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Frozen in Time

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Ben and Rachel Corder are sure they're in for the longest, dullest summer ever, until they discover an underground vault at the bottom of their garden with an amazing secret inside - two children from the 1950s who have been asleep for decades.

But waking up Freddy and Polly Emerson means unearthing the secrets that were buried with them. Why would their father leave them frozen? How is cryonic suspension even possible? Why doesn't the world know about the process fifty years later? How will the Emersons ever fit into the 21st century world of cell phones and microwave dinners? And why does it feel like they're all suddenly being followed?

Winner of Blue Peter's Book That I Couldn't Put Down and Book of the Year Award 2010 .

336 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2009

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Ali Sparkes

111 books134 followers
Ali Sparkes (born 1966) is a British children's author.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for Lois Bujold.
Author 194 books38.2k followers
August 14, 2019
Chapter book, the age level below YA, so, targeted at older grade-school kids.

An interesting sort of inverse time-travel tale, where two kids from present-day England find and revive two kids, relatives secretly experimentally cryofrozen in 1956. Having made just that trip the hard way myself, it was amusing to see what the writer thought would be fun to boggle each side with. Granted 1950s Midwestern America and 1950s England were pretty alien to each other, so I got a twofer, I suppose. Warmed-over Cold War spy shenanigans round out the SF-nal conceit.

Ta, L.
Profile Image for Anna.
593 reviews118 followers
February 19, 2017
Ο Μπεν και η Ρέιτσελ, 13 και 12 χρονών αντίστοιχα, βαριούνται στη διάρκεια των καλοκαιρινών τους διακοπών, εγκλωβισμένοι στο σπίτι, υπό την επίβλεψη του θείου τους, ο οποίος έχει ως απαράβατο όρο να κάνουν ησυχία. Έτσι, σκάβοντας στον κήπο, ανακαλύπτουν μια χρονοκάψουλα, μέσα στην οποία βρίσκονται ο Φρεντ, η Πόλι και η Μπέσι το κουτάβι. Ήταν μόλις λίγες ώρες πριν που ο Φρεντ και η Πόλι - στην ίδια ηλικία με το Μπεν και τη Ρέιτσελ - είχαν συμμετάσχει εθελοντικά στο πρόγραμμα κρυογονικής που μελετούσε ο πατέρας τους, φημισμένος επιστήμονας που δούλευε για τη βρετανική κυβέρνηση.

Μόνο που πριν λίγες ώρες ήταν το 1956 και τώρα είναι το 2009.....

Θα μπορέσουν ο Φρεντ και η Πόλι να ξεπεράσουν το σοκ για τα τόσα χαμένα χρόνια; Θα προσαρμοστούν στον 21ο αιώνα και στις απαιτήσεις του; Το σώμα τους θα αντέξει τα τόσα χρόνια παγώματος; Και το σπουδαιότερο: πού βρίσκεται ο πατέρας τους και τι έπαθε τελικά; Ποιος τον κυνηγούσε; Ποιοι ξέρουν κάτι; Μια ενδιαφέρουσα περιπέτεια για εφήβους - και όχι μόνο!
Profile Image for Jocelyn.
252 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2021
It was a very cute book, one I enjoyed reading, but some of the views in it were a tad problematic. And it wasn't even because two of the characters were from the 1950's. The modern day kids were just as bad, tbh. Giggling at the use of "gay" as happy, forcing outdated gender roles, and all around making a lot of unnecessary derogatory comments.

It doesn't matter how people used to talk, this is a book for kids. It doesn't have to be historically accurate. I mean heck, most of the science wasn't accurate so why double down on out of date inappropriate language? And why are the boys the only ones out there having adventures while the girls stay home and cook for them? It's baffling that a modern female writer would do this.

Still, I'd recommend this for young readers because it was a fun adventure story at its surface, but I would urge parents to have a discussion with their kids about some of the more problematic aspects of it.
Profile Image for zosia (istriell).
89 reviews26 followers
April 26, 2021
Połknęłam tę książkę w dwa dni... Nie miała ona genialnej, głębokiej treści, ale zapewniła mi świetnej rozrywki! Polecam tę pozycję do przełamania swojej blokady czytelniczej, bądź po prostu sposobu na zabicie nudy
Profile Image for Ingrid.
481 reviews40 followers
March 19, 2014
Ahh, an sci-fi, adventure story written for younger readers. We have some suspension of time, some old world/new world clashing, and some jolly 1950's Britishisms.

After enduring the dullest, rainiest summer holiday imaginable, Ben and Rachel are thrilled to discover a vault in their overgrown backyard. When they discover their great aunt and uncle have been cyronically suspended in time for fifty years, the two siblings get an action filled September. From teaching the young, rather out-dated Polly and Freddy about life in the 21st century and trying not to get bullied to dodging shady government chaps.

