
Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is a beautiful and unique succulent that belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is native to Mexico. It's commonly called blue bean due to its bluish-green leaves resembling rosettes. In addition, some gardeners have reported a slight floral scent emanating from the plant, particularly during the blooming season.

Whether you're an experienced plant enthusiast or just starting out, this blog post will equip you with all the knowledge you require to keep your Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum thriving and healthy. Let's dive in!

Lighting Requirements


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum prefers bright, indirect sunlight. However, direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, so placing it near a window that receives bright, indirect sunlight is best. Ensure it gets at least 4-6 hours of such light daily. If the leaves are stretching or leaning toward the light source, it's a sign that your plant is not getting enough light.


To maintain its full shape, Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum usually needs more light than other succulent varieties. Therefore, it is ideal for keeping it outdoors during spring and fall, with 6-8 hours of sunlight. However, shade cloth is needed in the summer, as intense sunlight may cause sunburn. During the winter, place the succulent near a south-facing window or use grow lights to maximize the amount of sunlight it receives. Click here to learn how to care for succulents with growth light.

Ideal Temperature


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum prefers moderate temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). It can tolerate slightly higher or lower temperatures but avoid extreme fluctuations. Exposing it to temperatures below 45°F (7°C) is not recommended, as this can lead to damage or death of the plant. If you live in an area with cold winters, bringing the plant indoors or providing some form of protection is recommended.


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is known for its ability to change color under specific temperature and pressure conditions. For example, when exposed to high levels of sunlight and kept at a temperature between 70-75°F, it will begin to turn pink. This is due to a phenomenon called "stress coloring", a survival mechanism the plant has developed to protect itself from environmental stressors. The pink coloration results from the plant producing anthocyanins, which are pigments that act as a natural sunscreen and help protect the plant from UV radiation.

How to Water Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is a drought-tolerant plant that doesn't require frequent watering. It's better to let the soil dry out completely before watering again. When watering Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum, ensure that the water penetrates the soil deeply. Water the plant thoroughly until the water drains out of the drainage holes. Remove any excess water that collects in the planter pots to prevent the plant from drowning in water, which will lead to root rot.

Generally, it's recommended to water Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum once every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and once a month during the dormant season (fall and winter). However, the watering frequency also depends on growing conditions such as humidity, temperature, and soil type.


By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum remains healthy and vibrant.

Best Soil


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum requires well-draining soil for optimal growth and conservation. Cactus soil mix is a popular choice for succulent plants. It typically consists of a blend of sand, perlite, and peat moss, which allows for excellent drainage and aeration. This soil mix is also low in organic matter, which helps prevent root rot. A recipe for succulent soil is mixing 50% regular potting soil with 50% inorganic materials.


If you prefer to creat your own soil mix, you can combine equal parts of sand, perlite, and potting soil. This mixture will provide the necessary drainage and aeration for Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum and some organic matter to support its growth. Click here to get the best soil recipe for succulents.

Always choose a pot with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

How to Repot Bluebean Succulents


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is a popular succulent plant that is known for its easy clustering, which can result in a need for repotting as it grows larger. Repotting succulents should only be done when the plant outgrows its current container or the soil becomes too compacted. It is best to repot Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum in the spring or summer when it is actively growing.


The first step is to choose a pot that is a little larger than the current container and has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Then, gently remove the plant from its old container and loosen any tangled roots. Next, add fresh soil to the new pot, leaving enough room for the plant's root system.

Finally, place the plant in the new pot, ensuring it is level and the roots are fully covered with soil. After repotting, avoiding watering the plant for a few days is essential to allow the roots to settle into their new environment.

How to Propagate Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is a succulent plant that can be propagated through several methods. The easiest way to propagate is by offset. Here are the steps to propagate Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum by offset:

Look for offsets: Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum usually produces offsets, or baby plants, around the base of the main plant. Look for small plants with their own roots and at least one set of leaves.

Remove the offset: Gently loosen the soil around the base of the offset with your fingers. Try not to damage the roots of the offset or the main plant. Once the offset is loose, gently pull it away from the main plant.

Plant the offset: Place the offset on top of the soil in the new pot, ensuring the roots are spread out evenly. Cover the roots with soil, pressing it down gently to hold the plant in place.

Care for the new plant: Place the newly potted offset in a bright, sunny location. Keep the potting soil moist but not waterlogged, and avoid getting water on the leaves. As the plant grows, you can gradually increase the amount of sunlight it receives.


Common Problems


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum can be challenging for succulent beginners, as they often encounter wrinkled leaves, wilting stems, aerial roots growing on the stem, and pest problems. However, there's no need to worry! We'll explore the causes of these problems and provide solutions for each situation:

Wrinkled Leaves


Generally, wrinkled leaves in Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum indicate the need for water, and it's recommended to use the bottom watering method to moisten the soil thoroughly. For newly potted plants, the wrinkles may be due to the plant not fully adapting to its new environment, and the underdeveloped root system might need to absorb more water. Water the succulent every 2-3 days along the edge of the pot to maintain slightly moist soil, promoting the growth of new roots.

Wilting Stems


Wilting stems are a common problem in the care of Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum, and the cause is often excessive soil moisture or poor ventilation, leading to root rot and subsequent wilting of the stems. The best solution is to trim off the wilted stems and propagate the succulent using water or soil propagation methods.


Aerial Roots on Stems


Suppose aerial roots appear on the stems and you've ruled out dehydration as the cause. In that case, this problem typically occurs when Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is becoming root-bound or experiencing early signs of root rot. Promptly inspect the root system of your succulent, trim any damaged roots, or consider repotting it in fresh soil.

Pests and Diseases


Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is a relatively hardy plant. Therefore, it is not susceptible to many pests or diseases. However, some common issues can affect it, such as:

Mealybugs: These small, white insects can infest the plant's leaves and suck its sap, causing the leaves to wilt and turn yellow. To get rid of them, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol or a neem oil solution to remove them manually.

Scale insects: These small, hard-shelled insects can infest the plant's stems and leaves and suck its sap, leading the leaves to turn yellow and drop off. To get rid of them, use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to remove them manually or use an insecticidal soap spray.

Root rot: Overwatering can cause the roots to rot, leading to a wilted plant. To prevent root rot, ensure the soil is well-draining, and avoid overwatering.



Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum is an excellent addition to any succulent collection. With its unique bluish-green leaves and clustering habit, it is sure to stand out. Following the guidelines above, you can ensure that your Graptopetalum Pachyphyllum remains healthy and vibrant for years. Remember to provide adequate lighting and well-draining soil, and avoid overwatering. Happy gardening!

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