
Plant recordings in April and May 2011

by Rutger Barendse and Jeroen Willemsen 

The Mediterranean plant life of Mallorca

In the spring of 2011 we organized a BotanicalJourney to Mallorca. It had been a while since we were in the Mediterranean area so it was about time for a visit. Mallorca is just one of the many beautiful islands in the Mediterranean Sea, with many plants unknown to us - and some endemic species even! Like on any other BotanicalJourney we tried to find as many different plant species as possible. To keep things easy for ourselves we registered the different species only the first time we found them. Thus we recorded 735 different wild plants on Mallorca. A complete list of the recorded species is added below.

Useful identification keys

  • E. Beckett: Wild flowers of Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza (Rotterdam/Brookfield 1988).
  • E. Beckett: Illustrated flora of Mallorca (Palma de Mallorca 1993).
  • Govern de les Iles Balears: Parc natural de la peninsula de Llevant - quadern de camp de flora.
  • H. Stracka et al.: Führer zur Flora von Mallorca (Stuttgart/New York 1987).

Report of this BotanicalJourney

22 April 2011: Garden of our holiday home, west of Artà  (Google Map)

Anchusa azurea On the internet we rented a holiday-home just west of a town called Artà. Artà is situated in the "Serres de Llevant", which is a dry hilly area in the east of Mallorca. The highest point of the Serres de Llevant is "Puig Morei", north of Artà , with an altitude of 564 meter. The holiday-home was situated at a lower altitude and we found it to be comfortably large and quiet. We even had a private swimming pool! But of course we didn't come to Mallorca to relax so we started our BotanicalJourney immediately after our arrival. We had planned to walk around in the area surrounding our holiday-home, but we didn't even make it to the gate of the property because the (mostly neglected) garden was very rich in interesting plant species, which we started to write down. Most abundant were Asphodelus aestivus and Galactites tomentosa. Clearly visible were various species with either bright colors or a remarkable appearance, like Parentucellia viscosa, Anchusa azurea (see picture) and Bellardia trixago. We also found less colorful species like Parietaria judaica and Plantago lagopus. Other species were Urospermum dalechampii, Muscari comosum, Pallenis spinosa and Trifolium scabrum. Right next to the driveway we found many specimens of Serapias parviflora, and further afield we found other orchids: Ophrys speculum, Ophrys bombyliflora, Ophrys apifera and Barlia robertiana. In total we recorded 92 different plant species within a range of 200 meters from our house.

22 April 2011: Footpath along the coast of Punta d'es Marás, south of Capdepera (Google Map)
After our first experiences with the Mallorcan flora in the garden of our holiday-home, we decided to drive straight to the east until we reached the coast. We found ourselves in a village called Es Marás. From there a small footpath went southwards, high above the coast line. At first the track went through a pine forest with Cyclamen balearicum and Romulea columnae but soon the vegetation consisted of less trees and more shrubs. It was a bit maquis-like actually, with species like Cistus albidus, Cistus monspeliensis, Erica scoparia and Phagnalon saxatile. Funny was the occurrence of both Dorycnium hirsutum and Dorycnium pentaphyllum right next to each other. We could compare the two species easily. Furthermore we found Centranthus calcitrapae, Urginea maritima, Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora and Teucrium capitatum. There were even some orchids: Ophrys tenthredinifera and Ophrys bertolonii.

23 April 2011: Shore and dunes from Colònia de Sant Pere to Son Serra de Marina (Google Map)

Evax pygmaea Before we went to Mallorca we used Google Earth to localize possible plant hunting sites. One of the locations we found in advance was situated west of Colònia de Sant Pere: a large area with sand dunes. So we started our walk in Colònia de Sant Pere. This immediately produced some interesting plant species, including various grasses: Aegilops geniculata, Aegilops triuncialis, Avena sterilis, Briza maxima, Bromus hordeaceus, Cynodon dactylon, Hyparrhenia hirta, Stipa capensis and Vulpia membranacea. Some flower species present were Anthyllis tetraphylla, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia segetalis, Euphorbia serrata, Evax pygmaea (see picture), Hedysarum spinosissimum and Psoralea bituminosa.

Asteriscus maritimus We continued our walk along the beach where the vegetation was exposed to salt spray and sometimes heavy winds. There were also many less exposed habitats in which several plants grew. We made a list of the species that are more or less typical for sandy habitats along the shore: Aster tripolium, Asteriscus aquaticus, A. maritimus (see picture), Cakile maritima, Crithmum maritimum, Crucianella maritima, Desmazeria marina, Eryngium maritimum, Euphorbia exigua, E. paralias, Glaucium flavum, Launaea cervicornis, Matthiola sinuata, Polygonum maritimum, Sagina maritima, Salsola soda and Silene gallica. There were several Limonium species as well. They are always a bit difficult to identify, but we tried it nevertheless and found Limonium biflorum, Limonium connivens, Limonium echioides and Limonium oleifolium. We also found a turtle (Testudo graeca), but that was on the other side of a fence with a forbidden entry sign, so we probably mustn't mention that.

Unfortunately heavy rains passed us while we were walking along the coast line. We didn't have any rain coat or something with us of course; after all we were in the Mediterranean! Although we got soaking wet we continued our walk. After walking along the coast line from Colònia de Sant Pere towards Son Serra de Marina we followed the path into the dunes, back towards Colònia de Sant Pere. We passed a swamp in the beginning but soon the ground became more dry and sandy. Here we found species like Atriplex halimus, Anthyllis vulneraria, Cerastium semidecandrum, Echium italicum, E. sabulicola, Erodium ciconium, Helichrysum stoechas, Hedypnois cretica and Juniperus phoenicea.

23 April 2011: Nature reserve l'Albufera (Google Map)

Stenotaphrum secundatum The Nature Reserve l'Albufera de Mallorca is a very famous salt water marsh in the northeast of Mallorca. The area is almost 3,000 hectares and most of it is not accessible. We entered the reserve at several locations. First we stopped alongside the main road Ma-12, climbed over a fence and followed a path for the maintenance of the electricity-network. Here we found Lythrum junceum and Orchis laxiflora ssp palustris. A little further to the north there was a road that was very busy with visitors of the Albufera park. Since this was more or less the only way to get inside the nature reserve, we too followed that path. The first specie we recorded was full with flowers, right next to the path: Orchis coriophora. We also recorded species that are more characteristic for wetlands like Apium nodiflorum, Carex divisa, Carex otrubae, Cladium mariscus, Conium maculatum, Nasturtium officinale, Oenanthe lachenalii, Pulicaria dysenterica, Samolus valerandi, Carex extensa and Scirpus maritimus. It took us a while to recognize Stenotaphrum secundatum (see picture), but in time we managed. Finally we drove a bit westwards and entered Albufera from a sandy road. Here we found Cotula coronopifolia.


