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Cryptocoryne crispatula var. Tonkinensis
  • Cryptocoryne crispatula var. Tonkinensis

    SKU: 00218

    Cryptocoryne crispatula var. Tonkinensis


    A unique looking Crytocoryne species hailing from Southeast Asia, C. crispatula 'Tonkinensis" is a handsome plant characterized by long slender leaves with "crinkled" looking edges. This hardy, low maintenance species can best be described as graceful with an attractive yet unusual texture. Because of it's ribbon-like leaves, it looks best in the midground or background.


    Crytocoryne crisputala 'Tonkinensis" is a fantastic choice for low tech aquariums without added CO2 or strong lighting. While a compelling addition to any planted tank, it is uniquely well suited for simple setups with Betta or shrimp. It's lighting requirements are some of the lowest among all aquarium plants. It is a majestic and substantial looking plant that looks great alone or with similar low tech plants for a minimalist yet surprisingly elegant aquascape.


    On the other hand, it's also a great addition to densely planted, well lit, CO2 injected aquarium where it's distinctive appearance makes a splash in the background and is useful for delineating groups of plants and providing some definition to an aquascape that may be too uniform.


    C. crispatula 'Tonkinensis' is primarily a root feeder so a fertile substrate or root tabs are very important to get the best growth. That's about the only requirement to keep it healthy!


    This plant can also be grown emersed in a paludarium or Wabi Kusa.



    Position: Midground - background

    Difficulty: Very easy

    Light: 2/5 – 4/5

    CO2: Not required

    Size: 10 - 40 cm high

    Growth Rate: Moderate

    Water conditions: Naturally found in hard water with alkaline pH but very adaptable to a wide range of water conditions.

    Propgation: New plants will show up nearby via runners. Adult plants can be carefully divided.

    Special requirements: Good substrate - either well aged or fetilized with root tabs.

    • Detailed Information

      Cryptocoryne crispatula 'Tonkinensis' is a variety of the highly variable Crytocoryne crispatula species that was first discovered in Thailand and since confirmed to range throughout Southeast Asia in to China. Its leaves are slender, perhaps an adaptation to it's flowing river habitats, compared to the more common 'Balansae' variety.

      Submerged leaves are long, lanceolate, almost linear with a “whole” undulate margin and "crispate" texture. Coloration is dependent on environmental conditions with a range of green being most common though high lighting intensity can produce reddish brown leaves. This plant can put out of a lot of leaves so it will take on a substantial role in your aquascape that is hard to ignore. Luckily, it's quite stately looking so you'll be glad that it's there.

      Because of its natural riverine habitat, 'Tonkinensis' leaves are very flexible and ribbon-like. In an aquarium with good water movement, they will sway soothingly in the current.

      This is one of the few plants that can make do with a weak light source - it will not wither away even in the dimmest conditions making it an ideal beginner plant or a plant for a simple fish bowl. Provided with more light it will grow much faster and more voluminous. C. cripatula may able to use bicarbonate or other forms of non-gaseous carbon so CO2 injection is unnecessary though it will definitely supercharge growth rate.

      Unlike a majority of aquarium plants, but unsurprising for Cryptocorynes, C. crispatula tolerates and in fact prefers harder water with alkaline pH. This plant can tolerate water so hard, that in the wild, it has been found with visible lime scaling on its leaves. For that reason, it is one of the few plants that can be grown in dimly lit, hardwater, African Rift cichlid aquariums provided it's well rooted.

      Crytocoryne crispatula is a prodigious root feeder and does not absorb much nutrients from the water column. Thus, it's important to provide a suitable, nutrient rich substrate. It has virtually no other requirements other than a good place to lay its roots and its well-being is very much dependent on this. Luckily, substrate fertilization is super easy and a few inexpensive or even home-made root tabs will certainly do the trick. Given time, it will develop an expansive root network and new plants will begin to emerge nearby. A well rooted adult is very hard to move without ripping up the whole substrate bed so if you must move it, carefully cut it out of its roots or place it purposefully in the first place so you won't have to move it.

      In general, Crytocorne crispatula speciments are frequently found in marshes and have an amphibious growth habit, though our 'Tonkinensis' variety usually lives permanently submerged in rivers. Nonetheless, this plant will thrive if grown emersed. The leaves will take on a slightly more ovate form and will not exceed 20cm.

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