Taxon profile


Kohleria hirsuta (Kunth) Regel

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Rosopsida - eudicots »  order Lamiales »  family Gesneriaceae »  genus Kohleria - kohleria

Scientific synonyms

Gesneria hirsuta Kunth
Isoloma hirsutum (Kunth) Regel
Brachyloma hirsutum (Kunth) Hanst.
Kohleria hirsuta var. hirsuta
Kohleria brachycalyx Fritsch
Gesneria eriantha Benth.
Isoloma erianthum (Benth.) Decne.
Kohleria eriantha (Benth.) Hanst.
Kohleria karsteniana (Hanst.) Hanst.
Kohleria lanigera Fritsch


Kohleria hirsuta

Author: Petr Kocna

Kohleria hirsuta

Author: Petr Kocna

Kohleria hirsuta

Author: Petr Kocna

Links and literature

EN C. Ulloa et al. (2017): An integrated assessment of the vascular plant species of the Americas, Science. 358. 1614-1617 [as Kohleria hirsuta (Kunth) Regel]
Data retrieved on: 19 September 2019

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