24 April 2011: Cap Formentor (Google Map)

Argyrolobium zanonii The next day we went to the most northeast part of Mallorca, where the Cap Formentor forms a large rocky peninsula. We stopped to look for wild flowers at several locations on the Cap. From west to east they were: Cala Bóquer, El Morral, Bóquer, Casa Veyas, the tunnel and the lighthouse. Our first stop on the Cap Formentor was somewhere near el Morral. Our attention was drawn by the large and conspicuous flowers of Hypericum balearicum. Other shrubs on the scene were Calicotome spinosa and Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris. We also searched for some smaller species and found Astragalus balearicus, Micromeria filiformis and Valantia muralis. Other nice species were Crepis triasii, Ononis minutissima and Argyrolobium zanonii (see picture).

Erodium reichardii A little further on the Cap Formentor we stopped at Bóquer, a point with spectacular views over the Mediterranean sea and with some nice flora species as well. The vegetation was covered with shrubs. Underneath we found species like Cyclamen balearicum, Sibthorpia Africana and Arisarum vulgare. Where the vegetation was more open we found Digitalis dubia, Senecio rodriguezii and both Helichrysum ambiguum and Helichrysum rupestre. We stopped again near the tunnel at the eastern half of the peninsula. Here we found species that are characteristic to dry habitats like Polycarpon polycarpoides, Launaea cervicornis, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria and Sedum dasyphyllum. The beautiful flowers of Erodium reichardii (see picture) were a welcome distraction in this dry landscape.

Dorycnium fulgurans At the end of the peninsula there was a lighthouse. There is something about this kind of locations that attracts people from many directions: well before the end of the road we found ourselves to be in a traffic jam that consisted of people trying to find a parking place. This is not our idea of a holiday/BotanicalJourney, so we turned around and left the scene. But not before we recorded some plant species of course. Somewhat hidden in a crevice we found Dracunculus muscivorus. We also recorded Limonium caprariense and Dorycnium fulgurans (see picture). There were even two Euphorbia species: Euphorbia maresii and Euphorbia sulcata.

On our way back we stopped near a villa called "Casa Veyas" because our attention was drawn by a Paeregrine Falcon flying by. We managed to find some new plant species as well. Some of them were Silene secundiflora, Sisymbrium erysimoides, Marribium vulgare, Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa and Ranunculus muricatus.

The last stop on the Cap Formentor was to be quite honest not on the peninsula itself, but on the "mainland" of Mallorca: near the roundabout of Cala Bóquer. We parked our car on the parking area and immediately entered the large fallow field next to the car that was covered with huge amounts of Glaucium flavum. Other plant species on this ruderal area were Ononis pubescens, Dittrichia graveolens, Dittrichia viscosa, Anthemis cotula, Coleostephus myconis, Carlina lanata and Hedysarum coronarium. Of Bituminaria bituminosa we found both the white-flowered version and flowers with their normal purple color. Tropaeolum majus had escaped from the gardens of the adjacent houses and spread itself over a vast area. We followed the path towards Cala Bóquer for a while and passed a building with many Cymbalaria muralis on it. After a while we decided to abandon the path and we walked with no specific goal through the shrubbery. We soon found a small stream which we followed back down to the car park. Near the stream we found Narcissus tazetta and in the grassy fields more downhill we localized Trifolium resupinatum.

24 April 2011: Bahia de Pollença (es Barcarès) (Google Map)
On the way back to Artà we passed the Bahia de Pollença where many people took the advantage of the strong wind to go surfing. Just on the other side of the road were the salt marshes of the Albufera park. We stopped there for a while and recorded Erodium malacoides, Euphorbia peplis, Halimione portulacoides, Inula crithmoides, Zannichellia palustris and some other plant species. Very nice were bird species like Egretta garzetta and Himantopus himantopus, which we observed from really nearby.

25 April 2011: Around Llubi (Google Map)

Ornithogalum narbonense After our successful visit to the northeast of Mallorca we decided to go west for a change. There were two locations around the town of Llubi which were of interest. At the fist location, between Santa Margalida and Llubi, we stopped because we saw large specimens of Ornithogalum narbonense (see picture) next to the road. Also Amaranthus albus, Knautia integrifolia, Lophochloa cristata and Diplotaxis erucoides appeared to be present. We found several Lathyrus species as well: Lathyrus annuus, Lathyrus latifolius and Lathyrus ochrus. Our second stop was somewhere between the towns of Llubi and Inca. Again we stopped because our attention was drawn by a large Ornithogalum. Only this time it was not Ornithogalum narbonense but Ornithogalum arabicum. There were also some other new (fairly common) species like Ononis pubescens.

25 April 2011: Road from Caimari to Sóller through Tramuntana (Google Map)
We followed the road from Caimari to Sóller through the Tramuntana mountains. This mountain range covers the entire northwest part of Mallorca. The highest peak is Puig Major (1,145 meters). During our BotanicalJourney we stopped in the Tramunana area several times. The hills were very rich in wild plant species. For the full list of our recordings you can scroll down. In this report we will just give a summary of our findings. On the first stop north of Caimari we found three different Sedum species: Sedum dasyphyllum, Sedum rubens and Sedum sediforme. Also Cneorum tricoccon and Micromeria microphylla were present.

Globularia cambessedesii Further to the north we found an endemic specie we were desperate to find on a rocky hillside: Globularia cambessedesii (see picture). It was high upon the rocks so we were not able to go very nearby. The finding was spectacular nevertheless. On the hill slope Arisarum vulgare was very abundant and we also found several species that are more or less endemic: Bupleurum barceloi, Buxus balearica, Dryopteris pallida subsp. balearica, Hippocrepis balearica and Sesleria insularis were among them. We also found Viola alba subsp. dehnhardtii.

Verbascum boerhavii Our BotanicalJourney continued via several single-specie-locations: Helleborus foetidus, Adiantum capillus-veneris, Crataegus monogyna, Neottia nidus-avis, Leucojum aestivum and finally Arenaria balearica. On the most northern part of our trip (just south of the monastery of Lluc), we found another site that was rich in new species: Arabis verna, Asperula laevigata, Calamintha ascendens, Geranium lucidum, Moehringia pentandra, Polygala rupestris, Polypodium cambricum and Saxifraga tridactylites. Next to the artificial lakes called "Embassament des Gorg Blau" and "Embassement de Cúber" we found Verbascum boerhavii (see picture) and a little bit further also Phlomis italica. Our tour through the Tramuntana area ended at the town of Sóller where we found Ceratonia siliqua, Asplenium trichomanes, Euphorbia characias, Euphorbia dendroides and Romulea columnae.

Monotropa hypopitys25 April 2011: Orient (Google Map)

We continued our Journey to the town of Orient. We did find some species but due to the abundant presence of livestock there were not much interesting plant species to discover. We found Anagyris foetida, Monotropa hypopitys (see picture) and Carex divulsa in Orient.

25 April 2011: Between Alaró and Lloseta  (Google Map)
Just west of the town of Lloseta we stopped near a barren land where we found Ophrys bombyliflora and Globularia alypum. We also found three Fumana species here: Fumana thymifolia, Fumana ericoides and Fumana laevipes.

