Taxon profile


Zygopetalum Hook.

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Liliopsida - monocotyledons »  order Asparagales »  family Orchidaceae - orchids »  subtribus Zygopetalinae

Scientific synonyms

Zygopetalon Rchb.

Included taxa

Number of records: 15

species Zygopetalum crinitum Lodd.
species Zygopetalum ghillanyi Pabst
species Zygopetalum maculatum (Kunth) Garay

Zygopetalum maculatum

species Zygopetalum maxillare Lodd.
species Zygopetalum microphytum Barb.Rodr.
species Zygopetalum pabstii Toscano
species Zygopetalum pedicellatum (Sw.) Garay
species Zygopetalum reginae Pabst
species Zygopetalum sellowii Rchb.f.
species Zygopetalum silvanum V.P.Castro & Campacci
species Zygopetalum sincoranum V.P.Castro & Campacci
species Zygopetalum triste Barb.Rodr.

Zygopetalum triste


Links and literature

EN The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [1305825]

Rees, T. (compiler): The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera [] [as Zygopetalum W.J. Hooker, 1827]
Data retrieved on: 13 December 2019
EN C. Ulloa et al. (2017): An integrated assessment of the vascular plant species of the Americas, Science. 358. 1614-1617 [as Zygopetalum Hook.]
Data retrieved on: 19 September 2019

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