February is Wild Asparagus Season in Italy

wild asparagus

As Italy continues to unfurl it’s natural beauty before our eyes, we slowly see the precious treasures around us. Our Villa in the countryside of Central Southern Italy provides a new and exciting bounty in each season. No need to import vegetables that have traveled more miles than me! 

February’s harvest is wild asparagus and like all of the other treasures poking up from the soil beneath my feet, I had to be introduced to this treasure by a local Italian that was visiting our house in late January. While walking in the olive grove with us he pointed to a tiny fern growing and said “You will have wild asparagus in the Spring!”

Here’s the real shocker, the little fern looks EXACTLY like the Asparagus fern we grow as a houseplant or in our landscaping in California. Hmmm, is it the same thing? Well, check your asparagus fern and see if it has tender little shoots that, ….well, looks like an asparagus! Of course wild asparagus aren’t as thick as the cultivated version, mine were thinner than a pencil and in shades of purple, dark brown, almost black and a few were dark green.

After the first revelation about the asparagus growing in my olive grove, another friend was visiting about a month later and said, “It’s time for the wild asparagus, have you gone looking for it yet?” “No…” I replied, I don’t know what to look for…” 

We were standing just outside my front door having this conversation, near the driveway, and I pointed to a little asparagus fern poking out from under a bush. I said “look, here is a fern, but where is the asparagus?” He looks at the fern I’m pointing to and says “Well, it’s right there, Katrina…” I follow his gaze AND the direction of my own finger pointing and I look closer, I mean I really focus in….and I see a tender black spear poking up from the dirt about seven inches tall!

I couldn’t have been more shocked than if I had just focused in on a viper in strike pose! How could I have missed that? How many times a day do I pass this spot! I mean, it’s really shocking because I AM a gardener! I carefully weed my garden beds and scrutinize the daily growth of my daffodils and tulips planted in the same bed. Am I so busy weeding and planting that I don’t see what wants to grow so naturally? This tender purple asparagus was standing straight erect with its little head slightly bowed. It seemed to whisper to me “It’s ok if you don’t notice me, I’m just growing happily in the sunshine and I don’t need your help”. 

Wild asparagus
Wild asparagus

Davide encouraged us to leave the spear and let it bloom into a full fern frond, thus allowing the plant to get bigger for more growth in the future. So we left the intrepid little asparagus to grow where it had planted itself near the driveway. 

This sunny February morning we armed ourselves with cutting shears, gloves and a bag and set out on a morning walk among the olive groves to pick wild asparagus. The sun was shining through the olive trees dappling  the countryside with sunshine while the newly sprouted green grass grew tall. The olive tree trunks were dark and gnarled against the young tender grass creating a beautiful contrast. 

Dotting the landscape we see the prickly tough asparagus fern growing here and there. Excitedly we look for the asparagus, it was not to be found in every tuft of fern, no…this search is an act of love of nature and family. Appreciating what nature has to give, eating it in its season and valuing its sacrifice. It’s love of family because it’s not about running to the grocery store and buying food to eat, but taking the time gather the healthful food that requires a slow pace of life. Time to think, time to marvel, time to search, time to dream….time to be thankful.

Soon, when we slow down and enjoy our search, we find a tender black asparagus poking up and standing erect. I squeal like a little girl and pick the spear. I hear Jeff call out that he found one too and I cheer like my team just scored a goal! I continue this joyful exclamation of happiness until I finally sink into a calm rhythm of searching and picking. It’s so relaxing to meander the groves with my husband looking for our edible treasures. We walk through weeds and scramble down ancient rock walls that have provided terracing for the olive trees. 

I’m enjoying myself as I continue adding to my growing bouquet of asparagus spears in my hand. I’m so intent to pick my next spear that I don’t notice that I’m standing on a precipice of rocks and I fall down the hill! I fall like a skier on a slope, with one leg sprawled out ahead of me and one leg contorted behind me! As I fell, my mind only told me to protect my bouquet of asparagus at all costs, so my leg took the fall for all of us. I sat there for a moment in the cold, wet soil with legs askew while holding the bouquet firmly in my hand held high above my head. I took a quick toll of my injuries, I think I’m ok….yeah, I will survive…

Soon I was back on my feet and picking more asparagus. Once we thought we had enough we head back to the villa, walking in the morning sun and dreaming of the frattata we will make for lunch today.

Wild Asparagus Frittata


  • 1 bouquet of fresh asparagus
  • Olive oil
  • 1 small onion
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of parmesan or other cheese
  • Salt and pepper
  • fresh tyme


  • First trim your asparagus so you use only the tender parts.
  • A good technique is to hold both ends of the asparagus and snap it in half. Keep the tender top part and discard the bottom.
  • Saute the chopped onion in 1 Tablespoon of oil, add the asparagus and gook until bright green and tender.
  • Set aside in a separate dishBreak the eggs into a bowl and beat them
  • Grate your cheese and set aside add 1 tablespoon oil to the nonstick pan and add the beaten eggs and asparagus.
  • Top with the grated cheese
  • When the frattata is almost cooked you can flip it.
  • This is the tricky part, first loosen up the sides and then you can use a plate and flip it over then slide the frittata back into the pan.
  • continue to cook another 5-10 minutes
  • transfer to a serving platter and top with grated Parmesan cheese
Eggs, cheese, asparagus and onion
wild asparagus frittata
wild asparagus frittata
Chop the asparagus…
Sauté onions in olive oil
Add asparagus, continue cooking until tender, add eggs and cheese…
Flip and cook the other side…
Top with Parmesan cheese..
wild asparagus frittata
wild asparagus frittata

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  1. Love love asparagus!! You are truely inspiring! Great read and a recipe as a bonus! Can’t wait to meet you and experience your wonderful villa and surrounds.
    Love Chrissie and Dieter (Australia)