A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar Department of Biology-College of Education- University of Salahaddin-Erbil, Erbil, Iraq Received 7 December 2016 ; Accepted 29 January 2017 Abstract Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson is a new record to the Scrophulariaceae in Iraq, from Qandil mountain (north-east of Erbil) within Rowanduz district (MRO). The collected specimens differ from the two other species which present in Iraq, where R. odontophylla differs from R. kurdica Nab. in having crenate-serrate leaf margins and small corolla lower lips, while it differs from R. elephas (L.) Griseb. in having alternate-distichous lower leaves and the style has pilose hairs. Identification and morphological study was done, these reinforced by graphs. In addition, some characters of the pollen grains have been studied such as shapes, colors, sizes and numbers Key words: New record, Rhynchocorys odontophylla, Scrophulariaceae, Rowanduz district, Iraq. Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 270 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar ‫ من العائلة‬Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson ‫تسجيل جديد للنوع‬ ‫( لفلورا العراق‬Scrophulariaceae) ‫حلق السبع‬ ‫عبدهللا شكور سردار‬ ‫ العراق‬،‫ اربيل‬،‫اربيل‬-‫ جامعة صالح الدين‬-‫ كلية التربية‬-‫قسم علوم الحياة‬ ‫الخالصة‬ Scrophulariaceae ‫ هو تسجيل جديد الى العائلة‬Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson ‫ العينات التي جمعت‬.(MRO) ‫ حيث جمعت عيناته من جبل قنديل (شمال شرق اربيل) ضمن مقاطعة رواندوز‬،‫في العراق‬ R. kurdica Nab. ‫ عن النوع‬R. odontophylla ‫ اذ يختلف النوع‬،‫تختلف عن النوعين االخرين الموجودين في العراق‬ R. elephas (L.) ‫ بينما يختلف عن النوع‬،‫في كون حافة االوراق مسننة مدورة – منشارية وصغر الشفاه السفلية للتويج‬ ‫ لقد تمت عملية‬.‫ في امتالكها اوراق سفلية متبادلة ثنائية الصف وكون القلم ذات شعيرات طويلة ناعمة مستقيمة‬Griseb. ‫ فقد تمت دراسة بعض صفات حبوب اللقاح مثل‬،‫ اضافة الى ذلك‬.‫التشخيص والدراسة المظهرية للنوع وعززت هذه بالصور‬ .‫اشكالها والوانها واحجامها واعدادها‬ ‫ العراق‬،‫ مقاطعة رواندوز‬، Scrophulariaceae ، Rhynchocorys odontophylla ،‫ تسجيل جديد‬: ‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬ Introduction Scrophulariaceae involves 1460 species throughout the world which distributed on 42 genera [1]. In Iraq involves 89 species distributed on 16 genera [2]. In Turkey, [3] mentioned 5 species of the genus involving R. odontophylla. [4] stated 1 species of the genus Rhynchocorys in Europe, but [5] indicated that 4 species of the genus present in Iran. [2, 6 and 7] stated 2 species in Iraq which are R. kurdica and R. elephas, but [8 and 9] did not state any species of the genus. Each of [10, 11, 12 and 13] did not mention any species of Rhynchocorys in Sinjar, Piramagrun, Haibat Sultan and Hawraman mountains respectively. Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 271 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar The study aimed to fixation the presence of R. odontophylla in Iraq and to study the morphological characters and the geographical distribution of the species, as a new record for the Flora of Iraq. Materials and Methods Several scientific trips were made to the different regions of northern districts of Iraq: Amadiya district (MAM), Rowanduz district (MRO), Sulaimaniya district (MSU), Kirkuk district (FKI) and Arbil district (FAR) during Spring and Summer season of year 2016 for the collection of plant specimens, these specimens were identified by using some keys especially in Flora of Turkey, the specimens were treated herbarially to become formal specimens, and placed in herbarium of Education College - University of Salahaddin, Erbil (ESUH). The geographical distribution of the species was cleared with fixation some ecological notes, the map (figure 1) was placed. For the pollen grains, anthers fixed in FAA, then a single anther removed and placed in a drop of water or 50% glycerol (the latter to prevent the material from drying out), and dissected with a scalpel to extrude the pollen grains; the anther wall material removed and a cover slip applied. Then, the pollens stained with safranin [14]. A Sony camera has been used for photographing the different plant parts and the scientific terms that used in the study have been taken from [15, 16 and 17]. Results R. odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson, in Notes R.B.G. Edinb. 