I tell you this, there was never a dull moment. This is one crazy adventure story and I can think of a few kids that would enjoy it.

Admittedly, it's written for younger readers, and that's obvious. The prose is a bit clunky, the characters are sweet enough, but not super deep, and the ending is all a bit too tidy. Still, it's the sort of story I think many middle-graders would enjoy reading. It's got some science-fiction aspects, some feminism, and lots of excitement.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
Author 4 books43 followers
August 29, 2011
I really love adventure stories, and this really was an adventure from start to finish. The idea was great - the introduction of two 1950s children to the modern world was potentially fantastic, and there were some moments where I genuinely felt scared! The characters were well-formed and believable.

However, the style is clunky, the backstory of Soviet bombing, cryonics and barely-researched science was poor and I wondered throughout how much of this would be liked by the proposed 9+ readership. Do nine-year-olds really have enough knowledge of 1950s politics to form a judgement that does not border on racism??

Polly has been taught by her "Girl" magazines how to be a perfect housewife and does the cooking and cleaning for her group of friends. Rachel tells her that ideas about women have changed since the 1950s, hinting at a possible feminist line to the plot. Things were looking up! However, this is scrapped almost immediately, with Polly ending up instructing Rachel how to be a 'proper' woman. In the last couple of pages, Rachel hopes to be able to cook as well as Polly and both modern children start to act more like their 1950s friends. Rachel does not seem to teach Polly how to be a modern woman in any way, telling the reader that it is fine for women to be contented with housework.

A lot of the story revolves around the boys outside, fighting for what's right and having active adventures. Whilst this is going on, the girls are indoors, protected, passive, cooking and cleaning.

I was infuriated with this book and wondered why the author had chosen to portray these particular values to children.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ada.
66 reviews
July 19, 2019
I say- this book is jolly good!
(Literally. You’ll see when you read it)
An absolute page-turner!
Profile Image for Justinian Carstairs.
102 reviews19 followers
April 17, 2019
“Good plan," Freddy was saying. "Let's get some decent sleep. Tomorrow we can shake our gravy asses into town and do some sleuthing.”

This book is such a page-turner. There’s an awful lot of exciting stuff going on in this story, whether it’s the dissection of two different times or the game of spies going on in the background.

It’s a lovely exploration of how times have changed, and how things can be quite similar. To Freddy and Polly, the twenty-first century is an utterly alien place, and the modern kids take it in hand to look after them, and that’s such a great concept, to usher in these kids to a future reality. Sparkes manages to express how different the world is and meshes the two worlds just as well.

I quite like the voices of Freddy and Polly. They give this stand-out feel to the kids while maintaining a somewhat 50’s feel.

The facts aren’t right with the science, but it’s plausible enough to be believable. I mean no one has really found themselves frozen in time before, am I right?

The mystery behind the disappearance of Freddy and Polly’s father along with everything going on in the background serves to make a thrilling a rewarding end to the story. Seriously, those last few chapters were amazing. Unfortunately, the ending does feel like a rushed let down from the adrenaline-fueled thrill ride of a climax.

I have a problem with how poorly Sparkes handles the two girls. While the boys often play quite an active role and they’re out there fighting, the girls are making sandwiches and cowering in hiding places, and they’re generally very misogynist, which surprised me. It seems this novel’s values are frozen in a different time.

Fantastic story with some interesting dynamics between the kids caught in the thrilling crossfire in a game of spies as they attempt to solve a mystery. Just ends rather abruptly and expresses some misogyny.
1 review
November 6, 2017
I like this book because it is very mysterious. It's about these siblings named Ben and Rachel who unearth 2 other siblings named Freddy and Polly and have been frozen for more than 50 years. Freddy and Polly's father Professor Emerson, has also vanished.
Profile Image for Fairlita.
148 reviews5 followers
May 27, 2010
18.05.2010. I just got it today! That's early. It's supposed to arrive tomorrow. Tonite, will start reading and can't wait for it as I've read some good reviews on it.
19.05.2010. I decided to postpone reading this as I've received some more new books. Not because I find this book uninteresting. On the contrary, I'm saving the best for last.
27.05.2010. Finished this book after restarting it yesterday.

On the whole, I can imagine why it won the Blue Peter Award. The little tomboyish girl in me enjoys this book immensely. It brought me back Enid Blyton's stories, my favorite back then in my pre-teen age.
Profile Image for Sandra Gerrits.
74 reviews35 followers
April 23, 2015
This book was every bit as good as I hoped it would be. It was a good thing I couldn't read as much as I normally do so I could savour it a while longer. It is a fast-paced. well-written book that makes it easy to delve into the story.
Of course a storyline that involves frozen children who are woken up 50-odd years later can make for a rivetting plot. Ali Sparks delivers.

