Lobelia anceps, Cape Point - 2003

Lobelia anceps, Cape Point - 2003

Observation - Lobelia anceps, Cape Point - 2003 - Southern Africa. Description: Growing very close to the beach with quite a few other interesting plants - the lawns here are freq

Growing very close to the beach with quite a few other interesting plants - the lawns here are frequently grazed by Bontebok.
Illustrated in Mary Matham Kidd (1996)
See also Fernkloof: https://www.fernkloof.org.za/index.php/all-plants/plant-families/item/lobelia-anceps
The Consortium of Midwest Herbaria has quite a lot of specimens and images of South African Lobelias: http://midwestherbaria.org/portal/taxa/index.php?taxon=130792