Shinnersia rivularis

Shinnersia rivularis

Shinnersia rivularis

Shinnersia rivularis

Family: Asteraceae
Continent: North America
Region: Central America
Country of origin:Mexico
Height: 40-60 cm
Width: 10-15 cm
Light requirements: medium-very high
Temperature: 18-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: soft-hard
pH tolerance: 5,5-9
Growth: very fast
Demands: easy

Also known as ''Mexican Oak Leaf'' owing to its oak-shaped foliage. In
aquariums Shinnersia rivularis probably grows faster than any other
plant, although it is generally found as a marsh plant in the wild. The distance
between leaves is great if the light is poor, and the length of the leaves
depends directly on the light intensity. Easy to propagate by side shoots or
cuttings, which should be cut off and planted in the bottom.

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