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Rabbit Snail/Elephant Snail
Genus: Tylomelania
Species: T. spp.
Maximum Size: 4”
Aggression: Non-aggressive
Temperature: 75-82 F
pH: 7.2-8
Hardness: 10-20 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.003
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Feeding: Will scavenge to a degree, but should be purposefully fed items like algae wafers, sinking pellets, vegetable matter like cucumber
Notes: There are various species of Tylomelania sold in the aquarium trade under the common names “Rabbit Snail” and “Elephant Snail”, among others. Care for all the commonly sold species should be very similar. Unlike Apple Snails (which often fail to thrive for more than a few months), or Malaysian Trumpet Snails (which can quickly become pests), Rabbit Snails make very suitable aquarium inhabitants.

Rabbit Snails are completely non-offensive and can easy be kept with any fish which share it’s preferred water conditions and will not nip or eat it. Mollies, Glassfish, Rainbowfish, Kribensis, and Orange Chromides are among the many suitable choices. Pufferfish of all species and larger Catfish like Bullheads should be avoided. This snail is also too big to be of interest for the Assassin Snail and the two will cohabitate peacefully.

Breeding happens periodically when these snails are kept in groups. Eggs are grown internally, are laid when the young are almost fully developed, and hatch within an hour or so. Juveniles hatch at about 5 mm in length and can be kept alongside the adults with no problems.


Assassin Snails and Sulawesi Elephant Snails: Keeping Clea and Tylomelania in the aquarium, Neale Monks

Sulawesi Elephant Snail, The Aquarium Wiki

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