30:102, f. Id (1970); Fl. Turkey, Hedge, 6: 780 (1978). Perennial herbs, villous and glandular, (45-60) cm, stems erect and ascending, green or green-yellow, (15-31)x(0.3-0.5) cm. Leaves simple, sessile, alternatedistichous below, opposite-decussate above, narrowly ovate-oblong, margin crenate-serrate, apex acute, base truncate, green, lower cauline leaves (3.2-4.5)x(1.4-2.7) cm, upper cauline leaves (3-5)x(1.4-2.5) cm. Inflorescence paniculate, peduncle costate, green-yellow, (4050)x(1.2-2) mm. Bracts narrowly ovate, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, margin crenateserrate, upper ones entire, apex acute, base obtuse, green, (9.5-35)x(3.5-15) mm. Flowers Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 272 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar zygomorphic, (14-16.5)x(8-9) mm, pedicel teret, glandular, green-yellow, (2.5-6)x(0.4-0.6) mm, Calyx campanulate, tube (3.5-4.5)x(3.8-5.5) mm , limb 3-lobed, a folded upper lobe, 2 triangular lower lobes, margin entire, apex truncate in upper lobe, acute in lower lobes, green, (4.5-5)x(5.3-6) mm. Corolla golden yellow, bilabiate , tube (5.5-6.5)x[(2.5-2.7) mm in lower part, x(1.8-2) mm in middle part, x(2-2.3) mm in upper part], corolla upper lip with a straight beak narrow upwardly, and a swollen base (contain the anthers), the beak (6-7)x(1.5-1.8) mm, the swollen base (2-2.3)x(2.5-2.7) mm, lower lip tri-lobed, semi-circular, margin undulate, apex rounded, glabrous, (5.5-6.3)x(8-9.5) mm. Stamens 4, epipetalous, inserted on the middle part of corolla tube, black or dark brown, filaments filiform, (3.5-4)x(0.3-0.45) mm, anthers oblong, poricidal, dorsifixed attachment with the filaments, (2.2-3.1)x(1.2-1.5) mm. Pollens yellow, single, tri-colporate, spheroid in equatorial view, triangular-spheroid in polar view, small, equatorial axis (10-15) μm, polar axis (11.25-16.25) μm, numerous. Pistil one, ovary superior, broadly oblong or broadly oblong-very broadly ovoid, villous, black or dark brown, (22.5)x(2.2-2.4) mm, style terminal, filiform, narrow in the lower half, pilose, yellow, (1214)x(0.3-0.35) mm, x(0.07-0.08) mm in the lower half, stigma capitate, exserted, yellow, (0.300.35)x(0.25-0.30) mm. Fruiting calyx tube (3-6)x(4-8) mm, limb (4-7.5)x(4.2-9) mm. fruit a capsule, broadly oblong, green-brown or black, (3-5)x(2.1-4.5) mm. Seeds numerous, globoid or semi-globoid, reticulate-striate., yellow-brown, (0.7-1.1)x(0.8-1.2) mm. (plates 1-6). Type: [Turkey B9 Agri] 15 km from Eleskirt to Horasan, E. of Tahir pass, 2200 m, Davis 47131 (holo. E! iso. K!). Selected samples from the studied specimens MRO: ESUH/ Qandil mountain (north-east of Erbil), 1700-1800 m, 25.8.2016, A. Sardar, S. Al-Dabagh and K. Rasul, 7453. Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 273 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar Environment & Geographical Distribution present as individuals within the area, in wet places on the rocky soils; altitude: 1700-1800 m; flowering: July-August. Found in Qandil mountain within Rowanduz district (MRO). (figure 1). Plate (1): Field photograph of R.odontophylla Plate (2): A part of the plant Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 274 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar Lower cauline leaves Upper cauline leaves Lower bracts Upper bracts 2 mm Part of inflorescence Apical bract Plate (3): Vegetative