Cycas Circinalis. Queen Sago.



Latin Name: Cycas Circinalis

Common Name: Queen Sago Palm.

Native to: Southern India

Hardiness: Frost tender.

Growth Characteristics: Slow growing with an upright palm-like trunk, topped with very graceful feather-like slightly glossy leaves arranged in a rosette pattern.

Sunlight: Full/partial sun.

Exposure: Sheltered.

Soil: Well drained. Tolerant of most but prefers loose sandy soil with some organic matter

Moisture:  Water regularly in summer. Dryish in winter. Drought tolerant.

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    Cycas Circinalis.

    The Cycas Circinalis or Queen Sago is larger and more graceful than the ever popular Cycas Revoluta. It’s long feathery, slightly glossy green leaves are arranged in a rosette pattern ontop of a single stout trunk which is covered in thick corky bark. It is a very primitive and unusual but beautiful ornamental. Very slow growing and extremely long lived but not as hardy as the Cycas Revoluta.



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