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Striped Dwarf Catfish
Genus: Mystus
Species: M. vittatus

See below for care details.

Maximum Size: 8"
Aggression: Low
Temperature: 71-82 F
pH: 6-7.5
Hardness: 5-15 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.011
Minimum Tank Size: 60 gallons
Feeding: Will consume anything offered. Pellets make good staple (especially those made for pond fish), will also accept meaty foods like chopped shellfish, krill, shrimp, earthworms, and frozen fish
Notes: Despite its common name, the Striped Dwarf Catfish is a fairly sizeable fish, with lengths over 6 inches being very common.

Compared to many aquarium Catfish, the Striped Dwarf Catfish is not particularly shy though will utilize hiding spaces if provided. They are fairly unaggressive fish and can be kept with other peaceful fish too big to be swallowed whole. Blue Acaras, Horseface Loaches, and Brown Hoplos are good choices, as are the larger Rainbowfish species. Smaller fish like most Livebearers and Killifish are too likely to be eaten at some point. Striped Dwarf Catfish will also tolerate living in small groups in aquariums.

Striped Dwarf Catfish are likely to be venomous and should be handled with care. While not fatal, a sting still produces a great deal of pain and these fish should always be handled carefully and only when necessary. To reduce pain, the stung area should be rinsed with hot water for a long period of time.


Mystus vittatus, Planet Catfish

Striped Catfish (Mystus vittatus), Coburg Aquarium

The salinity tolerance of Pseudophoxinus stymphalicus (Cyprinidae) and Valencia letourneuxi (Valenciidae) from western Greece suggests a revision of the ecological categories of freshwater fishes, P. G. Bianco, F. Nordlie

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