parts of R. odontophylla with inflorescence Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 275 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar 2.2 mm Flower Calyx Upper lobe of calyx limb 2 mm Lower lob of calyx limb Corolla Upper lip of corolla limb (swollen part with beak) 1.3 mm Corolla tube Lower lip of corolla limb 5 mm Plate (4): Flower, Calyx and Corolla parts of R. odontophylla Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 276 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar 0.7 mm Stamens with insertion position Pores of anthers apex 1.5 mm Style with stigma Pilose hairs on style Ovary Exserted stigma from beak Fruiting calyx 1 mm Seeds Fruit 2 mm Plate (5): Reproductive parts of R. odontophylla Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 277 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar Polar view Equatorial view Plate (6): pollen grain of R. odontophylla x100 ● Fig (1): A map of Iraq shows the regions and districts according to [18 and 19] ● R. odontophylla Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 278 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar Discussion The present study dealt with R. odontophylla as a new record for Scrophulariaceae in Iraq, the study involved limited aspects, such as the morphological characters and the environment with the distribution of the species. Within literature review related to the genus Rhynchocorys, involving the specimens of National Herbarium of Iraq (BAG), College of Science Herbarium, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Iraq (ARB) and College of Education Herbarium, University of Salahaddin - Erbil, Iraq (ESUH), the researcher did not find any specimens belongs to R. odontophylla, therefore it will be regarded as a new record for the Flora of Iraq from Qandil mountain. R. odontophylla has some characters differ from the related species R. kurdica Nab., that present in Iraq, these characters include that R. odontophylla has villous and glandular hairs, leaves with crenate-serrate margin, bracts narrowly ovate, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, upper ones entire, calyx campanulate, upper lobe with truncate apex, corolla smaller in dimensions, also the capsule smaller and with villous-glandular hairs, and seeds lesser in number. In addition, pollen grains were yellow, single, tri-colporate, spheroid in equatorial view, triangular-spheroid in polar view, small according to [20] and numerous. Conclusions The present study confirmed the presence of the plant R. odontophylla as a new record in Iraq, therefore, it will be addition to the Iraqi plants. According to the literature review used in the study, species number of the genus Rhynchocorys become three species, all of them found in the mountain regions of Iraq. Vol: 13 No:2 , April 2017 DOI: 279 P-ISSN: 2222-8373 E-ISSN: 2518-9255 A New Record of Rhynchocorys odontophylla Burbidge & Richardson (Scrophulariaceae) For Flora of Iraq Abdullah Sh. Sardar References 1. Singh, G. (2010). Plant Systematics, An integrated approach. Third edition, Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, USA, p. 675. 2. Al-Rawi, A. (1964). Wild plants of Iraq with their distribution. Ministry of Agriculture &Irrigation, State board for agricultural & water resources research, National Herbarium of Iraq, Baghdad, pp. 142-147. 3. Hedge, I. C. (1978). In: Flora of Turkey. Vol. 6. Edinburgh at the University press, pp. 778 781. 4. Richardson, I. B. K. (1972). In: Flora Europaea. Vol.3. Cambridge University press, pp. 280 – 281. 5. Fischer, M. A., Grau, J., Huber-Morath, A., Rechinger, K. H., Wendelbo, P. and Yeo, P. F. (1981). In: Flora Iranica. No.147. Akademische Druck - u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz Austria: 208-210 6. Blakelock, R. A. (1949). The Rustum Herbarium, Iraq. 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