Atraphaxis billardieri

 Atraphaxis billardieri

Teke buğdayı
Low, often tortuous shrub, up to 60 cm. Old bark greyish brown to black. Young bark white, papillose-pubescent. Leaves bright green, elliptic-oblong to ovate, reticulately-nerved. Ochreae bicuspidate. Pedicels jointed in the lower half. Perianth 5-merous. Stamens 8. Styles 3. Fruiting perianth pink or pinkishwhite, the 2 outer sepals much shorter than the inner sepals, and reflexed. Fruit triquetrous. Two intergrading varieties may be distinguished.
1. Leaves 15-20 x 4-8 mm, strongly cuspidate …………..var. tournefortii 
1. Leaves smaller, acute but not strongly cuspidate ….var. billardieri