Taxon profile


Oriole Snake
Spilotes pullatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  order Squamata - lizards and snakes »  family Colubridae - colubrids »  genus Spilotes

Scientific synonyms

Spilotes pullatus auribundus Cope, 1861
Spilotes megalolepis Günther, 1865
Spilotes microlepis Werner, 1903
Spilotes salvini Günther, 1862
Spilotes variabilis Duméril & Bibron, 1854

Other names

= Chicken Snake
= Tiger Rat Snake
= Yellow and Black Tiger Ratsnake
= Yellow Rat Snake

Least Concern LC


juvenile animal


Included taxa

Number of records: 5

subspecies Spilotes pullatus anomalepis Bocourt, 1888
subspecies Spilotes pullatus argusiformis Amaral, 1929
subspecies Spilotes pullatus maculatus Amaral, 1929
subspecies Spilotes pullatus mexicanus (Laurenti, 1768)

Spilotes pullatus mexicanus

subspecies Spilotes pullatus pullatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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