Aandblommetjie, Redhill - 2003

Aandblommetjie, Redhill - 2003

Observation - Aandblommetjie, Redhill - 2003 - Southern Africa. Description: A well documented species - often seen at roadsides in built-up locations. Illustrated in Mary Mayth

A well documented species - often seen at roadsides in built-up locations.
Illustrated in Mary Maytham Kidd's Guide -3 - confirmed on Cape Plants (2000)
Web links:
FERNKLOOF: https://www.fernkloof.org.za/index.php/all-plants/plant-families/item/hesperantha-falcata
PBS: https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/HesperanthaThree#falcata
JSTOR: https://plants.jstor.org/compilation/Hesperantha.falcata
KEW Herbweb has a number of specimens: https://apps.kew.org/herbcat/getImage.do?imageBarcode=K000320541
REMINDER: HESPERANTHA - The style dividing at apex of the perianth tube or within tube, branches long and laxly spreading.