Chicken Snake

Spilotes pullatus

"Spilotes pullatus", commonly known as the caninana, chicken snake, yellow rat snake, or "serpiente tigre", is a species of large nonvenomous colubrid snake endemic to Mesoamerica.
Chicken Snake (Spilotes pullatus) Laguna El Correo, Amazonas, Colombia. Nov 12, 2022 Colombia,Geotagged,Spilotes pullatus,Spring,Yellow rat snake


Adults may attain a maximum total length of 4 m. A specimen with a total length of 4 m has a tail 49 cm long.

Dorsally, "S. pullatus" is black with yellow spots which may form crossbands. The tip of the snout is yellow. The head shields may be mostly yellow, or mostly black, or crossbanded with a combination of yellow and black, but the sutures between the shields are always black. Ventrally, it is yellow with irregular black crossbands.

The body is relatively slender and somewhat laterally compressed. The head is distinct from the neck. The eye is moderate in size with a round pupil. There are no suboculars, and the loreal is either very small or absent. There are 6 or 7 upper labials, the 3rd and 4th entering the eye, the last two very large. The dorsal scales are pointed and overlapping.

The dorsal scales are arranged in 16 rows at midbody. Ventrals 198-232; anal plate entire; subcaudals 90-120, divided.
Water Snake Sorry for the overexposure on the right, but this photo was one of our most exciting spottings in Costa Rica. We were in a boat as this enormous water snake skyrocketed past us and then  "stood up" from the water to climb a tree. They can even jump from tree to tree.  Costa Rica,Reptiles,Serpentes,Snakes,Spilotes pullatus,Water Snake


Including the nominotypical subspecies, the following five subspecies are recognized:
⤷  "Spilotes pullatus anomalepis" Bocourt, 1888
⤷  "Spilotes pullatus argusiformis" Amaral, 1929
⤷  "Spilotes pullatus maculatus" Amaral, 1929
⤷  "Spilotes pullatus mexicanus"
⤷  "Spilotes pullatus pullatus"
Tiger Rat Snake (Spilotes pulllatus) Taken in April 2015, at the Butantan Institute, in São Paulo, Brazil. Known as Caninana, in Portuguese. Autumn,Brazil,Colubridae,Geotagged,Spilotes,Spilotes pullatus,Tiger rat snake,caninana,ratsnake,reptile,serpent,snake


It is mainly arboreal, but also terrestrial.


It tends to inhabit forested areas, and is often found near water.


It feeds on a wide variety of prey, including small mammals, birds, and lizards.


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SpeciesS. pullatus