26 April 2011: South of Artà (Google Map)
The next day we decided to go south. Just after we passed Artà we noticed some orchids to the side of the road. We followed an unpaved path into the forest and to our surprise we found not only woodland but also heaths and grassy fields. The richer inhabitants of Artà had discovered the area as well: some large villas were built there. The area was very rich in orchids. We found Barlia robertiana, Limodorum abortivum, Serapias parviflora, Ophrys apifera, Ophrys bombyliflora, Ophrys tenthredinifera and Ophrys speculum. Also Genista lucida, Carex rorulenta and Polygala monspeliaca were present.

26 April 2011: Coast east of Palma (Google Map)

Bellardia trixago After this successful start of the day we drove to Palma. We were hoping to find a more or less undisturbed coastline there but unfortunately most of the beach was either inaccessible or paved with boulevards. However, between some buildings alongside the main road there was a barren area. It appeared that there had been a building at sometime but now the area was closed off with a steel gate. Thanks to an earlier accident a piece of the gate was destroyed so we could easily enter the site. Here we found several weeds like Lamium amplexicaule, Polygonum aviculare and Coronopus didymus but also species with more decorative value like Silene gallica, Bellardia trixago (see picture), Centaurium pulchellum, Papaver somniferum and Gnaphalium luteo-album.

26 April 2011: Salines (es Salobrar) (Google Map)
The old salt lakes in the southeast of Mallorca were the goal of the day. They are known as Salines / es Salobrar. The area consisted of shallow lakes which were used to gain salt from sea water. Most of the lakes are a nature reserve these days and as you can imagine, many salt water species were present. For example Suaeda maritima, Limonium oleifolium, Salicornia ramosissima, Limonium camposanum x pseudobusitanum and Arthrocnemum fruticosum. On the higher (less salty) parts in the Salines we found species like Ecballium elaterium, Melilotus messanensis, Centaurea calcitrapa, Narcissus tazetta and Bupleurum semicompositum.

26 April 2011: Dunes near Platja des Trenc  (Google Map)

Sand bee Just south of the Salines was a large dune area. By the look of the enormous size of several parking areas it can be very crowded here in the summer. Fortunately it was nice and quiet when we were at the scene. We followed a sand road from one of the parking areas towards the sea. Then we turned right and followed the coast until we reached a building (possibly a café in the summer?). There we followed a track back into the dunes. On locations that were influenced by salt water or salt spray we found species like Salicornia fruticosa, Hordeum marinum and Polygonum maritimum. On locations with less extreme circumstances we found species like Ononis reclinata, Cistus clusii and Pseudorlaya pumila. When we followed the track back through the dunes we saw several sand bees that were very busy collecting sand particles (see picture).

26 April 2011: In Sa Llombards (Google Map)
On our way back to Artà we noticed Lamarckia aurea in the village of Sa Llombards. It was a new specie to our list. We didn't find it on any other location.

27 April 2011: Sanctuary San Salvador, Artà   (Google Map)

Hyoscyamus albus The following day we decided to stay close to our home and check out the surroundings of Artà. We started our BotanicalJourney at the Sanctuary in the middle of the village. To give ourselves a new challenge we started writing down ALL species, including the ones we had already seen before, like Hyoscyamus albus (see picture). This resulted in a list of 94 different species of which 11 were new to our Mallorca list. The complete list of our findings you can find below.

27 April 2011: Natural park Peninsula de Llevant (north of Artà) and the shore of Cala Font Celada (Google Map)

Phlomis italica The highest peaks of the Serres de Levant, like the Puig Morei (564m), can be found in the National Park "Peninsula de Llevant". The National Park covers hills, caves, cliffs and even a small beach at Cala Font Celada. Many endemic species can be found in this area so we made a long walk here. The Visitor Centre offers maps of the peninsula and there even is a small booklet which gives an indication of the occurrence of the most rare plant species. Because the area is so rich in plant species (we recorded 173 different species) we will only give a very short summary here. You can find the full list below. Species of the Peninsula the Llevant you might like, are Lotus tetraphyllus, Cyclamen balearicum, Ajuga iva, Astragalus balearicus, Hypericum balearicum, Micromeria filiformis, Melica bauhinii, Pastinaca lucida, Hippocrepis balearica, Phlomis italica (see picture) and Teucrium cossonii. On the shore of Cala Font Celada we found species like Cakile maritima, Eryngium maritimum, Medicago marina, Pancratium maritimum, Arum pictum, Digitalis dubia, Euphorbia paralias, Limonium caprariense and Silene sedoides. The walk we made was rather long but the whole area was spectacular and the species were definitely worth it!

28 April 2011: Torrente de Pareys (Google Map)

Globularia cambessedesii Just north of Morro de sa Corda is the Torrente de Pareys. This is a large gorge, that is easily accessible. Unfortunately the tourist industry has discovered the gorge as well. So if you want to go there, do not pay attention to the parking fees, the restaurants, the souvenir shops, the busses with elderly people, the people who walk slowly and do not let you pass, the Dutch people who always seem to have a good reason for shouting or talking very loud, etcetera. Believe me, it is all worth it. Once you have entered the gorge and followed it for a couple of hundred meters, you will have left it all behind and you will find yourself in an almost magical surrounding with rocks descending high above you and some very nice plant species as well! We found for example Adiantum capillus-veneris, Teucrium asiaticum, Globularia cambessedesii (see picture), Pimpinella bicknellii, Viola jaubertiana and Scutellaria balearica.

28 April 2011: Surroundings of Sanctuary Lluc  (Google Map)

Cephalantera longifolia Another area with large numbers of tourists is the Sanctuary Lluc. We stopped our car and immediately found a very nice specimen of Cephalantera longifolia (see picture). We followed the road towards the sanctuary and took an unpaved road to the left. There was a small stream and there were some ponds as well. Here we found species like Equisetum telmateia, Mentha suaveolens, Alisma plantago-aquatica and Potamogeton coloratus. Other conspicuous species were Ranunculus macrophyllus, Centranthus ruber and Primula vulgaris.

29 April 2011: Between Establiments and Puigpunyent (Google Map)

Succowia balearica The following day we visited the area northeast of Palma. We had no specific plan other than to explore the area, so we stopped for no real reason at several locations. They are all displayed in the Google Map. The first location was a stop because we spotted Leucojum aestivum. When you see that specie it is always wise to check the location for other plant species. It this case we found Ophrys apifera, Aegilops triuncialis, Piptatherum coerulescens, Succowia balearica (see picture) and Aristolochia clematitis.

29 April 2011: Between Establiments and Calvià (Google Map)

Serapias lingua Our second stop was somewhere between the towns of Establiments and Calvià. Again the reason to stop was something we spotted while driving by. In this case it were large numbers of Ophrys bertolonii. We stopped at an interesting location with many different orchid species. Next to the Ophrys bertolonii we found Ophrys speculum and Neotinea maculata. The area was covered with a forest, in which we found Viola arborescens. When we descended we soon discovered large numbers of Serapias lingua (see picture) and Limodorum abortivum as well. Our attention was drawn by a loud noise coming somewhere from the forest. The sound was made by large numbers of frogs shouting from a very small pond. The water was totally covered with Lemna minor: the only location we found on Mallorca! We also found Sambucus nigra, but the funny thing is that Flora Euopaea does not mention that specie for the Balearics. To be sure we collected a few leaves to be checked later on.

