Panda cory - Corydoras Panda
Panda cory - Corydoras Panda

Panda cory - Corydoras Panda

Panda cory
Panda cory - Picture by smaug

Species Name: Corydoras Panda

Synonyms: None

Common Names: Panda Cory   Named after the Giant Panda of Asia in 1971 for its similar markings.

Subfamily: Corydoradinae

Family: Callichthyidae

Order: Siluriformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 1.5 - 2 Inches

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: Upper Brazil Basin, Purus River basin

Temperament: Very peaceful

Company: Keep in schools of 3-4+, 6+ is ideal. Panda cories does fine with basically any peaceful fish.

Water Parameters: The Panda Cory does better in lower temperatures and harder water than most other Corys. Low to moderate PH,(6.0-7.7), Low to medium dH,(8-22), Temperature, 69-75 (21-24 C)

Aquarium Setup: 10-15 Gallons minimum tank size. Sand or gravel substrate, rough substrate is not recommended. Corys especially love a planted tank with driftwood.

Feeding: Accepts flake foods, algae wafers, Cory pellets, shrimp pellets, insects, benthic crustaceans, most types of worms including diced earthworms, and most plant and vegetable matter.

Sexing: Females are often bigger and heavier, with rounder bellies which make their faces sit up off of the substrate when resting.

Breeding: Breeding is similar to other Corys, the female carries a few of the eggs between her fins while the male fertilizes them. She then finds a safe spot, usually heavy with vegetation, and hides them. They will continue this process until around 100 eggs have been fertilized. A PH of 6.5 - 7.0 is ideal for breeding and as always using cooler water for water changes can induce spawning.

panda corydoras
Panda cory - Picture by smaug