Nicholas Anthony, president, PiMios

07 15 JW WEB 2016 Fast Tracker Nick Anthony
2016 Fast Tracker Nicholas Anthony.
Joe Wojcik

Nicholas Anthony is founder and president of PiMios, a company that helps customers to develop connected device technologies and deploy them into the market. He also helps teach students how to build robots and learn programming, and has conducted several seminars and guest lectures at local colleges and high schools throughout the region.

Nicholas Anthony

President, PiMios

Age: 31

Hometown: Cranberry Township

Education: B.S., electrical engineering, physics, West Virginia University; M.S., electrical engineering, University of Pittsburgh

Experience: Researcher/co-author, condensed matter physics and nanoscale electronics, West Virginia University; electrical engineer, senior electrical engineer, Westinghouse Electric Co.; contractor, business development partner, Problem Solutions

Family: Wife Kecia Bal, her children Aiden (11) and Evan DiBuono (9), dad Michael, mom Diane, brother Eric, cousin Patrick Reed

Nicholas Anthony is founder and president of PiMios, a company that helps customers to develop connected device technologies and deploy them into the market. He also helps teach students how to build robots and learn programming, and has conducted several seminars and guest lectures at local colleges and high schools throughout the region.

What makes you a Fast Tracker?: I walk really fast on those people movers at the airport. I look for the fastest route to a successful customer deliverable by employing specialists in respective fields to drive a project to completion. This generates high-quality deliverables with optimal turnaround.

How you got on the fast track: I surrounded myself with mentors and peers who I want to model my life after. These people are all positive, high-energy individuals who I view as successful and happy. I do my best to learn from them and implement their methodologies in my own life and career.

Three traits that made you a Fast Tracker: Keep a genuine interest in other people and what they value; look for humor in anything and make others laugh; and always learn something new and avoid assumptions wherever possible.

No. 1 role model: Mike Hruska, CEO/magician at Problem Solutions

Advice for those who hope to become a Fast Tracker: The best advice I received from a fellow entrepreneur: “Just make moves and figure it out.”

Where you hope the fast track will take you: I hope this will open up doors to new customers and partners that will fast track the growth of my company, PiMios.