29 April 2011: Galilea (Google Map)
Our next stop was near Galilea, where we found Prasium majus.

29 April 2011: Puigpunyent (Google Map)

Agrostemma githago We stopped again a little north of the town of Puigpunyent and followed a gravel road up the hill. In a corn field we found Agrostemma githago (see picture). There were other species that are characteristic to human-influenced areas, like Apium graveolens, Cardaria draba and Cucurbita pepo. Other species of dry agricultural areas were Legousia hybrida and Portulaca oleracea. We also found Medicago scutellata, Tragopogon hybridus, Filago vulgaris and Glaucium flavum.

29 April 2011: La Granja (Google Map)
We stopped near La Granja and found Antirrhinum majus and Platanus x hispanica.

29 April 2011: Esporles (Google Map)
In the town of Esporles we followed the bed of a dried up river. You can always find unexpected species in areas like that, for example Brassica nigra, Brassica oleracea, Brassica rapa, Lapsana communis, Chasmanthe bicolor, Fumaria officinalis and Cichorium endiva.

30 April 2011: Between Santa Margalida and Muro (Google Map)
Somewhere Between Santa Margalida and Muro we stopped our car and found a new specie for our Mallorcan list: Cirsium arvense. Also Carex otrubae and Scirpus maritimus were present (sorry, but I really cannot make this location any more interesting).

30 April 2011: Fallow field alongside railroad in La Puebla (Google Map)

Euphorbia serrata When we entered the town of La Puebla our attention was drawn by a field that was completely white with Ornithogalum arabicum. So of course we checked the area for other interesting species. It looked like the field, adjacent to a railroad track, had been a garden once. We were able to add two new Allium species to our list: Allium sphaerocephalon and Allium subhirsutum. Also Euphorbia serrata was present at this site (see picture).

30 April 2011: San Miguel / Campanet (Google Map)
At San Miguel there was some sort of party going on with lots of local people present. Because we ourselves are real party animals, we decided to check it out. To be short, the party was rather dull, as was the surrounding area. We managed to find some new species, though: Hypericum tomentosum for example. Next to a small stream we found Lythrum junceum, but we had already recorded that earlier. Equisetum ramosissimum, Ranunculus macrophyllus and Ranunculus ophioglossifolius were present as well.

30 April 2011: San Vicente (Google Map)

Aristolochia bianorii Near San Vicente there was a footpath towards Cala San Vicente. The path started in a forest but soon entered a rocky area with almost no trees. Where the road made a sharp turn we left the road and followed a small stream up the hill. This proved to be a wise decision, because we found a number of nice plant species like Aetheorhiza bulbosa subsp. willkommii, Aristolochia bianorii (see picture), Crucianella latifolia and Digitalis dubia. Back in the forest we found Lonicera periclymenum.

Hedysarum coronarium30 April 2011: Pinaret de Silla (Google Map)

On our way back we stopped at a location we had seen several times while passing. It was a fallow field near Pinaret de Silla with many specimens of Hedysarum coronarium (see picture). The area contained several wet places where we found Juncus foliosus, Juncus maritimus, Carex divisa, Carex hispida, Scirpus setaceus, Phalaris aquatica, Valerianella eriocarpa, Veronica catenata and Alisma lanceolatum.

1 May 2011: Cap des Pinar (Google Map)
Our last full day on Mallorca! A quick look on the map with locations we visited learned us that there was an undiscovered area near the east coast. So we drove to Cap des Pinar and tried to follow the coastline south as much as possible. The road ended eventually at a collapsed rock. We found Centaurium tenuiflorum, Coris monspeliensis and Daucus carota subsp. drepanensis alongside this road. Funny was that Coris monspeliensis was available in both pink and white.

1 May 2011: Son Servera (Google Map)
During our entire stay at Mallorca we had been wondering why we didn't find any Anacamptis pyramidalis. Normally it isn't hard to find in the Mediterranean area. Finally, on our last day on Mallorca we found it. The good thing was that there were many Serapias parviflora on that location as well.

1 May 2011: Son Servera, along shore Costa des Pins  (Google Map)

Asteriscus maritimus We stopped again along the shore of Costa des Pins. Here we found several species we were already familiar with, like Lotus cystoides and Asteriscus maritimus (see picture). We also found two grasses that were new to us: Hainardia cylindrica and Pennisetum clandestinum. Especially the latter was difficult for us to identify and it didn't work out until we were at home (luckily we had collected a small part of this grass).

1 May 2011: Punta de n'amer (Calla Minor) (Google Map)

Trifolium resupinatum At Calla Minor there was a small peninsula called Punta de n'amer. This is an area with lots of recreation possibilities like horse riding. The vegetation was very short (all the vegetation higher than 50 cm was used as public toilet) but nevertheless interesting. We found a number of different clover species like Trifolium tomentosum, Trifolium resupinatum (see picture) and Trifolium fragiferum. We also found a specimen of Solanum sodomeum (indeed, a shrub with a height of over 50 cm!).

1 May 2011: Porto Cristo (Google Map)
In the town of Porto Cristo a small river ended in the sea. Alongside the river was a small swampy area. We reached it by passing some obscure discos and following a dirt track. On the other side of the river there was a small foot path that was used as a dog toilet. We found species like Cyperus alternifolius, Elymus pungens, Polygonum romanum and Myoporum tenuifolium here.

2 May 2011: Airport Palma de Mallorca (Google Map)
All good things come to an end they say. After a last morning dive in our private swimming pool we headed back to Palma Airport. While we were waiting for our plane we decided to check out the area. The security cameras were either not watched at or Mallorcan security authorities just are used to people crossing the airport looking for wild plants. You wouldn't believe it but we managed to record one specie we hadn't seen before on Mallorca: Sagina procumbens subsp. procumbens. This reminded us of home!

List of the recorded plant species

Only the first finding of species is displayed. So species that were both recorded on the 28th and the 29th of April ONLY are noted on the 28th.