Definitely a good read and highly recommended.
Profile Image for Rosie.
5 reviews
June 8, 2021
I know this is a book for pre-teens, but I still class it as one of my favourite ever books. I don’t know why exactly, I just love it.
Profile Image for AlexNms.
244 reviews48 followers
January 24, 2020
Το βιβλίο «Ταξιδιώτες στον χρόνο» ήταν ένα βιβλίο παιδικής λογοτεχνίας. Μπορεί να ήταν 318 σελίδες (λίγο πολλές για ένα παιδί νομίζω) αλλά δεν παύει να ήταν παιδική λογοτεχνία του φανταστικού.
Η πλοκή γυρνάει γύρω από την Ρέιτσελ και τον Μπεν οι οποίοι περνάνε ένα βαρετό καλοκαίρι (το 2009) στο σπίτι του επιστήμονα θείου τους, Τζέρομ. Έπειτα από μια δυνατή αυγουστιάτικη βροχή, ανακαλύπτουν απροσδόκητα κοντά στην αυλή του σπιτιού έναν υπόγειο καταφύγιο και μέσα σε αυτό, κάτι ανήκουστο: 2 κρυογονικούς θαλάμους όπου μέσα σε αυτούς βρίσκονται κοιμισμένα 2 παιδιά, η Πόλι κι ο Φρέντι. Η Πόλι κι ο Φρέντι νόμιζαν πως ήταν μέσα στους θαλάμους για μια εβδομάδα, όμως δεν πίστευαν στα αυτιά τους όταν κατάλαβαν πως ήταν εκεί για πάνω από 50 χρόνια! Το αν θα μπορέσουν να προσαρμοστούν στον νέο αιώνα, στην νέα χιλιετία, αν θα αντέξουν τα σώματά τους ή κι αν ακόμα τους ανακαλύψουν μυστικές υπηρεσίες που θέλουν να τους βλάψουν, μπορείτε να το διαβάσετε στο βιβλίο.
Είχε μια αργή και σταθερή πλοκή που δεν με έκανε να βαρεθώ παρόλο που θεωρώ πως η παιδική λογοτεχνία δεν είναι πλέον για μένα 😂 Η κορύφωση της πλοκής ήταν στις τελευταίες 50 σελίδες τις οποίες διάβασα μετά από 5 ώρες μελέτη χωρίς να κουραστώ ιδιαίτερα. Ήταν ευκολοδιάβαστο βιβλίο και χαίρομαι γι'αυτό στην προκειμένη περίπτωση.
Η γλώσσα ήταν απλή αν και σε κάποια σημεία υπήρχαν κάτι λέξεις που ακόμα κι εγώ δεν ήξερα τι σημαίνουν. Επιπλέον, το ύφος της ιστορίας δεν είχε κάποια ιδιαιτερότητα, όπως κι η γλώσσα άλλωστε, αφού πρόκειται για ένα βιβλίο το οποίο έχει ως σκοπό να είναι κατανοητό από τα παιδιά.
Οι χαρακτήρες της ιστορίας ήταν καλά σκιαγραφημένοι. Ο καθέ ήρωας είχε έναν ξεχωριστό τρόπο που μιλούσε κι έτσι καταλάβαινες πότε μίλαγε ο καθένας κι ας μην υπήρχε εξήγηση. Η συμπάθειά μου από το βιβλίο ήταν ξεκάθαρα η Ρέιτσελ. Μπορεί να ήταν 12 χρονών αλλά θεωρώ πως άνετα ταυτίστηκα μαζί της σε αρκετά σημεία του βιβλίου.
Ακόμα, το βιβλίο είχε τριτοπρόσωπη αφήγηση, κάτι το οποίο είχα να δω καιρό. Δεν με μπέρδεψε πάντως, όπως περίμενα όταν κατάλαβα πως δεν ήταν γραμμένη η ιστορία σε πρώτο ενικό πρόσωπο.
Αν σας αρέσει να διαβάζετε παιδική λογοτεχνία ή θέλετε να διαβάσουν κάτι ενδιαφέρον τα παιδιά σας, είναι ότι πρέπει!
Profile Image for Maurice.
1 review
March 10, 2022
This book is called Frozen In time by Ali Sparks, The book takes place in the UK in 2009. It starts with these two teens called Ben and Rachel, which are home all summer with their uncle Jerome. They thought that it would be the dullest summer ever. Until they discover an underground vault at the bottom of their garden with a surprising secret inside it. Two kids from the 1950s but these kids have a dark secret about them and they don’t even know it! They need to figure out with the help of Ben, Rachel and modern technology what happened to them. Frozen In time aimed above and beyond my expectations. The main reason I liked this book was that it was action-packed, funny in some parts and also it contain lots of mystery, my three favourite genres. The book clearly stated clear what the problem was, and in different situations how the characters handle it. Polly the girl in the vault was not as understanding as her brother Freddy was because every 2 seconds she was screaming all over the place wondering what happen to her. “Rachel noticed how Polly was using past tense a lot” this inferred to my understanding that Polly still thought she was in a dream and she would wake up so everything would be normal for her. I am rating this book 5 stars because like I said it had everything that I enjoyed in this book. I am recommending this book to people with the genres of comedy, action and mystery.
Profile Image for Camilla Chester.
Author 4 books9 followers
September 14, 2018
Flawless writing.
Funny, tight plot with no holes whatsoever; neatly tied up ending; hilarious characters who are brave, witty and quick thinking; great, fast pace but with plenty of breathers; cracking use of detail; hint of the sinister behind the scenes; action-packed and exciting! Just joyful from start to finish.
Really hope it gets made into a film... it would be epic.
I hope Ali Sparkes had as much fun writing this as I did writing my third book, Thirteenth Wish, which has Pip, a similar character to Freddy.
This book just leapt out at me full of energy and joy.
Favourite character - Polly, with her amazingly strong kirby grips from 1956.
Fabulous. Totally loved it!
Profile Image for Lizzie.
Author 1 book15 followers
November 25, 2018
This book was SO MUCH fun! A 'super' time and compulsive reading. You can tell Ali had great fun writing it. I'd give it 4.5 stars if I could but half a star off because it's not necessarily written that well in a technical sense. Just goes to show though, the most important thing - more important than grammar etc - is the story and characters, the believability and the authenticity of character (and narrator) voice, and so on. Ali's writing feels current, like a friend is telling you a story, rather than stiff and professional, and that was actually "jolly super fun"! As an Enid Blyton fan in my childhood, this was a great homage to such as the Famous Five.

