Selected Images for orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) in Invasive Species Most Unwanted



Hieracium aurantiacum is a perennial plant that is 11.8-23.6 in. (30-60 cm) tall and produces a milky sap.


Leaves are mostly basal, elliptical, 2-8 in. (5-20 cm) long, 0.4-1.2 in. (1-3 cm) wide and covered with short, stiff, black hairs. The stems can grow up to 12 in. (30.5 m) tall.


Flowers appear in compact cluster of 5 or more dandelion-like flowers on short hairy stalks at the top of the plant. They are 0.75-1 in. (1.9-2.5 cm) across, orange to red, have square-edged petals and appear in May to June on leafless flower stalks.


Fruit is a dark seed with a tuft of white hair to be carried in the wind. The plant can spread by seeds, stolons, and rhizomes.

Ecological Threat

Hieracium aurantiacum is usually found in sunny areas and occurs in disturbed areas such as roadsides, gravel pits, meadows, and pastures. It is native to Europe.