22 April 2011: Garden of our holiday home, west of Artà  (Google Map)
Aegilops geniculata
Agave americana
Allium roseum
Allium triquetrum
Anagallis arvensis
Anchusa azurea
Arisarum vulgare
Arum italicum
Asparagus acutifolius
Asphodelus aestivus
Asphodelus fistulosus
Avena barbata
Barlia robertiana
Bellardia trixago
Bellis annua
Beta vulgaris
Blackstonia perfoliata
Borago officinalis
Bromus madritensis
Campanula erinus
Cardamine hirsuta
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Convolvulus arvensis
Conyza bonariensis
Coronilla scorpioides
Crepis vesicaria
Dactylis glomerata
Daucus carota
Desmazeria balearica
Desmazeria marina
Euphorbia peplus
Ferula communis
Fumaria capreolata
Galactites tomentosa
Galium aparine
Galium murale
Geranium dissectum
Geranium purpureum
Geranium rotundifolium
Gladiolus italicus
Hippocrepis unisiliquosa
Hordeum murinum
Hyoseris radiata
Kundmannia sicula
Lolium perenne
Lophochloa cristata
Lotus ornithopodioides
Medicago orbicularis
Medicago polymorpha
Medicago turbinata
Muscari comosum
Ophrys apifera
Ophrys bombyliflora
Ophrys speculum
Orobanche minor
Osyris alba
Oxalis pes-caprae
Pallenis spinosa
Parentucellia viscosa
Parietaria judaica
Picris echioides
Piptatherum miliaceum
Plantago afra
Plantago lagopus
Plantago lanceolata
Poa annua
Potentilla reptans
Quercus ilex
Rhagadiolus stellatus
Rhamnus alaternus
Rubus ulmifolius
Rumex obtusifolius
Rumex pulcher
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Scandix pecten-veneris
Scorpiurus muricatus
Senecio vulgaris
Serapias parviflora
Silene vulgaris
Sinapis arvensis
Sisymbrium officinale
Smilax aspera
Solanum nigrum
Sonchus asper
Tamus communis
Torilis nodosa
Trifolium scabrum
Umbilicus horizontalis
Urospermum dalechampii
Veronica arvensis
Veronica cymbalaria
Vicia sativa subsp. nigra

22 April 2011: Footpath along the coast of Punta d'es Marás, south of Capdepera (Google Map)
Ampelodesmos mauritanica
Arbutus unedo
Atractylis humilis
Brachypodium retusum
Bupleurum baldense
Centaurium erythraea
Centranthus calcitrapae
Chamaerops humilis
Cirsium vulgare
Cistus albidus
Cistus monspeliensis
Colchicum lusitanum
Cyclamen balearicum
Cynoglossum creticum
Dorycnium hirsutum
Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Erica scoparia
Genista lucida
Gladiolus illyricus
Lonicera implexa
Lotus tetraphyllus
Olea europaea
Ononis reclinata
Ononis viscosa subsp. breviflora
Ophrys bertolonii
Ophrys tenthredinifera
Phagnalon saxatile
Pinus halepensis
Pistacia terebinthus
Polygala rupestris
Polypodium cambricum
Reseda lutea
Romulea columnae
Rubia angustifolia
Rubia peregrina
Ruscus aculeatus
Ruta chalepensis
Salsola kali
Selaginella denticulata
Sherardia arvensis
Sonchus oleraceus
Sonchus tenerrimus
Stachys arvensis
Teucrium capitatum
Thapsia gymnesica
Theligonum cynocrambe
Trifolium campestre
Urginea maritima
Valantia muralis

23 April 2011: Shore from Colònia de Sant Pere to Son Serra de Marina (Google Map)
Aegilops geniculata
Aegilops triuncialis
Agave americana
Anthyllis tetraphylla
Avena sterilis
Briza maxima
Bromus hordeaceus
Calendula arvensis
Campanula erinus
Capsella bursa-pastoris
Convolvulus althaeoides
Crassula tillaea
Cynodon dactylon
Eryngium campestre
Euphorbia helioscopia
Euphorbia segetalis
Euphorbia serrata
Evax pygmaea
Galium aparine
Hedysarum spinosissimum
Hyparrhenia hirta
Iris pallida
Lagurus ovatus
Lavatera cretica
Lotus cytisoides
Lotus edulis
Melilotus sulcata
Misopates orontium
Plantago coronopus
Psoralea bituminosa
Rapistrum rugosum
Rumex bucephalophorus
Sanguisorba minor
Stipa capensis
Teucrium balearicum
Trifolium campestre
Trifolium cherleri
Trifolium stellatum
Verbascum sinuatum
Vulpia membranacea

23 April 2011: Dunes between Colònia de Sant Pere and Son Serra de Marina (Google Map)
Aira cupaniana
Allium ampeloprasum
Allium roseum
Althaea hirsuta
Ammophila arenaria
Anthyllis vulneraria
Asparagus stipularis
Aster tripolium
Asteriscus aquaticus
Asteriscus maritimus
Asterolinon linum-stellatum
Atriplex halimus
Atriplex prostrata
Avellinia michelii
Cakile maritima
Calystegia soldanella
Carduus tenuiflorus
Carex extensa
Carex rorulenta
Carpobrotus edulis
Centaurea aspera
Cerastium semidecandrum
Cistus monspeliensis
Crithmum maritimum
Crucianella maritima
Desmazeria marina
Echium italicum
Echium sabulicola
Erodium ciconium
Eryngium maritimum
Euphorbia exigua
Euphorbia paralias
Ficus carica
Filago pyramidata
Fumana thymifolia
Galium tricornutum
Glaucium flavum
Hedypnois cretica
Helichrysum stoechas
Juncus acutus
Juniperus phoenicea
Launaea cervicornis
Limonium biflorum
Limonium connivens
Limonium echioides
Limonium oleifolium
Linum strictum
Logfia gallica
Malva nicaeensis
Matthiola sinuata
Medicago marina
Medicago minima
Muscari comosum
Ononis natrix
Ophrys speculum
Orobanche ramosa
Pallenis spinosa
Pancratium maritimum
Papaver dubium
Parapholis incurva
Phagnalon rupestre
Phragmites australis
Plantago bellardii
Polycarpon tetraphyllum
Polygonum maritimum
Posidonia oceanica
Raphanus raphanistrum
Reseda alba
Rosmarinus officinalis
Sagina maritima
Salsola soda
Salvia verbenaca
Santolina chamaecyparissus
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Scirpus maritimus
Scolymus hispanicus
Scrophularia ramosissima
Senecio bicolor
Serapias parviflora
Silene gallica
Sinapis alba
Trifolium angustifolium
Tuberaria guttata
Typha latifolia
Urtica membranacea
Valerianella microcarpa

