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The Niederfinow Ship Lift (2), Germany

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"The massive contraption, which stands till today as Europe’s largest functioning ship lift, allows ships as tall as 275 feet to be transported from the Oder-Havel Canal to the Old Oder river towards Poland.
The machine consists of an upper and lower deck, as well as the central lift, and bridges leading ships in and out of it. For 83 years, it has served as a crucial piece of infrastructure, allowing vessels of different shapes and sizes to smoothly overcome a height difference of 118 feet between the two water levels, a task that takes roughly 20 minutes to complete."
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  1. UUU10:31
  2. astraldance13:03
  3. quickdraw14:27
  4. GirlMarine14:56
  5. rkhealey16:01
  6. Budrox16:08
  7. garke16:21
  8. linda180217:28
  9. irianr4317:37
  10. Puzzelka18:05


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