or processing techniques, they carry a high risk of side effects, so give them a miss.

      You should also go easy on juices and oral gels, because they can be harmful in high doses over the long-term. If they’re made with the whole leaf of the plant, they may contain latex, which can produce adverse side effects. If you’re on medications – for example steroids, insulin, or heart medication – consult your doctor first, because the plant can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb the drugs. And if you’ve any long-term health conditions it’s probably worth checking in with a healthcare professional first too.

      Aloe vera extracts can have a potent laxative effect, causing diarrhoea, stomach cramps, and potentially a severe loss of potassium. Several animal studies have shown that ingesting whole-leaf aloe extracts cause cancer of the large intestine, though it’s not known whether this is also the case for humans. Aloin, which gives aloe latex its yellow colour, is thought to be responsible for the carcinogenic effect. At high doses, it can cause kidney failure – so look for purified (or decolourised) on the label. This means the aloin has been filtered out.

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