23 April 2011: Nature reserve l'Albufera (Google Map)
Ajuga iva
Amaranthus graecizans
Apium nodiflorum
Arundo donax
Aster squamatus
Ballota nigra
Calystegia sepium
Carduus pycnocephalus
Carex divisa
Carex otrubae
Cerastium glomeratum
Ceratophyllum demersum
Chenopodium album
Cichorium intybus
Cladium mariscus
Clematis flammula
Conium maculatum
Cotula coronopifolia
Diplotaxis muralis
Dipsacus fullonum
Euphorbia pubescens
Festuca arundinacea
Geranium molle
Iris pseudacorus
Juncus bufonius
Lobularia maritima
Lotus tenuis
Lythrum junceum
Melica minuta
Nasturtium officinale
Oenanthe lachenalii
Orchis coriophora
Orchis laxiflora subsp. palustris
Papaver somniferum
Phagnalon sordidum
Plantago crassifolia
Plantago major
Poa trivialis
Polypogon monspeliensis
Populus albus
Populus x canadensis
Potamogeton pectinatus
Potamogeton pusillus
Pulicaria dysenterica
Ranunculus trilobus
Reseda luteola
Samolus valerandi
Schoenus nigricans
Scirpus littoralis
Silybum marianum
Sonchus maritimus
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Tamarix canariensis
Verbena officinalis
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - el Morral (Google Map)
Argyrolobium zanonii
Astragalus balearicus
Calicotome spinosa
Crepis triasii
Cuscuta epithymum
Galium setaceum
Hypericum balearicum
Linum trigynum
Lotus tetraphyllus
Micromeria filiformis
Ononis minutissima
Rhamnus ludovici-salvatoris
Stachys ocymastrum
Valantia muralis
Vicia tetrasperma
Vincetoxicum nigrum
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - Bóquer (Google Map)
Arisarum vulgare
Arum pictum
Asplenium ceterach
Bellium bellidioides
Carex hallerana
Cyclamen balearicum
Cymbalaria aequitriloba
Digitalis dubia
Galium crespianum
Helichrysum ambiguum
Helichrysum rupestre
Melica bauhinii
Parietaria lusitanica
Pastinaca lucida
Selaginella denticulata
Senecio rodriguezii
Sibthorpia africana
Stellaria media
Torilis nodosa
Urospermum picroides
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - tunnel (Google Map)
Clematis cirrhosa
Ephedra fragilis
Erodium reichardii
Launaea cervicornis
Polycarpon polycarpoides
Sedum dasyphyllum
Teucrium asiaticum
Urtica membranaceaVincetoxicum hirundinaria
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - lighthouse (Google Map)
Brachypodium distachyon
Dorycnium fulgurans
Dracunculus muscivorus
Euphorbia maresii
Euphorbia sulcata
Limonium caprariense
Plantago coronopus
Schoenus nigricans
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - Casa Veyas (Google Map)
Asparagus albus
Convolvulus cantabrica
Eruca vesicaria subsp. sativa
Marrubium vulgare
Papaver rhoeas
Ranunculus muricatus
Silene secundiflora
Sisymbrium erysimoides
Vulpia myuros
24 April 2011: Cap Formentor - Cala Bóquer (Google Map)
Anthemis cotula
Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. leptoclados
Carlina lanata
Chenopodium murale
Coleostephus myconis
Cymbalaria muralis
Dittrichia graveolens
Dittrichia viscosa
Echium plantagineum
Erodium moschatum
Euphorbia terracina
Filago pyramidata
Hedysarum coronarium
Malva sylvestris
Melilotus indica
Mentha pulegium
Mercurialis annua
Narcissus tazetta
Ononis pubescens
Papaver dubium
Pennisetum villosum
Pteridium aquilinum
Reseda media
Sagina apetala
Scorpiurus muricatus
Scrophularia peregrina
Sideritis romana subsp. romana
Spartium junceum
Spergularia rubra
Trifolium resupinatum
Trifolium scabrum
Tropaeolum majus
Umbilicus rupestris

24 April 2011: Bahia de Pollença (es Barcarès) (Google Map)
Allium ampeloprasum
Atriplex patula
Elymus elongatus
Epilobium tetragonum
Erodium malacoides
Euphorbia peplis
Fumaria officinalis
Halimione portulacoides
Inula crithmoides
Juncus inflexus
Lactuca serriola
Lavatera arborea
Papaver pinnatifidum
Phalaris paradoxa
Suaeda vera
Xanthium strumarium
Zannichellia palustris

25 April 2011: Around Llubi: Between Santa Margalida and Llubi (Google Map)
Amaranthus albus
Chenopodium vulvaria
Chrysanthemum segetum
Diplotaxis erucoides
Kickxia spuria
Knautia integrifolia
Lathyrus annuus
Lathyrus latifolius
Lathyrus ochrus
Lophochloa cristata
Ornithogalum narbonense
Papaver hybridum
Raphanus raphanistrum
Trisetum aureum
Vicia faba

25 April 2011: Around Llubi: Between Llubi and Inca  (Google Map)
Hypericum perforatum
Medicago arabica
Medicago orbicularis
Ononis pubescens
Ornithogalum arabicum
Veronica persica

25 April 2011: Road from Caimari to Sóller through Tramuntana (Google Map)
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Anthyllis cytisoides
Arabis verna
Arenaria balearica
Asperula laevigata
Asplenium trichomanes
Bupleurum barceloi
Buxus balearica
Calamintha ascendens
Ceratonia siliqua
Cneorum tricoccon
Crataegus monogyna
Dryopteris pallida subsp. balearica
Erica arborea
Euphorbia characias
Euphorbia dendroides
Genista cinerea subsp. leptoclada
Geranium lucidum
Geranium robertianum
Globularia cambessedesii
Hedera helix
Helleborus foetidus
Hippocrepis balearica
Juniperus oxycedrus
Leucojum aestivum
Micromeria microphylla
Moehringia pentandra
Myrtus communis
Neottia nidus-avis
Olea europaea
Opuntia ficus-indica
Phlomis italica
Polygala rupestris
Polypodium cambricum
Potentilla caulescens
Romulea columnae
Sagina revelieri
Saxifraga tridactylites
Scolymus maculatus
Scrophularia peregrina
Sedum dasyphyllum
Sedum rubens
Sedum sediforme
Sesleria insularis
Sibthorpia africana
Torilis arvensis
Urtica pilulifera
Verbascum boerhavii
Vinca difformis
Viola alba subsp. dehnhardtii
Prunus dulcis
Ricinus communis
Smyrnium olusatrum
Ulmus minor
Vitis vinifera

25 April 2011: Orient (Google Map)
Anagyris foetida
Brachypodium sylvaticum
Carex divulsa
Dorycnium rectum
Fraxinus ornus
Monotropa hypopitys
Sedum stellatum
Trifolium nigrescens

25 April 2011: Between Alaró and Lloseta  (Google Map)
Atractylis cancellata
Fumana ericoides
Fumana laevipes
Fumana thymifolia
Geranium columbinum
Globularia alypum
Hypochoeris achyrophorus
Ophrys bombyliflora
Ruta angustifolia
Stipa bromoides

26 April 2011: South of Artà (Google Map)
Allium subvillosum
Asparagus albus
Barlia robertiana
Carex flacca
Carex rorulenta
Centaurium maritimum
Genista lucida
Inula conyza
Limodorum abortivum
Ophrys apifera
Ophrys bombyliflora
Ophrys speculum
Ophrys tenthredinifera
Phillyrea angustifolia
Polygala monspeliaca
Reichardia picroides
Rosa sempervirens
Serapias parviflora
Stipa bromoides
Teucrium chamaedrys
Trifolium subterraneum

26 April 2011: Coast east of Palma (Google Map)
Avena sativa subsp. macrantha
Bromus diandrus
Bromus spec
Celtis australis
Centaurium pulchellum
Ceratochloa cathartica
Cichorium intybus
Conyza canadensis
Coronopus didymus
Cynodon dactylon
Datura stramonium
Erodium chium
Fumaria parviflora
Gnaphalium luteo-album
Hyoscyamus albus
Lamium amplexicaule
Medicago sativa
Minuartia geniculata
Papaver somniferum
Phalaris canariensis
Phalaris minor
Polygonum aviculare
Polypogon viridis
Reseda lutea
Rubia tinctorium
Silene gallica
Silybum marianum
Sisymbrium irio
Spergularia marina

