Giant Cory - Scleromystax barbatus
Giant Cory - Scleromystax barbatus

Bearded Cory - Scleromystax barbatus

Giant Cory
Bearded Cory / Giant Cory - Copyright

Species Name: Scleromystax barbatus

Synonyms: Callichthys Barbatus, Corydoras Barbatus, Corydoras Eigenmanni, Corydoras Kronei,

Common Names: Bearded Cory, Banded Cory, Giant Cory, Barbatus Catfish, Filigree Cory

Subfamily: Corydoradinae

Family: Callichthyidae

Order: Siluriformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Max Size: 5" / 12.5cm , though 4"/10 cm is more common for captivity.

Environment: Freshwater

Origin: South America; Brazil; Rio de Janeiro river systems

Company: Keep in pairs. Too many males in the tank can lead to quarrels and possible death by fighting, especially over females. To keep more males a larger tank is needed. This species can be kept with most friendly species

Water Parameters: The Bearded Cory does best in conditions similar to other "Corys". Low to moderate PH,(5.5-7.5), Low to medium dH,(2-22), Temperature, 65-79 F (18-26 C) Water parameters are not critical for this species unless breeding is to be attempted.

Aquarium Setup: The bearded cory should not be kept in aquariums smaller than 20 gallons / 100 L. Sand or gravel substrate, rough substrate is not recommended. This species love a planted tank with driftwood.

Feeding: Accepts flake foods, algae wafers, Cory pellets, shrimp pellets, insects, benthic crustaceans, most types of worms including diced earthworms, and most plant and vegetable matter.

Sexing: The dorsal and pectoral fins of males reach almost to the caudal peduncle, and develop whisker like stubble around their mouths, called odontodes. Males also tend to be larger, and more colorful.

Breeding: Not especially difficult to breed, but behavior can differ slightly from corydoras species as this species belongs to a different genus, Scleromystax. As always using cooler water for water changes can induce spawning.

Bearded Cory
Giant Cory - Copyright