Protea amplexicaulis

Protea amplexicaulis

Observation - Protea amplexicaulis - Southern Africa. Description: Now before everyone accuses me of picking the flowers, there was a stand of about ten bushes. All but two or three flowers had been picked and put aside, without being damaged in any way. They were all neatly plucked. I suspect it must have been baboons;

Now before everyone accuses me of picking the flowers, there was a stand of about ten bushes. All but two or three flowers had been picked and put aside, without being damaged in any way. They were all neatly plucked. I suspect it must have been baboons; I cant think of anything else which would have done that. It was obviously very recent. Do they only flower on old leaves? - the bloody baboons had picked them all and I couldn't tell. Amplexicaulus - "a hugging cowl" is the best I can do.