26 April 2011: Salines (es Salobrar) (Google Map)
Arthrocnemum fruticosum
Bupleurum semicompositum
Centaurea calcitrapa
Cuscuta planiflora
Ecballium elaterium
Frankenia pulverulenta
Hedypnois cretica
Herniaria hirsuta
Hymenolobus procumbens
Hyoseris scabra
Limonium camposanum x pseudobusitanum
Limonium oleifolium
Malva parviflora
Melilotus messanensis
Narcissus tazetta
Salicornia ramosissima
Scorzonera laciniata
Suaeda maritima

26 April 2011: Dunes near Platja des Trenc  (Google Map)
Centaurium bianorum
Cistus clusii
Echium arenarium
Hordeum marinum
Juncus bufonius subsp. ambiguus
Lythrum hyssopifolia
Ononis reclinata
Polygonum maritimum
Pseudorlaya pumila
Salicornia fruticosa

26 April 2011: In Sa Llombards (Google Map)
Lamarckia aurea

27 April 2011: Sanctuary San Salvador, Artà   (Google Map)
Galium tricornutum
Allium ampeloprasum
Allium roseum
Allium triquetrum
Ampelodesmos mauritanica
Anagallis arvensis
Anagyris foetida
Anthyllis vulneraria
Arum italicum
Asparagus albus
Asphodelus aestivus
Asplenium onopteris
Aster squamatus
Atractylis cancellata
Avena fatua
Barlia robertiana
Beta vulgaris
Blackstonia perfoliata
Brachypodium phoenicoides
Briza maxima
Bromus madritensis
Campanula erinus
Celtis australis
Chenopodium album
Chenopodium murale
Chrysanthemum coronarium
Cichorium intybus
Clematis cirrhosa
Clematis flammula
Convolvulus althaeoides
Convolvulus arvensis
Cymbalaria muralis
Cynoglossum creticum
Cynosurus echinatus
Dactylis glomerata
Daucus carota
Desmazeria marina
Digitaria sanguinalis
Echium italicum
Erodium malacoides
Erodium moschatum
Euphorbia pithyusa
Ficus carica
Foeniculum vulgare
Galactites tomentosa
Geranium purpureum
Gladiolus illyricus
Hordeum murinum
Hyoscyamus albus
Hyoseris radiata
Hypericum perforatum
Hypochoeris achyrophorus
Kundmannia sicula
Lactuca serriola
Lagurus ovatus
Lathyrus latifolius
Lavatera cretica
Lolium perenne
Lolium rigidum
Lonicera implexa
Lotus edulis
Medicago polymorpha
Melissa officinalis
Mercurialis annua
Misopates orontium
Muscari comosum
Opuntia ficus-indica
Osyris alba
Oxalis pes-caprae
Pallenis spinosa
Papaver dubium
Papaver hybridum
Papaver somniferum
Parietaria judaica
Phagnalon rupestre
Phillyrea angustifolia
Pistacia lentiscus
Plantago lagopus
Plantago lanceolata
Poa annua
Polycarpon tetraphyllum
Polygonum aviculare
Pulicaria odora
Raphanus raphanistrum
Reichardia picroides
Reseda lutea
Rhamnus alaternus
Ricinus communis
Rosa sempervirens
Rubia peregrina
Rubus ulmifolius
Sagina apetala
Sanguisorba minor
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Scorpiurus muricatus
Senecio vulgaris
Silene vulgaris
Sisymbrium officinale
Smilax aspera
Smyrnium olusatrum
Solanum nigrum
Sonchus oleraceus
Sonchus tenerrimus
Theligonum cynocrambe
Urospermum dalechampii
Verbascum sinuatum

27 April 2011: Natural park Peninsula de Llevant (north of Artà ) (Google Map)
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Aegilops geniculata
Ajuga iva
Alkanna lutea
Allium subvillosum
Amaranthus albus
Ammi majus
Anchusa azurea
Andropogon distachyon
Anthemis cotula
Anthyllis tetraphylla
Apium nodiflorum
Arisarum vulgare
Asparagus stipularis
Asplenium ceterach
Asplenium ruta-muraria
Asplenium trichomanes
Asterolinon linum-stellatum
Astragalus balearicus
Bellardia trixago
Bellis annua
Brachypodium distachyon
Brachypodium retusum
Bromus hordeaceus
Calicotome spinosa
Carduus pycnocephalus
Carex distans
Carex divulsa
Centaurea calcitrapa
Centaurea melitensis
Centaurium erythraea
Centaurium maritimum
Centranthus calcitrapae
Cerastium glomeratum
Ceratonia siliqua
Chamaerops humilis
Cheilanthes acrostica
Cirsium echinatum
Cirsium vulgare
Cistus creticus
Cistus monspeliensis
Cistus salvifolius
Conyza bonariensis
Coronilla scorpioides
Crepis triasii
Crepis vesicaria
Cuscuta planiflora
Cyclamen balearicum
Cynara cardunculus
Cytinus hypocistis
Delphinium staphisagria
Desmazeria balearica
Dorycnium hirsutum
Dorycnium pentaphyllum
Echium plantagineum
Erica multiflora
Eryngium campestre
Euphorbia characias
Euphorbia exigua
Euphorbia helioscopia
Euphorbia peplus
Euphorbia terracina
Ferula communis
Fumana thymifolia
Fumaria capreolata
Galium aparine
Galium setaceum
Genista lucida
Geranium columbinum
Geranium molle
Geranium rotundifolium
Gladiolus italicus
Hippocrepis balearica
Hyoseris scabra
Hypericum balearicum
Juncus bufonius
Lathyrus aphaca
Launaea cervicornis
Legousia falcata
Limodorum abortivum
Linum strictum
Logfia gallica
Lophochloa cristata
Lotus ornithopodioides
Lotus tetraphyllus
Marrubium vulgare
Medicago orbicularis
Melica bauhinii
Melica ciliata
Melica minuta
Melilotus segetalis
Mentha pulegium
Micromeria filiformis
Nasturtium officinale
Olea europaea
Ononis minutissima
Ononis pubescens
Ononis reclinata
Ophrys speculum
Orobanche minor
Orobanche ramosa
Pastinaca lucida
Phagnalon saxatile
Phagnalon sordidum
Phlomis italica
Pinus halepensis
Piptatherum miliaceum
Pisum sativum
Plantago afra
Plantago coronopus
Polygala monspeliaca
Polygala rupestris
Potentilla reptans
Psoralea bituminosa
Quercus ilex
Ranunculus bulbosus
Ranunculus parviflorus
Rapistrum rugosum
Rhagadiolus stellatus
Rosmarinus officinalis
Rubia angustifolia
Rumex obtusifolius
Ruta angustifolia
Salvia verbenaca
Samolus valerandi
Santolina chamaecyparissus
Schoenus nigricans
Scirpus holoschoenus
Scolymus hispanicus
Scolymus maculatus
Selaginella denticulata
Serapias parviflora
Sherardia arvensis
Sibthorpia africana
Sideritis romana
Silene gallica
Sinapis alba
Tamus communis
Teucrium botrys
Teucrium cossonii
Thapsia gymnesica
Torilis arvensis
Torilis japonica
Trifolium campestre
Trifolium nigrescens
Trifolium scabrum
Trifolium stellatum
Trifolium tomentosum
Typha domingensis
Umbilicus horizontalis
Umbilicus rupestris
Urginea maritima
Urtica membranacea
Urtica pilulifera
Valantia hispida
Valerianella discoidea
Valerianella microcarpa
Veronica arvensis
Veronica persica
Vicia sativa
Vicia tetrasperma
Vitex agnus-castus

