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  • Ann Conlin of Haverford, Max Chambers of Berwyn, Alex Ross...

    Ann Conlin of Haverford, Max Chambers of Berwyn, Alex Ross of Bryn Mawr, Amy Williams of Wayne, and one of Musicopia's founders, Welthie Fitzgerald of Wayne. PHOTO BY MAGGIE HENRY CORCORAN

  • Joe Kenney of West Chester, Jayne Garrison of Rose Tree,...

    Joe Kenney of West Chester, Jayne Garrison of Rose Tree, Max Chambers of Berwyn, Denise Kinney of Radnor and Bruce Brown of Bryn Mawr. PHOTO BY MAGGIE HENRY CORCORAN



Musicopia held a notable luncheon Feb. 16 at the Saturday Club. Two things were notable: one was that it was held at the Saturday Club, an organization that is known for giving back to the community that ties right in with the giving back of Musicopia. The second notable fact was that Musicopia not only brings music and instruments and instruction to children (in low-income communities), but the children in this program are now bringing musical talent and beautiful music to their communities and developing their musical gifts, talents they might never have tapped into without Musicopia. So Musicopia is truly instrumental in launching children into the music field. Musicopia’s mission to bring a combination of music performance and education to students and communities throughout the Delaware Valley focusing on geographical areas that lack adequate music programs or are cut off from the area’s rich cultural life was celebrated at this luncheon. Guests were treated to a delicious lunch and also entertained by students Max Chambers on the violin and Joe Kenney on the piano. It was truly fine-tuned music, fine food, friends, fun and the funds raised will continue to raise the children’s musical abilities, enrich their lives and their communities that is very is notable!

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