Taxon profile


Ash Gyro
Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Mollusca - mollusks »  class Gastropoda - gastropods »  order Pulmonata - pulmonates »  family Planorbidae - Trumpet snails »  genus Gyraulus - gyro

Scientific synonyms

Gyraulus (Torquis) parvus (Say, 1817)

Least Concern LC


Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Links and literature

EN Galli C.: WMSDB - Wolrdwide Mollusc Species Data Base July 10, 2013 [] [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
Data retrieved on: 23 November 2013
EN de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.): Fauna Europaea 2.4 [] [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
Data retrieved on: 9 March 2012
CZ Pfleger V. (1999): České názvy živočichů III. Měkkýši (Mollusca), Národní muzeum, (zoologické odd.), Praha, 108 pp. [as Gyraulus parvus (SAY, 1817)]
Data retrieved on: 11 November 2013
DE Glöer P. (2002): Die Susswassergastropoden Nord- und Mitteleuropas, Conch Books, Hackenheim, Germany [as Gyraulus (Torquis) parvus]
CZ Beran L. (2010): Vodní měkkýši bývalého lomu Chabařovice v severních Čechách, Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 9: 26–32. [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
CZ Horsák M., Juřičková L., Beran L., Čejka T. & Dvořák L. (2010): Komentovaný seznam měkkýšů zjištěných ve volné přírodě České a Slovenské republiky, Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, Suppl. 1: 1–37. [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
EN Stephan Gollasch and Stefan Nehring (2006): National checklist for aquatic alien species in Germany, Aquatic invasions, Volume 1, Issue 4: 245-269 [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
EN Čejka T. (2011): Diversity patterns and freshwater molluscs similarities in small water reservoirs, Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 10: 5–9. [as Gyraulus parvus]
Gyraulus parvus/laevis

The taxonomic status of Gyraulus parvus/laevis is not fully resolved yet; all individuals found in spring samples had no fully developed genitalia, so we have not been able to confirmtheirexactstatus.
EN Šefrová H., Laštůvka Z. (2005): Catalogue of alien animal species in the Czech Republic, Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., LIII, No. 4, pp. 151-170 [as Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817)]
Data retrieved on: 23 December 2018

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i species introduced to area described by check-list

? disputed occurrence of species in area described by check-list