27 April 2011: Natural park Peninsula de Llevant: shore of Cala Font Celada (Google Map)
Argyrolobium zanonii
Arum pictum
Asteriscus aquaticus
Cakile maritima
Calystegia sepium
Carex flacca
Centaurium pulchellum
Digitalis dubia
Eryngium maritimum
Evax pygmaea
Frankenia hirsuta
Helichrysum stoechas
Helichrysum stoechas subsp. decumbens
Juncus articulatus
Limonium caprariense
Lotus cytisoides
Medicago marina
Pancratium maritimum
Parapholis incurva
Polycarpon polycarpoides
Polygonum maritimum
Rumex bucephalophorus
Senecio rodriguezii
Silene sedoides
Euphorbia paralias
Sedum rubens

28 April 2011: Torrente de Pareys (Google Map)
Adiantum capillus-veneris
Agrostis stolonifera
Anogramma leptophylla
Asplenium sagittatum
Cynosurus elegans
Globularia cambessedesii
Leucojum aestivum
Myrtus communis
Oxalis corniculata
Pimpinella bicknellii
Sanguisorba minor
Scabiosa cretica
Scutellaria balearica
Teucrium asiaticum
Viola jaubertiana
Vitex agnus-castus

28 April 2011: Surroundings of Sanctuary Lluc  (Google Map)
Achillea ageratum
Alisma plantago-aquatica
Arenaria serpyllifolia
Arenaria serpyllifolia subsp. serpyllifolia
Asplenium onopteris
Astragalus hamosus
Centranthus ruber
Cephalanthera longifolia
Equisetum telmateia
Iris foetida
Mentha suaveolens
Oenothera rosea
Orobanche hederae
Phytolacca americana
Poa flaccidula
Populus nigra
Potamogeton coloratus
Primula vulgaris
Ranunculus macrophyllus
Ranunculus sardous
Rumex conglomeratus
Sambucus ebulus
Saponaria officinalis
Scrophularia auriculata
Tanacetum balsamiferum ?
Trifolium repens
Viburnum tinus
Vicia bithynica
Vinca major

29 April 2011: Between Establiments and Puigpunyent (Google Map)
Aegilops triuncialis
Aristolochia clematitis
Fraxinus angustifolia
Leucojum aestivum
Muscari neglectum
Ophrys apifera
Piptatherum coerulescens
Solanum luteum
Succowia balearica

29 April 2011: Between Establiments and Calvià (Google Map)
Acanthus spinulosus
Arctium lappa
Crupina crupinastrum
Hypericum perfoliatum
Lemna minor
Leuzea conifera
Limodorum abortivum
Neotinea maculata
Oenothera rosea
Ophrys bertolonii
Ophrys fusca
Ophrys speculum
Orobanche hederae
Plantago major
Polygala rupestris
Sambucus nigra
Serapias lingua
Viola arborescens

29 April 2011: Galilea (Google Map)
Prasium majus

29 April 2011: Puigpunyent (Google Map)
Aegilops ventricosa
Agrostemma githago
Ailanthus altissimus
Apium graveolens
Cardaria draba
Cucurbita pepo
Echium parviflorum
Filago vulgaris
Glaucium flavum
Legousia hybrida
Lycopersicum esculentum
Medicago scutellata
Micromeria nervosa
Nigella damascena
Ononis spinosa
Orobanche crenata
Portulaca oleracea
Ranunculus ficaria
Robinia pseudoacacia
Tragopogon hybridus
Urtica urens
Vicia villosa

29 April 2011: La Granja (Google Map)
Antirrhinum majus
Platanus x hispanica

29 April 2011: Esporles (Google Map)
Amaranthus quitensis
Brassica nigra
Brassica oleracea
Brassica rapa
Chasmanthe bicolor
Cichorium endiva
Cyperus longus
Epilobium hirsutum
Eucalyptus spec.
Ipomoea acuminata
Lapsana communis
Linum bienne
Lobularia maritima
Platanus orientalis
Tricitum aestivum
Veronica polita

30 April 2011: Between Santa Margalida and Muro (Google Map)
Carex otrubae
Cirsium arvense
Scirpus maritimus

30 April 2011: Fallow field alongside railroad in La Puebla (Google Map)
Allium sphaerocephalon
Allium subhirsutum
Euphorbia serrata
Lamium amplexicaule
Ornithogalum arabicum
Ruta chalepensis

30 April 2011: San Miguel / Campanet (Google Map)
Calystegia sepium
Equisetum ramosissimum
Hypericum tomentosum
Juncus bufonius
Lathyrus annuus
Lythrum junceum
Melia azedarach
Ophrys speculum
Ranunculus ophioglossifolius

30 April 2011: San Vicente (Google Map)
Aetheorhiza bulbosa subsp. willkommii
Aristolochia bianorii
Crucianella latifolia
Hippocrepis multisiliquosa
Linum trigynum
Lonicera periclymenum
Medicago littoralis
Trifolium scabrum

30 April 2011: Pinaret de Silla (Google Map)
Alisma lanceolatum
Briza minor
Carex divisa
Carex hispida
Hedysarum coronarium
Juncus foliosus
Juncus maritimus
Lotus tenuis
Nicotiana glauca
Phalaris aquatica
Scirpus setaceus
Valerianella eriocarpa
Veronica catenata

1 May 2011: Cap des Pinar (Google Map)
Centaurium tenuiflorum
Coris monspeliensis
Daucus carota subsp. drepanensis
Globularia alypum
Launaea cervicornis

1 May 2011: Son Servera (Google Map)
Anacamptis pyramidalis
Serapias parviflora

1 May 2011: Son Servera, along shore Costa des Pins  (Google Map)
Hainardia cylindrica
Pennisetum clandestinum

1 May 2011: Punta de n'amer (Calla Minor) (Google Map)
Anthemis maritima
Coronopus squamatus
Emex spinosa
Linaria triphylla
Paronychia argentea
Ranunculus muricatus
Ranunculus trilobus
Solanum sodomeum
Trifolium fragiferum
Trifolium resupinatum
Trifolium tomentosum

1 May 2011: Porto Cristo (Google Map)
Aptenia cordifolia
Bromus spec
Carex extensa
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Convolvulus siculus
Cyperus alternifolius
Elymus pungens
Fallopia baldschuanica
Laurus nobilis
Myoporum tenuifolium
Parthenocissus inserta
Physalis peruviana
Polygonum romanum
Spergularia media subsp. angustata
Sporobolus pungens

2 May 2011: Airport Palma de Mallorca (Google Map)
Nerium oleander
Sagina procumbens subsp. procumbens
Veronica polita