January 27, 2021
I love this book!
I first read it when I was 17 when I cam across it in my college library. I'm now 27 and have read it and listened to the audiobook many times and it never gets old.
I won't pretend it's perfect (I don't think any book ever is) but it's definitely a personal favourite. The story is intriguing and keeps you wanting more.

The idea of finding the vault in the garden was a golden story, with so much potential. Parts of the story were breath-taking but there were some parts that I felt were good but not really necessary for the overall story.

Nevertheless, I loved it and would happily suggest it to anyone.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pages For Thoughts.
367 reviews29 followers
January 1, 2019
I loved how funny it is. Polly and Freddy's reactions to present day things are hysterical. Polly's reaction to earrings are especially funny! Freddy's solutions to problems are quite odd- but they work, and they're very funny! The general idea of the book is a great idea, and fun to imagine. There are other things blended in, and it is not focused on one thing, it has a lot of elements in it that add up to an amazing story.
Profile Image for Lia Overbrook.
5 reviews1 follower
March 11, 2021
i read this book because of the summary and i tend to live through the books i read and this sounded like a story i would like to live. this book has stuck with me for the past three years since i read it. i would definitely recommend this story to someone having boring summer or just needs something exciting in their life. the author puts her own little twists on the cliche idea of time travel throughout the book and it just makes it all the more special.
Profile Image for Debarun Saha.
3 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2018
It is a wonderful journey with teenagers. It was so beautifuly thrilling that I could feel the shiver sometime inside me. the descriptive 5o's was one of the best visualization. It felt like it is motion picture in mind which was greatly enjoyable. Brother sister relationships, tensions all were there. It was really better than watching scifi movies.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
9 reviews
August 29, 2021
It's just so awesome!!! Polly, Freddy, Ben and Rachel are great characters, the story is built up well and you get the feeling these are actually tween/teen characters (Well, two of those tween/teen characters are actually over sixty years old so I suppose their being old-fashioned is an important element of the story....)
Profile Image for Clare Butler.
91 reviews7 followers
November 30, 2017
I think the whole of cryptic suspension is fascinating and it was a great premise for a book. I felt there was another storyline here that wasn't developed as much as it should have been and that was a shame
1 review
Currently reading
September 18, 2019
This book isn't the worst so far, but the start is the best hook, when Freddy and Polly emerge. But the thing about it is, their emerging from the cryonic suspension tubes, is the most climactic part so far, into the first 100 pages. Right now it´s seeming very dry.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for shin.
16 reviews
February 18, 2023
THIS BOOK WAS BEYOND HAPPINESS atleast for me… it was fast paced but then again you wont be regretting not being able to follow the plot cuz’ srsly you will! It is witty, funny, and DAUNTING!!! The foreshadowings was good too! Such a jolly to read this book hahaha *wink* ;)
Profile Image for Daksha.
42 reviews
December 28, 2017
This book was recommended by a friend and I absolutely loved this children's book.
26 reviews
January 14, 2018
Another good book from Ali Sparkes! It’s quite a creepy book though.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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